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+The following is a list (and re-explanation) of term definitions used elsewhere in the Ansible documentation.
+Consult the documentation home page for the full documentation and to see the terms in context, but this should be a good resource
+to check your knowledge of Ansible's components and understand how they fit together. It's something you might wish to read for review or
+when a term comes up on the mailing list.
+.. glossary::
+ Action
+ An action is a part of a task that specifies which of the modules to
+ run and which arguments to pass to that module. Each task can have
+ only one action, but it may also have other parameters.
+ Ad Hoc
+ Refers to running Ansible to perform some quick command, using
+ :command:`/usr/bin/ansible`, rather than the :term:`orchestration`
+ language, which is :command:`/usr/bin/ansible-playbook`. An example
+ of an ad hoc command might be rebooting 50 machines in your
+ infrastructure. Anything you can do ad hoc can be accomplished by
+ writing a :term:`playbook <playbooks>` and playbooks can also glue
+ lots of other operations together.
+ Ansible (the package)
+ A software package (Python, deb, rpm, and so on) that contains ansible-core and a select group of collections. Playbooks that worked with Ansible 2.9 should still work with the Ansible 2.10 package. See the :file:`ansible-<version>.build` file in the release-specific directory at `ansible-build-data <>`_ for a list of collections included in Ansible, as well as the included ``ansible-core`` version.
+ ansible-base
+ Used only for 2.10. The installable package (RPM/Python/Deb package) generated from the `ansible/ansible repository <>`_. See ``ansible-core``.
+ ansible-core
+ Name used starting with 2.11. The installable package (RPM/Python/Deb package) generated from the `ansible/ansible repository <>`_. Contains the command-line tools and the code for basic features and functions, such as copying module code to managed nodes. The ``ansible-core`` package includes a few modules and plugins and allows you to add others by installing collections.
+ Ansible Galaxy
+ An `online distribution server <>`_ for finding and sharing Ansible community content, sometimes referred to as community Galaxy. Also, the command-line utility that lets users install individual Ansible Collections, for example ``ansible-galaxy collection install community.crypto``.
+ Async
+ Refers to a task that is configured to run in the background rather
+ than waiting for completion. If you have a long process that would
+ run longer than the SSH timeout, it would make sense to launch that
+ task in async mode. Async modes can poll for completion every so many
+ seconds or can be configured to "fire and forget", in which case
+ Ansible will not even check on the task again; it will just kick it
+ off and proceed to future steps. Async modes work with both
+ :command:`/usr/bin/ansible` and :command:`/usr/bin/ansible-playbook`.
+ Callback Plugin
+ Refers to some user-written code that can intercept results from
+ Ansible and do something with them. Some supplied examples in the
+ GitHub project perform custom logging, send email, or even play sound
+ effects.
+ Check Mode
+ Refers to running Ansible with the ``--check`` option, which does not
+ make any changes on the remote systems, but only outputs the changes
+ that might occur if the command ran without this flag. This is
+ analogous to so-called "dry run" modes in other systems, though the
+ user should be warned that this does not take into account unexpected
+ command failures or cascade effects (which is true of similar modes in
+ other systems). Use this to get an idea of what might happen, but do
+ not substitute it for a good staging environment.
+ Collection
+ A packaging format for bundling and distributing Ansible content, including plugins, roles, modules, and more. Collections release independent of other collections or ``ansible-core`` so features can be available sooner to users. Some collections are packaged with Ansible (version 2.10 or later). You can install other collections (or other versions of collections) with ``ansible-galaxy collection install <namespace.collection>``.
+ Collection name
+ The second part of a Fully Qualified Collection Name. The collection name divides the collection namespace and usually reflects the function of the collection content. For example, the ``cisco`` namespace might contain ``cisco.ios``, ``cisco.aci``, and ``cisco.nxos``, with content for managing the different network devices maintained by Cisco.
+ community.general (collection)
+ A special collection managed by the Ansible Community Team containing all the modules and plugins which shipped in Ansible 2.9 that do not have their own dedicated Collection. See `community.general <>`_ on Galaxy.
+ (collection)
+ Similar to ``community.general``, focusing on network content. ` <>`_ on Galaxy.
