path: root/test/integration/targets/module_utils_Ansible.Privilege/library/ansible_privilege_tests.ps1
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Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 278 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/module_utils_Ansible.Privilege/library/ansible_privilege_tests.ps1 b/test/integration/targets/module_utils_Ansible.Privilege/library/ansible_privilege_tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58ee9c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/targets/module_utils_Ansible.Privilege/library/ansible_privilege_tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+#AnsibleRequires -CSharpUtil Ansible.Basic
+#Ansiblerequires -CSharpUtil Ansible.Privilege
+$module = [Ansible.Basic.AnsibleModule]::Create($args, @{})
+Function Assert-Equal {
+ param(
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)][AllowNull()]$Actual,
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)][AllowNull()]$Expected
+ )
+ process {
+ $matched = $false
+ if ($Actual -is [System.Collections.ArrayList] -or $Actual -is [Array]) {
+ $Actual.Count | Assert-Equal -Expected $Expected.Count
+ for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Actual.Count; $i++) {
+ $actual_value = $Actual[$i]
+ $expected_value = $Expected[$i]
+ Assert-Equal -Actual $actual_value -Expected $expected_value
+ }
+ $matched = $true
+ }
+ else {
+ $matched = $Actual -ceq $Expected
+ }
+ if (-not $matched) {
+ if ($Actual -is [PSObject]) {
+ $Actual = $Actual.ToString()
+ }
+ $call_stack = (Get-PSCallStack)[1]
+ $module.Result.test = $test
+ $module.Result.actual = $Actual
+ $module.Result.expected = $Expected
+ $module.Result.line = $call_stack.ScriptLineNumber
+ $module.Result.method = $call_stack.Position.Text
+ $module.FailJson("AssertionError: actual != expected")
+ }
+ }
+Function Assert-DictionaryEqual {
+ param(
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)][AllowNull()]$Actual,
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)][AllowNull()]$Expected
+ )
+ process {
+ $actual_keys = $Actual.Keys
+ $expected_keys = $Expected.Keys
+ $actual_keys.Count | Assert-Equal -Expected $expected_keys.Count
+ foreach ($actual_entry in $Actual.GetEnumerator()) {
+ $actual_key = $actual_entry.Key
+ ($actual_key -cin $expected_keys) | Assert-Equal -Expected $true
+ $actual_value = $actual_entry.Value
+ $expected_value = $Expected.$actual_key
+ if ($actual_value -is [System.Collections.IDictionary]) {
+ $actual_value | Assert-DictionaryEqual -Expected $expected_value
+ }
+ elseif ($actual_value -is [System.Collections.ArrayList]) {
+ for ($i = 0; $i -lt $actual_value.Count; $i++) {
+ $actual_entry = $actual_value[$i]
+ $expected_entry = $expected_value[$i]
+ if ($actual_entry -is [System.Collections.IDictionary]) {
+ $actual_entry | Assert-DictionaryEqual -Expected $expected_entry
+ }
+ else {
+ Assert-Equal -Actual $actual_entry -Expected $expected_entry
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ Assert-Equal -Actual $actual_value -Expected $expected_value
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($expected_key in $expected_keys) {
+ ($expected_key -cin $actual_keys) | Assert-Equal -Expected $true
+ }
+ }
+$process = [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeUtil]::GetCurrentProcess()
+$tests = @{
+ "Check valid privilege name" = {
+ $actual = [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeUtil]::CheckPrivilegeName("SeTcbPrivilege")
+ $actual | Assert-Equal -Expected $true
+ }
+ "Check invalid privilege name" = {
+ $actual = [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeUtil]::CheckPrivilegeName("SeFake")
+ $actual | Assert-Equal -Expected $false
+ }
+ "Disable a privilege" = {
+ # Ensure the privilege is enabled at the start
+ [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeUtil]::EnablePrivilege($process, "SeTimeZonePrivilege") > $null
+ $actual = [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeUtil]::DisablePrivilege($process, "SeTimeZonePrivilege")
+ $actual.GetType().Name | Assert-Equal -Expected 'Dictionary`2'
+ $actual.Count | Assert-Equal -Expected 1
+ $actual.SeTimeZonePrivilege | Assert-Equal -Expected $true
+ # Disable again
+ $actual = [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeUtil]::DisablePrivilege($process, "SeTimeZonePrivilege")
+ $actual.GetType().Name | Assert-Equal -Expected 'Dictionary`2'
+ $actual.Count | Assert-Equal -Expected 0
+ }
+ "Enable a privilege" = {
+ # Ensure the privilege is disabled at the start
+ [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeUtil]::DisablePrivilege($process, "SeTimeZonePrivilege") > $null
+ $actual = [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeUtil]::EnablePrivilege($process, "SeTimeZonePrivilege")
+ $actual.GetType().Name | Assert-Equal -Expected 'Dictionary`2'
+ $actual.Count | Assert-Equal -Expected 1
