# Common functions for the postgresql-common framework # # (C) 2008-2009 Martin Pitt # (C) 2012-2019 Christoph Berg # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. package PgCommon; use strict; use IPC::Open3; use Socket; use POSIX; use Exporter; our $VERSION = 1.00; our @ISA = ('Exporter'); our @EXPORT = qw/error user_cluster_map get_cluster_port set_cluster_port get_cluster_socketdir set_cluster_socketdir cluster_port_running get_cluster_start_conf set_cluster_start_conf set_cluster_pg_ctl_conf get_program_path cluster_info get_versions get_newest_version version_exists get_version_clusters next_free_port cluster_exists install_file change_ugid config_bool get_db_encoding get_db_locales get_cluster_locales get_cluster_controldata get_cluster_databases cluster_conf_filename read_cluster_conf_file read_pg_hba read_pidfile valid_hba_method/; our @EXPORT_OK = qw/$confroot $binroot $rpm quote_conf_value read_conf_file get_conf_value set_conf_value set_conffile_value disable_conffile_value disable_conf_value replace_conf_value cluster_data_directory get_file_device check_pidfile_running/; # Print an error message to stderr and exit with status 1 sub error { print STDERR 'Error: ', $_[0], "\n"; exit 1; } # configuration our $confroot = '/etc/postgresql'; if ($ENV{'PG_CLUSTER_CONF_ROOT'}) { ($confroot) = $ENV{'PG_CLUSTER_CONF_ROOT'} =~ /(.*)/; # untaint } our $common_confdir = "/etc/postgresql-common"; if ($ENV{'PGSYSCONFDIR'}) { ($common_confdir) = $ENV{'PGSYSCONFDIR'} =~ /(.*)/; # untaint } my $mapfile = "$common_confdir/user_clusters"; our $binroot = "/usr/lib/postgresql/"; #redhat# $binroot = "/usr/pgsql-"; our $rpm = 0; #redhat# $rpm = 1; our $defaultport = 5432; { my %saved_env; # untaint the environment for executing an external program # Optional arguments: list of additional variables sub prepare_exec { my @cleanvars = qw/PATH IFS ENV BASH_ENV CDPATH/; push @cleanvars, @_; %saved_env = (); foreach (@cleanvars) { $saved_env{$_} = $ENV{$_}; delete $ENV{$_}; } $ENV{'PATH'} = ''; } # restore the environment after prepare_exec() sub restore_exec { foreach (keys %saved_env) { if (defined $saved_env{$_}) { $ENV{$_} = $saved_env{$_}; } else { delete $ENV{$_}; } } } } # Returns '1' if the argument is a configuration file value that stands for # true (ON, TRUE, YES, or 1, case insensitive), '0' if the argument represents # a false value (OFF, FALSE, NO, or 0, case insensitive), or undef otherwise. sub config_bool { return undef unless defined($_[0]); return 1 if ($_[0] =~ /^(on|true|yes|1)$/i); return 0 if ($_[0] =~ /^(off|false|no|0)$/i); return undef; } # Quotes a value with single quotes # Arguments: # Returns: quoted string sub quote_conf_value ($) { my $value = shift; return $value if ($value =~ /^-?[\d.]+$/); # integer or float return $value if ($value =~ /^\w+$/); # plain word $value =~ s/'/''/g; # else quote it return "'$value'"; } # Read a 'var = value' style configuration file and return a hash with the # values. Error out if the file cannot be read. # If the file name ends with '.conf', the keys will be normalized to lower case # (suitable for e. g. postgresql.conf), otherwise kept intact (suitable for # environment). # Arguments: # Returns: hash (empty if file does not exist) sub read_conf_file { my ($config_path) = @_; my %conf; local (*F); sub get_absolute_path { my ($path, $parent_path) = @_; return $path if ($path =~ m!^/!); # path is absolute # else strip filename component from parent path $parent_path =~ s!/[^/]*$!!; return "$parent_path/$path"; } if (open F, $config_path) { while () { if (/^\s*(?:#.*)?$/) { next; } elsif(/^\s*include_dir\s*=?\s*'([^']+)'\s*(?:#.*)?$/i) { # read included configuration directory and merge into %conf # files in the directory will be read in ascending order my $path = $1; my $absolute_path = get_absolute_path($path, $config_path); next unless -e $absolute_path && -d $absolute_path; my $dir; opendir($dir, $absolute_path) or next; foreach my $filename (sort readdir($dir) ) { next if ($filename =~ m/^\./ or not $filename =~/\.conf$/ ); my %include_conf = read_conf_file("$absolute_path/$filename"); while ( my ($k, $v) = each(%include_conf) ) { $conf{$k} = $v; } } closedir($dir); } elsif (/^\s*include(?:_if_exists)?