path: root/test/lib/ansible_test/_internal/cli/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 612 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/lib/ansible_test/_internal/cli/ b/test/lib/ansible_test/_internal/cli/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5063715
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/lib/ansible_test/_internal/cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,612 @@
+"""Command line parsing for test environments."""
+from __future__ import annotations
+import argparse
+import enum
+import functools
+import typing as t
+from ..constants import (
+from ..util import (
+from ..completion import (
+ docker_completion,
+ network_completion,
+ remote_completion,
+ windows_completion,
+ filter_completion,
+from ..cli.argparsing import (
+ CompositeAction,
+ CompositeActionCompletionFinder,
+from ..cli.argparsing.actions import (
+ EnumAction,
+from ..cli.actions import (
+ DelegatedControllerAction,
+ NetworkSshTargetAction,
+ NetworkTargetAction,
+ OriginControllerAction,
+ PosixSshTargetAction,
+ PosixTargetAction,
+ SanityPythonTargetAction,
+ UnitsPythonTargetAction,
+ WindowsSshTargetAction,
+ WindowsTargetAction,
+from ..cli.compat import (
+ TargetMode,
+from ..config import (
+ TerminateMode,
+from .completers import (
+ complete_choices,
+ register_completer,
+from .converters import (
+ key_value_type,
+from .epilog import (
+ get_epilog,
+from import (
+ get_ci_provider,
+class ControllerMode(enum.Enum):
+ """Type of provisioning to use for the controller."""
+def add_environments(
+ parser: argparse.ArgumentParser,
+ completer: CompositeActionCompletionFinder,
+ controller_mode: ControllerMode,
+ target_mode: TargetMode,
+) -> None:
+ """Add arguments for the environments used to run ansible-test and commands it invokes."""
+ no_environment = controller_mode == ControllerMode.NO_DELEGATION and target_mode == TargetMode.NO_TARGETS
+ parser.set_defaults(no_environment=no_environment)
+ if no_environment:
+ return
+ parser.set_defaults(target_mode=target_mode)
+ add_global_options(parser, controller_mode)
+ add_legacy_environment_options(parser, controller_mode, target_mode)
+ action_types = add_composite_environment_options(parser, completer, controller_mode, target_mode)
+ sections = [f'{heading}\n{content}'
+ for action_type, documentation_state in CompositeAction.documentation_state.items() if action_type in action_types
+ for heading, content in documentation_state.sections.items()]
+ if not get_ci_provider().supports_core_ci_auth():
+ sections.append('Remote provisioning options have been hidden since no Ansible Core CI API key was found.')
+ sections.append(get_epilog(completer))
+ parser.formatter_class = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
+ parser.epilog = '\n\n'.join(sections)
+def add_global_options(
+ parser: argparse.ArgumentParser,
+ controller_mode: ControllerMode,
+ """Add global options for controlling the test environment that work with both the legacy and composite options."""
+ global_parser = t.cast(argparse.ArgumentParser, parser.add_argument_group(title='global environment arguments'))
+ global_parser.add_argument(
+ '--containers',
+ metavar='JSON',
+ help=argparse.SUPPRESS,
+ )
+ global_parser.add_argument(
+ '--pypi-proxy',
+ action='store_true',
+ help=argparse.SUPPRESS,
+ )
+ global_parser.add_argument(
+ '--pypi-endpoint',
+ metavar='URI',
+ help=argparse.SUPPRESS,
+ )
+ global_parser.add_argument(
+ '--requirements',
+ action='store_true',
+ default=False,
+ help='install command requirements',
+ )
+ global_parser.add_argument(
+ '--no-pip-check',
+ action='store_true',
+ help=argparse.SUPPRESS, # deprecated, kept for now (with a warning) for backwards compatibility
+ )
+ add_global_remote(global_parser, controller_mode)
+ add_global_docker(global_parser, controller_mode)
+def add_composite_environment_options(
+ parser: argparse.ArgumentParser,
+ completer: CompositeActionCompletionFinder,
+ controller_mode: ControllerMode,
+ target_mode: TargetMode,
+) -> list[t.Type[CompositeAction]]:
+ """Add composite options for controlling the test environment."""
+ composite_parser = t.cast(argparse.ArgumentParser, parser.add_argument_group(
+ title='composite environment arguments (mutually exclusive with "environment arguments" above)'))
+ composite_parser.add_argument(
+ '--host-path',
+ help=argparse.SUPPRESS,
+ )
+ action_types: list[t.Type[CompositeAction]] = []
+ def register_action_type(action_type: t.Type[CompositeAction]) -> t.Type[CompositeAction]:
+ """Register the provided composite action type and return it."""