+ Connection Plugin
+ By default, Ansible talks to remote machines through pluggable
+ libraries. Ansible uses native OpenSSH (:term:`SSH (Native)`) or
+ a Python implementation called :term:`paramiko`. OpenSSH is preferred
+ if you are using a recent version, and also enables some features like
+ Kerberos and jump hosts. This is covered in the :ref:`getting
+ started section <remote_connection_information>`. There are also
+ other connection types like ``accelerate`` mode, which must be
+ bootstrapped over one of the SSH-based connection types but is very
+ fast, and local mode, which acts on the local system. Users can also
+ write their own connection plugins.
+ Conditionals
+ A conditional is an expression that evaluates to true or false that
+ decides whether a given task is executed on a given machine or not.
+ Ansible's conditionals are powered by the 'when' statement, which are
+ discussed in the :ref:`working_with_playbooks`.
+ Declarative
+ An approach to achieving a task that uses a description of the
+ final state rather than a description of the sequence of steps
+ necessary to achieve that state. For a real world example, a
+ declarative specification of a task would be: "put me in California".
+ Depending on your current location, the sequence of steps to get you to
+ California may vary, and if you are already in California, nothing
+ at all needs to be done. Ansible's Resources are declarative; it
+ figures out the steps needed to achieve the final state. It also lets
+ you know whether or not any steps needed to be taken to get to the
+ final state.
+ Diff Mode
+ A ``--diff`` flag can be passed to Ansible to show what changed on
+ modules that support it. You can combine it with ``--check`` to get a
+ good 'dry run'. File diffs are normally in unified diff format.
+ Distribution server
+ A server, such as Ansible Galaxy or Red Hat Automation Hub where you can distribute your collections and allow others to access these collections. See :ref:`distributing_collections` for a list of distribution server types. Some Ansible features are only available on certain distribution servers.
+ Executor
+ A core software component of Ansible that is the power behind
+ :command:`/usr/bin/ansible` directly -- and corresponds to the
+ invocation of each task in a :term:`playbook <playbooks>`. The
+ Executor is something Ansible developers may talk about, but it's not
+ really user land vocabulary.
+ Facts
+ Facts are simply things that are discovered about remote nodes. While
+ they can be used in :term:`playbooks` and templates just like
+ variables, facts are things that are inferred, rather than set. Facts
+ are automatically discovered by Ansible when running plays by
+ executing the internal :ref:`setup module <setup_module>` on the remote nodes. You
+ never have to call the setup module explicitly, it just runs, but it
+ can be disabled to save time if it is not needed or you can tell
+ ansible to collect only a subset of the full facts through the
+ ``gather_subset:`` option. For the convenience of users who are
+ switching from other configuration management systems, the fact module
+ will also pull in facts from the :program:`ohai` and :program:`facter`
+ tools if they are installed. These are fact libraries from Chef and
+ Puppet, respectively. (These may also be disabled through
+ ``gather_subset:``)
+ Filter Plugin
+ A filter plugin is something that most users will never need to
+ understand. These allow for the creation of new :term:`Jinja2`
+ filters, which are more or less only of use to people who know what
+ Jinja2 filters are. If you need them, you can learn how to write them
+ in the :ref:`API docs section <developing_filter_plugins>`.
+ Forks
+ Ansible talks to remote nodes in parallel and the level of parallelism
+ can be set either by passing ``--forks`` or editing the default in
+ a configuration file. The default is a very conservative five (5)
+ forks, though if you have a lot of RAM, you can easily set this to
+ a value like 50 for increased parallelism.
+ Fully Qualified Collection Name (FQCN)
+ The full definition of a module, plugin, or role hosted within a collection, in the form <namespace.collection.content_name>. Allows a Playbook to refer to a specific module or plugin from a specific source in an unambiguous manner, for example, ``community.grafana.grafana_dashboard``. The FQCN is required when you want to specify the exact source of a plugin. For example, if multiple collections contain a module plugin called ``user``, the FQCN specifies which one to use for a given task. When you have multiple collections installed, the FQCN is always the explicit and authoritative indicator of which collection to search for the correct plugin for each task.
+ Gather Facts (Boolean)
+ :term:`Facts` are mentioned above. Sometimes when running a multi-play
+ :term:`playbook <playbooks>`, it is desirable to have some plays that
+ don't bother with fact computation if they aren't going to need to
+ utilize any of these values. Setting ``gather_facts: False`` on
+ a playbook allows this implicit fact gathering to be skipped.
