path: root/docs/docsite/rst/dev_guide/testing/sanity/validate-modules.rst
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diff --git a/docs/docsite/rst/dev_guide/testing/sanity/validate-modules.rst b/docs/docsite/rst/dev_guide/testing/sanity/validate-modules.rst
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+.. _testing_validate-modules:
+Analyze modules for common issues in code and documentation.
+.. contents::
+ :local:
+.. code:: shell
+ cd /path/to/ansible/source
+ source hacking/env-setup
+ ansible-test sanity --test validate-modules
+Type ``ansible-test sanity validate-modules -h`` to display help for using this sanity test.
+Extending validate-modules
+The ``validate-modules`` tool has a ` <>`_ that is used to validate the YAML blocks, such as ``DOCUMENTATION`` and ``RETURNS``.
+============================================================ ================== ==================== =========================================================================================
+ **Error Code** **Type** **Level** **Sample Message**
+------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------ -------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ansible-deprecated-module Documentation Error A module is deprecated and supposed to be removed in the current or an earlier Ansible version
+ collection-deprecated-module Documentation Error A module is deprecated and supposed to be removed in the current or an earlier collection version
+ ansible-deprecated-version Documentation Error A feature is deprecated and supposed to be removed in the current or an earlier Ansible version
+ ansible-module-not-initialized Syntax Error Execution of the module did not result in initialization of AnsibleModule
+ collection-deprecated-version Documentation Error A feature is deprecated and supposed to be removed in the current or an earlier collection version
+ deprecated-date Documentation Error A date before today appears as ``removed_at_date`` or in ``deprecated_aliases``
+ deprecation-mismatch Documentation Error Module marked as deprecated or removed in at least one of the filename, its metadata, or in DOCUMENTATION (setting DOCUMENTATION.deprecated for deprecation or removing all Documentation for removed) but not in all three places.
+ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec Documentation Error Value for "choices" from the argument_spec does not match the documentation
+ doc-choices-incompatible-type Documentation Error Choices value from the documentation is not compatible with type defined in the argument_spec
+ doc-default-does-not-match-spec Documentation Error Value for "default" from the argument_spec does not match the documentation
+ doc-default-incompatible-type Documentation Error Default value from the documentation is not compatible with type defined in the argument_spec
+ doc-elements-invalid Documentation Error Documentation specifies elements for argument, when "type" is not ``list``.
+ doc-elements-mismatch Documentation Error Argument_spec defines elements different than documentation does
+ doc-missing-type Documentation Error Documentation doesn't specify a type but argument in ``argument_spec`` use default type (``str``)
+ doc-required-mismatch Documentation Error argument in argument_spec is required but documentation says it is not, or vice versa
+ doc-type-does-not-match-spec Documentation Error Argument_spec defines type different than documentation does
+ documentation-error Documentation Error Unknown ``DOCUMENTATION`` error
+ documentation-syntax-error Documentation Error Invalid ``DOCUMENTATION`` schema
+ illegal-future-imports Imports Error Only the following ``from __future__`` imports are allowed: ``absolute_import``, ``division``, and ``print_function``.