+ action_types.append(action_type)
+ return action_type
+ if controller_mode == ControllerMode.NO_DELEGATION:
+ composite_parser.set_defaults(controller=None)
+ else:
+ register_completer(composite_parser.add_argument(
+ '--controller',
+ metavar='OPT',
+ action=register_action_type(DelegatedControllerAction if controller_mode == ControllerMode.DELEGATED else OriginControllerAction),
+ help='configuration for the controller',
+ ), completer.completer)
+ if target_mode == TargetMode.NO_TARGETS:
+ composite_parser.set_defaults(targets=[])
+ elif target_mode == TargetMode.SHELL:
+ group = composite_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+ register_completer(group.add_argument(
+ '--target-posix',
+ metavar='OPT',
+ action=register_action_type(PosixSshTargetAction),
+ help='configuration for the target',
+ ), completer.completer)
+ suppress = None if get_ci_provider().supports_core_ci_auth() else argparse.SUPPRESS
+ register_completer(group.add_argument(
+ '--target-windows',
+ metavar='OPT',
+ action=WindowsSshTargetAction if suppress else register_action_type(WindowsSshTargetAction),
+ help=suppress or 'configuration for the target',
+ ), completer.completer)
+ register_completer(group.add_argument(
+ '--target-network',
+ metavar='OPT',
+ action=NetworkSshTargetAction if suppress else register_action_type(NetworkSshTargetAction),
+ help=suppress or 'configuration for the target',
+ ), completer.completer)
+ else:
+ if target_mode.multiple_pythons:
+ target_option = '--target-python'
+ target_help = 'configuration for the target python interpreter(s)'
+ elif target_mode == TargetMode.POSIX_INTEGRATION:
+ target_option = '--target'
+ target_help = 'configuration for the target'
+ else:
+ target_option = '--target'
+ target_help = 'configuration for the target(s)'
+ target_actions = {
+ TargetMode.POSIX_INTEGRATION: PosixTargetAction,
+ TargetMode.WINDOWS_INTEGRATION: WindowsTargetAction,
+ TargetMode.NETWORK_INTEGRATION: NetworkTargetAction,
+ TargetMode.SANITY: SanityPythonTargetAction,
+ TargetMode.UNITS: UnitsPythonTargetAction,
+ }
+ target_action = target_actions[target_mode]
+ register_completer(composite_parser.add_argument(
+ target_option,
+ metavar='OPT',
+ action=register_action_type(target_action),
+ help=target_help,
+ ), completer.completer)
+ return action_types
+def add_legacy_environment_options(
+ parser: argparse.ArgumentParser,
+ controller_mode: ControllerMode,
+ target_mode: TargetMode,
+ """Add legacy options for controlling the test environment."""
+ environment: argparse.ArgumentParser = parser.add_argument_group( # type: ignore[assignment] # real type private
+ title='environment arguments (mutually exclusive with "composite environment arguments" below)')
+ add_environments_python(environment, target_mode)
+ add_environments_host(environment, controller_mode, target_mode)
+def add_environments_python(
+ environments_parser: argparse.ArgumentParser,
+ target_mode: TargetMode,
+) -> None:
+ """Add environment arguments to control the Python version(s) used."""
+ python_versions: tuple[str, ...]
+ if target_mode.has_python:
+ else:
+ environments_parser.add_argument(
+ '--python',
+ metavar='X.Y',
+ choices=python_versions + ('default',),
+ help='python version: %s' % ', '.join(python_versions),
+ )
+ environments_parser.add_argument(
+ '--python-interpreter',
+ metavar='PATH',
+ help='path to the python interpreter',
+ )
+def add_environments_host(
+ environments_parser: argparse.ArgumentParser,
+ controller_mode: ControllerMode,
+ target_mode: TargetMode,
+) -> None:
+ """Add environment arguments for the given host and argument modes."""
+ environments_exclusive_group: argparse.ArgumentParser = environments_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() # type: ignore[assignment] # real type private
+ add_environment_local(environments_exclusive_group)
+ add_environment_venv(environments_exclusive_group, environments_parser)
+ if controller_mode == ControllerMode.DELEGATED:
+ add_environment_remote(environments_exclusive_group, environments_parser, target_mode)
+ add_environment_docker(environments_exclusive_group, environments_parser, target_mode)
+ if target_mode == TargetMode.WINDOWS_INTEGRATION:
+ add_environment_windows(environments_parser)
+ if target_mode == TargetMode.NETWORK_INTEGRATION:
+ add_environment_network(environments_parser)
+def add_environment_network(
+ environments_parser: argparse.ArgumentParser,
+) -> None:
+ """Add environment arguments for running on a windows host."""
