" Tests for editing the command line. func Test_complete_tab() call writefile(['testfile'], 'Xtestfile') call feedkeys(":e Xtest\t\r", "tx") call assert_equal('testfile', getline(1)) call delete('Xtestfile') endfunc func Test_complete_list() " We can't see the output, but at least we check the code runs properly. call feedkeys(":e test\<C-D>\r", "tx") call assert_equal('test', expand('%:t')) endfunc func Test_complete_wildmenu() call writefile(['testfile1'], 'Xtestfile1') call writefile(['testfile2'], 'Xtestfile2') set wildmenu call feedkeys(":e Xtest\t\t\r", "tx") call assert_equal('testfile2', getline(1)) call delete('Xtestfile1') call delete('Xtestfile2') set nowildmenu endfunc func Test_map_completion() if !has('cmdline_compl') return endif call feedkeys(":map <unique> <si\<Tab>\<Home>\"\<CR>", 'xt') call assert_equal('"map <unique> <silent>', getreg(':')) call feedkeys(":map <script> <un\<Tab>\<Home>\"\<CR>", 'xt') call assert_equal('"map <script> <unique>', getreg(':')) call feedkeys(":map <expr> <sc\<Tab>\<Home>\"\<CR>", 'xt') call assert_equal('"map <expr> <script>', getreg(':')) call feedkeys(":map <buffer> <e\<Tab>\<Home>\"\<CR>", 'xt') call assert_equal('"map <buffer> <expr>', getreg(':')) call feedkeys(":map <nowait> <b\<Tab>\<Home>\"\<CR>", 'xt') call assert_equal('"map <nowait> <buffer>', getreg(':')) call feedkeys(":map <special> <no\<Tab>\<Home>\"\<CR>", 'xt') call assert_equal('"map <special> <nowait>', getreg(':')) call feedkeys(":map <silent> <sp\<Tab>\<Home>\"\<CR>", 'xt') call assert_equal('"map <silent> <special>', getreg(':')) endfunc func Test_match_completion() if !has('cmdline_compl') return endif hi Aardig ctermfg=green call feedkeys(":match \<Tab>\<Home>\"\<CR>", 'xt') call assert_equal('"match Aardig', getreg(':')) call feedkeys(":match \<S-Tab>\<Home>\"\<CR>", 'xt') call assert_equal('"match none', getreg(':')) endfunc func Test_highlight_completion() if !has('cmdline_compl') return endif hi Aardig ctermfg=green call feedkeys(":hi \<Tab>\<Home>\"\<CR>", 'xt') call assert_equal('"hi Aardig', getreg(':')) call feedkeys(":hi default \<Tab>\<Home>\"\<CR>", 'xt') call assert_equal('"hi default Aardig', getreg(':')) call feedkeys(":hi clear Aa\<Tab>\<Home>\"\<CR>", 'xt') call assert_equal('"hi clear Aardig', getreg(':')) call feedkeys(":hi li\<S-Tab>\<Home>\"\<CR>", 'xt') call assert_equal('"hi link', getreg(':')) call feedkeys(":hi d\<S-Tab>\<Home>\"\<CR>", 'xt') call assert_equal('"hi default', getreg(':')) call feedkeys(":hi c\<S-Tab>\<Home>\"\<CR>", 'xt') call assert_equal('"hi clear', getreg(':')) " A cleared group does not show up in completions. hi Anders ctermfg=green call assert_equal(['Aardig', 'Anders'], getcompletion('A', 'highlight')) hi clear Aardig call assert_equal(['Anders'], getcompletion('A', 'highlight')) hi clear Anders call assert_equal([], getcompletion('A', 'highlight')) endfunc func Test_expr_completion() if !has('cmdline_compl') return endif for cmd in [ \ 'let a = ', \ 'if', \ 'elseif', \ 'while', \ 'for', \ 'echo', \ 'echon', \ 'execute', \ 'echomsg', \ 'echoerr', \ 'call', \ 'return', \ 'cexpr', \ 'caddexpr', \ 'cgetexpr', \ 'lexpr', \ 'laddexpr', \ 'lgetexpr'] call feedkeys(":" . cmd . " getl\<Tab>\<Home>\"\<CR>", 'xt') call assert_equal('"' . cmd . ' getline(', getreg(':')) endfor endfunc func Test_getcompletion() if !has('cmdline_compl') return endif let groupcount = len(getcompletion('', 'event')) call assert_true(groupcount > 0) let matchcount = len(getcompletion('File', 'event')) call assert_true(matchcount > 0) call assert_true(groupcount > matchcount) if has('menu') source $VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim let matchcount = len(getcompletion('', 'menu')) call assert_true(matchcount > 0) call assert_equal(['File.'], getcompletion('File', 'menu')) call assert_true(matchcount > 0) let matchcount = len(getcompletion('File.', 'menu')) call assert_true(matchcount > 0) endif let l = getcompletion('v:n', 'var') call assert_true(index(l, 'v:null') >= 0) let l = getcompletion('v:notexists', 'var') call assert_equal([], l) args a.c b.c let l = getcompletion('', 'arglist') call assert_equal(['a.c', 'b.c'], l) %argdelete let l = getcompletion('', 'augroup') call assert_true(index(l, 'END') >= 0) let l = getcompletion('blahblah', 'augroup') call assert_equal([], l) let l = getcompletion('', 'behave') call assert_true(index(l, 'mswin') >= 0) let l = getcompletion('not', 'behave') call assert_equal([], l) let l = getcompletion('', 'color') call assert_true(index(l, 'default') >= 0) let l = getcompletion('dirty', 'color') call assert_equal([], l) let l = getcompletion('', 'command') call assert_true(index(l, 'sleep') >= 0) let l = getcompletion('awake', 'command') call assert_equal([], l) let l = getcompletion('', 'dir') call assert_true(index(l, 'samples/') >= 0) let l = getcompletion('NoMatch', 'dir') call assert_equal([], l) let l = getcompletion('exe', 'expression') call assert_true(index(l, 'executable(') >= 0) let l = getcompletion('kill', 'expression') call assert_equal([], l) let l = getcompletion('tag', 'function') call assert_true(index(l, 'taglist(') >= 0) let l = getcompletion('paint', 'function') call assert_equal([], l) let Flambda = {-> 'hello'} let l = getcompletion('', 'function') let l = filter(l, {i, v -> v =~ 'lambda'}) call assert_equal([], l) let l = getcompletion('run', 'file') call assert_true(index(l, 'runtest.vim') >= 0) let l = getcompletion('walk', 'file') call assert_equal([], l) set wildignore=*.vim let l = getcompletion('run', 'file', 1) call assert_true(index(l, 'runtest.vim') < 0) set wildignore& let l = getcompletion('ha', 'filetype') call assert_true(index(l, 'hamster') >= 0) let l = getcompletion('horse', 'filetype') call assert_equal([], l) let l = getcompletion('z', 'syntax') call assert_true(index(l, 'zimbu') >= 0) let l = getcompletion('emacs', 'syntax') call assert_equal([], l) let l = getcompletion('jikes', 'compiler') call assert_true(index(l, 'jikes') >= 0) let l = getcompletion('break', 'compiler') call assert_equal([], l) let l = getcompletion('last', 'help') call assert_true(index(l, ':tablast') >= 0) let l = getcompletion('giveup', 'help') call assert_equal([], l) let l = getcompletion('time', 'option') call assert_true(index(l, 'timeoutlen') >= 0) let l = getcompletion('space', 'option') call assert_equal([], l) let l = getcompletion('er', 'highlight') call assert_true(index(l, 'ErrorMsg') >= 0) let l = getcompletion('dark', 'highlight') call assert_equal([], l) let l = getcompletion('', 'messages') call assert_true(index(l, 'clear') >= 0) let l = getcompletion('not', 'messages') call assert_equal([], l) let l = getcompletion('', 'mapclear') call assert_true(index(l, '<buffer>') >= 0) let l = getcompletion('not', 'mapclear') call assert_equal([], l) let l = getcompletion('.', 'shellcmd') call assert_equal(['./', '../'], filter(l, 'v:val =~ "\\./"')) call assert_equal(-1, match(l[2:], '^\.\.\?/$')) let root = has('win32') ? 