/*++ /* NAME /* post_mail 3 /* SUMMARY /* convenient mail posting interface /* SYNOPSIS /* #include /* /* VSTREAM *post_mail_fopen(sender, recipient, source_class, trace_flags, /* utf8_flags, queue_id) /* const char *sender; /* const char *recipient; /* int source_class; /* int trace_flags; /* int utf8_flags; /* VSTRING *queue_id; /* /* VSTREAM *post_mail_fopen_nowait(sender, recipient, source_class, /* trace_flags, utf8_flags, queue_id) /* const char *sender; /* const char *recipient; /* int source_class; /* int trace_flags; /* int utf8_flags; /* VSTRING *queue_id; /* /* void post_mail_fopen_async(sender, recipient, source_class, /* trace_flags, utf8_flags, /* queue_id, notify, context) /* const char *sender; /* const char *recipient; /* int source_class; /* int trace_flags; /* int utf8_flags; /* VSTRING *queue_id; /* void (*notify)(VSTREAM *stream, void *context); /* void *context; /* /* int post_mail_fprintf(stream, format, ...) /* VSTREAM *stream; /* const char *format; /* /* int post_mail_fputs(stream, str) /* VSTREAM *stream; /* const char *str; /* /* int post_mail_buffer(stream, buf, len) /* VSTREAM *stream; /* const char *buffer; /* /* int POST_MAIL_BUFFER(stream, buf) /* VSTREAM *stream; /* VSTRING *buffer; /* /* int post_mail_fclose(stream) /* VSTREAM *STREAM; /* /* void post_mail_fclose_async(stream, notify, context) /* VSTREAM *stream; /* void (*notify)(int status, void *context); /* void *context; /* DESCRIPTION /* This module provides a convenient interface for the most /* common case of sending one message to one recipient. It /* allows the application to concentrate on message content, /* without having to worry about queue file structure details. /* /* post_mail_fopen() opens a connection to the cleanup service /* and waits until the service is available, does some option /* negotiation, generates message envelope records, and generates /* Received: and Date: message headers. The result is a stream /* handle that can be used for sending message records. /* /* post_mail_fopen_nowait() tries to contact the cleanup service /* only once, and does not wait until the cleanup service is /* available. Otherwise it is identical to post_mail_fopen(). /* /* post_mail_fopen_async() contacts the cleanup service and /* invokes the caller-specified notify routine, with the /* open stream and the caller-specified context when the /* service responds, or with a null stream and the caller-specified /* context when the request could not be completed. It is the /* responsibility of the application to close an open stream. /* /* post_mail_fprintf() formats message content (header or body) /* and sends it to the cleanup service. /* /* post_mail_fputs() sends pre-formatted content (header or body) /* to the cleanup service. /* /* post_mail_buffer() sends a pre-formatted buffer to the /* cleanup service. /* /* POST_MAIL_BUFFER() is a wrapper for post_mail_buffer() that /* evaluates its buffer argument more than once. /* /* post_mail_fclose() completes the posting of a message. /* /* post_mail_fclose_async() completes the posting of a message /* and upon completion invokes the caller-specified notify /* routine, with the cleanup status and caller-specified context /* as arguments. /* /* Arguments: /* .IP sender /* The sender envelope address. It is up to the application /* to produce From: headers. /* .IP recipient /* The recipient envelope address. It is up to the application /* to produce To: headers. /* .IP source_class /* The message source class, as defined in \fB\fR. /* Depending on the setting of the internal_mail_source_classes /* and smtputf8_autodetect_classes parameters, the message /* will or won't be subject to content inspection or SMTPUTF8 /* autodetection. /* .IP