+ register_completer(environments_parser.add_argument(
+ '--platform',
+ metavar='PLATFORM',
+ action='append',
+ help='network platform/version',
+ ), complete_network_platform)
+ register_completer(environments_parser.add_argument(
+ '--platform-collection',
+ type=key_value_type,
+ action='append',
+ help='collection used to test platform',
+ ), complete_network_platform_collection)
+ register_completer(environments_parser.add_argument(
+ '--platform-connection',
+ type=key_value_type,
+ action='append',
+ help='connection used to test platform',
+ ), complete_network_platform_connection)
+ environments_parser.add_argument(
+ '--inventory',
+ metavar='PATH',
+ help='path to inventory used for tests',
+ )
+def add_environment_windows(
+ environments_parser: argparse.ArgumentParser,
+) -> None:
+ """Add environment arguments for running on a windows host."""
+ register_completer(environments_parser.add_argument(
+ '--windows',
+ metavar='VERSION',
+ action='append',
+ help='windows version',
+ ), complete_windows)
+ environments_parser.add_argument(
+ '--inventory',
+ metavar='PATH',
+ help='path to inventory used for tests',
+ )
+def add_environment_local(
+ exclusive_parser: argparse.ArgumentParser,
+) -> None:
+ """Add environment arguments for running on the local (origin) host."""
+ exclusive_parser.add_argument(
+ '--local',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='run from the local environment',
+ )
+def add_environment_venv(
+ exclusive_parser: argparse.ArgumentParser,
+ environments_parser: argparse.ArgumentParser,
+) -> None:
+ """Add environment arguments for running in ansible-test managed virtual environments."""
+ exclusive_parser.add_argument(
+ '--venv',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='run from a virtual environment',
+ )
+ environments_parser.add_argument(
+ '--venv-system-site-packages',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='enable system site packages')
+def add_global_docker(
+ parser: argparse.ArgumentParser,
+ controller_mode: ControllerMode,
+) -> None:
+ """Add global options for Docker."""
+ if controller_mode != ControllerMode.DELEGATED:
+ parser.set_defaults(
+ docker_no_pull=False,
+ docker_network=None,
+ docker_terminate=None,
+ prime_containers=False,
+ dev_systemd_debug=False,
+ dev_probe_cgroups=None,
+ )
+ return
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--docker-no-pull',
+ action='store_true',
+ help=argparse.SUPPRESS, # deprecated, kept for now (with a warning) for backwards compatibility
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--docker-network',
+ metavar='NET',
+ help='run using the specified network',
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--docker-terminate',
+ metavar='T',
+ default=TerminateMode.ALWAYS,
+ type=TerminateMode,
+ action=EnumAction,
+ help='terminate the container: %(choices)s (default: %(default)s)',
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--prime-containers',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='download containers without running tests',
+ )
+ # Docker support isn't related to ansible-core-ci.
+ # However, ansible-core-ci support is a reasonable indicator that the user may need the `--dev-*` options.
+ suppress = None if get_ci_provider().supports_core_ci_auth() else argparse.SUPPRESS
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--dev-systemd-debug',
+ action='store_true',
+ help=suppress or 'enable systemd debugging in containers',
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--dev-probe-cgroups',
+ metavar='DIR',
+ nargs='?',
+ const='',
+ help=suppress or 'probe container cgroups, with optional log dir',
+ )
+def add_environment_docker(
+ exclusive_parser: argparse.ArgumentParser,
+ environments_parser: argparse.ArgumentParser,
+ target_mode: TargetMode,
+) -> None:
+ """Add environment arguments for running in docker containers."""
+ if target_mode in (TargetMode.POSIX_INTEGRATION, TargetMode.SHELL):
+ docker_images = sorted(filter_completion(docker_completion()))
+ else:
+ docker_images = sorted(filter_completion(docker_completion(), controller_only=True))
+ register_completer(exclusive_parser.add_argument(
+ '--docker',
+ metavar='IMAGE',
+ nargs='?',
+ const='default',
+ help='run from a docker container',
+ ), functools.partial(complete_choices, docker_images))
+ environments_parser.add_argument(
+ '--docker-privileged',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='run docker container in privileged mode',
+ )
+ environments_parser.add_argument(
+ '--docker-seccomp',
+ metavar='SC',
+ help='set seccomp confinement for the test container: %(choices)s',
+ )
+ environments_parser.add_argument(
+ '--docker-memory',
+ metavar='INT',
+ type=int,
+ help='memory limit for docker in bytes',
+ )
+def add_global_remote(
+ parser: argparse.ArgumentParser,
+ controller_mode: ControllerMode,
+) -> None:
+ """Add global options for remote instances."""