\s*=?\s*'([^']+)'\s*(?:#.*)?$/i) { # read included file and merge into %conf my $path = $1; my $absolute_path = get_absolute_path($path, $config_path); my %include_conf = read_conf_file($absolute_path); while ( my ($k, $v) = each(%include_conf) ) { $conf{$k} = $v; } } elsif (/^\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+)\s*(?:=|\s)\s*'((?:[^']|''|(?:(?<=\\)'))*)'\s*(?:#.*)?$/i) { # string value my $v = $2; my $k = $1; $k = lc $k if $config_path =~ /\.conf$/; $v =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g; $v =~ s/''/'/g; $conf{$k} = $v; } elsif (m{^\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+)\s*(?:=|\s)\s*(-?[[:alnum:]][[:alnum:]._:/+-]*)\s*(?:\#.*)?$}i) { # simple value (string/float) my $v = $2; my $k = $1; $k = lc $k if $config_path =~ /\.conf$/; $conf{$k} = $v; } else { chomp; error "invalid line $. in $config_path: $_"; } } close F; } return %conf; } # Returns path to cluster config file from a cluster configuration # directory (with /etc/postgresql-common/ as fallback) and return a # hash with the values. Error out if the file cannot be read. # If config file name is postgresql.auto.conf, read from PGDATA # Arguments: # Returns: hash (empty if the file does not exist) sub cluster_conf_filename { my ($version, $cluster, $configfile) = @_; if ($configfile eq 'postgresql.auto.conf') { my $data_directory = cluster_data_directory($version, $cluster); return "$data_directory/$configfile"; } my $fname = "$confroot/$version/$cluster/$configfile"; -e $fname or $fname = "$common_confdir/$configfile"; return $fname; } # Read a 'var = value' style configuration file from a cluster configuration # Arguments: # Returns: hash (empty if the file does not exist) sub read_cluster_conf_file { my ($version, $cluster, $configfile) = @_; my %conf = read_conf_file(cluster_conf_filename($version, $cluster, $configfile)); if ($version >= 9.4 and $configfile eq 'postgresql.conf') { # merge settings changed by ALTER SYSTEM # data_directory cannot be changed by ALTER SYSTEM my $data_directory = cluster_data_directory($version, $cluster, \%conf); my %auto_conf = read_conf_file "$data_directory/postgresql.auto.conf"; foreach my $guc (keys %auto_conf) { next if ($guc eq 'data_directory'); # defend against pg_upgradecluster bug in 200..202 $conf{$guc} = $auto_conf{$guc}; } } return %conf; } # Return parameter from a PostgreSQL configuration file, or undef if the parameter # does not exist. # Arguments: sub get_conf_value { my %conf = (read_cluster_conf_file $_[0], $_[1], $_[2]); return $conf{$_[3]}; } # Set parameter of a PostgreSQL configuration file. # Arguments: sub set_conffile_value { my ($fname, $key, $value) = ($_[0], $_[1], quote_conf_value($_[2])); my @lines; # read configuration file lines open (F, $fname) or die "Error: could not open $fname for reading"; push @lines, $_ while (); close F; my $found = 0; # first, search for an uncommented setting for (my $i=0; $i <= $#lines; ++$i) { if ($lines[$i] =~ /^\s*($key)(\s*(?:=|\s)\s*)\w+\b((?:\s*#.*)?)/i or $lines[$i] =~ /^\s*($key)(\s*(?:=|\s)\s*)'[^']*'((?:\s*#.*)?)/i) { $lines[$i] = "$1$2$value$3\n"; $found = 1; last; } } # now check if the setting exists as a comment; if so, change that instead # of appending if (!$found) { for (my $i=0; $i <= $#lines; ++$i) { if ($lines[$i] =~ /^\s*#\s*($key)(\s*(?:=|\s)\s*)\w+\b((?:\s*#.*)?)/i or $lines[$i] =~ /^\s*#\s*($key)(\s*(?:=|\s)\s*)'[^']*'((?:\s*#.*)?)