trace_flags /* Message tracing flags as specified in \fB\fR. /* .IP utf8_flags /* Flags defined in . Flags other than /* SMTPUTF8_FLAG_REQUESTED are ignored. /* .IP queue_id /* Null pointer, or pointer to buffer that receives the queue /* ID of the new message. /* .IP stream /* A stream opened by mail_post_fopen(). /* .IP notify /* Application call-back routine. /* .IP context /* Application call-back context. /* DIAGNOSTICS /* post_mail_fopen_nowait() returns a null pointer when the /* cleanup service is not available immediately. /* /* post_mail_fopen_async() returns a null pointer when the /* attempt to contact the cleanup service fails immediately. /* /* post_mail_fprintf(), post_mail_fputs() post_mail_fclose(), /* and post_mail_buffer() return the binary OR of the error /* status codes defined in \fI\fR. /* /* Fatal errors: cleanup initial handshake errors. This means /* the client and server speak incompatible protocols. /* SEE ALSO /* cleanup_user(3h) cleanup options and results /* cleanup_strerror(3) translate results to text /* cleanup(8) cleanup service /* LICENSE /* .ad /* .fi /* The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this software. /* AUTHOR(S) /* Wietse Venema /* IBM T.J. Watson Research /* P.O. Box 704 /* Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA /* /* Wietse Venema /* Google, Inc. /* 111 8th Avenue /* New York, NY 10011, USA /*--*/ /* System library. */ #include #include #include /* 44BSD stdarg.h uses abort() */ #include #include /* Utility library. */ #include #include #include #include #include /* Global library. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * Call-back state for asynchronous connection requests. */ typedef struct { char *sender; char *recipient; int source_class; int trace_flags; int utf8_flags; POST_MAIL_NOTIFY notify; void *context; VSTREAM *stream; VSTRING *queue_id; } POST_MAIL_STATE; /* * Call-back state for asynchronous close requests. */ typedef struct { int status; VSTREAM *stream; POST_MAIL_FCLOSE_NOTIFY notify; void *context; } POST_MAIL_FCLOSE_STATE; /* post_mail_init - initial negotiations */ static void post_mail_init(VSTREAM *stream, const char *sender, const char *recipient, int source_class, int trace_flags, int utf8_flags, VSTRING *queue_id) { VSTRING *id = queue_id ? queue_id : vstring_alloc(100); struct timeval now; const char *date; int cleanup_flags = int_filt_flags(source_class) | CLEANUP_FLAG_MASK_INTERNAL | smtputf8_autodetect(source_class) | ((utf8_flags & SMTPUTF8_FLAG_REQUESTED) ? CLEANUP_FLAG_SMTPUTF8 : 0); GETTIMEOFDAY(&now); date = mail_date(now.tv_sec); /* * XXX Don't flush buffers while sending the initial message records. * That would cause deadlock between verify(8) and cleanup(8) servers. */ vstream_control(stream, VSTREAM_CTL_BUFSIZE, 2 * VSTREAM_BUFSIZE, VSTREAM_CTL_END); /* * Negotiate with the cleanup service. Give up if we can't agree. */ if (attr_scan(stream, ATTR_FLAG_STRICT, RECV_ATTR_STR(MAIL_ATTR_QUEUEID, id), ATTR_TYPE_END) != 1 || attr_print(stream, ATTR_FLAG_NONE, SEND_ATTR_INT(MAIL_ATTR_FLAGS, cleanup_flags), ATTR_TYPE_END) != 0) msg_fatal("unable to contact the %s service", var_cleanup_service); /* * Generate a minimal envelope section. The cleanup service will add a * size record. */ rec_fprintf(stream, REC_TYPE_TIME, REC_TYPE_TIME_FORMAT, REC_TYPE_TIME_ARG(now)); rec_fprintf(stream, REC_TYPE_ATTR, "%s=%s", MAIL_ATTR_LOG_ORIGIN, MAIL_ATTR_ORG_LOCAL); rec_fprintf(stream, REC_TYPE_ATTR, "%s=%d", MAIL_ATTR_TRACE_FLAGS, trace_flags); rec_fputs(stream, REC_TYPE_FROM, sender); rec_fputs(stream, REC_TYPE_RCPT, recipient); rec_fputs(stream, REC_TYPE_MESG, ""); /* * Do the Received: and Date: header lines. This allows us to shave a few * cycles by using the expensive