# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # $Id: remoteexecutor.py $ """ VirtualBox Validation Kit - Storage benchmark, test execution helpers. """ __copyright__ = \ """ Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Oracle Corporation This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. """ __version__ = "$Revision: 127855 $" # Standard Python imports. import array; import os; import shutil; import sys; if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: from io import StringIO as StringIO; # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module else: from StringIO import StringIO as StringIO; # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module import subprocess; # Validation Kit imports. from common import utils; from testdriver import reporter; class StdInOutBuffer(object): """ Standard input output buffer """ def __init__(self, sInput = None): self.sInput = StringIO(); if sInput is not None: self.sInput.write(self._toString(sInput)); self.sInput.seek(0); self.sOutput = ''; def _toString(self, sText): """ Converts any possible array to a string. """ if isinstance(sText, array.array): try: return sText.tostring(); except: pass; else: return sText; def read(self, cb): """file.read""" return self.sInput.read(cb); def write(self, sText): """file.write""" self.sOutput += self._toString(sText); return None; def getOutput(self): """ Returns the output of the buffer. """ return self.sOutput; def close(self): """ file.close """ return; class RemoteExecutor(object): """ Helper for executing tests remotely through TXS or locally """ def __init__(self, oTxsSession = None, asBinaryPaths = None, sScratchPath = None): self.oTxsSession = oTxsSession; self.asPaths = asBinaryPaths; self.sScratchPath = sScratchPath; if self.asPaths is None: self.asPaths = [ ]; def _isFile(self, sFile): """ Checks whether a file exists. """ if self.oTxsSession is not None: return self.oTxsSession.syncIsFile(sFile); return os.path.isfile(sFile); def _getBinaryPath(self, sBinary): """ Returns the complete path of the given binary if found from the configured search path or None if not found. """ for sPath in self.asPaths: sFile = sPath + '/' + sBinary; if self._isFile(sFile): return sFile; return None; def _sudoExecuteSync(self, asArgs, sInput): """ Executes a sudo child process synchronously. Returns a tuple [True, 0] if the process executed successfully and returned 0, otherwise [False, rc] is returned. """ reporter.log('Executing [sudo]: %s' % (asArgs, )); reporter.flushall(); fRc = True; sOutput = ''; sError = ''; try: oProcess = utils.sudoProcessPopen(asArgs, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell = False, close_fds = False); sOutput, sError = oProcess.communicate(sInput); iExitCode = oProcess.poll(); if iExitCode is not 0: fRc = False; except: reporter.errorXcpt(); fRc = False; reporter.log('Exit code [sudo]: %s (%s)' % (fRc, asArgs)); return (fRc, str(sOutput), str(sError)); def _execLocallyOrThroughTxs(self, sExec, asArgs, sInput, cMsTimeout): """ Executes the given program locally or through TXS based on the current config. """ fRc = False; sOutput = None; if self.oTxsSession is not None: reporter.log('Executing [remote]: %s %s %s' % (sExec, asArgs, sInput)); reporter.flushall(); oStdOut = StdInOutBuffer(); oStdErr = StdInOutBuffer(); oStdIn = None; if sInput is not None: oStdIn = StdInOutBuffer(sInput); else: oStdIn = '/dev/null'; # pylint: disable=R0204 fRc = self.oTxsSession.syncExecEx(sExec, (sExec,) + asArgs, oStdIn = oStdIn, oStdOut = oStdOut, oStdErr = oStdErr, cMsTimeout = cMsTimeout); sOutput = oStdOut.getOutput(); sError = oStdErr.getOutput(); if fRc is False: reporter.log('Exit code [remote]: %s (stdout: %s stderr: %s)' % (fRc, sOutput, sError)); else: reporter.log('Exit code [remote]: %s' % (fRc,)); else: fRc, sOutput, sError = self._sudoExecuteSync([sExec, ] + list(asArgs), sInput); return (fRc, sOutput, sError); def execBinary(self, sExec, asArgs, sInput = None, cMsTimeout = 3600000): """ Executes the given binary with the given arguments providing some optional input through stdin and returning whether the process exited successfully and the output in a string. """ fRc = True; sOutput = None; sError = None; sBinary = self._getBinaryPath(sExec); if sBinary is not None: fRc, sOutput, sError = self._execLocallyOrThroughTxs(sBinary, asArgs, sInput, cMsTimeout); else: fRc = False; return (fRc, sOutput, sError); def execBinaryNoStdOut(self, sExec, asArgs, sInput = None): """ Executes the given binary with the given arguments providing some optional input through stdin and returning whether the process exited successfully. """ fRc, _, _ = self.execBinary(sExec, asArgs, sInput); return fRc; def copyFile(self, sLocalFile, sFilename, cMsTimeout = 30000): """ Copies the local file to the remote destination if configured Returns a file ID which can be used as an input parameter to execBinary() resolving to the real filepath on the remote side or locally. """ sFileId = None; if self.oTxsSession is not None: sFileId = '${SCRATCH}/' + sFilename; fRc = self.oTxsSession.syncUploadFile(sLocalFile, sFileId, cMsTimeout); if not fRc: sFileId = None; else: sFileId = self.sScratchPath + '/' + sFilename; try: shutil.copy(sLocalFile, sFileId); except: sFileId = None; return sFileId; def copyString(self, sContent, sFilename, cMsTimeout = 30000): """ Creates a file remotely or locally with the given content. Returns a file ID which can be used as an input parameter to execBinary() resolving to the real filepath on the remote side or locally. """ sFileId = None; if self.oTxsSession is not None: sFileId = '${SCRATCH}/' + sFilename; fRc = self.oTxsSession.syncUploadString(sContent, sFileId, cMsTimeout); if not fRc: sFileId = None; else: sFileId = self.sScratchPath + '/' + sFilename; try: oFile = open(sFileId, 'wb'); oFile.write(sContent); oFile.close(); except: sFileId = None; return sFileId; def mkDir(self, sDir, fMode = 0o700, cMsTimeout = 30000): """ Creates a new directory at the given location. """ fRc = True; if self.oTxsSession is not None: fRc = self.oTxsSession.syncMkDir(sDir, fMode, cMsTimeout); else: fRc = self.execBinaryNoStdOut('mkdir', ('-m', format(fMode, 'o'), sDir)); return fRc; def rmDir(self, sDir, cMsTimeout = 30000): """ Removes the given directory. """ fRc = True; if self.oTxsSession is not None: fRc = self.oTxsSession.syncRmDir(sDir, cMsTimeout); else: fRc = self.execBinaryNoStdOut('rmdir', (sDir,)); return fRc;