/*++ /* NAME /* verify 3 /* SUMMARY /* update verify database /* SYNOPSIS /* #include /* /* int verify_append(queue_id, stats, recipient, relay, dsn, /* verify_status) /* const char *queue_id; /* MSG_STATS *stats; /* RECIPIENT *recipient; /* const char *relay; /* DSN *dsn; /* int verify_status; /* DESCRIPTION /* This module implements an impedance adaptor between the /* verify_clnt interface and the interface expected by the /* bounce/defer/sent modules. /* /* verify_append() updates the address verification database /* and logs the action to the mailer logfile. /* /* Arguments: /* .IP queue_id /* The message queue id. /* .IP stats /* Time stamps from different message delivery stages /* and session reuse count. /* .IP recipient /* Recipient information. See recipient_list(3). /* .IP relay /* Name of the host we're talking to. /* .IP dsn /* Delivery status information. See dsn(3). /* The action is one of "deliverable" or "undeliverable". /* .IP verify_status /* One of the following recipient verification status codes: /* .RS /* .IP DEL_REQ_RCPT_STAT_OK /* Successful delivery. /* .IP DEL_REQ_RCPT_STAT_DEFER /* Temporary delivery error. /* .IP DEL_REQ_RCPT_STAT_BOUNCE /* Hard delivery error. /* .RE /* DIAGNOSTICS /* A non-zero result means the operation failed. /* /* Fatal: out of memory. /* BUGS /* Should be replaced by routines with an attribute-value based /* interface instead of an interface that uses a rigid argument list. /* LICENSE /* .ad /* .fi /* The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this software. /* AUTHOR(S) /* Wietse Venema /* IBM T.J. Watson Research /* P.O. Box 704 /* Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA /* /* Wietse Venema /* Google, Inc. /* 111 8th Avenue /* New York, NY 10011, USA /*--*/ /* System library. */ #include #include /* Utility library. */ #include #include #include /* Global library. */ #include #include #include #include #include /* verify_append - update address verification database */ int verify_append(const char *queue_id, MSG_STATS *stats, RECIPIENT *recipient, const char *relay, DSN *dsn, int vrfy_stat) { int req_stat; DSN my_dsn = *dsn; /* * Impedance adaptor between bounce/defer/sent and verify_clnt. * * XXX No DSN check; this routine is called from bounce/defer/sent, which * know what the DSN initial digit should look like. * * XXX vrfy_stat is competely redundant because of dsn. */ if (var_verify_neg_cache || vrfy_stat == DEL_RCPT_STAT_OK) { if (recipient->orig_addr[0]) req_stat = verify_clnt_update(recipient->orig_addr, vrfy_stat, my_dsn.reason); /* Two verify updates for one verify request! */ if (req_stat == VRFY_STAT_OK && strcmp(recipient->address, recipient->orig_addr) != 0) req_stat = verify_clnt_update(recipient->address, vrfy_stat, my_dsn.reason); } else { my_dsn.action = "undeliverable-but-not-cached"; req_stat = VRFY_STAT_OK; } if (req_stat == VRFY_STAT_OK) { log_adhoc(queue_id, stats, recipient, relay, dsn, my_dsn.action); req_stat = 0; } else { msg_warn("%s: %s service failure", queue_id, var_verify_service); req_stat = -1; } return (req_stat); }