date conversion result for both. */ post_mail_fprintf(stream, "Received: by %s (%s)", var_myhostname, var_mail_name); post_mail_fprintf(stream, "\tid %s; %s", vstring_str(id), date); post_mail_fprintf(stream, "Date: %s", date); if (queue_id == 0) vstring_free(id); } /* post_mail_fopen - prepare for posting a message */ VSTREAM *post_mail_fopen(const char *sender, const char *recipient, int source_class, int trace_flags, int utf8_flags, VSTRING *queue_id) { VSTREAM *stream; stream = mail_connect_wait(MAIL_CLASS_PUBLIC, var_cleanup_service); post_mail_init(stream, sender, recipient, source_class, trace_flags, utf8_flags, queue_id); return (stream); } /* post_mail_fopen_nowait - prepare for posting a message */ VSTREAM *post_mail_fopen_nowait(const char *sender, const char *recipient, int source_class, int trace_flags, int utf8_flags, VSTRING *queue_id) { VSTREAM *stream; if ((stream = mail_connect(MAIL_CLASS_PUBLIC, var_cleanup_service, BLOCKING)) != 0) post_mail_init(stream, sender, recipient, source_class, trace_flags, utf8_flags, queue_id); else msg_warn("connect to %s/%s: %m", MAIL_CLASS_PUBLIC, var_cleanup_service); return (stream); } /* post_mail_open_event - handle asynchronous connection events */ static void post_mail_open_event(int event, void *context) { POST_MAIL_STATE *state = (POST_MAIL_STATE *) context; const char *myname = "post_mail_open_event"; switch (event) { /* * Initial server reply. Stop the watchdog timer, disable further * read events that end up calling this function, and notify the * requestor. */ case EVENT_READ: if (msg_verbose) msg_info("%s: read event", myname); event_cancel_timer(post_mail_open_event, context); event_disable_readwrite(vstream_fileno(state->stream)); non_blocking(vstream_fileno(state->stream), BLOCKING); post_mail_init(state->stream, state->sender, state->recipient, state->source_class, state->trace_flags, state->utf8_flags, state->queue_id); myfree(state->sender); myfree(state->recipient); state->notify(state->stream, state->context); myfree((void *) state); return; /* * No connection or no initial reply within a conservative time * limit. The system is broken and we give up. */ case EVENT_TIME: if (state->stream) { msg_warn("timeout connecting to service: %s", var_cleanup_service); event_disable_readwrite(vstream_fileno(state->stream)); vstream_fclose(state->stream); } else { msg_warn("connect to service: %s: %m", var_cleanup_service); } myfree(state->sender); myfree(state->recipient); state->notify((VSTREAM *) 0, state->context); myfree((void *) state); return; /* * Some exception. */ case EVENT_XCPT: msg_warn("error connecting to service: %s", var_cleanup_service); event_cancel_timer(post_mail_open_event, context); event_disable_readwrite(vstream_fileno(state->stream)); vstream_fclose(state->stream); myfree(state->sender); myfree(state->recipient); state->notify((VSTREAM *) 0, state->context); myfree((void *) state); return; /* * Broken software or hardware. */ default: msg_panic("%s: unknown event type %d", myname, event); } } /* post_mail_fopen_async - prepare for posting a message */ void post_mail_fopen_async(const char *sender, const char *recipient, int source_class, int trace_flags, int utf8_flags, VSTRING *queue_id, void (*notify) (VSTREAM *, void *), void *context) { VSTREAM *stream; POST_MAIL_STATE *state; stream = mail_connect(MAIL_CLASS_PUBLIC, var_cleanup_service, NON_BLOCKING); state = (POST_MAIL_STATE *) mymalloc(sizeof(*state)); state->sender = mystrdup(sender); state->recipient = mystrdup(recipient); state->source_class = source_class; state->trace_flags = trace_flags; state->utf8_flags = utf8_flags; state->notify = notify; state->context = context; state->stream = stream; state->queue_id = queue_id; /* * To