/i) { $lines[$i] = "$1$2$value$3\n"; $found = 1; last; } } } # not found anywhere, append it push (@lines, "$key = $value\n") unless $found; # write configuration file lines open (F, ">$fname.new") or die "Error: could not open $fname.new for writing"; foreach (@lines) { print F $_ or die "writing $fname.new: $!"; } close F; # copy permissions my @st = stat $fname or die "stat: $!"; chown $st[4], $st[5], "$fname.new"; # might fail as non-root chmod $st[2], "$fname.new" or die "chmod: $!"; rename "$fname.new", "$fname" or die "rename $fname.new $fname: $!"; } # Set parameter of a PostgreSQL cluster configuration file. # Arguments: sub set_conf_value { return set_conffile_value(cluster_conf_filename($_[0], $_[1], $_[2]), $_[3], $_[4]); } # Disable a parameter in a PostgreSQL configuration file by prepending it with # a '#'. Appends an optional explanatory comment if given. # Arguments: sub disable_conffile_value { my ($fname, $key, $reason) = @_; my @lines; # read configuration file lines open (F, $fname) or die "Error: could not open $fname for reading"; push @lines, $_ while (); close F; my $changed = 0; for (my $i=0; $i <= $#lines; ++$i) { if ($lines[$i] =~ /^\s*$key\s*(?:=|\s)/i) { $lines[$i] =~ s/^/#/; $lines[$i] =~ s/$/ #$reason/ if $reason; $changed = 1; last; } } # write configuration file lines if ($changed) { open (F, ">$fname.new") or die "Error: could not open $fname.new for writing"; foreach (@lines) { print F $_ or die "writing $fname.new: $!"; } close F; # copy permissions my @st = stat $fname or die "stat: $!"; chown $st[4], $st[5], "$fname.new"; # might fail as non-root chmod $st[2], "$fname.new" or die "chmod: $1"; rename "$fname.new", "$fname"; } } # Disable a parameter in a PostgreSQL cluster configuration file by prepending # it with a '#'. Appends an optional explanatory comment if given. # Arguments: sub disable_conf_value { return disable_conffile_value(cluster_conf_filename($_[0], $_[1], $_[2]), $_[3], $_[4]); } # Replace a parameter in a PostgreSQL configuration file. The old parameter is # prepended with a '#' and gets an optional explanatory comment # appended, if given. The new parameter is inserted directly after the old one. # Arguments: # sub replace_conf_value { my ($version, $cluster, $configfile, $oldparam, $reason, $newparam, $val) = @_; my $fname = cluster_conf_filename($version, $cluster, $configfile); my @lines; # quote $val if necessary unless ($val =~ /^\w+$/) { $val = "'$val'"; } # read configuration file lines open (F, $fname) or die "Error: could not open $fname for reading"; push @lines, $_ while (); close F; my $found = 0; for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#lines; ++$i) { if ($lines[$i] =~ /^\s*$oldparam\s*(?:=|\s)/i) { $lines[$i] = '#'.$lines[$i]; chomp $lines[$i]; $lines[$i] .= ' #'.$reason."\n" if $reason; # insert the new param splice @lines, $i+1, 0, "$newparam = $val\n"; ++$i; $found = 1; last; } } return if !$found; # write configuration file lines open (F, ">$fname.new") or die "Error: could not open $fname.new for writing"; foreach (@lines) { print F $_ or die "writing $fname.new: $!"; } close F; # copy permissions my @st = stat $fname or die "stat: $!"; chown $st[4], $st[5], "$fname.new"; # might fail as non-root chmod $st[2], "$fname.new" or die "chmod: $1"; rename "$fname.new", "$fname"; } # Return the port of a particular cluster # Arguments: sub get_cluster_port { return get_conf_value($_[0], $_[1], 'postgresql.conf', 'port') || $defaultport; } # Set the port of a particular cluster. # Arguments: sub set_cluster_port { set_conf_value $_[0], $_[1], 'postgresql.conf', 'port', $_[2]; } # Return cluster data directory. # Arguments: [] sub cluster_data_directory { my $d; if ($_[2]) { $d = ${$_[2]}{'data_directory'}; } else { $d = get_conf_value($_[0], $_[1], 'postgresql.conf', 'data_directory'); } my $confdir = "$confroot/$_[0]/$_[1]"; if (!$d) { # fall back to /pgdata symlink (supported by earlier p-common releases) $d = readlink "$confdir/pgdata"; } if (!$d and -l $confdir and -f "$confdir/PG_VERSION") { # symlink from /etc/postgresql $d = readlink $confdir; } if (!$d and -f "$confdir/PG_VERSION") { # PGDATA in /etc/postgresql $d = $confdir; } ($d) = $d =~ /(.*)/ if defined $d; #untaint return $d; } # Return the socket directory of a particular cluster or undef if the cluster # does not exist. # Arguments: sub get_cluster_socketdir { # if it is explicitly configured, just return it my $socketdir = get_conf_value($_[0], $_[1], 'postgresql.conf', $_[0] >= 9.3 ? 