# $OpenLDAP$ # Copyright 1999-2018 The OpenLDAP Foundation, All Rights Reserved. # COPYING RESTRICTIONS APPLY, see COPYRIGHT. H1: The Big Picture - Configuration Choices This section gives a brief overview of various {{TERM:LDAP}} directory configurations, and how your Standalone LDAP Daemon {{slapd}}(8) fits in with the rest of the world. H2: Local Directory Service In this configuration, you run a {{slapd}}(8) instance which provides directory service for your local domain only. It does not interact with other directory servers in any way. This configuration is shown in Figure 3.1. !import "config_local.png"; align="center"; title="Local service via slapd(8) configuration" FT[align="Center"] Figure 3.1: Local service configuration. Use this configuration if you are just starting out (it's the one the quick-start guide makes for you) or if you want to provide a local service and are not interested in connecting to the rest of the world. It's easy to upgrade to another configuration later if you want. H2: Local Directory Service with Referrals In this configuration, you run a {{slapd}}(8) instance which provides directory service for your local domain and configure it to return referrals to other servers capable of handling requests. You may run this service (or services) yourself or use one provided to you. This configuration is shown in Figure 3.2. !import "config_ref.png"; align="center"; title="Local service with referrals" FT[align="Center"] Figure 3.2: Local service with referrals Use this configuration if you want to provide local service and participate in the Global Directory, or you want to delegate responsibility for {{subordinate}} entries to another server. H2: Replicated Directory Service slapd(8) includes support for {{LDAP Sync}}-based replication, called {{syncrepl}}, which may be used to maintain shadow copies of directory information on multiple directory servers. In its most basic configuration, the {{master}} is a syncrepl provider and one or more {{slave}} (or {{shadow}}) are syncrepl consumers. An example master-slave configuration is shown in figure 3.3. Multi-Master configurations are also supported. !import "config_repl.png"; align="center"; title="Replicated Directory Services" FT[align="Center"] Figure 3.3: Replicated Directory Services This configuration can be used in conjunction with either of the first two configurations in situations where a single {{slapd}}(8) instance does not provide the required reliability or availability. H2: Distributed Local Directory Service In this configuration, the local service is partitioned into smaller services, each of which may be replicated, and {{glued}} together with {{superior}} and {{subordinate}} referrals. !if 0 An example of this configuration is shown in Figure 3.4. !import "config_dist.gif"; align="center"; title="Distributed Local Directory Services" FT[align="Center"] Figure 3.4: Distributed Local Directory Services !endif