+ Globbing
+ Globbing is a way to select lots of hosts based on wildcards, rather
+ than the name of the host specifically, or the name of the group they
+ are in. For instance, it is possible to select ``ww*`` to match all
+ hosts starting with ``www``. This concept is pulled directly from
+ :program:`Func`, one of Michael DeHaan's (an Ansible Founder) earlier
+ projects. In addition to basic globbing, various set operations are
+ also possible, such as 'hosts in this group and not in another group',
+ and so on.
+ Group
+ A group consists of several hosts assigned to a pool that can be
+ conveniently targeted together, as well as given variables that they
+ share in common.
+ Group Vars
+ The :file:`group_vars/` files are files that live in a directory
+ alongside an inventory file, with an optional filename named after
+ each group. This is a convenient place to put variables that are
+ provided to a given group, especially complex data structures, so that
+ these variables do not have to be embedded in the :term:`inventory`
+ file or :term:`playbook <playbooks>`.
+ Handlers
+ Handlers are just like regular tasks in an Ansible
+ :term:`playbook <playbooks>` (see :term:`Tasks`) but are only run if
+ the Task contains a ``notify`` keyword and also indicates that it
+ changed something. For example, if a config file is changed, then the
+ task referencing the config file templating operation may notify
+ a service restart handler. This means services can be bounced only if
+ they need to be restarted. Handlers can be used for things other than
+ service restarts, but service restarts are the most common usage.
+ Host
+ A host is simply a remote machine that Ansible manages. They can have
+ individual variables assigned to them, and can also be organized in
+ groups. All hosts have a name they can be reached at (which is either
+ an IP address or a domain name) and, optionally, a port number, if they
+ are not to be accessed on the default SSH port.
+ Host Specifier
+ Each :term:`Play <plays>` in Ansible maps a series of :term:`tasks` (which define the role,
+ purpose, or orders of a system) to a set of systems.
+ This ``hosts:`` keyword in each play is often called the hosts specifier.
+ It may select one system, many systems, one or more groups, or even
+ some hosts that are in one group and explicitly not in another.
+ Host Vars
+ Just like :term:`Group Vars`, a directory alongside the inventory file named
+ :file:`host_vars/` can contain a file named after each hostname in the
+ inventory file, in :term:`YAML` format. This provides a convenient place to
+ assign variables to the host without having to embed them in the
+ :term:`inventory` file. The Host Vars file can also be used to define complex
+ data structures that can't be represented in the inventory file.
+ Idempotency
+ An operation is idempotent if the result of performing it once is
+ exactly the same as the result of performing it repeatedly without
+ any intervening actions.
+ Includes
+ The idea that :term:`playbook <playbooks>` files (which are nothing
+ more than lists of :term:`plays`) can include other lists of plays,
+ and task lists can externalize lists of :term:`tasks` in other files,
+ and similarly with :term:`handlers`. Includes can be parameterized,
+ which means that the loaded file can pass variables. For instance, an
+ included play for setting up a WordPress blog may take a parameter
+ called ``user`` and that play could be included more than once to
+ create a blog for both ``alice`` and ``bob``.
+ Inventory
+ A file (by default, Ansible uses a simple INI format) that describes
+ :term:`Hosts <Host>` and :term:`Groups <Group>` in Ansible. Inventory
+ can also be provided through an :term:`Inventory Script` (sometimes called
+ an "External Inventory Script").
+ Inventory Script
+ A very simple program (or a complicated one) that looks up
+ :term:`hosts <Host>`, :term:`group` membership for hosts, and variable
+ information from an external resource -- whether that be a SQL
+ database, a CMDB solution, or something like LDAP. This concept was
+ adapted from Puppet (where it is called an "External Nodes
+ Classifier") and works more or less exactly the same way.
+ Jinja2
+ Jinja2 is the preferred templating language of Ansible's template
+ module. It is a very simple Python template language that is
+ generally readable and easy to write.
+ Ansible uses JSON for return data from remote modules. This allows
+ modules to be written in any language, not just Python.
+ Keyword
+ The main expressions that make up Ansible, which apply to playbook objects
+ (Play, Block, Role and Task). For example 'vars:' is a keyword that lets
+ you define variables in the scope of the playbook object it is applied to.
+ Lazy Evaluation
+ In general, Ansible evaluates any variables in
+ :term:`playbook <playbooks>` content at the last possible second,
+ which means that if you define a data structure that data structure
+ itself can define variable values within it, and everything "just
+ works" as you would expect. This also means variable strings can
+ include other variables inside of those strings.
