path: root/src/VBox/Additions/common/crOpenGL/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/VBox/Additions/common/crOpenGL/')
1 files changed, 485 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/VBox/Additions/common/crOpenGL/ b/src/VBox/Additions/common/crOpenGL/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..58971b9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/VBox/Additions/common/crOpenGL/
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
+# All rights reserved.
+# See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys
+import apiutil
+#print "LIBRARY VBoxOGL"
+#print "DESCRIPTION \"\"" - warning LNK4017: DESCRIPTION statement not supported for the target platform; ignored
+# XXX can't these values be automatically computed by analyzing parameters?
+exports_special = [
+ 'Accum',
+ 'AlphaFunc',
+ 'AreTexturesResident',
+ 'ArrayElement',
+ 'Begin',
+ 'BindTexture',
+ 'Bitmap',
+ 'BlendFunc',
+ 'CallList',
+ 'CallLists',
+ 'Clear',
+ 'ClearAccum',
+ 'ClearColor',
+ 'ClearDepth',
+ 'ClearIndex',
+ 'ClearStencil',
+ 'ClipPlane',
+ 'Color3b',
+ 'Color3bv',
+ 'Color3d',
+ 'Color3dv',
+ 'Color3f',
+ 'Color3fv',
+ 'Color3i',
+ 'Color3iv',
+ 'Color3s',
+ 'Color3sv',
+ 'Color3ub',
+ 'Color3ubv',
+ 'Color3ui',
+ 'Color3uiv',
+ 'Color3us',
+ 'Color3usv',
+ 'Color4b',
+ 'Color4bv',
+ 'Color4d',
+ 'Color4dv',
+ 'Color4f',
+ 'Color4fv',
+ 'Color4i',
+ 'Color4iv',
+ 'Color4s',
+ 'Color4sv',
+ 'Color4ub',
+ 'Color4ubv',
+ 'Color4ui',
+ 'Color4uiv',
+ 'Color4us',
+ 'Color4usv',
+ 'ColorMask',
+ 'ColorMaterial',
+ 'ColorPointer',
+ 'CopyPixels',
+ 'CopyTexImage1D',
+ 'CopyTexImage2D',
+ 'CopyTexSubImage1D',
+ 'CopyTexSubImage2D',
+ 'CullFace',
+ 'DebugEntry',
+ 'DeleteLists',
+ 'DeleteTextures',
+ 'DepthFunc',
+ 'DepthMask',
+ 'DepthRange',
+ 'Disable',
+ 'DisableClientState',
+ 'DrawArrays',
+ 'DrawBuffer',
+ 'DrawElements',
+ 'DrawPixels',
+ 'EdgeFlag',
+ 'EdgeFlagPointer',
+ 'EdgeFlagv',
+ 'Enable',
+ 'EnableClientState',
+ 'End',
+ 'EndList',
+ 'EvalCoord1d',
+ 'EvalCoord1dv',
+ 'EvalCoord1f',
+ 'EvalCoord1fv',
+ 'EvalCoord2d',
+ 'EvalCoord2dv',
+ 'EvalCoord2f',
+ 'EvalCoord2fv',
+ 'EvalMesh1',
+ 'EvalMesh2',
+ 'EvalPoint1',
+ 'EvalPoint2',
+ 'FeedbackBuffer',
+ 'Finish',
+ 'Flush',
+ 'Fogf',
+ 'Fogfv',
+ 'Fogi',
+ 'Fogiv',
+ 'FrontFace',
+ 'Frustum',
+ 'GenLists',
+ 'GenTextures',
+ 'GetBooleanv',
+ 'GetClipPlane',
+ 'GetDoublev',
+ 'GetError',
+ 'GetFloatv',
+ 'GetIntegerv',
+ 'GetLightfv',
+ 'GetLightiv',
+ 'GetMapdv',
+ 'GetMapfv',
+ 'GetMapiv',
+ 'GetMaterialfv',
+ 'GetMaterialiv',
+ 'GetPixelMapfv',
+ 'GetPixelMapuiv',
+ 'GetPixelMapusv',
+ 'GetPointerv',
+ 'GetPolygonStipple',
+ 'GetString',
+ 'GetTexEnvfv',
+ 'GetTexEnviv',
+ 'GetTexGendv',
+ 'GetTexGenfv',
+ 'GetTexGeniv',
+ 'GetTexImage',
+ 'GetTexLevelParameterfv',
+ 'GetTexLevelParameteriv',
+ 'GetTexParameterfv',
+ 'GetTexParameteriv',
+ 'Hint',