'unix_socket_directories' : 'unix_socket_directory'); $socketdir =~ s/\s*,.*// if ($socketdir); # ignore additional directories for now return $socketdir if $socketdir; #redhat# return '/tmp'; # RedHat PGDG packages default to /tmp # try to determine whether this is a postgres owned cluster and we default # to /var/run/postgresql $socketdir = '/var/run/postgresql'; my @socketdirstat = stat $socketdir; error "Cannot stat $socketdir" unless @socketdirstat; if ($_[0] && $_[1]) { my $datadir = cluster_data_directory $_[0], $_[1]; error "Invalid data directory for cluster $_[0] $_[1]" unless $datadir; my @datadirstat = stat $datadir; unless (@datadirstat) { my @p = split '/', $datadir; my $parent = join '/', @p[0..($#p-1)]; error "$datadir is not accessible; please fix the directory permissions ($parent/ should be world readable)" unless @datadirstat; } $socketdir = '/tmp' if $socketdirstat[4] != $datadirstat[4]; } return $socketdir; } # Set the socket directory of a particular cluster. # Arguments: sub set_cluster_socketdir { set_conf_value $_[0], $_[1], 'postgresql.conf', $_[0] >= 9.3 ? 'unix_socket_directories' : 'unix_socket_directory', $_[2]; } # Return the path of a program of a particular version. # Arguments: sub get_program_path { return '' unless defined($_[0]) && defined($_[1]); my $path = "$binroot$_[1]/bin/$_[0]"; ($path) = $path =~ /(.*)/; #untaint return $path if -x $path; return ''; } # Check whether a postgres server is running at the specified port. # Arguments: sub cluster_port_running { die "port_running: invalid port $_[2]" if $_[2] !~ /\d+/; my $socketdir = get_cluster_socketdir $_[0], $_[1]; my $socketpath = "$socketdir/.s.PGSQL.$_[2]"; return 0 unless -S $socketpath; socket(SRV, PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0) or die "socket: $!"; my $running = connect(SRV, sockaddr_un($socketpath)); close SRV; return $running ? 1 : 0; } # Read, verify, and return the current start.conf setting. # Arguments: # Returns: auto | manual | disabled sub get_cluster_start_conf { my $start_conf = "$confroot/$_[0]/$_[1]/start.conf"; if (-e $start_conf) { open F, $start_conf or error "Could not open $start_conf: $!"; while () { s/#.*$//; s/^\s*//; s/\s*$//; next unless $_; close F; return $1 if (/^(auto|manual|disabled)/); error "Invalid mode in $start_conf, must be one of auto, manual, disabled"; } close F; } return 'auto'; # default } # Change start.conf setting. # Arguments: # = auto | manual | disabled sub set_cluster_start_conf { my ($v, $c, $val) = @_; error "Invalid mode: '$val'" unless $val eq 'auto' || $val eq 'manual' || $val eq 'disabled'; my $perms = 0644; # start.conf setting my $start_conf = "$confroot/$_[0]/$_[1]/start.conf"; my $text; if (-e $start_conf) { open F, $start_conf or error "Could not open $start_conf: $!"; while () { if (/^\s*(?:auto|manual|disabled)\b(.*$)/) { $text .= $val . $1 . "\n"; } else { $text .= $_; } } # preserve permissions if it already exists $perms = (stat F)[2]; error "Could not get permissions of $start_conf: $!" unless $perms; close F; } else { $text = "# Automatic startup configuration # auto: automatically start the cluster # manual: manual startup with pg_ctlcluster/postgresql@.service only # disabled: refuse to start cluster # See pg_createcluster(1) for details. When running from systemd, # invoke 'systemctl daemon-reload' after editing this file. $val "; } open F, '>' . $start_conf or error "Could not open $start_conf for writing: $!"; chmod $perms, $start_conf; print F $text; close F; } # Change pg_ctl.conf setting. # Arguments: # = options passed to pg_ctl(1) sub set_cluster_pg_ctl_conf { my ($v, $c, $opts) = @_; my $perms = 0644; # pg_ctl.conf setting my $pg_ctl_conf = "$confroot/$v/$c/pg_ctl.conf"; my $text = "# Automatic pg_ctl configuration # This configuration file contains cluster specific options to be passed to # pg_ctl(1). pg_ctl_options = '$opts' "; open F, '>' . $pg_ctl_conf or error "Could not open $pg_ctl_conf for writing: $!"; chmod $perms, $pg_ctl_conf; print