+ Library
+ A collection of modules made available to :command:`/usr/bin/ansible`
+ or an Ansible :term:`playbook <playbooks>`.
+ Limit Groups
+ By passing ``--limit somegroup`` to :command:`ansible` or
+ :command:`ansible-playbook`, the commands can be limited to a subset
+ of :term:`hosts <Host>`. For instance, this can be used to run
+ a :term:`playbook <playbooks>` that normally targets an entire set of
+ servers to one particular server.
+ Local Action
+ This keyword is an alias for ``delegate_to: localhost``.
+ Used when you want to redirect an action from the remote to
+ execute on the controller itself.
+ Local Connection
+ By using ``connection: local`` in a :term:`playbook <playbooks>`, or
+ passing ``-c local`` to :command:`/usr/bin/ansible`, this indicates
+ that we are executing a local fork instead of executing on the remote machine.
+ You probably want ``local_action`` or ``delegate_to: localhost`` instead
+ as this ONLY changes the connection and no other context for execution.
+ Lookup Plugin
+ A lookup plugin is a way to get data into Ansible from the outside world.
+ Lookup plugins are an extension of Jinja2 and can be accessed in templates, for example,
+ ``{{ lookup('file','/path/to/file') }}``.
+ These are how such things as ``with_items``, are implemented.
+ There are also lookup plugins like ``file`` which loads data from
+ a file and ones for querying environment variables, DNS text records,
+ or key value stores.
+ Loops
+ Generally, Ansible is not a programming language. It prefers to be
+ more declarative, though various constructs like ``loop`` allow
+ a particular task to be repeated for multiple items in a list.
+ Certain modules, like :ref:`yum <yum_module>` and :ref:`apt <apt_module>`, actually take
+ lists directly, and can install all packages given in those lists
+ within a single transaction, dramatically speeding up total time to
+ configuration, so they can be used without loops.
+ Modules
+ Modules are the units of work that Ansible ships out to remote
+ machines. Modules are kicked off by either
+ :command:`/usr/bin/ansible` or :command:`/usr/bin/ansible-playbook`
+ (where multiple tasks use lots of different modules in conjunction).
+ Modules can be implemented in any language, including Perl, Bash, or
+ Ruby -- but can take advantage of some useful communal library code if written
+ in Python. Modules just have to return :term:`JSON`. Once modules are
+ executed on remote machines, they are removed, so no long running
+ daemons are used. Ansible refers to the collection of available
+ modules as a :term:`library`.
+ Multi-Tier
+ The concept that IT systems are not managed one system at a time, but
+ by interactions between multiple systems and groups of systems in
+ well defined orders. For instance, a web server may need to be
+ updated before a database server and pieces on the web server may
+ need to be updated after *THAT* database server and various load
+ balancers and monitoring servers may need to be contacted. Ansible
+ models entire IT topologies and workflows rather than looking at
+ configuration from a "one system at a time" perspective.
+ Namespace
+ The first part of a fully qualified collection name, the namespace usually reflects a functional content category. Example: in ``cisco.ios.ios_config``, ``cisco`` is the namespace. Namespaces are reserved and distributed by Red Hat at Red Hat's discretion. Many, but not all, namespaces will correspond with vendor names. See `Galaxy namespaces <>`_ on the Galaxy docsite for namespace requirements.
+ Notify
+ The act of a :term:`task <tasks>` registering a change event and
+ informing a :term:`handler <handlers>` task that another
+ :term:`action` needs to be run at the end of the :term:`play <plays>`. If
+ a handler is notified by multiple tasks, it will still be run only
+ once. Handlers are run in the order they are listed, not in the order
+ that they are notified.
+ Orchestration
+ Many software automation systems use this word to mean different
+ things. Ansible uses it as a conductor would conduct an orchestra.
+ A datacenter or cloud architecture is full of many systems, playing
+ many parts -- web servers, database servers, maybe load balancers,
+ monitoring systems, continuous integration systems, and so on. In
+ performing any process, it is necessary to touch systems in particular
+ orders, often to simulate rolling updates or to deploy software
+ correctly. Some system may perform some steps, then others, then
+ previous systems already processed may need to perform more steps.
+ Along the way, emails may need to be sent or web services contacted.
