/*++ /* NAME /* attr_print64 3 /* SUMMARY /* send attributes over byte stream /* SYNOPSIS /* #include /* /* int attr_print64(fp, flags, type, name, ..., ATTR_TYPE_END) /* VSTREAM fp; /* int flags; /* int type; /* char *name; /* /* int attr_vprint64(fp, flags, ap) /* VSTREAM fp; /* int flags; /* va_list ap; /* DESCRIPTION /* attr_print64() takes zero or more (name, value) simple attributes /* and converts its input to a byte stream that can be recovered with /* attr_scan64(). The stream is not flushed. /* /* attr_vprint64() provides an alternate interface that is convenient /* for calling from within variadic functions. /* /* Attributes are sent in the requested order as specified with the /* attr_print64() argument list. This routine satisfies the formatting /* rules as outlined in attr_scan64(3). /* /* Arguments: /* .IP fp /* Stream to write the result to. /* .IP flags /* The bit-wise OR of zero or more of the following. /* .RS /* .IP ATTR_FLAG_MORE /* After sending the requested attributes, leave the output stream in /* a state that is usable for more attribute sending operations on /* the same output attribute list. /* By default, attr_print64() automatically appends an attribute list /* terminator when it has sent the last requested attribute. /* .RE /* .IP List of attributes followed by terminator: /* .RS /* .IP "SEND_ATTR_INT(const char *name, int value)" /* The arguments are an attribute name and an integer. /* .IP "SEND_ATTR_LONG(const char *name, long value)" /* The arguments are an attribute name and a long integer. /* .IP "SEND_ATTR_STR(const char *name, const char *value)" /* The arguments are an attribute name and a null-terminated /* string. /* .IP "SEND_ATTR_DATA(const char *name, ssize_t len, const void *value)" /* The arguments are an attribute name, an attribute value /* length, and an attribute value pointer. /* .IP "SEND_ATTR_FUNC(ATTR_PRINT_SLAVE_FN, const void *value)" /* The arguments are a function pointer and generic data /* pointer. The caller-specified function returns whatever the /* specified attribute printing function returns. /* .IP "SEND_ATTR_HASH(const HTABLE *table)" /* .IP "SEND_ATTR_NAMEVAL(const NVTABLE *table)" /* The content of the table is sent as a sequence of string-valued /* attributes with names equal to the table lookup keys. /* .IP ATTR_TYPE_END /* This terminates the attribute list. /* .RE /* DIAGNOSTICS /* The result value is 0 in case of success, VSTREAM_EOF in case /* of trouble. /* /* Panic: interface violation. All system call errors are fatal. /* SEE ALSO /* attr_scan64(3) recover attributes from byte stream /* LICENSE /* .ad /* .fi /* The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this software. /* AUTHOR(S) /* Wietse Venema /* IBM T.J. Watson Research /* P.O. Box 704 /* Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA /* /* Wietse Venema /* Google, Inc. /* 111 8th Avenue /* New York, NY 10011, USA /*--*/ /* System library. */ #include #include #include /* Utility library. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #define STR(x) vstring_str(x) #define LEN(x) VSTRING_LEN(x) /* attr_print64_str - encode and send attribute information */ static void attr_print64_str(VSTREAM *fp, const char *str, ssize_t len) { static VSTRING *base64_buf; if (base64_buf == 0) base64_buf = vstring_alloc(10); base64_encode(base64_buf, str, len); vstream_fputs(STR(base64_buf), fp); } static void attr_print64_num(VSTREAM *fp, unsigned num) { static VSTRING *plain; if (plain == 0) plain = vstring_alloc(10); vstring_sprintf(plain, "%u", num); attr_print64_str(fp, STR(plain), LEN(plain)); } static void attr_print64_long_num(VSTREAM *fp, unsigned long long_num) { static VSTRING *plain; if (plain == 0) plain = vstring_alloc(10); vstring_sprintf(plain, "%lu", long_num); attr_print64_str(fp, STR(plain), LEN(plain)); } /* attr_vprint64 - send attribute list to stream */ int attr_vprint64(VSTREAM *fp, int flags, va_list ap) { const char *myname = "attr_print64"; int attr_type; char *attr_name; unsigned int_val; unsigned long long_val; char *str_val; HTABLE_INFO **ht_info_list; HTABLE_INFO **ht; ssize_t len_val; ATTR_PRINT_SLAVE_FN print_fn; void *print_arg; /* * Sanity check. */ if (flags & ~ATTR_FLAG_ALL) msg_panic("%s: bad flags: 0x%x", myname, flags); /* * Iterate over all (type, name, value) triples, and produce output on * the fly. */ while ((attr_type = va_arg(ap, int)) != ATTR_TYPE_END) { switch (attr_type) { case ATTR_TYPE_INT: attr_name = va_arg(ap, char *); attr_print64_str(fp, attr_name, strlen(attr_name)); int_val = va_arg(ap, int); VSTREAM_PUTC(':', fp); attr_print64_num(fp, (unsigned) int_val); VSTREAM_PUTC('\n', fp); if (msg_verbose) msg_info("send attr %s = %u", attr_name, int_val); break; case ATTR_TYPE_LONG: attr_name = va_arg(ap, char *); attr_print64_str(fp, attr_name, strlen(attr_name)); long_val = va_arg(ap, long); VSTREAM_PUTC(':', fp); attr_print64_long_num(fp, (unsigned long) long_val); VSTREAM_PUTC('\n', fp); if (msg_verbose) msg_info("send attr %s = %lu", attr_name, long_val); break; case ATTR_TYPE_STR: attr_name = va_arg(ap, char *); attr_print64_str(fp, attr_name, strlen(attr_name)); str_val = va_arg(ap, char *); VSTREAM_PUTC(':', fp); attr_print64_str(fp, str_val, strlen(str_val)); VSTREAM_PUTC('\n', fp); if (msg_verbose) msg_info("send attr %s = %s", attr_name, str_val); break; case ATTR_TYPE_DATA: attr_name = va_arg(ap, char *); attr_print64_str(fp, attr_name, strlen(attr_name)); len_val = va_arg(ap, ssize_t); str_val = va_arg(ap, char *); VSTREAM_PUTC(':', fp); attr_print64_str(fp, str_val, len_val); VSTREAM_PUTC('\n', fp); if (msg_verbose) msg_info("send attr %s = [data %ld bytes]", attr_name, (long) len_val); break; case ATTR_TYPE_FUNC: print_fn = va_arg(ap, ATTR_PRINT_SLAVE_FN); print_arg = va_arg(ap, void *); print_fn(attr_print64, fp, flags | ATTR_FLAG_MORE, print_arg); break; case ATTR_TYPE_HASH: attr_print64_str(fp, ATTR_NAME_OPEN, sizeof(ATTR_NAME_OPEN) - 1); VSTREAM_PUTC('\n', fp); ht_info_list = htable_list(va_arg(ap, HTABLE *)); for (ht = ht_info_list; *ht; ht++) { attr_print64_str(fp, ht[0]->key, strlen(ht[0]->key)); VSTREAM_PUTC(':', fp); attr_print64_str(fp, ht[0]->value, strlen(ht[0]->value)); VSTREAM_PUTC('\n', fp); if (msg_verbose) msg_info("send attr name %s value %s", ht[0]->key, (char *) ht[0]->value); } myfree((void *) ht_info_list); attr_print64_str(fp, ATTR_NAME_CLOSE, sizeof(ATTR_NAME_CLOSE) - 1); VSTREAM_PUTC('\n', fp); break; default: msg_panic("%s: unknown type code: %d", myname, attr_type); } } if ((flags & ATTR_FLAG_MORE) == 0) VSTREAM_PUTC('\n', fp); return (vstream_ferror(fp)); } int attr_print64(VSTREAM *fp, int flags,...) { va_list ap; int ret; va_start(ap, flags); ret = attr_vprint64(fp, flags, ap); va_end(ap); return (ret); } #ifdef TEST /* * Proof of concept test program. Mirror image of the attr_scan64 test * program. */ #include int main(int unused_argc, char **argv) { HTABLE *table = htable_create(1); msg_vstream_init(argv[0], VSTREAM_ERR); msg_verbose = 1; htable_enter(table, "foo-name", mystrdup("foo-value")); htable_enter(table, "bar-name", mystrdup("bar-value")); attr_print64(VSTREAM_OUT, ATTR_FLAG_NONE, SEND_ATTR_INT(ATTR_NAME_INT, 4711), SEND_ATTR_LONG(ATTR_NAME_LONG, 1234L), SEND_ATTR_STR(ATTR_NAME_STR, "whoopee"), SEND_ATTR_DATA(ATTR_NAME_DATA, strlen("whoopee"), "whoopee"), SEND_ATTR_HASH(table), SEND_ATTR_LONG(ATTR_NAME_LONG, 4321L), ATTR_TYPE_END); attr_print64(VSTREAM_OUT, ATTR_FLAG_NONE, SEND_ATTR_INT(ATTR_NAME_INT, 4711), SEND_ATTR_LONG(ATTR_NAME_LONG, 1234L), SEND_ATTR_STR(ATTR_NAME_STR, "whoopee"), SEND_ATTR_DATA(ATTR_NAME_DATA, strlen("whoopee"), "whoopee"), ATTR_TYPE_END); if (vstream_fflush(VSTREAM_OUT) != 0) msg_fatal("write error: %m"); htable_free(table, myfree); return (0); } #endif