# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # $Id: storagecfg.py $ """ VirtualBox Validation Kit - Storage test configuration API. """ __copyright__ = \ """ Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Oracle Corporation This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. """ __version__ = "$Revision: 127855 $" # Standard Python imports. import os; import re; # Validation Kit imports. from common import utils; class StorageDisk(object): """ Class representing a disk for testing. """ def __init__(self, sPath, fRamDisk = False): self.sPath = sPath; self.fUsed = False; self.fRamDisk = fRamDisk; def getPath(self): """ Return the disk path. """ return self.sPath; def isUsed(self): """ Returns whether the disk is currently in use. """ return self.fUsed; def isRamDisk(self): """ Returns whether the disk objecthas a RAM backing. """ return self.fRamDisk; def setUsed(self, fUsed): """ Sets the used flag for the disk. """ if fUsed: if self.fUsed: return False; self.fUsed = True; else: self.fUsed = fUsed; return True; class StorageConfigOs(object): """ Base class for a single hosts OS storage configuration. """ def _getDisksMatchingRegExpWithPath(self, sPath, sRegExp): """ Adds new disks to the config matching the given regular expression. """ lstDisks = []; oRegExp = re.compile(sRegExp); asFiles = os.listdir(sPath); for sFile in asFiles: if oRegExp.match(os.path.basename(sFile)) and os.path.exists(sPath + '/' + sFile): lstDisks.append(StorageDisk(sPath + '/' + sFile)); return lstDisks; class StorageConfigOsSolaris(StorageConfigOs): """ Class implementing the Solaris specifics for a storage configuration. """ def __init__(self): StorageConfigOs.__init__(self); self.idxRamDisk = 0; def _getActivePoolsStartingWith(self, oExec, sPoolIdStart): """ Returns a list of pools starting with the given ID or None on failure. """ lstPools = None; fRc, sOutput, _ = oExec.execBinary('zpool', ('list', '-H')); if fRc: lstPools = []; asPools = sOutput.splitlines(); for sPool in asPools: if sPool.startswith(sPoolIdStart): # Extract the whole name and add it to the list. asItems = sPool.split('\t'); lstPools.append(asItems[0]); return lstPools; def _getActiveVolumesInPoolStartingWith(self, oExec, sPool, sVolumeIdStart): """ Returns a list of active volumes for the given pool starting with the given identifier or None on failure. """ lstVolumes = None; fRc, sOutput, _ = oExec.execBinary('zfs', ('list', '-H')); if fRc: lstVolumes = []; asVolumes = sOutput.splitlines(); for sVolume in asVolumes: if sVolume.startswith(sPool + '/' + sVolumeIdStart): # Extract the whole name and add it to the list. asItems = sVolume.split('\t'); lstVolumes.append(asItems[0]); return lstVolumes; def getDisksMatchingRegExp(self, sRegExp): """ Returns a list of disks matching the regular expression. """ return self._getDisksMatchingRegExpWithPath('/dev/dsk', sRegExp); def getMntBase(self): """ Returns the mountpoint base for the host. """ return '/pools'; def createStoragePool(self, oExec, sPool, asDisks, sRaidLvl): """ Creates a new storage pool with the given disks and the given RAID level. """ sZPoolRaid = None; if len(asDisks) > 1 and (sRaidLvl == 'raid5' or sRaidLvl is None): sZPoolRaid = 'raidz'; fRc = True; if sZPoolRaid is not None: fRc = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('zpool', ('create', '-f', sPool, sZPoolRaid,) + tuple(asDisks)); else: fRc = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('zpool', ('create', '-f', sPool,) + tuple(asDisks)); return fRc; def createVolume(self, oExec, sPool, sVol, sMountPoint, cbVol = None): """ Creates and mounts a filesystem at the given mountpoint using the given pool and volume IDs. """ fRc = True; if cbVol is not None: fRc = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('zfs', ('create', '-o', 