+ if controller_mode != ControllerMode.DELEGATED:
+ parser.set_defaults(
+ remote_stage=None,
+ remote_endpoint=None,
+ remote_terminate=None,
+ )
+ return
+ suppress = None if get_ci_provider().supports_core_ci_auth() else argparse.SUPPRESS
+ register_completer(parser.add_argument(
+ '--remote-stage',
+ metavar='STAGE',
+ default='prod',
+ help=suppress or 'remote stage to use: prod, dev',
+ ), complete_remote_stage)
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--remote-endpoint',
+ metavar='EP',
+ help=suppress or 'remote provisioning endpoint to use',
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--remote-terminate',
+ metavar='T',
+ default=TerminateMode.NEVER,
+ type=TerminateMode,
+ action=EnumAction,
+ help=suppress or 'terminate the remote instance: %(choices)s (default: %(default)s)',
+ )
+def add_environment_remote(
+ exclusive_parser: argparse.ArgumentParser,
+ environments_parser: argparse.ArgumentParser,
+ target_mode: TargetMode,
+) -> None:
+ """Add environment arguments for running in ansible-core-ci provisioned remote virtual machines."""
+ if target_mode == TargetMode.POSIX_INTEGRATION:
+ remote_platforms = get_remote_platform_choices()
+ elif target_mode == TargetMode.SHELL:
+ remote_platforms = sorted(set(get_remote_platform_choices()) | set(get_windows_platform_choices()))
+ else:
+ remote_platforms = get_remote_platform_choices(True)
+ suppress = None if get_ci_provider().supports_core_ci_auth() else argparse.SUPPRESS
+ register_completer(exclusive_parser.add_argument(
+ '--remote',
+ metavar='NAME',
+ help=suppress or 'run from a remote instance',
+ ), functools.partial(complete_choices, remote_platforms))
+ environments_parser.add_argument(
+ '--remote-provider',
+ metavar='PR',
+ help=suppress or 'remote provider to use: %(choices)s',
+ )
+ environments_parser.add_argument(
+ '--remote-arch',
+ metavar='ARCH',
+ help=suppress or 'remote arch to use: %(choices)s',
+ )
+def complete_remote_stage(prefix: str, **_) -> list[str]:
+ """Return a list of supported stages matching the given prefix."""
+ return [stage for stage in ('prod', 'dev') if stage.startswith(prefix)]
+def complete_windows(prefix: str, parsed_args: argparse.Namespace, **_) -> list[str]:
+ """Return a list of supported Windows versions matching the given prefix, excluding versions already parsed from the command line."""
+ return [i for i in get_windows_version_choices() if i.startswith(prefix) and (not or i not in]
+def complete_network_platform(prefix: str, parsed_args: argparse.Namespace, **_) -> list[str]:
+ """Return a list of supported network platforms matching the given prefix, excluding platforms already parsed from the command line."""
+ images = sorted(filter_completion(network_completion()))
+ return [i for i in images if i.startswith(prefix) and (not parsed_args.platform or i not in parsed_args.platform)]
+def complete_network_platform_collection(prefix: str, parsed_args: argparse.Namespace, **_) -> list[str]:
+ """Return a list of supported network platforms matching the given prefix, excluding collection platforms already parsed from the command line."""
+ left = prefix.split('=')[0]
+ images = sorted(set(image.platform for image in filter_completion(network_completion()).values()))
+ return [i + '=' for i in images if i.startswith(left) and (not parsed_args.platform_collection or i not in [x[0] for x in parsed_args.platform_collection])]
+def complete_network_platform_connection(prefix: str, parsed_args: argparse.Namespace, **_) -> list[str]:
+ """Return a list of supported network platforms matching the given prefix, excluding connection platforms already parsed from the command line."""
+ left = prefix.split('=')[0]
+ images = sorted(set(image.platform for image in filter_completion(network_completion()).values()))
+ return [i + '=' for i in images if i.startswith(left) and (not parsed_args.platform_connection or i not in [x[0] for x in parsed_args.platform_connection])]
+def get_remote_platform_choices(controller: bool = False) -> list[str]:
+ """Return a list of supported remote platforms matching the given prefix."""
+ return sorted(filter_completion(remote_completion(), controller_only=controller))
+def get_windows_platform_choices() -> list[str]:
+ """Return a list of supported Windows versions matching the given prefix."""
+ return sorted(f'windows/{windows.version}' for windows in filter_completion(windows_completion()).values())
+def get_windows_version_choices() -> list[str]:
+ """Return a list of supported Windows versions."""
+ return sorted(windows.version for windows in filter_completion(windows_completion()).values())