+ 'IndexMask',
+ 'IndexPointer',
+ 'Indexd',
+ 'Indexdv',
+ 'Indexf',
+ 'Indexfv',
+ 'Indexi',
+ 'Indexiv',
+ 'Indexs',
+ 'Indexsv',
+ 'Indexub',
+ 'Indexubv',
+ 'InitNames',
+ 'InterleavedArrays',
+ 'IsEnabled',
+ 'IsList',
+ 'IsTexture',
+ 'LightModelf',
+ 'LightModelfv',
+ 'LightModeli',
+ 'LightModeliv',
+ 'Lightf',
+ 'Lightfv',
+ 'Lighti',
+ 'Lightiv',
+ 'LineStipple',
+ 'LineWidth',
+ 'ListBase',
+ 'LoadIdentity',
+ 'LoadMatrixd',
+ 'LoadMatrixf',
+ 'LoadName',
+ 'LogicOp',
+ 'Map1d',
+ 'Map1f',
+ 'Map2d',
+ 'Map2f',
+ 'MapGrid1d',
+ 'MapGrid1f',
+ 'MapGrid2d',
+ 'MapGrid2f',
+ 'Materialf',
+ 'Materialfv',
+ 'Materiali',
+ 'Materialiv',
+ 'MatrixMode',
+ 'MultMatrixd',
+ 'MultMatrixf',
+ 'NewList',
+ 'Normal3b',
+ 'Normal3bv',
+ 'Normal3d',
+ 'Normal3dv',
+ 'Normal3f',
+ 'Normal3fv',
+ 'Normal3i',
+ 'Normal3iv',
+ 'Normal3s',
+ 'Normal3sv',
+ 'NormalPointer',
+ 'Ortho',
+ 'PassThrough',
+ 'PixelMapfv',
+ 'PixelMapuiv',
+ 'PixelMapusv',
+ 'PixelStoref',
+ 'PixelStorei',
+ 'PixelTransferf',
+ 'PixelTransferi',
+ 'PixelZoom',
+ 'PointSize',
+ 'PolygonMode',
+ 'PolygonOffset',
+ 'PolygonStipple',
+ 'PopAttrib',
+ 'PopClientAttrib',
+ 'PopMatrix',
+ 'PopName',
+ 'PrioritizeTextures',
+ 'PushAttrib',
+ 'PushClientAttrib',
+ 'PushMatrix',
+ 'PushName',
+ 'RasterPos2d',
+ 'RasterPos2dv',
+ 'RasterPos2f',
+ 'RasterPos2fv',
+ 'RasterPos2i',
+ 'RasterPos2iv',
+ 'RasterPos2s',
+ 'RasterPos2sv',
+ 'RasterPos3d',
+ 'RasterPos3dv',
+ 'RasterPos3f',
+ 'RasterPos3fv',
+ 'RasterPos3i',
+ 'RasterPos3iv',
+ 'RasterPos3s',
+ 'RasterPos3sv',
+ 'RasterPos4d',
+ 'RasterPos4dv',
+ 'RasterPos4f',
+ 'RasterPos4fv',
+ 'RasterPos4i',
+ 'RasterPos4iv',
+ 'RasterPos4s',
+ 'RasterPos4sv',
+ 'ReadBuffer',
+ 'ReadPixels',
+ 'Rectd',
+ 'Rectdv',
+ 'Rectf',
+ 'Rectfv',
+ 'Recti',
+ 'Rectiv',
+ 'Rects',
+ 'Rectsv',
+ 'RenderMode',
+ 'Rotated',
+ 'Rotatef',
+ 'Scaled',
+ 'Scalef',
+ 'Scissor',
+ 'SelectBuffer',
+ 'ShadeModel',
+ 'StencilFunc',
+ 'StencilMask',
+ 'StencilOp',
+ 'TexCoord1d',
+ 'TexCoord1dv',
+ 'TexCoord1f',
+ 'TexCoord1fv',
+ 'TexCoord1i',
+ 'TexCoord1iv',
+ 'TexCoord1s',
+ 'TexCoord1sv',
+ 'TexCoord2d',
+ 'TexCoord2dv',
+ 'TexCoord2f',
+ 'TexCoord2fv',
+ 'TexCoord2i',
+ 'TexCoord2iv',
+ 'TexCoord2s',
+ 'TexCoord2sv',
+ 'TexCoord3d',
+ 'TexCoord3dv',
+ 'TexCoord3f',
+ 'TexCoord3fv',
+ 'TexCoord3i',
+ 'TexCoord3iv',
+ 'TexCoord3s',
+ 'TexCoord3sv',
+ 'TexCoord4d',
+ 'TexCoord4dv',
+ 'TexCoord4f',
+ 'TexCoord4fv',
+ 'TexCoord4i',
+ 'TexCoord4iv',
+ 'TexCoord4s',
+ 'TexCoord4sv',
+ 'TexCoordPointer',
+ 'TexEnvf',
+ 'TexEnvfv',
+ 'TexEnvi',
+ 'TexEnviv',
+ 'TexGend',
+ 'TexGendv',
+ 'TexGenf',
+ 'TexGenfv',
+ 'TexGeni',
+ 'TexGeniv',
+ 'TexImage1D',
+ 'TexImage2D',
+ 'TexImage3D',
+ 'TexParameterf',
+ 'TexParameterfv',
+ 'TexParameteri',
+ 'TexParameteriv',
+ 'TexSubImage1D',
+ 'TexSubImage2D',
+ 'Translated',
+ 'Translatef',
+ 'Vertex2d',
+ 'Vertex2dv',
+ 'Vertex2f',
