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authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-05-06 01:46:30 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-05-06 01:46:30 +0000
commitb5896ba9f6047e7031e2bdee0622d543e11a6734 (patch)
treefd7b460593a2fee1be579bec5697e6d887ea3421 /README_FILES/PACKAGE_README
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 3.4.23.upstream/3.4.23upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 109 insertions, 0 deletions
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c64604b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+GGuuiiddeelliinneess ffoorr PPaacckkaaggee BBuuiillddeerrss
+PPuurrppoossee ooff tthhiiss ddooccuummeenntt
+This document has hints and tips for those who manage their own Postfix binary
+distribution for internal use, and for those who maintain Postfix binary
+distributions for general use.
+GGeenneerraall ddiissttrriibbuuttiioonnss:: pplleeaassee pprroovviiddee aa ssmmaallll ddeeffaauulltt mmaaiinn..ccff ffiillee
+The installed file must be small. PLEASE resist the temptation to list
+all parameters in the file. Postfix is supposed to be easy to
+configure. Listing all parameters in defeats the purpose. It is an
+invitation for hobbyists to make random changes without understanding what they
+do, and gets them into endless trouble.
+GGeenneerraall ddiissttrriibbuuttiioonnss:: pplleeaassee iinncclluuddee RREEAADDMMEE oorr HHTTMMLL ffiilleess
+Please provide the applicable README or HTML files. They are referenced by the
+Postfix manual pages and by other files. Without README or HTML files, Postfix
+will be difficult if not impossible to configure.
+PPoossttffiixx IInnssttaallllaattiioonn ppaarraammeetteerrss
+Postfix installation is controlled by a dozen installation parameters. See the
+postfix-install and post-install files for details. Most parameters have
+system-dependent default settings that are configurable at compile time, as
+described in the INSTALL file.
+PPrreeppaarriinngg aa pprree--bbuuiilltt ppaacckkaaggee ffoorr ddiissttrriibbuuttiioonn ttoo ootthheerr ssyysstteemmss
+You can build a Postfix package on a machine that does not have Postfix
+installed on it. All you need is Postfix source code and a compilation
+environment that is compatible with the target system.
+You can build a pre-built Postfix package as an unprivileged user.
+First compile Postfix. After successful compilation, execute:
+ % mmaakkee ppaacckkaaggee
+With Postfix versions before 2.2 you must invoke the post-install script
+directly (% sshh ppoosstt--iinnssttaallll).
+You will be prompted for installation parameters. Specify an install_root
+directory other than /. The mail_owner and setgid_group installation parameter
+settings will be recorded in the file, but they won't take effect until
+the package is unpacked and installed on the destination machine.
+If you want to fully automate this process, specify all the non-default
+installation parameters on the command line:
+ % mmaakkee nnoonn--iinntteerraaccttiivvee--ppaacckkaaggee iinnssttaallll__rroooott==//ssoommee//wwhheerree...
+With Postfix versions before 2.2 you must invoke the post-install script
+directly (% sshh ppoosstt--iinnssttaallll --nnoonn--iinntteerraaccttiivvee iinnssttaallll__rroooott......).
+With Postfix 3.0 and later, the command "make package name=value ..." will
+replace the string MAIL_VERSION in a configuration parameter value with the
+Postfix release version. Do not try to specify something like $mail_version on
+this command line. This produces inconsistent results with different versions
+of the make(1) command.
+BBeeggiinn SSeeccuurriittyy AAlleerrtt
+WWhheenn bbuuiillddiinngg aann aarrcchhiivvee ffoorr ddiissttrriibbuuttiioonn,, bbee ssuurree ttoo aarrcchhiivvee oonnllyy ffiilleess aanndd
+ssyymmbboolliicc lliinnkkss,, nnoott tthheeiirr ppaarreenntt ddiirreeccttoorriieess.. OOtthheerrwwiissee,, uunnppaacckkiinngg aa pprree--bbuuiilltt
+PPoossttffiixx ppaacckkaaggee mmaayy mmeessss uupp ppeerrmmiissssiioonn aanndd//oorr oowwnneerrsshhiipp ooff ssyysstteemm ddiirreeccttoorriieess
+ssuucchh aass // //eettcc //uussrr //uussrr//bbiinn //vvaarr //vvaarr//ssppooooll aanndd ssoo oonn.. TThhiiss iiss eessppeecciiaallllyy aann
+iissssuuee iiff yyoouu eexxeeccuutteedd ppoossttffiixx--iinnssttaallll ((sseeee aabboovvee)) aass aann uunnpprriivviilleeggeedd uusseerr..
+EEnndd SSeeccuurriittyy AAlleerrtt
+Thus, to tar up the pre-built package, take the following steps:
+ % rm -f SOMEWHERE/outputfile
+ % find . \! -type d -print | xargs tar rf SOMEWHERE/outputfile
+ % gzip SOMEWHERE/outputfile
+This way you will not include any directories that might cause trouble upon
+IInnssttaalllliinngg aa pprree--bbuuiilltt PPoossttffiixx ppaacckkaaggee
+ * To unpack a pre-built Postfix package, execute the equivalent of:
+ # umask 022
+ # gzip -d <outputfile.tar.gz | (cd / ; tar xvpf -)
+ The umask command is necessary for getting the correct permissions on non-
+ Postfix directories that need to be created in the process.
+ * Create the necessary mail_owner account and setgid_group group for
+ exclusive use by Postfix.
+ * Execute the postfix command to set ownership and permission of Postfix
+ files and directories, and to update Postfix configuration files. If
+ necessary, specify any non-default settings for mail_owner or setgid_group
+ on the postfix command line:
+ # postfix set-permissions upgrade-configuration \
+ setgid_group=xxx mail_owner=yyy
+ With Postfix versions before 2.1 you achieve the same result by invoking
+ the post-install script directly.