path: root/test/integration/targets/ansible-doc/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 214 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/ansible-doc/ b/test/integration/targets/ansible-doc/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..887d3c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/targets/ansible-doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -eux
+ansible-playbook test.yml -i inventory "$@"
+# test keyword docs
+ansible-doc -t keyword -l | grep 'vars_prompt: list of variables to prompt for.'
+ansible-doc -t keyword vars_prompt | grep 'description: list of variables to prompt for.'
+ansible-doc -t keyword asldkfjaslidfhals 2>&1 | grep 'Skipping Invalid keyword'
+# collections testing
+cd "$(dirname "$0")"
+# test module docs from collection
+# we use sed to strip the module path from the first line
+current_out="$(ansible-doc --playbook-dir ./ testns.testcol.fakemodule | sed '1 s/\(^> TESTNS\.TESTCOL\.FAKEMODULE\).*(.*)$/\1/')"
+expected_out="$(sed '1 s/\(^> TESTNS\.TESTCOL\.FAKEMODULE\).*(.*)$/\1/' fakemodule.output)"
+test "$current_out" == "$expected_out"
+# we use sed to strip the module path from the first line
+current_out="$(ansible-doc --playbook-dir ./ testns.testcol.randommodule | sed '1 s/\(^> TESTNS\.TESTCOL\.RANDOMMODULE\).*(.*)$/\1/')"
+expected_out="$(sed '1 s/\(^> TESTNS\.TESTCOL\.RANDOMMODULE\).*(.*)$/\1/' randommodule-text.output)"
+test "$current_out" == "$expected_out"
+# ensure we do work with valid collection name for list
+ansible-doc --list testns.testcol --playbook-dir ./ 2>&1 | grep -v "Invalid collection name"
+# ensure we dont break on invalid collection name for list
+ansible-doc --list testns.testcol.fakemodule --playbook-dir ./ 2>&1 | grep "Invalid collection name"
+# test listing diff plugin types from collection
+for ptype in cache inventory lookup vars filter module
+ # each plugin type adds 1 from collection
+ # FIXME pre=$(ansible-doc -l -t ${ptype}|wc -l)
+ # FIXME post=$(ansible-doc -l -t ${ptype} --playbook-dir ./|wc -l)
+ # FIXME test "$pre" -eq $((post - 1))
+ if [ "${ptype}" == "filter" ]; then
+ expected=5
+ expected_names=("b64decode" "filter_subdir.nested" "filter_subdir.noop" "noop" "ultimatequestion")
+ elif [ "${ptype}" == "module" ]; then
+ expected=4
+ expected_names=("fakemodule" "notrealmodule" "randommodule" "database.database_type.subdir_module")
+ else
+ expected=1
+ if [ "${ptype}" == "cache" ]; then expected_names=("notjsonfile");
+ elif [ "${ptype}" == "inventory" ]; then expected_names=("statichost");
+ elif [ "${ptype}" == "lookup" ]; then expected_names=("noop");
+ elif [ "${ptype}" == "vars" ]; then expected_names=("noop_vars_plugin"); fi
+ fi
+ # ensure we ONLY list from the collection
+ justcol=$(ansible-doc -l -t ${ptype} --playbook-dir ./ testns.testcol|wc -l)
+ test "$justcol" -eq "$expected"
+ # ensure the right names are displayed
+ list_result=$(ansible-doc -l -t ${ptype} --playbook-dir ./ testns.testcol)
+ metadata_result=$(ansible-doc --metadata-dump --no-fail-on-errors -t ${ptype} --playbook-dir ./ testns.testcol)
+ for name in "${expected_names[@]}"; do
+ echo "${list_result}" | grep "testns.testcol.${name}"
+ echo "${metadata_result}" | grep "testns.testcol.${name}"
+ done
+ # ensure we get error if passinginvalid collection, much less any plugins
+ ansible-doc -l -t ${ptype} testns.testcol 2>&1 | grep "unable to locate collection"
+ # TODO: do we want per namespace?
