path: root/test/lib/ansible_test/_internal/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 353 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/lib/ansible_test/_internal/ b/test/lib/ansible_test/_internal/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..372c23a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/lib/ansible_test/_internal/
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+"""Configuration classes."""
+from __future__ import annotations
+import dataclasses
+import enum
+import os
+import sys
+import typing as t
+from .util import (
+ display,
+ verify_sys_executable,
+ version_to_str,
+ type_guard,
+from .util_common import (
+ CommonConfig,
+from .metadata import (
+ Metadata,
+from .data import (
+ data_context,
+from .host_configs import (
+ ControllerConfig,
+ ControllerHostConfig,
+ HostConfig,
+ HostSettings,
+ OriginConfig,
+ PythonConfig,
+ VirtualPythonConfig,
+THostConfig = t.TypeVar('THostConfig', bound=HostConfig)
+class TerminateMode(enum.Enum):
+ """When to terminate instances."""
+ def __str__(self):
+ return
+class ModulesConfig:
+ """Configuration for modules."""
+ python_requires: str
+ python_versions: tuple[str, ...]
+ controller_only: bool
+class ContentConfig:
+ """Configuration for all content."""
+ modules: ModulesConfig
+ python_versions: tuple[str, ...]
+ py2_support: bool
+class EnvironmentConfig(CommonConfig):
+ """Configuration common to all commands which execute in an environment."""
+ def __init__(self, args: t.Any, command: str) -> None:
+ super().__init__(args, command)
+ self.host_settings: HostSettings = args.host_settings
+ self.host_path: t.Optional[str] = args.host_path
+ self.containers: t.Optional[str] = args.containers
+ self.pypi_proxy: bool = args.pypi_proxy
+ self.pypi_endpoint: t.Optional[str] = args.pypi_endpoint
+ # Populated by content_config.get_content_config on the origin.
+ # Serialized and passed to delegated instances to avoid parsing a second time.
+ self.content_config: t.Optional[ContentConfig] = None
+ # Set by check_controller_python once HostState has been created by prepare_profiles.
+ # This is here for convenience, to avoid needing to pass HostState to some functions which already have access to EnvironmentConfig.
+ self.controller_python: t.Optional[PythonConfig] = None
+ """
+ The Python interpreter used by the controller.
+ Only available after delegation has been performed or skipped (if delegation is not required).
+ """
+ if self.host_path:
+ self.delegate = False
+ else:
+ self.delegate = (
+ not isinstance(self.controller, OriginConfig)
+ or isinstance(self.controller.python, VirtualPythonConfig)
+ or self.controller.python.version != version_to_str(sys.version_info[:2])
+ or bool(verify_sys_executable(self.controller.python.path))
+ )
+ self.docker_network: t.Optional[str] = args.docker_network
+ self.docker_terminate: t.Optional[TerminateMode] = args.docker_terminate
+ self.remote_endpoint: t.Optional[str] = args.remote_endpoint
+ self.remote_stage: t.Optional[str] = args.remote_stage
+ self.remote_terminate: t.Optional[TerminateMode] = args.remote_terminate
+ self.prime_containers: bool = args.prime_containers
+ self.requirements: bool = args.requirements
+ self.delegate_args: list[str] = []
+ self.dev_systemd_debug: bool = args.dev_systemd_debug
+ self.dev_probe_cgroups: t.Optional[str] = args.dev_probe_cgroups
+ def host_callback(files: list[tuple[str, str]]) -> None:
+ """Add the host files to the payload file list."""
+ config = self
+ if config.host_path:
+ settings_path = os.path.join(config.host_path, 'settings.dat')
+ state_path = os.path.join(config.host_path, 'state.dat')
+ config_path = os.path.join(config.host_path, 'config.dat')
+ files.append((os.path.abspath(settings_path), settings_path))
+ files.append((os.path.abspath(state_path), state_path))
+ files.append((os.path.abspath(config_path), config_path))
+ data_context().register_payload_callback(host_callback)
+ if args.docker_no_pull:
+ display.warning('The --docker-no-pull option is deprecated and has no effect. It will be removed in a future version of ansible-test.')