+ import-before-documentation Imports Error Import found before documentation variables. All imports must appear below ``DOCUMENTATION``/``EXAMPLES``/``RETURN``
+ import-error Documentation Error ``Exception`` attempting to import module for ``argument_spec`` introspection
+ import-placement Locations Warning Imports should be directly below ``DOCUMENTATION``/``EXAMPLES``/``RETURN``
+ imports-improper-location Imports Error Imports should be directly below ``DOCUMENTATION``/``EXAMPLES``/``RETURN``
+ incompatible-choices Documentation Error Choices value from the argument_spec is not compatible with type defined in the argument_spec
+ incompatible-default-type Documentation Error Default value from the argument_spec is not compatible with type defined in the argument_spec
+ invalid-argument-name Documentation Error Argument in argument_spec must not be one of 'message', 'syslog_facility' as it is used internally by Ansible Core Engine
+ invalid-argument-spec Documentation Error Argument in argument_spec must be a dictionary/hash when used
+ invalid-argument-spec-options Documentation Error Suboptions in argument_spec are invalid
+ invalid-documentation Documentation Error ``DOCUMENTATION`` is not valid YAML
+ invalid-documentation-markup Documentation Error ``DOCUMENTATION`` or ``RETURN`` contains invalid markup
+ invalid-documentation-options Documentation Error ``DOCUMENTATION.options`` must be a dictionary/hash when used
+ invalid-examples Documentation Error ``EXAMPLES`` is not valid YAML
+ invalid-extension Naming Error Official Ansible modules must have a ``.py`` extension for python modules or a ``.ps1`` for powershell modules
+ invalid-module-schema Documentation Error ``AnsibleModule`` schema validation error
+ invalid-removal-version Documentation Error The version at which a feature is supposed to be removed cannot be parsed (for collections, it must be a `semantic version <>`_)
+ invalid-requires-extension Naming Error Module ``#AnsibleRequires -CSharpUtil`` should not end in .cs, Module ``#Requires`` should not end in .psm1
+ missing-doc-fragment Documentation Error ``DOCUMENTATION`` fragment missing
+ missing-existing-doc-fragment Documentation Warning Pre-existing ``DOCUMENTATION`` fragment missing
+ missing-documentation Documentation Error No ``DOCUMENTATION`` provided
+ missing-examples Documentation Error No ``EXAMPLES`` provided
+ missing-gplv3-license Documentation Error GPLv3 license header not found
+ missing-module-utils-basic-import Imports Warning Did not find ``ansible.module_utils.basic`` import
+ missing-module-utils-import-csharp-requirements Imports Error No ``Ansible.ModuleUtils`` or C# Ansible util requirements/imports found
+ missing-powershell-interpreter Syntax Error Interpreter line is not ``#!powershell``
+ missing-python-interpreter Syntax Error Interpreter line is not ``#!/usr/bin/python``
+ missing-return Documentation Error No ``RETURN`` documentation provided
+ missing-return-legacy Documentation Warning No ``RETURN`` documentation provided for legacy module
+ missing-suboption-docs Documentation Error Argument in argument_spec has sub-options but documentation does not define sub-options
+ module-incorrect-version-added Documentation Error Module level ``version_added`` is incorrect
+ module-invalid-version-added Documentation Error Module level ``version_added`` is not a valid version number
+ module-utils-specific-import Imports Error ``module_utils`` imports should import specific components, not ``*``
+ multiple-utils-per-requires Imports Error ``Ansible.ModuleUtils`` requirements do not support multiple modules per statement
+ multiple-csharp-utils-per-requires Imports Error Ansible C# util requirements do not support multiple utils per statement
+ no-default-for-required-parameter Documentation Error Option is marked as required but specifies a default. Arguments with a default should not be marked as required
+ no-log-needed Parameters Error Option name suggests that the option contains a secret value, while ``no_log`` is not specified for this option in the argument spec. If this is a false positive, explicitly set ``no_log=False``
+ nonexistent-parameter-documented Documentation Error Argument is listed in DOCUMENTATION.options, but not accepted by the module
+ option-incorrect-version-added Documentation Error ``version_added`` for new option is incorrect
+ option-invalid-version-added Documentation Error ``version_added`` for option is not a valid version number
+ parameter-invalid Documentation Error Argument in argument_spec is not a valid python identifier
+ parameter-invalid-elements Documentation Error Value for "elements" is valid only when value of "type" is ``list``
+ implied-parameter-type-mismatch Documentation Error Argument_spec implies ``type="str"`` but documentation defines it as different data type
+ parameter-type-not-in-doc Documentation Error Type value is defined in ``argument_spec`` but documentation doesn't specify a type
+ parameter-alias-repeated Parameters Error argument in argument_spec has at least one alias specified multiple times in aliases
+ parameter-alias-self Parameters Error argument in argument_spec is specified as its own alias
+ parameter-documented-multiple-times Documentation Error argument in argument_spec with aliases is documented multiple times
+ parameter-list-no-elements Parameters Error argument in argument_spec "type" is specified as ``list`` without defining "elements"
+ parameter-state-invalid-choice Parameters Error Argument ``state`` includes ``get``, ``list`` or ``info`` as a choice. Functionality should be in an ``_info`` or (if further conditions apply) ``_facts`` module.
