path: root/docs/docsite/rst/os_guide/windows_usage.rst
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+.. _windows_usage:
+Using Ansible and Windows
+When using Ansible to manage Windows, many of the syntax and rules that apply
+for Unix/Linux hosts also apply to Windows, but there are still some differences
+when it comes to components like path separators and OS-specific tasks.
+This document covers details specific to using Ansible for Windows.
+.. contents:: Topics
+ :local:
+Use Cases
+Ansible can be used to orchestrate a multitude of tasks on Windows servers.
+Below are some examples and info about common tasks.
+Installing Software
+There are three main ways that Ansible can be used to install software:
+* Using the ``win_chocolatey`` module. This sources the program data from the default
+ public `Chocolatey <>`_ repository. Internal repositories can
+ be used instead by setting the ``source`` option.
+* Using the ``win_package`` module. This installs software using an MSI or .exe installer
+ from a local/network path or URL.
+* Using the ``win_command`` or ``win_shell`` module to run an installer manually.
+The ``win_chocolatey`` module is recommended since it has the most complete logic for checking to see if a package has already been installed and is up-to-date.
+Below are some examples of using all three options to install 7-Zip:
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # Install/uninstall with chocolatey
+ - name: Ensure 7-Zip is installed through Chocolatey
+ win_chocolatey:
+ name: 7zip
+ state: present
+ - name: Ensure 7-Zip is not installed through Chocolatey
+ win_chocolatey:
+ name: 7zip
+ state: absent
+ # Install/uninstall with win_package
+ - name: Download the 7-Zip package
+ win_get_url:
+ url:
+ dest: C:\temp\7z.msi
+ - name: Ensure 7-Zip is installed through win_package
+ win_package:
+ path: C:\temp\7z.msi
+ state: present
+ - name: Ensure 7-Zip is not installed through win_package
+ win_package:
+ path: C:\temp\7z.msi
+ state: absent
+ # Install/uninstall with win_command
+ - name: Download the 7-Zip package
+ win_get_url:
+ url:
+ dest: C:\temp\7z.msi
+ - name: Check if 7-Zip is already installed
+ win_reg_stat:
+ name: HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{23170F69-40C1-2702-1701-000001000000}
+ register: 7zip_installed
+ - name: Ensure 7-Zip is installed through win_command
+ win_command: C:\Windows\System32\msiexec.exe /i C:\temp\7z.msi /qn /norestart
+ when: 7zip_installed.exists == false
+ - name: Ensure 7-Zip is uninstalled through win_command
+ win_command: C:\Windows\System32\msiexec.exe /x {23170F69-40C1-2702-1701-000001000000} /qn /norestart
+ when: 7zip_installed.exists == true
+Some installers like Microsoft Office or SQL Server require credential delegation or
+access to components restricted by WinRM. The best method to bypass these
+issues is to use ``become`` with the task. With ``become``, Ansible will run
+the installer as if it were run interactively on the host.
+.. Note:: Many installers do not properly pass back error information over WinRM. In these cases, if the install has been verified to work locally the recommended method is to use become.
+.. Note:: Some installers restart the WinRM or HTTP services, or cause them to become temporarily unavailable, making Ansible assume the system is unreachable.
+Installing Updates
+The ``win_updates`` and ``win_hotfix`` modules can be used to install updates
+or hotfixes on a host. The module ``win_updates`` is used to install multiple
+updates by category, while ``win_hotfix`` can be used to install a single
+update or hotfix file that has been downloaded locally.
+.. Note:: The ``win_hotfix`` module has a requirement that the DISM PowerShell cmdlets are
+ present. These cmdlets were only added by default on Windows Server 2012
+ and newer and must be installed on older Windows hosts.
+The following example shows how ``win_updates`` can be used:
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ - name: Install all critical and security updates
+ win_updates:
+ category_names:
+ - CriticalUpdates
+ - SecurityUpdates
+ state: installed
+ register: update_result
+ - name: Reboot host if required
+ win_reboot:
+ when: update_result.reboot_required
+The following example show how ``win_hotfix`` can be used to install a single
+update or hotfix:
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ - name: Download KB3172729 for Server 2012 R2
+ win_get_url:
+ url:
+ dest: C:\temp\KB3172729.msu
+ - name: Install hotfix
+ win_hotfix:
+ hotfix_kb: KB3172729
+ source: C:\temp\KB3172729.msu
+ state: present
+ register: hotfix_result
+ - name: Reboot host if required
+ win_reboot:
+ when: hotfix_result.reboot_required
+Set Up Users and Groups
+Ansible can be used to create Windows users and groups both locally and on a domain.