F $text; close F; } # Return the PID from an existing PID file or undef if it does not exist. # Arguments: sub read_pidfile { return undef unless -e $_[0]; if (open PIDFILE, $_[0]) { my $pid = ; close PIDFILE; return undef unless ($pid); chomp $pid; ($pid) = $pid =~ /^(\d+)\s*$/; # untaint return $pid; } else { return undef; } } # Check whether a pid file is present and belongs to a running postgres. # Returns undef if it cannot be determined # Arguments: sub check_pidfile_running { # postgres does not clean up the PID file when it stops, and it is # not world readable, so only its absence is a definitive result; if it # is present, we need to read it and check the PID, which will only # work as root return 0 if ! -e $_[0]; my $pid = read_pidfile $_[0]; if (defined $pid) { prepare_exec; my $res = open PS, '-|', '/bin/ps', '-o', 'comm=', '-p', $pid; restore_exec; if ($res) { my $process = ; chomp $process if defined $process; close PS; if (defined $process and ($process eq 'postgres')) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } else { error "Could not exec /bin/ps"; } } return undef; } # Return a hash with information about a specific cluster (which needs to exist). # Arguments: # Returns: information hash (keys: pgdata, port, running, logfile [unless it # has a custom one], configdir, owneruid, ownergid, waldir, socketdir, # config->postgresql.conf) sub cluster_info { my ($v, $c) = @_; error 'cluster_info must be called with arguments' unless ($v and $c); my %result; $result{'configdir'} = "$confroot/$v/$c"; $result{'configuid'} = (stat "$result{configdir}/postgresql.conf")[4]; my %postgresql_conf = read_cluster_conf_file $v, $c, 'postgresql.conf'; $result{'config'} = \%postgresql_conf; $result{'pgdata'} = cluster_data_directory $v, $c, \%postgresql_conf; return %result unless (keys %postgresql_conf); $result{'port'} = $postgresql_conf{'port'} || $defaultport; $result{'socketdir'} = get_cluster_socketdir $v, $c; # if we can determine the running status with the pid file, prefer that if ($postgresql_conf{'external_pid_file'} && $postgresql_conf{'external_pid_file'} ne '(none)') { $result{'running'} = check_pidfile_running $postgresql_conf{'external_pid_file'}; } # otherwise fall back to probing the port; this is unreliable if the port # was changed in the configuration file in the meantime if (!defined ($result{'running'})) { $result{'running'} = cluster_port_running ($v, $c, $result{'port'}); } if ($result{'pgdata'}) { ($result{'owneruid'}, $result{'ownergid'}) = (stat $result{'pgdata'})[4,5]; $result{'recovery'} = 1 if (-e "$result{'pgdata'}/recovery.conf"); my $waldirname = $v >= 10 ? 'pg_wal' : 'pg_xlog'; if (-l "$result{pgdata}/$waldirname") { # custom wal directory ($result{waldir}) = readlink("$result{pgdata}/$waldirname") =~ /(.*)/; # untaint } } $result{'start'} = get_cluster_start_conf $v, $c; # default log file (possibly used only for early startup messages) my $log_symlink = $result{'configdir'} . "/log"; if (-l $log_symlink) { ($result{'logfile'}) = readlink ($log_symlink) =~ /(.*)/; # untaint } else { $result{'logfile'} = "/var/log/postgresql/postgresql-$v-$c.log"; } return %result; } # Return an array of all available psql versions sub get_versions { my @versions = (); my $dir = $binroot; #redhat# $dir = '/usr'; if (opendir (D, $dir)) { my $entry; while (defined ($entry = readdir D)) { next if $entry eq '.' || $entry eq '..'; my $pfx = ''; #redhat# $pfx = "pgsql-"; ($entry) = $entry =~ /^$pfx(\d+\.?\d+)$/; # untaint push @versions, $entry if get_program_path ('psql', $entry); } closedir D; } return sort { $a <=> $b } @versions; } # Return the newest available version sub get_newest_version { my @versions = get_versions; return undef unless (@versions); return $versions[-1]; } # Check whether a version exists sub version_exists { return (grep { $_ eq $_[0] } get_versions) ? 1 : 0; } # Return an array of all available clusters of given version # Arguments: sub get_version_clusters { my $vdir = $confroot.'/'.$_[0].'