+ 'Vertex2fv',
+ 'Vertex2i',
+ 'Vertex2iv',
+ 'Vertex2s',
+ 'Vertex2sv',
+ 'Vertex3d',
+ 'Vertex3dv',
+ 'Vertex3f',
+ 'Vertex3fv',
+ 'Vertex3i',
+ 'Vertex3iv',
+ 'Vertex3s',
+ 'Vertex3sv',
+ 'Vertex4d',
+ 'Vertex4dv',
+ 'Vertex4f',
+ 'Vertex4fv',
+ 'Vertex4i',
+ 'Vertex4iv',
+ 'Vertex4s',
+ 'Vertex4sv',
+ 'VertexPointer',
+ 'Viewport',
+ 'wglChoosePixelFormat',
+ 'wglCopyContext',
+ 'wglCreateContext',
+ 'wglCreateLayerContext',
+ 'wglDeleteContext',
+ 'wglDescribeLayerPlane',
+ 'wglDescribePixelFormat',
+ 'wglGetCurrentContext',
+ 'wglGetCurrentDC',
+ 'wglGetDefaultProcAddress',
+ 'wglGetLayerPaletteEntries',
+ 'wglGetPixelFormat',
+ 'wglGetProcAddress',
+ 'wglMakeCurrent',
+ 'wglRealizeLayerPalette',
+ 'wglSetLayerPaletteEntries',
+ 'wglSetPixelFormat',
+ 'wglShareLists',
+ 'wglSwapBuffers',
+ 'wglSwapLayerBuffers',
+ 'wglSwapMultipleBuffers',
+ 'wglUseFontBitmapsA',
+ 'wglUseFontBitmapsW',
+ 'wglUseFontOutlinesA',
+ 'wglUseFontOutlinesW',
+ 'wglChoosePixelFormatEXT',
+ 'wglGetPixelFormatAttribivEXT',
+ 'wglGetPixelFormatAttribfvEXT',
+ 'wglGetExtensionsStringEXT',
+ 'CopyContext',
+ 'CreateContext',
+ 'CreateLayerContext',
+ 'DeleteContext',
+ 'DescribeLayerPlane',
+ 'DescribePixelFormat',
+ 'GetLayerPaletteEntries',
+ 'GetProcAddress',
+ 'RealizeLayerPalette',
+ 'ReleaseContext',
+ 'SetContext',
+ 'SetLayerPaletteEntries',
+ 'SetPixelFormat',
+ 'ShareLists',
+ 'SwapBuffers',
+ 'SwapLayerBuffers',
+ 'ValidateVersion',
+noexport_special = [
+ "BoundsInfoCR",
+ "CreateContext",
+ "DestroyContext",
+ "MakeCurrent",
+ "WindowCreate",
+ "WindowDestroy",
+ "WindowSize",
+ "WindowPosition",
+ "WindowVisibleRegion",
+ "WindowShow",
+ "SwapBuffers"
+keys = apiutil.GetDispatchedFunctions(sys.argv[1]+"/APIspec.txt")
+for func_name in keys:
+ if func_name in noexport_special:
+ continue
+ if func_name in exports_special:
+ print("gl%s = cr_gl%s" % (func_name,func_name))
+for func_name in ( "wglChoosePixelFormat",
+ "wglCopyContext",
+ "wglCreateContext",
+ "wglCreateLayerContext",
+ "wglDeleteContext",
+ "wglDescribeLayerPlane",
+ "wglDescribePixelFormat",
+ "wglGetCurrentContext",
+ "wglGetCurrentDC",
+ "wglGetLayerPaletteEntries",
+ "wglGetPixelFormat",
+ "wglGetProcAddress",
+ "wglMakeCurrent",
+ "wglRealizeLayerPalette",
+ "wglSetLayerPaletteEntries",
+ "wglSetPixelFormat",
+ "wglShareLists",
+ "wglSwapBuffers",
+ "wglSwapLayerBuffers",
+ "wglSwapMultipleBuffers",
+ "wglUseFontBitmapsA",
+ "wglUseFontBitmapsW",
+ "wglUseFontOutlinesA",
+ "wglUseFontOutlinesW",
+ "wglChoosePixelFormatEXT",
+ "wglGetPixelFormatAttribivEXT",
+ "wglGetPixelFormatAttribfvEXT",
+ "wglGetExtensionsStringEXT"):
+ print("%s = %s_prox" % (func_name,func_name))
+DrvGetProcAddress = wglGetProcAddress_prox
+DrvReleaseContext = DrvReleaseContext
+DrvSetContext = DrvSetContext
+DrvValidateVersion = DrvValidateVersion
+DrvSetPixelFormat = DrvSetPixelFormat""")
+#print "DllMain"