'mountpoint='+sMountPoint, '-V', cbVol, sPool + '/' + sVol)); else: fRc = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('zfs', ('create', '-o', 'mountpoint='+sMountPoint, sPool + '/' + sVol)); return fRc; def destroyVolume(self, oExec, sPool, sVol): """ Destroys the given volume. """ fRc = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('zfs', ('destroy', sPool + '/' + sVol)); return fRc; def destroyPool(self, oExec, sPool): """ Destroys the given storage pool. """ fRc = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('zpool', ('destroy', sPool)); return fRc; def cleanupPoolsAndVolumes(self, oExec, sPoolIdStart, sVolIdStart): """ Cleans up any pools and volumes starting with the name in the given parameters. """ fRc = True; lstPools = self._getActivePoolsStartingWith(oExec, sPoolIdStart); if lstPools is not None: for sPool in lstPools: lstVolumes = self._getActiveVolumesInPoolStartingWith(oExec, sPool, sVolIdStart); if lstVolumes is not None: # Destroy all the volumes first for sVolume in lstVolumes: fRc2 = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('zfs', ('destroy', sVolume)); if not fRc2: fRc = fRc2; # Destroy the pool fRc2 = self.destroyPool(oExec, sPool); if not fRc2: fRc = fRc2; else: fRc = False; else: fRc = False; return fRc; def createRamDisk(self, oExec, cbRamDisk): """ Creates a RAM backed disk with the given size. """ oDisk = None; sRamDiskName = 'ramdisk%u' % (self.idxRamDisk,); fRc, _ , _ = oExec.execBinary('ramdiskadm', ('-a', sRamDiskName, str(cbRamDisk))); if fRc: self.idxRamDisk += 1; oDisk = StorageDisk('/dev/ramdisk/%s' % (sRamDiskName, ), True); return oDisk; def destroyRamDisk(self, oExec, oDisk): """ Destroys the given ramdisk object. """ sRamDiskName = os.path.basename(oDisk.getPath()); return oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('ramdiskadm', ('-d', sRamDiskName)); class StorageConfigOsLinux(StorageConfigOs): """ Class implementing the Linux specifics for a storage configuration. """ def __init__(self): StorageConfigOs.__init__(self); self.dSimplePools = { }; # Simple storage pools which don't use lvm (just one partition) self.dMounts = { }; # Pool/Volume to mountpoint mapping. def _getDmRaidLevelFromLvl(self, sRaidLvl): """ Converts our raid level indicators to something mdadm can understand. """ if sRaidLvl == 'raid5': return '5'; elif sRaidLvl == 'raid1': return 'mirror'; elif sRaidLvl == 'raid0' or sRaidLvl is None: return 'stripe'; return 'stripe'; def getDisksMatchingRegExp(self, sRegExp): """ Returns a list of disks matching the regular expression. """ return self._getDisksMatchingRegExpWithPath('/dev/', sRegExp); def getMntBase(self): """ Returns the mountpoint base for the host. """ return '/mnt'; def createStoragePool(self, oExec, sPool, asDisks, sRaidLvl): """ Creates a new storage pool with the given disks and the given RAID level. """ fRc = True; if len(asDisks) == 1 and sRaidLvl is None: # Doesn't require LVM, put into the simple pools dictionary so we can # use it when creating a volume later. self.dSimplePools[sPool] = asDisks[0]; else: # If a RAID is required use dm-raid first to create one. asLvmPvDisks = asDisks; fRc = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('mdadm', ('--create', '/dev/md0', '--assume-clean', '--level=' + self._getDmRaidLevelFromLvl(sRaidLvl), '--raid-devices=' + str(len(asDisks))) + tuple(asDisks)); if fRc: # /dev/md0 is the only block device to use for our volume group. asLvmPvDisks = [ '/dev/md0' ]; # Create a physical volume on every disk first. for sLvmPvDisk in asLvmPvDisks: fRc = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('pvcreate', (sLvmPvDisk, )); if not fRc: break; if fRc: # Create volume group with all physical volumes included fRc = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('vgcreate', (sPool, ) + tuple(asLvmPvDisks)); return fRc; def createVolume(self, oExec, sPool, sVol, sMountPoint, cbVol = None): """ Creates and mounts a filesystem at the given mountpoint using the given pool and volume IDs. """ fRc = True; sBlkDev = None; if sPool in self.dSimplePools: sDiskPath = self.dSimplePools.get(sPool); if sDiskPath.find('zram') != -1: sBlkDev = sDiskPath; else: # Create a partition with the requested size sFdiskScript = ';\n'; # Single partition filling everything if cbVol is not None: sFdiskScript = ',' + str(cbVol // 512) + '\n'; # Get number of sectors fRc = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('sfdisk', ('--no-reread', '--wipe', 'always', '-q', '-f', sDiskPath), \ sFdiskScript); if fRc: if sDiskPath.find('nvme') != -1: sBlkDev = sDiskPath + 'p1'; else: sBlkDev = sDiskPath + '1'; else: if cbVol is None: fRc = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('lvcreate', ('-l', '100%FREE', '-n', sVol, sPool)); else: fRc = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('lvcreate', ('-L', str(cbVol), '-n', sVol, sPool)); if fRc: sBlkDev = '/dev/mapper' + sPool + '-' + sVol; if fRc is True and sBlkDev is not None: # Create a filesystem and mount it fRc = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('mkfs.ext4', ('-F', '-F', sBlkDev,)); fRc = fRc and oExec.mkDir(sMountPoint); fRc = fRc and oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('mount', (sBlkDev, sMountPoint)); if fRc: self.dMounts[sPool + '/' + sVol] = sMountPoint; return fRc; def destroyVolume(self, oExec, sPool, sVol): """ Destroys the given volume. """ # Unmount first sMountPoint = self.dMounts[sPool + '/' + sVol]; fRc = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('umount', (sMountPoint,)); self.dMounts.pop(sPool + '/' + sVol); oExec.rmDir(sMountPoint); if sPool in self.dSimplePools: # Wipe partition table sDiskPath = self.dSimplePools.get(sPool); if sDiskPath.find('zram') == -1: fRc = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('sfdisk', ('--no-reread', '--wipe', 'always', '-q', '-f', '--delete', \ sDiskPath)); else: fRc = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('lvremove', (sPool + '/' + sVol,)); return fRc; def destroyPool(self, oExec, sPool): """ Destroys the given storage pool. """ fRc = True; if sPool in self.dSimplePools: self.dSimplePools.pop(sPool); else: fRc = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('vgremove', (sPool,)); return fRc; def cleanupPoolsAndVolumes(self, oExec, sPoolIdStart, sVolIdStart): """ Cleans up any pools and volumes starting with the name in the given parameters. """ # @todo: Needs implementation, for LVM based configs a similar approach can be used # as for Solaris. _ = oExec; _ = sPoolIdStart; _ = sVolIdStart; return True; def createRamDisk(self, oExec, cbRamDisk): """ Creates a RAM backed disk with the given size. """ # Make sure the ZRAM module is loaded. oDisk = None; fRc = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('modprobe', ('zram',)); if fRc: fRc, sOut, _ = oExec.execBinary('zramctl', ('--raw', '-f', '-s', str(cbRamDisk))); if fRc: oDisk = StorageDisk(sOut.rstrip(), True); return oDisk; def destroyRamDisk(self, oExec, oDisk): """ Destroys the given ramdisk object. """ return oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('zramctl', ('-r', oDisk.getPath())); class StorageCfg(object): """ Storage configuration helper class taking care of the different host OS. """ def __init__(self, oExec, sTargetOs, oDiskCfg): self.oExec = oExec; self.lstDisks = [ ]; # List of disks present in the system. self.dPools = { }; # Dictionary of storage pools. self.dVols = { }; # Dictionary of volumes. self.iPoolId = 0; self.iVolId = 0; fRc = True; oStorOs = None; if sTargetOs == 'solaris': oStorOs = StorageConfigOsSolaris(); elif sTargetOs == 'linux': oStorOs = StorageConfigOsLinux(); # pylint: disable=R0204 else: fRc = False; if fRc: self.oStorOs = oStorOs; if utils.isString(oDiskCfg): self.lstDisks = oStorOs.getDisksMatchingRegExp(oDiskCfg); else: # Assume a list of of disks and add. for sDisk in oDiskCfg: self.lstDisks.append(StorageDisk(sDisk)); def __del__(self): self.cleanup(); def cleanup(self): """ Cleans up any created storage configs. """ # Destroy all volumes first. for sMountPoint in self.dVols.keys(): # pylint: disable=C0201 self.destroyVolume(sMountPoint); # Destroy all pools. for sPool in self.dPools.keys(): # pylint: disable=C0201 self.destroyStoragePool(sPool); self.dVols.clear(); self.dPools.clear(); self.iPoolId = 0; self.iVolId = 0; def getRawDisk(self): """ Returns a raw disk device from the list of free devices for use. """ for oDisk in self.lstDisks: if oDisk.isUsed() is False: oDisk.setUsed(True); return oDisk.getPath(); return None; def getUnusedDiskCount(self): """ Returns the number of unused disks. """ cDisksUnused = 0; for oDisk in self.lstDisks: if not oDisk.isUsed(): cDisksUnused += 1; return cDisksUnused; def createStoragePool(self, cDisks = 0, sRaidLvl = None, cbPool = None, fRamDisk = False): """ Create a new storage pool """ lstDisks = [ ]; fRc = True; sPool = None; if fRamDisk: oDisk = self.oStorOs.createRamDisk(self.oExec, cbPool); if oDisk is not None: lstDisks.append(oDisk); cDisks = 1; else: if cDisks == 0: cDisks = self.getUnusedDiskCount(); for oDisk in self.lstDisks: if not oDisk.isUsed(): oDisk.setUsed(True); lstDisks.append(oDisk); if len(lstDisks) == cDisks: break; # Enough drives to satisfy the request? if len(lstDisks) == cDisks: # Create a list of all device paths lstDiskPaths = [ ]; for oDisk in lstDisks: lstDiskPaths.append(oDisk.getPath()); # Find a name for the pool sPool = 'pool' + str(self.iPoolId); self.iPoolId += 1; fRc = self.oStorOs.createStoragePool(self.oExec, sPool, lstDiskPaths, sRaidLvl); if fRc: self.dPools[sPool] = lstDisks; else: self.iPoolId -= 1; else: fRc = False; # Cleanup in case of error. if not fRc: for oDisk in lstDisks: oDisk.setUsed(False); if oDisk.isRamDisk(): self.oStorOs.destroyRamDisk(self.oExec, oDisk); return fRc, sPool; def destroyStoragePool(self, sPool): """ Destroys the storage pool with the given ID. """ lstDisks = self.dPools.get(sPool); if lstDisks is not None: fRc = self.oStorOs.destroyPool(self.oExec, sPool); if fRc: # Mark disks as unused self.dPools.pop(sPool); for oDisk in lstDisks: oDisk.setUsed(False); if oDisk.isRamDisk(): self.oStorOs.destroyRamDisk(self.oExec, oDisk); else: fRc = False; return fRc; def createVolume(self, sPool, cbVol = None): """ Creates a new volume from the given pool returning the mountpoint. """ fRc = True; sMountPoint = None; if sPool in self.dPools: sVol = 'vol' + str(self.iVolId); sMountPoint = self.oStorOs.getMntBase() + '/' + sVol; self.iVolId += 1; fRc = self.oStorOs.createVolume(self.oExec, sPool, sVol, sMountPoint, cbVol); if fRc: self.dVols[sMountPoint] = (sVol, sPool); else: self.iVolId -= 1; else: fRc = False; return fRc, sMountPoint; def destroyVolume(self, sMountPoint): """ Destroy the volume at the given mount point. """ sVol, sPool = self.dVols.get(sMountPoint); fRc = True; if sVol is not None: fRc = self.oStorOs.destroyVolume(self.oExec, sPool, sVol); if fRc: self.dVols.pop(sMountPoint); else: fRc = False; return fRc; def mkDirOnVolume(self, sMountPoint, sDir, fMode = 0o700): """ Creates a new directory on the volume pointed to by the given mount point. """ return self.oExec.mkDir(sMountPoint + '/' + sDir, fMode); def cleanupLeftovers(self): """ Tries to cleanup any leftover pools and volumes from a failed previous run. """ return self.oStorOs.cleanupPoolsAndVolumes(self.oExec, 'pool', 'vol');