/'; my @clusters = (); if (opendir (D, $vdir)) { my $entry; while (defined ($entry = readdir D)) { next if $entry eq '.' || $entry eq '..'; ($entry) = $entry =~ /^(.*)$/; # untaint my $conf = "$vdir$entry/postgresql.conf"; if (-e $conf or -l $conf) { # existing file, or dead symlink push @clusters, $entry; } } closedir D; } return sort @clusters; } # Check if a cluster exists. # Arguments: sub cluster_exists { for my $c (get_version_clusters $_[0]) { return 1 if $c eq $_[1]; } return 0; } # Return the next free PostgreSQL port. sub next_free_port { # create list of already used ports my @ports; for my $v (get_versions) { for my $c (get_version_clusters $v) { push @ports, get_cluster_port ($v, $c); } } my $port; for ($port = $defaultport; $port < 65536; ++$port) { next if grep { $_ == $port } @ports; # check if port is already in use my ($have_ip4, $res4, $have_ip6, $res6); if (socket (SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp'))) { # IPv4 $have_ip4 = 1; $res4 = bind (SOCK, sockaddr_in($port, INADDR_ANY)); } $have_ip6 = 0; no strict; # avoid compilation errors with Perl < 5.14 if (exists $Socket::{"IN6ADDR_ANY"}) { # IPv6 if (socket (SOCK, PF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp'))) { $have_ip6 = 1; $res6 = bind (SOCK, sockaddr_in6($port, Socket::IN6ADDR_ANY)); } } use strict; unless ($have_ip4 or $have_ip6) { # require at least one protocol to work (PostgreSQL needs it anyway # for the stats collector) die "could not create socket: $!"; } close SOCK; # return port if it is available on all supported protocols return $port if ($have_ip4 ? $res4 : 1) and ($have_ip6 ? $res6 : 1); } die "no free port found"; } # Return the PostgreSQL version, cluster, and database to connect to. version # is always set (defaulting to the version of the default port if no matching # entry is found, or finally to the latest installed version if there are no # clusters at all), cluster and database may be 'undef'. If only one cluster # exists, and no matching entry is found in the map files, that cluster is # returned. sub user_cluster_map { my ($user, $pwd, $uid, $gid) = getpwuid $>; my $group = (getgrgid $gid)[0]; # check per-user configuration file my $home = $ENV{"HOME"} || (getpwuid $>)[7]; my $homemapfile = $home . '/.postgresqlrc'; if (open MAP, $homemapfile) { while () { s/#.*//; next if /^\s*$/; my ($v,$c,$db) = split; if (!version_exists $v) { print "Warning: $homemapfile line $.: version $v does not exist\n"; next; } if (!cluster_exists $v, $c and $c !~ /^(\S+):(\d*)$/) { print "Warning: $homemapfile line $.: cluster $v/$c does not exist\n"; next; } if ($db) { close MAP; return ($v, $c, ($db eq "*") ? undef : $db); } else { print "Warning: ignoring invalid line $. in $homemapfile\n"; next; } } close MAP; } # check global map file if (open MAP, $mapfile) { while () { s/#.*//; next if /^\s*$/; my ($u,$g,$v,$c,$db) = split; if (!$db) { print "Warning: ignoring invalid line $. in $mapfile\n"; next; } if (!version_exists $v) { print "Warning: $mapfile line $.: version $v does not exist\n"; next; } if (!cluster_exists $v, $c and $c !~ /^(\S+):(\d*)$/) { print "Warning: $mapfile line $.: cluster $v/$c does not exist\n"; next; } if (($u eq "*" || $u eq $user) && ($g eq "*" || $g eq $group)) { close MAP; return ($v,$c, ($db eq "*") ? undef : $db); } } close MAP; } # if only one cluster exists, use that my $count = 0; my ($last_version, $last_cluster, $defaultport_version, $defaultport_cluster); for my $v (get_versions) { for my $c (get_version_clusters $v) { my $port = get_cluster_port ($v, $c); $last_version = $v; $last_cluster = $c; if ($port == $defaultport) { $defaultport_version = $v; $defaultport_cluster = $c; } ++$count; } } return ($last_version, $last_cluster, undef) if $count == 1; if ($count == 0) { # if there are no local clusters, use latest clients for accessing # network clusters return (get_newest_version, undef, undef); } # more than one cluster exists, return cluster at default port return ($defaultport_version, $defaultport_cluster, undef); } # Copy a file to a destination