diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-05-06 01:46:30 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-05-06 01:46:30 +0000
commitb5896ba9f6047e7031e2bdee0622d543e11a6734 (patch)
treefd7b460593a2fee1be579bec5697e6d887ea3421 /README_FILES/XFORWARD_README
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 3.4.23.upstream/3.4.23upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 179 insertions, 0 deletions
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84802ed
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+PPoossttffiixx XXFFOORRWWAARRDD HHoowwttoo
+PPuurrppoossee ooff tthhee XXFFOORRWWAARRDD eexxtteennssiioonn ttoo SSMMTTPP
+When an SMTP server announces support for the XFORWARD command, an SMTP client
+may send information that overrides one or more client-related logging
+attributes. The XFORWARD command targets the following problem:
+ * Logging after SMTP-based content filter. With the deployment of Internet-
+ >MTA1->filter->MTA2 style content filter applications, the logging of
+ client and message identifying information changes when MTA1 gives the mail
+ to the content filter. To simplify the interpretation of MTA2 logging, it
+ would help if MTA1 could forward remote client and/or message identifying
+ information through the content filter to MTA2, so that the information
+ could be logged as part of mail handling transactions.
+This extension is implemented as a separate ESMTP command, and can be used to
+transmit client or message attributes incrementally. It is not implemented by
+passing additional parameters via the MAIL FROM command, because doing so would
+require extending the MAIL FROM command length limit by another 600 or more
+characters beyond the space that is already needed to support other extensions
+such as AUTH and DSN.
+XXFFOORRWWAARRDD CCoommmmaanndd ssyynnttaaxx
+An example of a client-server conversation is given at the end of this
+In SMTP server EHLO replies, the keyword associated with this extension is
+XFORWARD. The keyword is followed by the names of the attributes that the
+XFORWARD implementation supports.
+After receiving the server's announcement for XFORWARD support, the client may
+send XFORWARD requests at any time except in the middle of a mail delivery
+transaction (i.e. between MAIL and RSET or DOT). The command may be pipelined
+when the server supports ESMTP command pipelining.
+The syntax of XFORWARD requests is described below. Upper case and quoted
+strings specify terminals, lowercase strings specify meta terminals, and SP is
+whitespace. Although command and attribute names are shown in upper case, they
+are in fact case insensitive.
+ xforward-command = XFORWARD 1*( SP attribute-name"="attribute-value )
+ attribute-name = ( NAME | ADDR | PORT | PROTO | HELO | IDENT | SOURCE )
+ attribute-value = xtext
+ * Attribute values are xtext encoded as per RFC 1891.
+ * The NAME attribute specifies the up-stream hostname, or [UNAVAILABLE] when
+ the information is unavailable. The hostname may be a non-DNS hostname.
+ * The ADDR attribute specifies the up-stream network address: a numerical
+ IPv4 network address, an IPv6 address prefixed with IPV6:, or [UNAVAILABLE]
+ when the address information is unavailable. Address information is not
+ enclosed with [].
+ * The PORT attribute specifies an up-stream client TCP port number in
+ decimal, or [UNAVAILABLE] when the information is unavailable.
+ * The PROTO attribute specifies the mail protocol for receiving mail from the
+ up-stream host. This may be an SMTP or non-SMTP protocol name of up to 64
+ characters, or [UNAVAILABLE] when the information is unavailable.
+ * The HELO attribute specifies the hostname that the up-stream host announced
+ itself with (not necessarily via the SMTP HELO command), or [UNAVAILABLE]
+ when the information is unavailable. The hostname may be a non-DNS
+ hostname.
+ * The IDENT attribute specifies a local message identifier on the up-stream
+ host, or [UNAVAILABLE] when the information is unavailable. The down-stream
+ MTA may log this information together with its own local message identifier
+ to facilitate message tracking across MTAs.
+ * The SOURCE attribute specifies LOCAL when the message was received from a
+ source that is local with respect to the up-stream host (for example, the
+ message originated from the up-stream host itself), REMOTE for all other
+ mail, or [UNAVAILABLE] when the information is unavailable. The down-stream
+ MTA may decide to enable features such as header munging or address
+ qualification with mail from local sources but not other sources.
+Note 1: an attribute-value element must not be longer than 255 characters
+(specific attributes may impose shorter lengths). After xtext decoding,
+attribute values must not contain control characters, non-ASCII characters,
+whitespace, or other characters that are special in message headers.
+Note 2: DNS hostnames can be up to 255 characters long. The XFORWARD client
+implementation must not send XFORWARD commands that exceed the 512 character
+limit for SMTP commands.
+Note 3: [UNAVAILABLE] may be specified in upper case, lower case or mixed case.
+Note 4: Postfix implementations prior to version 2.3 do not xtext encode
+attribute values. Servers that wish to interoperate with these older
+implementations should be prepared to receive unencoded information.
+XXFFOORRWWAARRDD SSeerrvveerr ooppeerraattiioonn
+The server maintains a set of XFORWARD attributes with forwarded information,
+in addition the current SMTP session attributes. Normally, all XFORWARD
+attributes are in the undefined state, and the server uses the current SMTP
+session attributes for logging purposes.
+Upon receipt of an initial XFORWARD command, the SMTP server initializes all
+XFORWARD attributes to [UNAVAILABLE]. With each valid XFORWARD command, the
+server updates XFORWARD attributes with the specified values.
+The server must not mix client attributes from XFORWARD with client attributes
+from the current SMTP session.
+At the end of each MAIL FROM transaction (i.e. RSET or DOT), the server resets
+all XFORWARD attributes to the undefined state, and is ready to receive another
+initial XFORWARD command.
+XXFFOORRWWAARRDD SSeerrvveerr rreeppllyy ccooddeess
+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ |CCooddee|MMeeaanniinngg |
+ |_ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |250 |success |
+ |_ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |421 |unable to proceed, disconnecting|
+ |_ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |501 |bad command parameter syntax |
+ |_ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |503 |mail transaction in progress |
+ |_ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |550 |insufficient authorization |
+ |_ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+In the following example, information sent by the client is shown in bold font.
+ 220 ESMTP Postfix
+ EEHHLLOO cclliieenntt..eexxaammppllee..ccoomm
+ 250-SIZE 10240000
+ 250-VRFY
+ 250-ETRN
+ 250 8BITMIME
+ XXFFOORRWWAARRDD NNAAMMEE==ssppiikkee..ppoorrccuuppiinnee..oorrgg AADDDDRR==116688..110000..118899..22 PPRROOTTOO==EESSMMTTPP
+ 250 Ok
+ XXFFOORRWWAARRDD HHEELLOO==ssppiikkee..ppoorrccuuppiinnee..oorrgg
+ 250 Ok
+ MMAAIILL FFRROOMM::<<wwiieettssee@@ppoorrccuuppiinnee..oorrgg>>
+ 250 Ok
+ RRCCPPTT TTOO::<<uusseerr@@eexxaammppllee..ccoomm>>
+ 250 Ok
+ 354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>
+ .. .. ..mmeessssaaggee ccoonntteenntt.. .. ..
+ ..
+ 250 Ok: queued as 3CF6B2AAE8
+ 221 Bye
+The XFORWARD command changes audit trails. Use of this command must be
+restricted to authorized clients.
+SSMMTTPP ccoonnnneeccttiioonn ccaacchhiinngg
+SMTP connection caching makes it possible to deliver multiple messages within
+the same SMTP session. The XFORWARD attributes are reset after the MAIL FROM
+transaction completes (after RSET or DOT), so there is no risk of information
+Moore, K, "SMTP Service Extension for Delivery Status Notifications", RFC 1891,
+January 1996.