keep interfaces as simple as possible we report all errors via the * same interface as all successes. */ if (stream != 0) { event_enable_read(vstream_fileno(stream), post_mail_open_event, (void *) state); event_request_timer(post_mail_open_event, (void *) state, var_daemon_timeout); } else { event_request_timer(post_mail_open_event, (void *) state, 0); } } /* post_mail_fprintf - format and send message content */ int post_mail_fprintf(VSTREAM *cleanup, const char *format,...) { int status; va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); status = rec_vfprintf(cleanup, REC_TYPE_NORM, format, ap); va_end(ap); return (status != REC_TYPE_NORM ? CLEANUP_STAT_WRITE : 0); } /* post_mail_buffer - send pre-formatted buffer */ int post_mail_buffer(VSTREAM *cleanup, const char *buf, int len) { return (rec_put(cleanup, REC_TYPE_NORM, buf, len) != REC_TYPE_NORM ? CLEANUP_STAT_WRITE : 0); } /* post_mail_fputs - send pre-formatted message content */ int post_mail_fputs(VSTREAM *cleanup, const char *str) { ssize_t len = str ? strlen(str) : 0; return (rec_put(cleanup, REC_TYPE_NORM, str, len) != REC_TYPE_NORM ? CLEANUP_STAT_WRITE : 0); } /* post_mail_fclose - finish posting of message */ int post_mail_fclose(VSTREAM *cleanup) { int status = 0; /* * Send the message end marker only when there were no errors. */ if (vstream_ferror(cleanup) != 0) { status = CLEANUP_STAT_WRITE; } else { rec_fputs(cleanup, REC_TYPE_XTRA, ""); rec_fputs(cleanup, REC_TYPE_END, ""); if (vstream_fflush(cleanup) || attr_scan(cleanup, ATTR_FLAG_MISSING, RECV_ATTR_INT(MAIL_ATTR_STATUS, &status), ATTR_TYPE_END) != 1) status = CLEANUP_STAT_WRITE; } (void) vstream_fclose(cleanup); return (status); } /* post_mail_fclose_event - event handler */ static void post_mail_fclose_event(int event, void *context) { POST_MAIL_FCLOSE_STATE *state = (POST_MAIL_FCLOSE_STATE *) context; int status = state->status; switch (event) { /* * Final server reply. Pick up the completion status. */ case EVENT_READ: if (status == 0) { if (vstream_ferror(state->stream) != 0 || attr_scan(state->stream, ATTR_FLAG_MISSING, ATTR_TYPE_INT, MAIL_ATTR_STATUS, &status, ATTR_TYPE_END) != 1) status = CLEANUP_STAT_WRITE; } break; /* * No response or error. */ default: msg_warn("error talking to service: %s", var_cleanup_service); status = CLEANUP_STAT_WRITE; break; } /* * Stop the watchdog timer, and disable further read events that end up * calling this function. */ event_cancel_timer(post_mail_fclose_event, context); event_disable_readwrite(vstream_fileno(state->stream)); /* * Notify the requestor and clean up. */ state->notify(status, state->context); (void) vstream_fclose(state->stream); myfree((void *) state); } /* post_mail_fclose_async - finish posting of message */ void post_mail_fclose_async(VSTREAM *stream, void (*notify) (int status, void *context), void *context) { POST_MAIL_FCLOSE_STATE *state; int status = 0; /* * Send the message end marker only when there were no errors. */ if (vstream_ferror(stream) != 0) { status = CLEANUP_STAT_WRITE; } else { rec_fputs(stream, REC_TYPE_XTRA, ""); rec_fputs(stream, REC_TYPE_END, ""); if (vstream_fflush(stream)) status = CLEANUP_STAT_WRITE; } /* * Bundle up the suspended state. */ state = (POST_MAIL_FCLOSE_STATE *) mymalloc(sizeof(*state)); state->status = status; state->stream = stream; state->notify = notify; state->context = context; /* * To keep interfaces as simple as possible we report all errors via the * same interface as all successes. */ if (status == 0) { event_enable_read(vstream_fileno(stream), post_mail_fclose_event, (void *) state); event_request_timer(post_mail_fclose_event, (void *) state, var_daemon_timeout); } else { event_request_timer(post_mail_fclose_event, (void *) state, 0); } }