+ $actual.SeTimeZonePrivilege | Assert-Equal -Expected $false
+ # Disable again
+ $actual = [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeUtil]::EnablePrivilege($process, "SeTimeZonePrivilege")
+ $actual.GetType().Name | Assert-Equal -Expected 'Dictionary`2'
+ $actual.Count | Assert-Equal -Expected 0
+ }
+ "Disable and revert privileges" = {
+ $current_state = [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeUtil]::GetAllPrivilegeInfo($process)
+ $previous_state = [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeUtil]::DisableAllPrivileges($process)
+ $previous_state.GetType().Name | Assert-Equal -Expected 'Dictionary`2'
+ foreach ($previous_state_entry in $previous_state.GetEnumerator()) {
+ $previous_state_entry.Value | Assert-Equal -Expected $true
+ }
+ # Disable again
+ $previous_state2 = [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeUtil]::DisableAllPrivileges($process)
+ $previous_state2.Count | Assert-Equal -Expected 0
+ $actual = [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeUtil]::GetAllPrivilegeInfo($process)
+ foreach ($actual_entry in $actual.GetEnumerator()) {
+ $actual_entry.Value -band [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeAttributes]::Enabled | Assert-Equal -Expected 0
+ }
+ [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeUtil]::SetTokenPrivileges($process, $previous_state) > $null
+ $actual = [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeUtil]::GetAllPrivilegeInfo($process)
+ $actual | Assert-DictionaryEqual -Expected $current_state
+ }
+ "Remove a privilege" = {
+ [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeUtil]::RemovePrivilege($process, "SeUndockPrivilege") > $null
+ $actual = [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeUtil]::GetAllPrivilegeInfo($process)
+ $actual.ContainsKey("SeUndockPrivilege") | Assert-Equal -Expected $false
+ }
+ "Test Enabler" = {
+ # Disable privilege at the start
+ $new_state = @{
+ SeTimeZonePrivilege = $false
+ SeShutdownPrivilege = $false
+ SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege = $false
+ }
+ [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeUtil]::SetTokenPrivileges($process, $new_state) > $null
+ $check_state = [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeUtil]::GetAllPrivilegeInfo($process)
+ $check_state.SeTimeZonePrivilege -band [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeAttributes]::Enabled | Assert-Equal -Expected 0
+ $check_state.SeShutdownPrivilege -band [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeAttributes]::Enabled | Assert-Equal -Expected 0
+ $check_state.SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege -band [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeAttributes]::Enabled | Assert-Equal -Expected 0
+ # Check that strict = false won't validate privileges not held but activates the ones we want
+ $enabler = New-Object -TypeName Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeEnabler -ArgumentList $false, "SeTimeZonePrivilege", "SeShutdownPrivilege", "SeTcbPrivilege"
+ $actual = [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeUtil]::GetAllPrivilegeInfo($process)
+ $actual.SeTimeZonePrivilege -band [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeAttributes]::Enabled |
+ Assert-Equal -Expected ([Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeAttributes]::Enabled)
+ $actual.SeShutdownPrivilege -band [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeAttributes]::Enabled |
+ Assert-Equal -Expected ([Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeAttributes]::Enabled)
+ $actual.SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege -band [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeAttributes]::Enabled | Assert-Equal -Expected 0
+ $actual.ContainsKey("SeTcbPrivilege") | Assert-Equal -Expected $false
+ # Now verify a no-op enabler will not rever back to disabled
+ $enabler2 = New-Object -TypeName Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeEnabler -ArgumentList $false, "SeTimeZonePrivilege", "SeShutdownPrivilege", "SeTcbPrivilege"
+ $enabler2.Dispose()
+ $actual = [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeUtil]::GetAllPrivilegeInfo($process)
+ $actual.SeTimeZonePrivilege -band [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeAttributes]::Enabled |
+ Assert-Equal -Expected ([Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeAttributes]::Enabled)
+ $actual.SeShutdownPrivilege -band [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeAttributes]::Enabled |
+ Assert-Equal -Expected ([Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeAttributes]::Enabled)
+ # Verify that when disposing the object the privileges are reverted
+ $enabler.Dispose()
+ $actual = [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeUtil]::GetAllPrivilegeInfo($process)