+ if args.no_pip_check:
+ display.warning('The --no-pip-check option is deprecated and has no effect. It will be removed in a future version of ansible-test.')
+ @property
+ def controller(self) -> ControllerHostConfig:
+ """Host configuration for the controller."""
+ return self.host_settings.controller
+ @property
+ def targets(self) -> list[HostConfig]:
+ """Host configuration for the targets."""
+ return self.host_settings.targets
+ def only_target(self, target_type: t.Type[THostConfig]) -> THostConfig:
+ """
+ Return the host configuration for the target.
+ Requires that there is exactly one target of the specified type.
+ """
+ targets = list(self.targets)
+ if len(targets) != 1:
+ raise Exception('There must be exactly one target.')
+ target = targets.pop()
+ if not isinstance(target, target_type):
+ raise Exception(f'Target is {type(target_type)} instead of {target_type}.')
+ return target
+ def only_targets(self, target_type: t.Type[THostConfig]) -> list[THostConfig]:
+ """
+ Return a list of target host configurations.
+ Requires that there are one or more targets, all the specified type.
+ """
+ if not self.targets:
+ raise Exception('There must be one or more targets.')
+ assert type_guard(self.targets, target_type)
+ return t.cast(list[THostConfig], self.targets)
+ @property
+ def target_type(self) -> t.Type[HostConfig]:
+ """
+ The true type of the target(s).
+ If the target is the controller, the controller type is returned.
+ Requires at least one target, and all targets must be of the same type.
+ """
+ target_types = set(type(target) for target in self.targets)
+ if len(target_types) != 1:
+ raise Exception('There must be one or more targets, all of the same type.')
+ target_type = target_types.pop()
+ if issubclass(target_type, ControllerConfig):
+ target_type = type(self.controller)
+ return target_type
+class TestConfig(EnvironmentConfig):
+ """Configuration common to all test commands."""
+ def __init__(self, args: t.Any, command: str) -> None:
+ super().__init__(args, command)
+ self.coverage: bool = args.coverage
+ self.coverage_check: bool = args.coverage_check
+ self.include: list[str] = args.include or []
+ self.exclude: list[str] = args.exclude or []
+ self.require: list[str] = args.require or []
+ self.changed: bool = args.changed
+ self.tracked: bool = args.tracked
+ self.untracked: bool = args.untracked
+ self.committed: bool = args.committed
+ self.staged: bool = args.staged
+ self.unstaged: bool = args.unstaged
+ self.changed_from: str = args.changed_from
+ self.changed_path: list[str] = args.changed_path
+ self.base_branch: str = args.base_branch
+ self.lint: bool = getattr(args, 'lint', False)
+ self.junit: bool = getattr(args, 'junit', False)
+ self.failure_ok: bool = getattr(args, 'failure_ok', False)
+ self.metadata = Metadata.from_file(args.metadata) if args.metadata else Metadata()
+ self.metadata_path: t.Optional[str] = None
+ if self.coverage_check:
+ self.coverage = True
+ def metadata_callback(files: list[tuple[str, str]]) -> None:
+ """Add the metadata file to the payload file list."""
+ config = self
+ if config.metadata_path:
+ files.append((os.path.abspath(config.metadata_path), config.metadata_path))
+ data_context().register_payload_callback(metadata_callback)
+class ShellConfig(EnvironmentConfig):
+ """Configuration for the shell command."""
+ def __init__(self, args: t.Any) -> None:
+ super().__init__(args, 'shell')
+ self.cmd: list[str] = args.cmd
+ self.raw: bool = args.raw
+ self.check_layout = self.delegate # allow shell to be used without a valid layout as long as no delegation is required
+ self.interactive = sys.stdin.isatty() and not args.cmd # delegation should only be interactive when stdin is a TTY and no command was given
+ self.export: t.Optional[str] = args.export
+ self.display_stderr = True
+class SanityConfig(TestConfig):
+ """Configuration for the sanity command."""