'C:\\' : '/' let l = getcompletion(root, 'shellcmd') let expected = map(filter(glob(root . '*', 0, 1), \ 'isdirectory(v:val) || executable(v:val)'), 'isdirectory(v:val) ? v:val . ''/'' : v:val') call assert_equal(expected, l) if has('cscope') let l = getcompletion('', 'cscope') let cmds = ['add', 'find', 'help', 'kill', 'reset', 'show'] call assert_equal(cmds, l) " using cmdline completion must not change the result call feedkeys(":cscope find \<c-d>\<c-c>", 'xt') let l = getcompletion('', 'cscope') call assert_equal(cmds, l) let keys = ['a', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'i', 's', 't'] let l = getcompletion('find ', 'cscope') call assert_equal(keys, l) endif if has('signs') sign define Testing linehl=Comment let l = getcompletion('', 'sign') let cmds = ['define', 'jump', 'list', 'place', 'undefine', 'unplace'] call assert_equal(cmds, l) " using cmdline completion must not change the result call feedkeys(":sign list \<c-d>\<c-c>", 'xt') let l = getcompletion('', 'sign') call assert_equal(cmds, l) let l = getcompletion('list ', 'sign') call assert_equal(['Testing'], l) endif " For others test if the name is recognized. let names = ['buffer', 'environment', 'file_in_path', 'mapping', 'tag', 'tag_listfiles', 'user'] if has('cmdline_hist') call add(names, 'history') endif if has('gettext') call add(names, 'locale') endif if has('profile') call add(names, 'syntime') endif set tags=Xtags call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//", "word\tfile\tcmd"], 'Xtags') for name in names let matchcount = len(getcompletion('', name)) call assert_true(matchcount >= 0, 'No matches for ' . name) endfor call delete('Xtags') call assert_fails('call getcompletion("", "burp")', 'E475:') endfunc func Test_shellcmd_completion() let save_path = $PATH call mkdir('Xpathdir/Xpathsubdir', 'p') call writefile([''], 'Xpathdir/Xfile.exe') call setfperm('Xpathdir/Xfile.exe', 'rwx------') " Set PATH to example directory without trailing slash. let $PATH = getcwd() . '/Xpathdir' " Test for the ":!<TAB>" case. Previously, this would include subdirs of " dirs in the PATH, even though they won't be executed. We check that only " subdirs of the PWD and executables from the PATH are included in the " suggestions. let actual = getcompletion('X', 'shellcmd') let expected = map(filter(glob('*', 0, 1), 'isdirectory(v:val) && v:val[0] == "X"'), 'v:val . "/"') call insert(expected, 'Xfile.exe') call assert_equal(expected, actual) call delete('Xpathdir', 'rf') let $PATH = save_path endfunc func Test_expand_star_star() call mkdir('a/b', 'p') call writefile(['asdfasdf'], 'a/b/fileXname') call feedkeys(":find **/fileXname\<Tab>\<CR>", 'xt') call assert_equal('find a/b/fileXname', getreg(':')) bwipe! call delete('a', 'rf') endfunc func Test_paste_in_cmdline() let @a = "def" call feedkeys(":abc \<C-R>a ghi\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx') call assert_equal('"abc def ghi', @:) new call setline(1, 'asdf.x /tmp/some verylongword a;b-c*d ') call feedkeys(":aaa \<C-R>\<C-W> bbb\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx') call assert_equal('"aaa asdf bbb', @:) call feedkeys("ft:aaa \<C-R>\<C-F> bbb\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx') call assert_equal('"aaa /tmp/some bbb', @:) call feedkeys(":aaa \<C-R>\<C-L> bbb\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx') call assert_equal('"aaa '.getline(1).' bbb', @:) set incsearch call feedkeys("fy:aaa veryl\<C-R>\<C-W> bbb\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx') call assert_equal('"aaa verylongword bbb', @:) call feedkeys("f;:aaa \<C-R>\<C-A> bbb\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx') call assert_equal('"aaa a;b-c*d bbb', @:) call feedkeys(":\<C-\>etoupper(getline(1))\<CR>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx') call assert_equal('"ASDF.X /TMP/SOME VERYLONGWORD A;B-C*D ', @:) bwipe! " Error while typing a command used to cause that it was not executed " in the end. new try call feedkeys(":file \<C-R>%Xtestfile\<CR>", 'tx') catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E32/ " ignore error E32 endtry call assert_equal("Xtestfile", bufname("%")) bwipe! endfunc func Test_remove_char_in_cmdline() call feedkeys(":abc def\<S-Left>\<Del>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx') call assert_equal('"abc ef', @:) call feedkeys(":abc def\<S-Left>\<BS>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx') call assert_equal('"abcdef', @:) call feedkeys(":abc def ghi\<S-Left>\<C-W>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx') call assert_equal('"abc ghi', @:) call feedkeys(":abc def\<S-Left>\<C-U>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx') call assert_equal('"def', @:) endfunc func Test_illegal_address1() new 2;'( 2;') quit endfunc func Test_illegal_address2() call writefile(['c', 'x', ' x', '.', '1;y'], 'Xtest.vim') new source Xtest.vim " Trigger calling validate_cursor() diffsp Xtest.vim quit! bwipe! call delete('Xtest.vim') endfunc func Test_cmdline_complete_wildoptions() help call feedkeys(":tag /\<c-a>\<c-b>\"\<cr>", 'tx') let a = join(sort(split(@:)),' ') set wildoptions=tagfile call feedkeys(":tag /\<c-a>\<c-b>\"\<cr>", 'tx') let b = join(sort(split(@:)),' ') call assert_equal(a, b) bw! endfunc func Test_cmdline_complete_user_cmd() command! -complete=color -nargs=1 Foo : call feedkeys(":Foo \<Tab>\<Home>\"\<cr>", 'tx') call assert_equal('"Foo blue', @:) call feedkeys(":Foo b\<Tab>\<Home>\"\<cr>", 'tx') call assert_equal('"Foo blue', @:) delcommand Foo endfunc func Test_cmdline_complete_user_names() if has('unix') && executable('whoami') let whoami = systemlist('whoami')[0] let first_letter = whoami[0] if len(first_letter) > 0 " Trying completion of :e ~x where x is the first letter of " the user name should complete to at least the user name. call feedkeys(':e ~' . first_letter . "\<c-a>\<c-B>\"\<cr>", 'tx') call assert_match('^"e \~.*\<' . whoami . '\>', @:) endif endif if has('win32') " Just in case: check that the system has an Administrator account. let names = system('net user') if names =~ 'Administrator' " Trying completion of :e ~A should complete to Administrator. " There could be other names starting with "A" before Administrator. call feedkeys(':e ~A' . "\<c-a>\<c-B>\"\<cr>", 'tx') call assert_match('^"e \~.*Administrator', @:) endif endif endfunc funct Test_cmdline_complete_languages() let lang = substitute(execute('language messages'), '.*"\(.*\)"$', '\1', '') call feedkeys(":language \<c-a>\<c-b>\"\<cr>", 'tx') call assert_match('^"language .*\<ctype\>.*\<messages\>.*\<time\>', @:) if has('unix') " TODO: these tests don't work on Windows. lang appears to be 'C' " but C does not appear in the completion. Why? call assert_match('^"language .*\<' . lang . '\>', @:) call feedkeys(":language messages \<c-a>\<c-b>\"\<cr>", 'tx') call assert_match('^"language .*\<' . lang . '\>', @:) call feedkeys(":language ctype \<c-a>\<c-b>\"\<cr>", 'tx') call assert_match('^"language .*\<' . lang . '\>', @:) call feedkeys(":language time \<c-a>\<c-b>\"\<cr>", 'tx') call assert_match('^"language .