+ $actual.SeTimeZonePrivilege -band [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeAttributes]::Enabled | Assert-Equal -Expected 0
+ $actual.SeShutdownPrivilege -band [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeAttributes]::Enabled | Assert-Equal -Expected 0
+ }
+ "Test Enabler strict" = {
+ # Disable privilege at the start
+ $new_state = @{
+ SeTimeZonePrivilege = $false
+ SeShutdownPrivilege = $false
+ SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege = $false
+ }
+ [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeUtil]::SetTokenPrivileges($process, $new_state) > $null
+ $check_state = [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeUtil]::GetAllPrivilegeInfo($process)
+ $check_state.SeTimeZonePrivilege -band [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeAttributes]::Enabled | Assert-Equal -Expected 0
+ $check_state.SeShutdownPrivilege -band [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeAttributes]::Enabled | Assert-Equal -Expected 0
+ $check_state.SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege -band [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeAttributes]::Enabled | Assert-Equal -Expected 0
+ # Check that strict = false won't validate privileges not held but activates the ones we want
+ $enabler = New-Object -TypeName Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeEnabler -ArgumentList $true, "SeTimeZonePrivilege", "SeShutdownPrivilege"
+ $actual = [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeUtil]::GetAllPrivilegeInfo($process)
+ $actual.SeTimeZonePrivilege -band [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeAttributes]::Enabled |
+ Assert-Equal -Expected ([Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeAttributes]::Enabled)
+ $actual.SeShutdownPrivilege -band [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeAttributes]::Enabled |
+ Assert-Equal -Expected ([Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeAttributes]::Enabled)
+ $actual.SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege -band [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeAttributes]::Enabled | Assert-Equal -Expected 0
+ # Now verify a no-op enabler will not rever back to disabled
+ $enabler2 = New-Object -TypeName Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeEnabler -ArgumentList $true, "SeTimeZonePrivilege", "SeShutdownPrivilege"
+ $enabler2.Dispose()
+ $actual = [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeUtil]::GetAllPrivilegeInfo($process)
+ $actual.SeTimeZonePrivilege -band [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeAttributes]::Enabled |
+ Assert-Equal -Expected ([Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeAttributes]::Enabled)
+ $actual.SeShutdownPrivilege -band [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeAttributes]::Enabled |
+ Assert-Equal -Expected ([Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeAttributes]::Enabled)
+ # Verify that when disposing the object the privileges are reverted
+ $enabler.Dispose()
+ $actual = [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeUtil]::GetAllPrivilegeInfo($process)
+ $actual.SeTimeZonePrivilege -band [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeAttributes]::Enabled | Assert-Equal -Expected 0
+ $actual.SeShutdownPrivilege -band [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeAttributes]::Enabled | Assert-Equal -Expected 0
+ }
+ "Test Enabler invalid privilege" = {
+ $failed = $false
+ try {
+ New-Object -TypeName Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeEnabler -ArgumentList $false, "SeTimeZonePrivilege", "SeFake"
+ }
+ catch {
+ $failed = $true
+ $expected = "Failed to enable privilege(s) SeTimeZonePrivilege, SeFake (A specified privilege does not exist, Win32ErrorCode 1313)"
+ $_.Exception.InnerException.Message | Assert-Equal -Expected $expected
+ }
+ $failed | Assert-Equal -Expected $true
+ }
+ "Test Enabler strict failure" = {
+ # Start disabled
+ [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeUtil]::DisablePrivilege($process, "SeTimeZonePrivilege") > $null
+ $check_state = [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeUtil]::GetAllPrivilegeInfo($process)
+ $check_state.SeTimeZonePrivilege -band [Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeAttributes]::Enabled | Assert-Equal -Expected 0
+ $failed = $false
+ try {
+ New-Object -TypeName Ansible.Privilege.PrivilegeEnabler -ArgumentList $true, "SeTimeZonePrivilege", "SeTcbPrivilege"
+ }
+ catch {
+ $failed = $true
+ $expected = -join @(
+ "Failed to enable privilege(s) SeTimeZonePrivilege, SeTcbPrivilege "
+ "(Not all privileges or groups referenced are assigned to the caller, Win32ErrorCode 1300)"
+ )
+ $_.Exception.InnerException.Message | Assert-Equal -Expected $expected
+ }
+ $failed | Assert-Equal -Expected $true
+ }
+foreach ($test_impl in $tests.GetEnumerator()) {
+ $test = $test_impl.Key
+ &$test_impl.Value
+$ = "success"