+ python-syntax-error Syntax Error Python ``SyntaxError`` while parsing module
+ removal-version-must-be-major Documentation Error According to the semantic versioning specification (, the only versions in which features are allowed to be removed are major versions (x.0.0)
+ return-syntax-error Documentation Error ``RETURN`` is not valid YAML, ``RETURN`` fragments missing or invalid
+ return-invalid-version-added Documentation Error ``version_added`` for return value is not a valid version number
+ subdirectory-missing-init Naming Error Ansible module subdirectories must contain an ````
+ try-except-missing-has Imports Warning Try/Except ``HAS_`` expression missing
+ undocumented-parameter Documentation Error Argument is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module
+ unidiomatic-typecheck Syntax Error Type comparison using ``type()`` found. Use ``isinstance()`` instead
+ unknown-doc-fragment Documentation Warning Unknown pre-existing ``DOCUMENTATION`` error
+ use-boto3 Imports Error ``boto`` import found, new modules should use ``boto3``
+ use-fail-json-not-sys-exit Imports Error ``sys.exit()`` call found. Should be ``exit_json``/``fail_json``
+ use-module-utils-urls Imports Error ``requests`` import found, should use ``ansible.module_utils.urls`` instead
+ use-run-command-not-os-call Imports Error ```` used instead of ``module.run_command``
+ use-run-command-not-popen Imports Error ``subprocess.Popen`` used instead of ``module.run_command``
+ use-short-gplv3-license Documentation Error GPLv3 license header should be the :ref:`short form <copyright>` for new modules
+ mutually_exclusive-type Documentation Error mutually_exclusive entry contains non-string value
+ mutually_exclusive-collision Documentation Error mutually_exclusive entry has repeated terms
+ mutually_exclusive-unknown Documentation Error mutually_exclusive entry contains option which does not appear in argument_spec (potentially an alias of an option?)
+ required_one_of-type Documentation Error required_one_of entry contains non-string value
+ required_one_of-collision Documentation Error required_one_of entry has repeated terms
+ required_one_of-unknown Documentation Error required_one_of entry contains option which does not appear in argument_spec (potentially an alias of an option?)
+ required_together-type Documentation Error required_together entry contains non-string value
+ required_together-collision Documentation Error required_together entry has repeated terms
+ required_together-unknown Documentation Error required_together entry contains option which does not appear in argument_spec (potentially an alias of an option?)
+ required_if-is_one_of-type Documentation Error required_if entry has a fourth value which is not a bool
+ required_if-requirements-type Documentation Error required_if entry has a third value (requirements) which is not a list or tuple
+ required_if-requirements-collision Documentation Error required_if entry has repeated terms in requirements
+ required_if-requirements-unknown Documentation Error required_if entry's requirements contains option which does not appear in argument_spec (potentially an alias of an option?)
+ required_if-unknown-key Documentation Error required_if entry's key does not appear in argument_spec (potentially an alias of an option?)
+ required_if-key-in-requirements Documentation Error required_if entry contains its key in requirements list/tuple
+ required_if-value-type Documentation Error required_if entry's value is not of the type specified for its key
+ required_by-collision Documentation Error required_by entry has repeated terms
+ required_by-unknown Documentation Error required_by entry contains option which does not appear in argument_spec (potentially an alias of an option?)
+ version-added-must-be-major-or-minor Documentation Error According to the semantic versioning specification (, the only versions in which features are allowed to be added are major and minor versions (x.y.0)
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