+ Ansible orchestration is all about modeling that kind of process.
+ paramiko
+ By default, Ansible manages machines over SSH. The library that
+ Ansible uses by default to do this is a Python-powered library called
+ paramiko. The paramiko library is generally fast and easy to manage,
+ though users who want to use Kerberos or Jump Hosts may wish to switch
+ to a native SSH binary such as OpenSSH by specifying the connection
+ type in their :term:`playbooks`, or using the ``-c ssh`` flag.
+ Playbooks
+ Playbooks are the language by which Ansible orchestrates, configures,
+ administers, or deploys systems. They are called playbooks partially
+ because it's a sports analogy, and it's supposed to be fun using them.
+ They aren't workbooks :)
+ Plays
+ A :term:`playbook <playbooks>` is a list of plays. A play is
+ minimally a mapping between a set of :term:`hosts <Host>` selected by a host
+ specifier (usually chosen by :term:`groups <Group>` but sometimes by
+ hostname :term:`globs <Globbing>`) and the :term:`tasks` which run on those
+ hosts to define the role that those systems will perform. There can be
+ one or many plays in a playbook.
+ Pull Mode
+ By default, Ansible runs in :term:`push mode`, which allows it very
+ fine-grained control over when it talks to each system. Pull mode is
+ provided for when you would rather have nodes check in every N minutes
+ on a particular schedule. It uses a program called
+ :command:`ansible-pull` and can also be set up (or reconfigured) using
+ a push-mode :term:`playbook <playbooks>`. Most Ansible users use push
+ mode, but pull mode is included for variety and the sake of having
+ choices.
+ :command:`ansible-pull` works by checking configuration orders out of
+ git on a crontab and then managing the machine locally, using the
+ :term:`local connection` plugin.
+ Pulp 3 Galaxy
+ A self-hosted distribution server based on the `GalaxyNG codebase <>`_, based on Pulp version 3. Use it to find and share your own curated set of content. You can access your content with the ``ansible-galaxy collection`` command.
+ Push Mode
+ Push mode is the default mode of Ansible. In fact, it's not really
+ a mode at all -- it's just how Ansible works when you aren't thinking
+ about it. Push mode allows Ansible to be fine-grained and conduct
+ nodes through complex orchestration processes without waiting for them
+ to check in.
+ Register Variable
+ The result of running any :term:`task <tasks>` in Ansible can be
+ stored in a variable for use in a template or a conditional statement.
+ The keyword used to define the variable is called ``register``, taking
+ its name from the idea of registers in assembly programming (though
+ Ansible will never feel like assembly programming). There are an
+ infinite number of variable names you can use for registration.
+ Resource Model
+ Ansible modules work in terms of resources. For instance, the
+ :ref:`file module <file_module>` will select a particular file and ensure
+ that the attributes of that resource match a particular model. As an
+ example, we might wish to change the owner of :file:`/etc/motd` to
+ ``root`` if it is not already set to ``root``, or set its mode to
+ ``0644`` if it is not already set to ``0644``. The resource models
+ are :term:`idempotent <idempotency>` meaning change commands are not
+ run unless needed, and Ansible will bring the system back to a desired
+ state regardless of the actual state -- rather than you having to tell
+ it how to get to the state.
+ Roles
+ Roles are units of organization in Ansible. Assigning a role to
+ a group of :term:`hosts <Host>` (or a set of :term:`groups <group>`,
+ or :term:`host patterns <Globbing>`, and so on) implies that they should
+ implement a specific behavior. A role may include applying certain
+ variable values, certain :term:`tasks`, and certain :term:`handlers`
+ -- or just one or more of these things. Because of the file structure
+ associated with a role, roles become redistributable units that allow
+ you to share behavior among :term:`playbooks` -- or even with other users.
+ Rolling Update
+ The act of addressing a number of nodes in a group N at a time to
+ avoid updating them all at once and bringing the system offline. For
+ instance, in a web topology of 500 nodes handling very large volume,
+ it may be reasonable to update 10 or 20 machines at a time, moving on
+ to the next 10 or 20 when done. The ``serial:`` keyword in an Ansible
+ :term:`playbooks` control the size of the rolling update pool. The
+ default is to address the batch size all at once, so this is something
+ that you must opt-in to. OS configuration (such as making sure config
+ files are correct) does not typically have to use the rolling update
+ model, but can do so if desired.