+ # ensure we get 1 plugins when restricting namespace
+ #justcol=$(ansible-doc -l -t ${ptype} --playbook-dir ./ testns|wc -l)
+ #test "$justcol" -eq 1
+#### test role functionality
+# Test role text output
+# we use sed to strip the role path from the first line
+current_role_out="$(ansible-doc -t role -r ./roles test_role1 | sed '1 s/\(^> TEST_ROLE1\).*(.*)$/\1/')"
+expected_role_out="$(sed '1 s/\(^> TEST_ROLE1\).*(.*)$/\1/' fakerole.output)"
+test "$current_role_out" == "$expected_role_out"
+# Two collection roles are defined, but only 1 has a role arg spec with 2 entry points
+output=$(ansible-doc -t role -l --playbook-dir . testns.testcol | wc -l)
+test "$output" -eq 2
+# Include normal roles (no collection filter)
+output=$(ansible-doc -t role -l --playbook-dir . | wc -l)
+test "$output" -eq 3
+# Test that a role in the playbook dir with the same name as a role in the
+# 'roles' subdir of the playbook dir does not appear (lower precedence).
+output=$(ansible-doc -t role -l --playbook-dir . | grep -c "test_role1 from roles subdir")
+test "$output" -eq 1
+output=$(ansible-doc -t role -l --playbook-dir . | grep -c "test_role1 from playbook dir" || true)
+test "$output" -eq 0
+# Test entry point filter
+current_role_out="$(ansible-doc -t role --playbook-dir . testns.testcol.testrole -e alternate| sed '1 s/\(^> TESTNS\.TESTCOL\.TESTROLE\).*(.*)$/\1/')"
+expected_role_out="$(sed '1 s/\(^> TESTNS\.TESTCOL\.TESTROLE\).*(.*)$/\1/' fakecollrole.output)"
+test "$current_role_out" == "$expected_role_out"
+#### test add_collection_to_versions_and_dates()
+current_out="$(ansible-doc --json --playbook-dir ./ testns.testcol.randommodule | sed 's/ *$//' | sed 's/ *"filename": "[^"]*",$//')"
+expected_out="$(sed 's/ *"filename": "[^"]*",$//' randommodule.output)"
+test "$current_out" == "$expected_out"
+current_out="$(ansible-doc --json --playbook-dir ./ -t cache testns.testcol.notjsonfile | sed 's/ *$//' | sed 's/ *"filename": "[^"]*",$//')"
+expected_out="$(sed 's/ *"filename": "[^"]*",$//' notjsonfile.output)"
+test "$current_out" == "$expected_out"
+current_out="$(ansible-doc --json --playbook-dir ./ -t lookup testns.testcol.noop | sed 's/ *$//' | sed 's/ *"filename": "[^"]*",$//')"
+expected_out="$(sed 's/ *"filename": "[^"]*",$//' noop.output)"
+test "$current_out" == "$expected_out"
+current_out="$(ansible-doc --json --playbook-dir ./ -t vars testns.testcol.noop_vars_plugin | sed 's/ *$//' | sed 's/ *"filename": "[^"]*",$//')"
+expected_out="$(sed 's/ *"filename": "[^"]*",$//' noop_vars_plugin.output)"
+test "$current_out" == "$expected_out"
+# just ensure it runs
+ANSIBLE_LIBRARY='./nolibrary' ansible-doc --metadata-dump --playbook-dir /dev/null >/dev/null
+# create broken role argument spec
+mkdir -p broken-docs/collections/ansible_collections/testns/testcol/roles/testrole/meta
+cat <<EOF > broken-docs/collections/ansible_collections/testns/testcol/roles/testrole/meta/main.yml
+ main:
+ short_description: testns.testcol.testrole short description for main entry point
+ description:
+ - Longer description for testns.testcol.testrole main entry point.