*\<' . lang . '\>', @:) endif endfunc func Test_cmdline_write_alternatefile() new call setline('.', ['one', 'two']) f foo.txt new f #-A call assert_equal('foo.txt-A', expand('%')) f #<-B.txt call assert_equal('foo-B.txt', expand('%')) f %< call assert_equal('foo-B', expand('%')) new call assert_fails('f #<', 'E95') bw! f foo-B.txt f %<-A call assert_equal('foo-B-A', expand('%')) bw! bw! endfunc " using a leading backslash here set cpo+=C func Test_cmdline_search_range() new call setline(1, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']) /d 1,\/s/b/B/ call assert_equal('B', getline(2)) /a $ \?,4s/c/C/ call assert_equal('C', getline(3)) call setline(1, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']) %s/c/c/ 1,\&s/b/B/ call assert_equal('B', getline(2)) bwipe! endfunc " Tests for getcmdline(), getcmdpos() and getcmdtype() func Check_cmdline(cmdtype) call assert_equal('MyCmd a', getcmdline()) call assert_equal(8, getcmdpos()) call assert_equal(a:cmdtype, getcmdtype()) return '' endfunc func Test_getcmdtype() call feedkeys(":MyCmd a\<C-R>=Check_cmdline(':')\<CR>\<Esc>", "xt") let cmdtype = '' debuggreedy call feedkeys(":debug echo 'test'\<CR>", "t") call feedkeys("let cmdtype = \<C-R>=string(getcmdtype())\<CR>\<CR>", "t") call feedkeys("cont\<CR>", "xt") 0debuggreedy call assert_equal('>', cmdtype) call feedkeys("/MyCmd a\<C-R>=Check_cmdline('/')\<CR>\<Esc>", "xt") call feedkeys("?MyCmd a\<C-R>=Check_cmdline('?')\<CR>\<Esc>", "xt") call feedkeys(":call input('Answer?')\<CR>", "t") call feedkeys("MyCmd a\<C-R>=Check_cmdline('@')\<CR>\<C-C>", "xt") call feedkeys(":insert\<CR>MyCmd a\<C-R>=Check_cmdline('-')\<CR>\<Esc>", "xt") cnoremap <expr> <F6> Check_cmdline('=') call feedkeys("a\<C-R>=MyCmd a\<F6>\<Esc>\<Esc>", "xt") cunmap <F6> endfunc func Test_getcmdwintype() call feedkeys("q/:let a = getcmdwintype()\<CR>:q\<CR>", 'x!') call assert_equal('/', a) call feedkeys("q?:let a = getcmdwintype()\<CR>:q\<CR>", 'x!') call assert_equal('?', a) call feedkeys("q::let a = getcmdwintype()\<CR>:q\<CR>", 'x!') call assert_equal(':', a) call feedkeys(":\<C-F>:let a = getcmdwintype()\<CR>:q\<CR>", 'x!') call assert_equal(':', a) call assert_equal('', getcmdwintype()) endfunc func Test_verbosefile() set verbosefile=Xlog echomsg 'foo' echomsg 'bar' set verbosefile= let log = readfile('Xlog') call assert_match("foo\nbar", join(log, "\n")) call delete('Xlog') endfunc func Test_setcmdpos() func InsertTextAtPos(text, pos) call assert_equal(0, setcmdpos(a:pos)) return a:text endfunc " setcmdpos() with position in the middle of the command line. call feedkeys(":\"12\<C-R>=InsertTextAtPos('a', 3)\<CR>b\<CR>", 'xt') call assert_equal('"1ab2', @:) call feedkeys(":\"12\<C-R>\<C-R>=InsertTextAtPos('a', 3)\<CR>b\<CR>", 'xt') call assert_equal('"1b2a', @:) " setcmdpos() with position beyond the end of the command line. call feedkeys(":\"12\<C-B>\<C-R>=InsertTextAtPos('a', 10)\<CR>b\<CR>", 'xt') call assert_equal('"12ab', @:) " setcmdpos() returns 1 when not editing the command line. call assert_equal(1, setcmdpos(3)) endfunc func Test_cmdline_overstrike() let encodings = ['latin1', 'utf8'] let encoding_save = &encoding for e in encodings exe 'set encoding=' . e " Test overstrike in the middle of the command line. call feedkeys(":\"01234\<home>\<right>\<right>ab\<right>\<insert>cd\<enter>", 'xt') call assert_equal('"0ab1cd4', @:) " Test overstrike going beyond end of command line. call feedkeys(":\"01234\<home>\<right>\<right>ab\<right>\<insert>cdefgh\<enter>", 'xt') call assert_equal('"0ab1cdefgh', @:) " Test toggling insert/overstrike a few times. call feedkeys(":\"01234\<home>\<right>ab\<right>\<insert>cd\<right>\<insert>ef\<enter>", 'xt') call assert_equal('"ab0cd3ef4', @:) endfor " Test overstrike with multi-byte characters. call feedkeys(":\"テキストエディタ\<home>\<right>\<right>ab\<right>\<insert>cd\<enter>", 'xt') call assert_equal('"テabキcdエディタ', @:) let &encoding = encoding_save endfunc set cpo&