+The modules ``win_user``, ``win_group`` and ``win_group_membership`` manage
+Windows users, groups and group memberships locally.
+The following is an example of creating local accounts and groups that can
+access a folder on the same host:
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ - name: Create local group to contain new users
+ win_group:
+ name: LocalGroup
+ description: Allow access to C:\Development folder
+ - name: Create local user
+ win_user:
+ name: '{{ }}'
+ password: '{{ item.password }}'
+ groups: LocalGroup
+ update_password: false
+ password_never_expires: true
+ loop:
+ - name: User1
+ password: Password1
+ - name: User2
+ password: Password2
+ - name: Create Development folder
+ win_file:
+ path: C:\Development
+ state: directory
+ - name: Set ACL of Development folder
+ win_acl:
+ path: C:\Development
+ rights: FullControl
+ state: present
+ type: allow
+ user: LocalGroup
+ - name: Remove parent inheritance of Development folder
+ win_acl_inheritance:
+ path: C:\Development
+ reorganize: true
+ state: absent
+The modules ``win_domain_user`` and ``win_domain_group`` manages users and
+groups in a domain. The below is an example of ensuring a batch of domain users
+are created:
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ - name: Ensure each account is created
+ win_domain_user:
+ name: '{{ }}'
+ upn: '{{ }}@MY.DOMAIN.COM'
+ password: '{{ item.password }}'
+ password_never_expires: false
+ groups:
+ - Test User
+ - Application
+ company: Ansible
+ update_password: on_create
+ loop:
+ - name: Test User
+ password: Password
+ - name: Admin User
+ password: SuperSecretPass01
+ - name: Dev User
+ password: '@fvr3IbFBujSRh!3hBg%wgFucD8^x8W5'
+Running Commands
+In cases where there is no appropriate module available for a task,
+a command or script can be run using the ``win_shell``, ``win_command``, ``raw``, and ``script`` modules.
+The ``raw`` module simply executes a Powershell command remotely. Since ``raw``
+has none of the wrappers that Ansible typically uses, ``become``, ``async``
+and environment variables do not work.
+The ``script`` module executes a script from the Ansible controller on
+one or more Windows hosts. Like ``raw``, ``script`` currently does not support
+``become``, ``async``, or environment variables.
+The ``win_command`` module is used to execute a command which is either an
+executable or batch file, while the ``win_shell`` module is used to execute commands within a shell.
+Choosing Command or Shell
+The ``win_shell`` and ``win_command`` modules can both be used to execute a command or commands.
+The ``win_shell`` module is run within a shell-like process like ``PowerShell`` or ``cmd``, so it has access to shell
+operators like ``<``, ``>``, ``|``, ``;``, ``&&``, and ``||``. Multi-lined commands can also be run in ``win_shell``.
+The ``win_command`` module simply runs a process outside of a shell. It can still
+run a shell command like ``mkdir`` or ``New-Item`` by passing the shell commands
+to a shell executable like ``cmd.exe`` or ``PowerShell.exe``.
+Here are some examples of using ``win_command`` and ``win_shell``:
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ - name: Run a command under PowerShell
+ win_shell: Get-Service -Name service | Stop-Service
+ - name: Run a command under cmd
+ win_shell: mkdir C:\temp
+ args:
+ executable: cmd.exe
+ - name: Run a multiple shell commands
+ win_shell: |
+ New-Item -Path C:\temp -ItemType Directory
+ Remove-Item -Path C:\temp -Force -Recurse
+ $path_info = Get-Item -Path C:\temp
+ $path_info.FullName
+ - name: Run an executable using win_command
+ win_command: whoami.exe
+ - name: Run a cmd command
+ win_command: cmd.exe /c mkdir C:\temp
+ - name: Run a vbs script
+ win_command: cscript.exe script.vbs
+.. Note:: Some commands like ``mkdir``, ``del``, and ``copy`` only exist in
+ the CMD shell. To run them with ``win_command`` they must be
+ prefixed with ``cmd.exe /c``.