+ author: Ansible Core (@ansible)
+ options:
+ opt1:
+ description: opt1 description
+ broken:
+ type: "str"
+ required: true
+# ensure that --metadata-dump does not fail when --no-fail-on-errors is supplied
+ANSIBLE_LIBRARY='./nolibrary' ansible-doc --metadata-dump --no-fail-on-errors --playbook-dir broken-docs testns.testcol >/dev/null
+# ensure that --metadata-dump does fail when --no-fail-on-errors is not supplied
+output=$(ANSIBLE_LIBRARY='./nolibrary' ansible-doc --metadata-dump --playbook-dir broken-docs testns.testcol 2>&1 | grep -c 'ERROR!' || true)
+test "${output}" -eq 1
+# ensure we list the 'legacy plugins'
+[ "$(ansible-doc -M ./library -l ansible.legacy |wc -l)" -gt "0" ]
+# playbook dir should work the same
+[ "$(ansible-doc -l ansible.legacy --playbook-dir ./|wc -l)" -gt "0" ]
+# see that we show undocumented when missing docs
+[ "$(ansible-doc -M ./library -l ansible.legacy |grep -c UNDOCUMENTED)" == "6" ]
+# ensure filtering works and does not include any 'test_' modules
+[ "$(ansible-doc -M ./library -l ansible.builtin |grep -c test_)" == 0 ]
+[ "$(ansible-doc --playbook-dir ./ -l ansible.builtin |grep -c test_)" == 0 ]
+# ensure filtering still shows modules
+count=$(ANSIBLE_LIBRARY='./nolibrary' ansible-doc -l ansible.builtin |wc -l)
+[ "${count}" -gt "0" ]
+[ "$(ansible-doc -M ./library -l ansible.builtin |wc -l)" == "${count}" ]
+[ "$(ansible-doc --playbook-dir ./ -l ansible.builtin |wc -l)" == "${count}" ]
+# produce 'sidecar' docs for test
+[ "$(ansible-doc -t test --playbook-dir ./ testns.testcol.yolo| wc -l)" -gt "0" ]
+[ "$(ansible-doc -t filter --playbook-dir ./ donothing| wc -l)" -gt "0" ]
+[ "$(ansible-doc -t filter --playbook-dir ./ ansible.legacy.donothing| wc -l)" -gt "0" ]
+# no docs and no sidecar
+ansible-doc -t filter --playbook-dir ./ nodocs 2>&1| grep -c 'missing documentation' || true
+# produce 'sidecar' docs for module
+[ "$(ansible-doc -M ./library test_win_module| wc -l)" -gt "0" ]
+[ "$(ansible-doc --playbook-dir ./ test_win_module| wc -l)" -gt "0" ]
+# test 'double DOCUMENTATION' use
+[ "$(ansible-doc --playbook-dir ./ double_doc| wc -l)" -gt "0" ]
+# don't break on module dir
+ansible-doc --list --module-path ./modules > /dev/null
+# ensure we dedupe by fqcn and not base name
+[ "$(ansible-doc -l -t filter --playbook-dir ./ |grep -c 'b64decode')" -eq "3" ]
+# ensure we don't show duplicates for plugins that only exist in ansible.builtin when listing ansible.legacy plugins
+[ "$(ansible-doc -l -t filter --playbook-dir ./ |grep -c 'b64encode')" -eq "1" ]
+# with playbook dir, legacy should override
+ansible-doc -t filter split --playbook-dir ./ |grep histerical
+trap 'rm -rf "$pyc_1" "$pyc_2"' EXIT
+# test pyc files are not used as adjacent documentation
+python -c "import py_compile; py_compile.compile('$pyc_src', cfile='$pyc_1')"
+ansible-doc -t filter split --playbook-dir ./ |grep histerical
+# test pyc files are not listed as plugins
+python -c "import py_compile; py_compile.compile('$pyc_src', cfile='$pyc_2')"
+test "$(ansible-doc -l -t module --playbook-dir ./ 2>&1 1>/dev/null |grep -c "notaplugin")" == 0
+# without playbook dir, builtin should return
+ansible-doc -t filter split |grep -v histerical