+ Serial
+ .. seealso::
+ :term:`Rolling Update`
+ Sudo
+ Ansible does not require root logins, and since it's daemonless,
+ definitely does not require root level daemons (which can be
+ a security concern in sensitive environments). Ansible can log in and
+ perform many operations wrapped in a sudo command, and can work with
+ both password-less and password-based sudo. Some operations that
+ don't normally work with sudo (like scp file transfer) can be achieved
+ with Ansible's :ref:`copy <copy_module>`, :ref:`template <template_module>`, and
+ :ref:`fetch <fetch_module>` modules while running in sudo mode.
+ SSH (Native)
+ Native OpenSSH as an Ansible transport is specified with ``-c ssh``
+ (or a config file, or a keyword in the :term:`playbook <playbooks>`)
+ and can be useful if wanting to login through Kerberized SSH or using SSH
+ jump hosts, and so on. In 1.2.1, ``ssh`` will be used by default if the
+ OpenSSH binary on the control machine is sufficiently new.
+ Previously, Ansible selected ``paramiko`` as a default. Using
+ a client that supports ``ControlMaster`` and ``ControlPersist`` is
+ recommended for maximum performance -- if you don't have that and
+ don't need Kerberos, jump hosts, or other features, ``paramiko`` is
+ a good choice. Ansible will warn you if it doesn't detect
+ ControlMaster/ControlPersist capability.
+ Tags
+ Ansible allows tagging resources in a :term:`playbook <playbooks>`
+ with arbitrary keywords, and then running only the parts of the
+ playbook that correspond to those keywords. For instance, it is
+ possible to have an entire OS configuration, and have certain steps
+ labeled ``ntp``, and then run just the ``ntp`` steps to reconfigure
+ the time server information on a remote host.
+ Task
+ :term:`Playbooks` exist to run tasks. Tasks combine an :term:`action`
+ (a module and its arguments) with a name and optionally some other
+ keywords (like :term:`looping keywords <loops>`). :term:`Handlers`
+ are also tasks, but they are a special kind of task that do not run
+ unless they are notified by name when a task reports an underlying
+ change on a remote system.
+ Tasks
+ A list of :term:`Task`.
+ Templates
+ Ansible can easily transfer files to remote systems but often it is
+ desirable to substitute variables in other files. Variables may come
+ from the :term:`inventory` file, :term:`Host Vars`, :term:`Group
+ Vars`, or :term:`Facts`. Templates use the :term:`Jinja2` template
+ engine and can also include logical constructs like loops and if
+ statements.
+ Transport
+ Ansible uses :term:``Connection Plugins`` to define types of available
+ transports. These are simply how Ansible will reach out to managed
+ systems. Transports included are :term:`paramiko`,
+ :term:`ssh <SSH (Native)>` (using OpenSSH), and
+ :term:`local <Local Connection>`.
+ When
+ An optional conditional statement attached to a :term:`task <tasks>` that is used to
+ determine if the task should run or not. If the expression following
+ the ``when:`` keyword evaluates to false, the task will be ignored.
+ Vars (Variables)
+ As opposed to :term:`Facts`, variables are names of values (they can
+ be simple scalar values -- integers, booleans, strings) or complex
+ ones (dictionaries/hashes, lists) that can be used in templates and
+ :term:`playbooks`. They are declared things, not things that are
+ inferred from the remote system's current state or nature (which is
+ what Facts are).
+ Ansible does not want to force people to write programming language
+ code to automate infrastructure, so Ansible uses YAML to define
+ :term:`playbook <playbooks>` configuration languages and also variable
+ files. YAML is nice because it has a minimum of syntax and is very
+ clean and easy for people to skim. It is a good data format for
+ configuration files and humans, but also machine readable. Ansible's
+ usage of YAML stemmed from Michael DeHaan's first use of it inside of
+ Cobbler around 2006. YAML is fairly popular in the dynamic language
+ community and the format has libraries available for serialization in
+ many languages (Python, Perl, Ruby, and so on).
+.. seealso::
+ :ref:`ansible_faq`
+ Frequently asked questions
+ :ref:`working_with_playbooks`
+ An introduction to playbooks
+ :ref:`playbooks_best_practices`
+ Tips and tricks for playbooks
+ `User Mailing List <>`_
+ Have a question? Stop by the google group!
+ :ref:`communication_irc`
+ How to join Ansible chat channels