+Argument Rules
+When running a command through ``win_command``, the standard Windows argument
+rules apply:
+* Each argument is delimited by a white space, which can either be a space or a
+ tab.
+* An argument can be surrounded by double quotes ``"``. Anything inside these
+ quotes is interpreted as a single argument even if it contains whitespace.
+* A double quote preceded by a backslash ``\`` is interpreted as just a double
+ quote ``"`` and not as an argument delimiter.
+* Backslashes are interpreted literally unless it immediately precedes double
+ quotes; for example ``\`` == ``\`` and ``\"`` == ``"``
+* If an even number of backslashes is followed by a double quote, one
+ backslash is used in the argument for every pair, and the double quote is
+ used as a string delimiter for the argument.
+* If an odd number of backslashes is followed by a double quote, one backslash
+ is used in the argument for every pair, and the double quote is escaped and
+ made a literal double quote in the argument.
+With those rules in mind, here are some examples of quoting:
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ - win_command: C:\temp\executable.exe argument1 "argument 2" "C:\path\with space" "double \"quoted\""
+ argv[0] = C:\temp\executable.exe
+ argv[1] = argument1
+ argv[2] = argument 2
+ argv[3] = C:\path\with space
+ argv[4] = double "quoted"
+ - win_command: '"C:\Program Files\Program\program.exe" "escaped \\\" backslash" unquoted-end-backslash\'
+ argv[0] = C:\Program Files\Program\program.exe
+ argv[1] = escaped \" backslash
+ argv[2] = unquoted-end-backslash\
+ # Due to YAML and Ansible parsing '\"' must be written as '{% raw %}\\{% endraw %}"'
+ - win_command: C:\temp\executable.exe C:\no\space\path "arg with end \ before end quote{% raw %}\\{% endraw %}"
+ argv[0] = C:\temp\executable.exe
+ argv[1] = C:\no\space\path
+ argv[2] = arg with end \ before end quote\"
+For more information, see `escaping arguments <>`_.
+Creating and Running a Scheduled Task
+WinRM has some restrictions in place that cause errors when running certain
+commands. One way to bypass these restrictions is to run a command through a
+scheduled task. A scheduled task is a Windows component that provides the
+ability to run an executable on a schedule and under a different account.
+Ansible version 2.5 added modules that make it easier to work with scheduled tasks in Windows.
+The following is an example of running a script as a scheduled task that deletes itself after
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ - name: Create scheduled task to run a process
+ win_scheduled_task:
+ name: adhoc-task
+ username: SYSTEM
+ actions:
+ - path: PowerShell.exe
+ arguments: |
+ Start-Sleep -Seconds 30 # This isn't required, just here as a demonstration
+ New-Item -Path C:\temp\test -ItemType Directory
+ # Remove this action if the task shouldn't be deleted on completion
+ - path: cmd.exe
+ arguments: /c schtasks.exe /Delete /TN "adhoc-task" /F
+ triggers:
+ - type: registration
+ - name: Wait for the scheduled task to complete
+ win_scheduled_task_stat:
+ name: adhoc-task
+ register: task_stat
+ until: (task_stat.state is defined and task_stat.state.status != "TASK_STATE_RUNNING") or (task_stat.task_exists == False)
+ retries: 12
+ delay: 10
+.. Note:: The modules used in the above example were updated/added in Ansible
+ version 2.5.
+Path Formatting for Windows
+Windows differs from a traditional POSIX operating system in many ways. One of
+the major changes is the shift from ``/`` as the path separator to ``\``. This
+can cause major issues with how playbooks are written, since ``\`` is often used
+as an escape character on POSIX systems.
+Ansible allows two different styles of syntax; each deals with path separators for Windows differently:
+YAML Style
+When using the YAML syntax for tasks, the rules are well-defined by the YAML
+* When using a normal string (without quotes), YAML will not consider the
+ backslash an escape character.
+* When using single quotes ``'``, YAML will not consider the backslash an
+ escape character.
+* When using double quotes ``"``, the backslash is considered an escape
+ character and needs to escaped with another backslash.
