" Tests for various Visual mode. if !has('visual') finish endif func Test_block_shift_multibyte() " Uses double-wide character. split call setline(1, ['xヹxxx', 'ヹxxx']) exe "normal 1G0l\<C-V>jl>" call assert_equal('x ヹxxx', getline(1)) call assert_equal(' ヹxxx', getline(2)) q! endfunc func Test_block_shift_overflow() " This used to cause a multiplication overflow followed by a crash. new normal ii exe "normal \<C-V>876543210>" q! endfunc func Test_dotregister_paste() new exe "norm! ihello world\<esc>" norm! 0ve".p call assert_equal('hello world world', getline(1)) q! endfunc func Test_Visual_ctrl_o() new call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three']) call cursor(1,2) set noshowmode set tw=0 call feedkeys("\<c-v>jjlIa\<c-\>\<c-o>:set tw=88\<cr>\<esc>", 'tx') call assert_equal(['oane', 'tawo', 'tahree'], getline(1, 3)) call assert_equal(88, &tw) set tw& bw! endfu func Test_Visual_vapo() new normal oxx normal vapo bwipe! endfunc func Test_Visual_inner_quote() new normal oxX normal vki' bwipe! endfunc " Test for Visual mode not being reset causing E315 error. func TriggerTheProblem() " At this point there is no visual selection because :call reset it. " Let's restore the selection: normal gv '<,'>del _ try exe "normal \<Esc>" catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E315/ echom 'Snap! E315 error!' let g:msg = 'Snap! E315 error!' endtry endfunc func Test_visual_mode_reset() enew let g:msg = "Everything's fine." enew setl buftype=nofile call append(line('$'), 'Delete this line.') " NOTE: this has to be done by a call to a function because executing :del " the ex-way will require the colon operator which resets the visual mode " thus preventing the problem: exe "normal! GV:call TriggerTheProblem()\<CR>" call assert_equal("Everything's fine.", g:msg) endfunc " Test for visual block shift and tab characters. func Test_block_shift_tab() enew! call append(0, repeat(['one two three'], 5)) call cursor(1,1) exe "normal i\<C-G>u" exe "normal fe\<C-V>4jR\<Esc>ugvr1" call assert_equal('on1 two three', getline(1)) call assert_equal('on1 two three', getline(2)) call assert_equal('on1 two three', getline(5)) enew! call append(0, repeat(['abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'], 5)) call cursor(1,1) exe "normal \<C-V>4jI \<Esc>j<<11|D" exe "normal j7|a\<Tab>\<Tab>" exe "normal j7|a\<Tab>\<Tab> " exe "normal j7|a\<Tab> \<Tab>\<Esc>4k13|\<C-V>4j<" call assert_equal(' abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', getline(1)) call assert_equal('abcdefghij', getline(2)) call assert_equal(" abc\<Tab> defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", getline(3)) call assert_equal(" abc\<Tab> defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", getline(4)) call assert_equal(" abc\<Tab> defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", getline(5)) %s/\s\+//g call cursor(1,1) exe "normal \<C-V>4jI \<Esc>j<<" exe "normal j7|a\<Tab>\<Tab>" exe "normal j7|a\<Tab>\<Tab>\<Tab>\<Tab>\<Tab>" exe "normal j7|a\<Tab> \<Tab>\<Tab>\<Esc>4k13|\<C-V>4j3<" call assert_equal(' abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', getline(1)) call assert_equal('abcdefghij', getline(2)) call assert_equal(" abc\<Tab> defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", getline(3)) call assert_equal(" abc\<Tab>\<Tab>defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", getline(4)) call assert_equal(" abc\<Tab> defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", getline(5)) enew! endfunc " Tests Blockwise Visual when there are TABs before the text. func Test_blockwise_visual() enew! call append(0, ['123456', \ '234567', \ '345678', \ '', \ 'test text test tex start here', \ "\t\tsome text", \ "\t\ttest text", \ 'test text']) call cursor(1,1) exe "normal /start here$\<CR>" exe 'normal "by$' . "\<C-V>jjlld" exe "normal /456$\<CR>" exe "normal \<C-V>jj" . '"bP' call assert_equal(['123start here56', \ '234start here67', \ '345start here78', \ '', \ 'test text test tex rt here', \ "\t\tsomext", \ "\t\ttesext"], getline(1, 7)) enew! endfunc " Test swapping corners in blockwise visual mode with o and O func Test_blockwise_visual_o_O() enew! exe "norm! 10i.\<Esc>Y4P3lj\<C-V>4l2jr " exe "norm! gvO\<Esc>ra" exe "norm! gvO\<Esc>rb" exe "norm! gvo\<C-c>rc" exe "norm! gvO\<C-c>rd" call assert_equal(['..........', \ '...c d..', \ '... ..', \ '...a b..', \ '..........'], getline(1, '$')) enew! endfun " Test Virtual replace mode. func Test_virtual_replace() if exists('&t_kD') let save_t_kD = &t_kD endif if exists('&t_kb') let save_t_kb = &t_kb endif exe "set t_kD=\<C-V>x7f t_kb=\<C-V>x08" enew! exe "normal a\nabcdefghi\njk\tlmn\n opq rst\n\<C-D>uvwxyz" call cursor(1,1) set ai bs=2 exe "normal gR0\<C-D> 1\nA\nBCDEFGHIJ\n\tKL\nMNO\nPQR" call assert_equal([' 1', \ ' A', \ ' BCDEFGHIJ', \ ' KL', \ ' MNO', \ ' PQR', \ ], getline(1, 6)) normal G mark a exe "normal o0\<C-D>\nabcdefghi\njk\tlmn\n opq\trst\n\<C-D>uvwxyz\n" exe "normal 'ajgR0\<C-D> 1\nA\nBCDEFGHIJ\n\tKL\nMNO\nPQR" . repeat("\<BS>", 29) call assert_equal([' 1', \ 'abcdefghi', \ 'jk lmn', \ ' opq rst', \ 'uvwxyz'], getline(7, 11)) normal G exe "normal iab\tcdefghi\tjkl" exe "normal 0gRAB......CDEFGHI.J\<Esc>o" exe "normal iabcdefghijklmnopqrst\<Esc>0gRAB\tIJKLMNO\tQR" call assert_equal(['AB......CDEFGHI.Jkl', \ 'AB IJKLMNO QRst'], getline(12, 13)) enew! set noai bs&vim if exists('save_t_kD') let &t_kD = save_t_kD endif if exists('save_t_kb') let &t_kb = save_t_kb endif endfunc " Test Virtual replace mode. func Test_virtual_replace2() enew! set bs=2 exe "normal a\nabcdefghi\njk\tlmn\n opq rst\n\<C-D>uvwxyz" call cursor(1,1) " Test 1: Test that del deletes the newline exe "normal gR0\<del> 1\nA\nBCDEFGHIJ\n\tKL\nMNO\nPQR" call assert_equal(['0 1', \ 'A', \ 'BCDEFGHIJ', \ ' KL', \ 'MNO', \ 'PQR', \ ], getline(1, 6)) " Test 2: " a newline is not deleted, if no newline has been added in virtual replace mode %d_ call setline(1, ['abcd', 'efgh', 'ijkl']) call cursor(2,1) exe "norm! gR1234\<cr>5\<bs>\<bs>\<bs>" call assert_equal(['abcd', \ '123h', \ 'ijkl'], getline(1, '$')) " Test 3: " a newline is deleted, if a newline has been inserted before in virtual replace mode %d_ call setline(1, ['abcd', 'efgh', 'ijkl']) call cursor(2,1) exe "norm! gR1234\<cr>\<cr>56\<bs>\<bs>\<bs>" call assert_equal(['abcd', \ '1234', \ 'ijkl'], getline(1, '$')) " Test 4: " delete add a newline, delete it, add it again and check undo %d_ call setline(1, ['abcd', 'efgh', 'ijkl']) call cursor(2,1) " break undo sequence explicitly let &ul = &ul exe "norm! gR1234\<cr>\<bs>\<del>56\<cr>" let &ul = &ul call assert_equal(['abcd', \ '123456', \ ''], getline(1, '$')) norm! u call assert_equal(['abcd', \ 'efgh', \ 'ijkl'], getline(1, '$')) " clean up %d_ set bs&vim endfunc func Test_Visual_word_textobject() new call setline(1, ['First sentence. Second sentence.']) " When start and end of visual area are identical, 'aw' or 'iw' select " the whole word. norm! 