/*++ /* NAME /* trace 3 /* SUMMARY /* user requested delivery tracing /* SYNOPSIS /* #include /* /* int trace_append(flags, id, stats, rcpt, relay, dsn) /* int flags; /* const char *id; /* MSG_STATS *stats; /* RECIPIENT *rcpt; /* const char *relay; /* DSN *dsn; /* /* int trace_flush(flags, queue, id, encoding, sender, /* dsn_envid, dsn_ret) /* int flags; /* const char *queue; /* const char *id; /* const char *encoding; /* const char *sender; /* const char *dsn_envid; /* int dsn_ret; /* DESCRIPTION /* trace_append() updates the message delivery record that is /* mailed back to the originator. In case of a trace-only /* message, the recipient status is also written to the /* mailer logfile. /* /* trace_flush() returns the specified message to the specified /* sender, including the message delivery record log that was built /* with vtrace_append(). /* /* Arguments: /* .IP flags /* The bitwise OR of zero or more of the following (specify /* BOUNCE_FLAG_NONE to request no special processing): /* .RS /* .IP BOUNCE_FLAG_CLEAN /* Delete the logfile in case of an error (as in: pretend /* that we never even tried to deliver this message). /* .RE /* .IP queue /* The message queue name of the original message file. /* .IP id /* The message queue id. /* .IP encoding /* The body content encoding: MAIL_ATTR_ENC_{7BIT,8BIT,NONE}. /* .IP sender /* The sender envelope address. /* .IP dsn_envid /* Optional DSN envelope ID. /* .IP dsn_ret /* Optional DSN return full/headers option. /* .IP stats /* Time stamps from different message delivery stages /* and session reuse count. /* .IP rcpt /* Recipient information. See recipient_list(3). /* .IP relay /* The host we sent the mail to. /* .IP dsn /* Delivery status information. See dsn(3). /* DIAGNOSTICS /* A non-zero result means the operation failed. /* /* Fatal: out of memory. /* BUGS /* Should be replaced by routines with an attribute-value based /* interface instead of an interface that uses a rigid argument list. /* LICENSE /* .ad /* .fi /* The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this software. /* AUTHOR(S) /* Wietse Venema /* IBM T.J. Watson Research /* P.O. Box 704 /* Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA /*--*/ /* System library. */ #include #include #include /* Utility library. */ #include #include /* Global library. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include /* trace_append - append to message delivery record */ int trace_append(int flags, const char *id, MSG_STATS *stats, RECIPIENT *rcpt, const char *relay, DSN *dsn) { VSTRING *why = vstring_alloc(100); DSN my_dsn = *dsn; int req_stat; /* * User-requested address verification, verbose delivery, or DSN SUCCESS * notification. */ if (strcmp(relay, NO_RELAY_AGENT) != 0) vstring_sprintf(why, "delivery via %s: ", relay); vstring_strcat(why, my_dsn.reason); my_dsn.reason = vstring_str(why); if (mail_command_client(MAIL_CLASS_PRIVATE, var_trace_service, SEND_ATTR_INT(MAIL_ATTR_NREQ, BOUNCE_CMD_APPEND), SEND_ATTR_INT(MAIL_ATTR_FLAGS, flags), SEND_ATTR_STR(MAIL_ATTR_QUEUEID, id), SEND_ATTR_FUNC(rcpt_print, (void *) rcpt), SEND_ATTR_FUNC(dsn_print, (void *) &my_dsn), ATTR_TYPE_END) != 0) { msg_warn("%s: %s service failure", id, var_trace_service); req_stat = -1; } else { if (flags & DEL_REQ_FLAG_USR_VRFY) log_adhoc(id, stats, rcpt, relay, dsn, my_dsn.action); req_stat = 0; } vstring_free(why); return (req_stat); } /* trace_flush - deliver delivery record to the sender */ int trace_flush(int flags, const char *queue, const char *id, const char *encoding, const char *sender, const char *dsn_envid, int dsn_ret) { if (mail_command_client(MAIL_CLASS_PRIVATE, var_trace_service, SEND_ATTR_INT(MAIL_ATTR_NREQ, BOUNCE_CMD_TRACE), SEND_ATTR_INT(MAIL_ATTR_FLAGS, flags), SEND_ATTR_STR(MAIL_ATTR_QUEUE, queue), SEND_ATTR_STR(MAIL_ATTR_QUEUEID, id), SEND_ATTR_STR(MAIL_ATTR_ENCODING, encoding), SEND_ATTR_STR(MAIL_ATTR_SENDER, sender), SEND_ATTR_STR(MAIL_ATTR_DSN_ENVID, dsn_envid), SEND_ATTR_INT(MAIL_ATTR_DSN_RET, dsn_ret), ATTR_TYPE_END) == 0) { return (0); } else { return (-1); } }