path: root/src/VBox/Devices/Graphics/BIOS/makefile
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/VBox/Devices/Graphics/BIOS/makefile b/src/VBox/Devices/Graphics/BIOS/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0173ae56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/VBox/Devices/Graphics/BIOS/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# Compiler flags:
+# -q no banner
+# -wx max warnings
+# -0 generate 8086 code
+# -ms force small model (default)
+# -s remove runtime stack checks (required)
+# -os optimize for size
+# -zu assume that SS != DS (required)
+# -zl do not emit default library information
+!ifdef __UNIX__
+CFLAGS = -q -3 -wx -zu -zl -s -oas -d1 -ms
+DEFS = -DVBOX -DVBE -DVBOX_VERSION_STRING=$(Q)0.9.90$(Q) -DVBOX_VENDOR=$(Q)Oracle_Corporation$(Q) -DVBOX_PRODUCT=$(Q)Oracle_VM_VirtualBox$(Q) -DVBOX_BIOS_CPU=80386
+AFLAGS = -q -0 -wx
+INCLS = -I$(Q)../../../../../include$(Q) -I$(Q)../../../../../include/VBox/Graphics$(Q)
+AINCS = -I$(Q)../../BiosCommonCode$(Q)
+.c.obj : .autodepend
+ wcc -fo=.obj $(CFLAGS) $(DEFS) $(INCLS) $<
+.asm.obj : .autodepend
+ wasm -fo=.obj $(AFLAGS) $(DEFS) $(AINCS) $<
+OBJS = vgarom.obj vberom.obj vgabios.obj vbe.obj
+vgabios.rom : vgabios.bin
+ biossums $< $@
+vgabios.bin : $(OBJS) $(__MAKEFILES__)
+ wlink name $@ system dos debug all option quiet &
+ option nofarcalls, map, verbose, statics, symfile &
+ output raw offset=0xC0000 order &
+ clname CODE segment VGAROM segaddr=0xC000 &
+ segment _TEXT segaddr=0xC000 offset=0xA00 &
+ segment VBE32 segaddr=0xC000 offset=0x4600 &
+ clname DATA segment _DATA segaddr=0xC000 offset=0x4800 &
+ file { $(OBJS) } disable 1014, 1023, 2120
+clean : .symbolic
+ @rm -f *.obj *.err
+ @rm -f vgabios.bin vgabios.rom vgabios.sym