+ def __init__(self, args: t.Any) -> None:
+ super().__init__(args, 'sanity')
+ self.test: list[str] = args.test
+ self.skip_test: list[str] = args.skip_test
+ self.list_tests: bool = args.list_tests
+ self.allow_disabled: bool = args.allow_disabled
+ self.enable_optional_errors: bool = args.enable_optional_errors
+ self.keep_git: bool = args.keep_git
+ self.prime_venvs: bool = args.prime_venvs
+ self.display_stderr = self.lint or self.list_tests
+ if self.keep_git:
+ def git_callback(files: list[tuple[str, str]]) -> None:
+ """Add files from the content root .git directory to the payload file list."""
+ for dirpath, _dirnames, filenames in os.walk(os.path.join(data_context().content.root, '.git')):
+ paths = [os.path.join(dirpath, filename) for filename in filenames]
+ files.extend((path, os.path.relpath(path, data_context().content.root)) for path in paths)
+ data_context().register_payload_callback(git_callback)
+class IntegrationConfig(TestConfig):
+ """Configuration for the integration command."""
+ def __init__(self, args: t.Any, command: str) -> None:
+ super().__init__(args, command)
+ self.start_at: str = args.start_at
+ self.start_at_task: str = args.start_at_task
+ self.allow_destructive: bool = args.allow_destructive
+ self.allow_root: bool = args.allow_root
+ self.allow_disabled: bool = args.allow_disabled
+ self.allow_unstable: bool = args.allow_unstable
+ self.allow_unstable_changed: bool = args.allow_unstable_changed
+ self.allow_unsupported: bool = args.allow_unsupported
+ self.retry_on_error: bool = args.retry_on_error
+ self.continue_on_error: bool = args.continue_on_error
+ self.debug_strategy: bool = args.debug_strategy
+ self.changed_all_target: str = args.changed_all_target
+ self.changed_all_mode: str = args.changed_all_mode
+ self.list_targets: bool = args.list_targets
+ self.tags = args.tags
+ self.skip_tags = args.skip_tags
+ self.diff = args.diff
+ self.no_temp_workdir: bool = args.no_temp_workdir
+ self.no_temp_unicode: bool = args.no_temp_unicode
+ if self.list_targets:
+ self.explain = True
+ self.display_stderr = True
+ def get_ansible_config(self) -> str:
+ """Return the path to the Ansible config for the given config."""
+ ansible_config_relative_path = os.path.join(data_context().content.integration_path, '%s.cfg' % self.command)
+ ansible_config_path = os.path.join(data_context().content.root, ansible_config_relative_path)
+ if not os.path.exists(ansible_config_path):
+ # use the default empty configuration unless one has been provided
+ ansible_config_path = super().get_ansible_config()
+ return ansible_config_path
+TIntegrationConfig = t.TypeVar('TIntegrationConfig', bound=IntegrationConfig)
+class PosixIntegrationConfig(IntegrationConfig):
+ """Configuration for the posix integration command."""
+ def __init__(self, args: t.Any) -> None:
+ super().__init__(args, 'integration')
+class WindowsIntegrationConfig(IntegrationConfig):
+ """Configuration for the windows integration command."""
+ def __init__(self, args: t.Any) -> None:
+ super().__init__(args, 'windows-integration')
+class NetworkIntegrationConfig(IntegrationConfig):
+ """Configuration for the network integration command."""
+ def __init__(self, args: t.Any) -> None:
+ super().__init__(args, 'network-integration')
+ self.testcase: str = args.testcase
+class UnitsConfig(TestConfig):
+ """Configuration for the units command."""
+ def __init__(self, args: t.Any) -> None:
+ super().__init__(args, 'units')
+ self.collect_only: bool = args.collect_only
+ self.num_workers: int = args.num_workers
+ self.requirements_mode: str = getattr(args, 'requirements_mode', '')
+ if self.requirements_mode == 'only':
+ self.requirements = True
+ elif self.requirements_mode == 'skip':
+ self.requirements = False