and setup permissions # Arguments: sub install_file { my ($source, $dest, $uid, $gid, $perm) = @_; if (system 'install', '-o', $uid, '-g', $gid, '-m', $perm, $source, $dest) { error "install_file: could not install $source to $dest"; } } # Change effective and real user and group id. Also activates all auxiliary # groups the user is in. Exits with an error message if user/group ID cannot be # changed. # Arguments: sub change_ugid { my ($uid, $gid) = @_; # auxiliary groups my $uname = (getpwuid $uid)[0]; prepare_exec; my $groups = "$gid " . `/usr/bin/id -G $uname`; restore_exec; $) = $groups; $( = $gid; $> = $< = $uid; error 'Could not change user id' if $< != $uid; error 'Could not change group id' if $( != $gid; } # Return the encoding of a particular database in a cluster. This requires # access privileges to that database, so this function should be called as the # cluster owner. # Arguments: # Returns: Encoding or undef if it cannot be determined. sub get_db_encoding { my ($version, $cluster, $db) = @_; my $port = get_cluster_port $version, $cluster; my $socketdir = get_cluster_socketdir $version, $cluster; my $psql = get_program_path 'psql', $version; return undef unless ($port && $socketdir && $psql); # try to swich to cluster owner prepare_exec 'LC_ALL'; $ENV{'LC_ALL'} = 'C'; my $orig_euid = $>; $> = (stat (cluster_data_directory $version, $cluster))[4]; open PSQL, '-|', $psql, '-h', $socketdir, '-p', $port, '-AXtc', 'select getdatabaseencoding()', $db or die "Internal error: could not call $psql to determine db encoding: $!"; my $out = ; close PSQL; $> = $orig_euid; restore_exec; return undef if $?; chomp $out; ($out) = $out =~ /^([\w.-]+)$/; # untaint return $out; } # Return locale of a particular database in a cluster. This requires access # privileges to that database, so this function should be called as the cluster # owner. (For versions >= 8.4; for older versions use get_cluster_locales()). # Arguments: # Returns: (LC_CTYPE, LC_COLLATE) or (undef,undef) if it cannot be determined. sub get_db_locales { my ($version, $cluster, $db) = @_; my $port = get_cluster_port $version, $cluster; my $socketdir = get_cluster_socketdir $version, $cluster; my $psql = get_program_path 'psql', $version; return undef unless ($port && $socketdir && $psql); my ($ctype, $collate); # try to switch to cluster owner prepare_exec 'LC_ALL'; $ENV{'LC_ALL'} = 'C'; my $orig_euid = $>; $> = (stat (cluster_data_directory $version, $cluster))[4]; open PSQL, '-|', $psql, '-h', $socketdir, '-p', $port, '-AXtc', 'SHOW lc_ctype', $db or die "Internal error: could not call $psql to determine db lc_ctype: $!"; my $out = // error 'could not determine db lc_ctype'; close PSQL; ($ctype) = $out =~ /^([\w.\@-]+)$/; # untaint open PSQL, '-|', $psql, '-h', $socketdir, '-p', $port, '-AXtc', 'SHOW lc_collate', $db or die "Internal error: could not call $psql to determine db lc_collate: $!"; $out = // error 'could not determine db lc_collate'; close PSQL; ($collate) = $out =~ /^([\w.\@-]+)$/; # untaint $> = $orig_euid; restore_exec; chomp $ctype; chomp $collate; return ($ctype, $collate) unless $?; return (undef, undef); } # Return the CTYPE and COLLATE locales of a cluster. This needs to be called # as root or as the cluster owner. (For versions <= 8.3; for >= 8.4, use # get_db_locales()). # Arguments: # Returns: (LC_CTYPE, LC_COLLATE) or (undef,undef) if it cannot be determined. sub get_cluster_locales { my ($version, $cluster) = @_; my ($lc_ctype, $lc_collate) = (undef, undef); if ($version >= '8.4') { print STDERR "Error: get_cluster_locales() does not work for 8.4+\n"; exit 1; } my $pg_controldata = get_program_path 'pg_controldata', $version; if (! -e $pg_controldata) { print STDERR "Error: pg_controldata not found, please install postgresql-$version\n"; exit 1; } prepare_exec ('LC_ALL', 'LANG', 'LANGUAGE'); $ENV{'LC_ALL'} = 'C'; my $result = open (CTRL, '-|', $pg_controldata, (cluster_data_directory $version, $cluster)); restore_exec; return (undef, undef) unless defined $result; while () { if (/^LC_CTYPE\W*(\S+)\s*$/) { $lc_ctype = $1; } elsif (/^LC_COLLATE\W*(\S+)\s*$/) { $lc_collate = $1; } } close CTRL; return ($lc_ctype, $lc_collate); } # Return the pg_control data for a cluster # Arguments: # Returns: hashref sub get_cluster_controldata { my ($version, $cluster) = @_; my $pg_controldata = get_program_path 'pg_controldata', $version; if (! -e $pg_controldata) { print STDERR "Error: pg_controldata not found, please install postgresql-$version\n"; exit 1; } prepare_exec ('LC_ALL', 'LANG', 'LANGUAGE'); $ENV{'LC_ALL'} = 'C'; my $result = open (CTRL, '-|', $pg_controldata, (cluster_data_directory $version, $cluster)); restore_exec; return undef unless defined $result; my $data = {}; while () { if (/^(.+?):\s*(.*)/) { $data->{$1} = $2; } else { error "Invalid pg_controldata output: $_"; } } close CTRL; return $data; } # Return an array with all databases of a cluster. This requires connection # privileges to template1, so this function should be called as the # cluster owner. # Arguments: # Returns: array of database names or undef on error. sub get_cluster_databases { my ($version, $cluster) = @_; my $port = get_cluster_port $version, $cluster; my $socketdir = get_cluster_socketdir $version, $cluster; my $psql = get_program_path 'psql', $version; return undef unless ($port && $socketdir && $psql); # try to swich to cluster owner prepare_exec 'LC_ALL'; $ENV{'LC_ALL'} = 'C'; my $orig_euid = $>; $> = (stat (cluster_data_directory $version, $cluster))[4]; my @dbs; my @fields; if (open PSQL, '-|', $psql, '-h', $socketdir, '-p', $port, '-AXtl') { while () { chomp; @fields = split '\|'; next if $#fields < 2; # remove access privs which get line broken push (@dbs, $fields[0]); } close PSQL; } $> = $orig_euid; restore_exec; return $? ? undef : @dbs; } # Return the device name a file is stored at. # Arguments: # Returns: device name, or '' if it cannot be determined. sub get_file_device { my $dev = ''; prepare_exec; my $pid = open3(\*CHLD_IN, \*CHLD_OUT, \*CHLD_ERR, '/bin/df', $_[0]); waitpid $pid, 0; # we simply ignore exit code and stderr while () { if (/^\/dev/) { $dev = (split)[0]; } } restore_exec; close CHLD_IN; close CHLD_OUT; close CHLD_ERR; return $dev; } # Parse a single pg_hba.conf line. # Arguments: # Returns: Hash reference (only returns line and type==undef for invalid lines) # line -> the verbatim pg_hba line # type -> comment, local, host, hostssl, hostnossl, undef # db -> database name # user -> user name # method -> trust, reject, md5, crypt, password, krb5, ident, pam # ip -> ip address # mask -> network mask (either a single number as number of bits, or bit mask) sub parse_hba_line { my $l = $_[0]; chomp $l; # comment line? return { 'type' => 'comment', 'line' => $l } if ($l =~ /^\s*($|#)/); my $res = { 'line' => $l }; my @tok = split /\s+/, $l; goto error if $#tok < 3; $$res{'type'} = shift @tok; $$res{'db'} = shift @tok; $$res{'user'} = shift @tok; # local connection? if ($$res{'type'} eq 'local') { goto error if $#tok > 1; goto error unless valid_hba_method($tok[0]); $$res{'method'} = join (' ', @tok); return $res; } # host connection? if ($$res{'type'} =~ /^host((no)?ssl)?$/) { my ($i, $c) = split '/', (shift @tok); goto error unless $i; $$res{'ip'} = $i; # CIDR mask given? if (defined $c) { goto error if $c !~ /^(\d+)$/; $$res{'mask'} = $c; } else { $$res{'mask'} = shift @tok; } goto error if $#tok > 1; goto error unless valid_hba_method($tok[0]); $$res{'method'} = join (' ', @tok); return $res; } error: $$res{'type'} = undef; return $res; } # Parse given pg_hba.conf file. # Arguments: # Returns: Array with hash refs; for hash contents, see parse_hba_line(). sub read_pg_hba { open HBA, $_[0] or return undef; my @hba; while () { my $r = parse_hba_line $_; push @hba, $r; } close HBA; return @hba; } # Check if hba method is known # Argument: hba method # Returns: True if method is valid sub valid_hba_method { my $method = $_[0]; my %valid_methods = qw/trust 1 reject 1 md5 1 crypt 1 password 1 krb5 1 ident 1 pam 1/; return exists($valid_methods{$method}); } 1;