+.. Note:: You should only quote strings when it is absolutely
+ necessary or required by YAML, and then use single quotes.
+The YAML specification considers the following `escape sequences <>`_:
+* ``\0``, ``\\``, ``\"``, ``\_``, ``\a``, ``\b``, ``\e``, ``\f``, ``\n``, ``\r``, ``\t``,
+ ``\v``, ``\L``, ``\N`` and ``\P`` -- Single character escape
+* ``<TAB>``, ``<SPACE>``, ``<NBSP>``, ``<LNSP>``, ``<PSP>`` -- Special
+ characters
+* ``\x..`` -- 2-digit hex escape
+* ``\u....`` -- 4-digit hex escape
+* ``\U........`` -- 8-digit hex escape
+Here are some examples on how to write Windows paths:
+.. code-block:: ini
+ # GOOD
+ tempdir: C:\Windows\Temp
+ tempdir: 'C:\Windows\Temp'
+ tempdir: "C:\\Windows\\Temp"
+ tempdir: C:\\Windows\\Temp
+ tempdir: 'C:\\Windows\\Temp'
+ tempdir: C:/Windows/Temp
+This is an example which will fail:
+.. code-block:: text
+ tempdir: "C:\Windows\Temp"
+This example shows the use of single quotes when they are required:
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ ---
+ - name: Copy tomcat config
+ win_copy:
+ src: log4j.xml
+ dest: '{{tc_home}}\lib\log4j.xml'
+Legacy key=value Style
+The legacy ``key=value`` syntax is used on the command line for ad hoc commands,
+or inside playbooks. The use of this style is discouraged within playbooks
+because backslash characters need to be escaped, making playbooks harder to read.
+The legacy syntax depends on the specific implementation in Ansible, and quoting
+(both single and double) does not have any effect on how it is parsed by
+The Ansible key=value parser parse_kv() considers the following escape
+* ``\``, ``'``, ``"``, ``\a``, ``\b``, ``\f``, ``\n``, ``\r``, ``\t`` and
+ ``\v`` -- Single character escape
+* ``\x..`` -- 2-digit hex escape
+* ``\u....`` -- 4-digit hex escape
+* ``\U........`` -- 8-digit hex escape
+* ``\N{...}`` -- Unicode character by name
+This means that the backslash is an escape character for some sequences, and it
+is usually safer to escape a backslash when in this form.
+Here are some examples of using Windows paths with the key=value style:
+.. code-block:: ini
+ # GOOD
+ tempdir=C:\\Windows\\Temp
+ tempdir='C:\\Windows\\Temp'
+ tempdir="C:\\Windows\\Temp"
+ tempdir=C:\Windows\Temp
+ tempdir='C:\Windows\Temp'
+ tempdir="C:\Windows\Temp"
+ tempdir=C:/Windows/Temp
+ tempdir=C:\Windows\temp
+ tempdir='C:\Windows\temp'
+ tempdir="C:\Windows\temp"
+The failing examples don't fail outright but will substitute ``\t`` with the
+``<TAB>`` character resulting in ``tempdir`` being ``C:\Windows<TAB>emp``.
+Some things you cannot do with Ansible and Windows are:
+* Upgrade PowerShell
+* Interact with the WinRM listeners
+Because WinRM is reliant on the services being online and running during normal operations, you cannot upgrade PowerShell or interact with WinRM listeners with Ansible. Both of these actions will cause the connection to fail. This can technically be avoided by using ``async`` or a scheduled task, but those methods are fragile if the process it runs breaks the underlying connection Ansible uses, and are best left to the bootstrapping process or before an image is
+Developing Windows Modules
+Because Ansible modules for Windows are written in PowerShell, the development
+guides for Windows modules differ substantially from those for standard standard modules. Please see
+:ref:`developing_modules_general_windows` for more information.
+.. seealso::
+ :ref:`playbooks_intro`
+ An introduction to playbooks
+ :ref:`playbooks_best_practices`
+ Tips and tricks for playbooks
+ :ref:`List of Windows Modules <windows_modules>`
+ Windows specific module list, all implemented in PowerShell
+ `User Mailing List <>`_
+ Have a question? Stop by the google group!
+ :ref:`communication_irc`
+ How to join Ansible chat channels