1go2fcvawy call assert_equal('Second ', @") norm! 1go2fcviwy call assert_equal('Second', @") " When start and end of visual area are not identical, 'aw' or 'iw' " extend the word in direction of the end of the visual area. norm! 1go2fcvlawy call assert_equal('cond ', @") norm! gv2awy call assert_equal('cond sentence.', @") norm! 1go2fcvliwy call assert_equal('cond', @") norm! gv2iwy call assert_equal('cond sentence', @") " Extend visual area in opposite direction. norm! 1go2fcvhawy call assert_equal(' Sec', @") norm! gv2awy call assert_equal(' sentence. Sec', @") norm! 1go2fcvhiwy call assert_equal('Sec', @") norm! gv2iwy call assert_equal('. Sec', @") bwipe! endfunc func Test_Visual_sentence_textobject() new call setline(1, ['First sentence. Second sentence. Third', 'sentence. Fourth sentence']) " When start and end of visual area are identical, 'as' or 'is' select " the whole sentence. norm! 1gofdvasy call assert_equal('Second sentence. ', @") norm! 1gofdvisy call assert_equal('Second sentence.', @") " When start and end of visual area are not identical, 'as' or 'is' " extend the sentence in direction of the end of the visual area. norm! 1gofdvlasy call assert_equal('d sentence. ', @") norm! gvasy call assert_equal("d sentence. Third\nsentence. ", @") norm! 1gofdvlisy call assert_equal('d sentence.', @") norm! gvisy call assert_equal('d sentence. ', @") norm! gvisy call assert_equal("d sentence. Third\nsentence.", @") " Extend visual area in opposite direction. norm! 1gofdvhasy call assert_equal(' Second', @") norm! gvasy call assert_equal("First sentence. Second", @") norm! 1gofdvhisy call assert_equal('Second', @") norm! gvisy call assert_equal(' Second', @") norm! gvisy call assert_equal('First sentence. Second', @") bwipe! endfunc func Test_Visual_paragraph_textobject() new call setline(1, ['First line.', \ '', \ 'Second line.', \ 'Third line.', \ 'Fourth line.', \ 'Fifth line.', \ '', \ 'Sixth line.']) " When start and end of visual area are identical, 'ap' or 'ip' select " the whole paragraph. norm! 4ggvapy call assert_equal("Second line.\nThird line.\nFourth line.\nFifth line.\n\n", @") norm! 4ggvipy call assert_equal("Second line.\nThird line.\nFourth line.\nFifth line.\n", @") " When start and end of visual area are not identical, 'ap' or 'ip' " extend the sentence in direction of the end of the visual area. " FIXME: actually, it is not sufficient to have different start and " end of visual selection, the start line and end line have to differ, " which is not consistent with the documentation. norm! 4ggVjapy call assert_equal("Third line.\nFourth line.\nFifth line.\n\n", @") norm! gvapy call assert_equal("Third line.\nFourth line.\nFifth line.\n\nSixth line.\n", @") norm! 4ggVjipy call assert_equal("Third line.\nFourth line.\nFifth line.\n", @") norm! gvipy call assert_equal("Third line.\nFourth line.\nFifth line.\n\n", @") norm! gvipy call assert_equal("Third line.\nFourth line.\nFifth line.\n\nSixth line.\n", @") " Extend visual area in opposite direction. norm! 5ggVkapy call assert_equal("\nSecond line.\nThird line.\nFourth line.\n", @") norm! gvapy call assert_equal("First line.\n\nSecond line.\nThird line.\nFourth line.\n", @") norm! 5ggVkipy call assert_equal("Second line.\nThird line.\nFourth line.\n", @") norma gvipy call assert_equal("\nSecond line.\nThird line.\nFourth line.\n", @") norm! gvipy call assert_equal("First line.\n\nSecond line.\nThird line.\nFourth line.\n", @") bwipe! endfunc