path: root/test/lib/ansible_test/_internal/
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+"""Profiles to represent individual test hosts or a user-provided inventory file."""
+from __future__ import annotations
+import abc
+import dataclasses
+import os
+import shlex
+import tempfile
+import time
+import typing as t
+from .io import (
+ read_text_file,
+ write_text_file,
+from .config import (
+ CommonConfig,
+ EnvironmentConfig,
+ IntegrationConfig,
+ TerminateMode,
+from .host_configs import (
+ ControllerConfig,
+ ControllerHostConfig,
+ DockerConfig,
+ HostConfig,
+ NetworkInventoryConfig,
+ NetworkRemoteConfig,
+ OriginConfig,
+ PosixConfig,
+ PosixRemoteConfig,
+ PosixSshConfig,
+ PythonConfig,
+ RemoteConfig,
+ VirtualPythonConfig,
+ WindowsInventoryConfig,
+ WindowsRemoteConfig,
+from .core_ci import (
+ AnsibleCoreCI,
+ SshKey,
+ VmResource,
+from .util import (
+ ApplicationError,
+ SubprocessError,
+ cache,
+ display,
+ get_type_map,
+ sanitize_host_name,
+ sorted_versions,
+ InternalError,
+ HostConnectionError,
+from .util_common import (
+ get_docs_url,
+ intercept_python,
+from .docker_util import (
+ docker_exec,
+ docker_image_inspect,
+ docker_logs,
+ docker_pull,
+ docker_rm,
+ get_docker_hostname,
+ require_docker,
+ get_docker_info,
+ detect_host_properties,
+ run_utility_container,
+ SystemdControlGroupV1Status,
+from .bootstrap import (
+ BootstrapDocker,
+ BootstrapRemote,
+from .venv import (
+ get_virtual_python,
+from .ssh import (
+ SshConnectionDetail,
+from .ansible_util import (
+ ansible_environment,
+ get_hosts,
+ parse_inventory,
+from .containers import (
+ CleanupMode,
+ HostType,
+ get_container_database,
+ run_support_container,
+from .connections import (
+ Connection,
+ DockerConnection,
+ LocalConnection,
+ SshConnection,
+from .become import (
+ Become,
+ Sudo,
+from .completion import (
+ AuditMode,
+ CGroupVersion,
+from .dev.container_probe import (
+ CGroupMount,
+ CGroupPath,
+ CGroupState,
+ MountType,
+ check_container_cgroup_status,
+TControllerHostConfig = t.TypeVar('TControllerHostConfig', bound=ControllerHostConfig)
+THostConfig = t.TypeVar('THostConfig', bound=HostConfig)
+TPosixConfig = t.TypeVar('TPosixConfig', bound=PosixConfig)
+TRemoteConfig = t.TypeVar('TRemoteConfig', bound=RemoteConfig)
+class ControlGroupError(ApplicationError):
+ """Raised when the container host does not have the necessary cgroup support to run a container."""
+ def __init__(self, args: CommonConfig, reason: str) -> None:
+ engine = require_docker().command
+ dd_wsl2 = get_docker_info(args).docker_desktop_wsl2
+ message = f'''
+Run the following commands as root on the container host to resolve this issue:
+ mkdir /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd
+ mount cgroup -t cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd -o none,name=systemd,xattr
+ chown -R {{user}}:{{group}} /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd # only when rootless
+NOTE: These changes must be applied each time the container host is rebooted.
+ podman_message = '''
+ If rootless Podman is already running [1], you may need to stop it before
+ containers are able to use the new mount point.
+[1] Check for 'podman' and 'catatonit' processes.
+ dd_wsl_message = f'''
+ When using Docker Desktop with WSL2, additional configuration [1] is required.
+[1] {get_docs_url("")}
+ if engine == 'podman':
+ message += podman_message
+ elif dd_wsl2:
+ message += dd_wsl_message
+ message = message.strip()
+ super().__init__(message)
+class Inventory:
+ """Simple representation of an Ansible inventory."""
+ host_groups: dict[str, dict[str, dict[str, t.Union[str, int]]]]
+ extra_groups: t.Optional[dict[str, list[str]]] = None
+ @staticmethod
+ def create_single_host(name: str, variables: dict[str, t.Union[str, int]]) -> Inventory:
+ """Return an inventory instance created from the given hostname and variables."""
+ return Inventory(host_groups=dict(all={name: variables}))
+ def write(self, args: CommonConfig, path: str) -> None:
+ """Write the given inventory to the specified path on disk."""
+ # NOTE: Switching the inventory generation to write JSON would be nice, but is currently not possible due to the use of hard-coded inventory filenames.
+ # The name `inventory` works for the POSIX integration tests, but `inventory.winrm` and `inventory.networking` will only parse in INI format.
+ # If tests are updated to use the `INVENTORY_PATH` environment variable, then this could be changed.
+ # Also, some tests detect the test type by inspecting the suffix on the inventory filename, which would break if it were changed.
+ inventory_text = ''
+ for group, hosts in self.host_groups.items():
+ inventory_text += f'[{group}]\n'
+ for host, variables in hosts.items():
+ kvp = ' '.join(f'{key}="{value}"' for key, value in variables.items())
+ inventory_text += f'{host} {kvp}\n'
+ inventory_text += '\n'
+ for group, children in (self.extra_groups or {}).items():
+ inventory_text += f'[{group}]\n'
+ for child in children:
+ inventory_text += f'{child}\n'
+ inventory_text += '\n'
+ inventory_text = inventory_text.strip()
+ if not args.explain:
+ write_text_file(path, inventory_text + '\n')
+'>>> Inventory\n{inventory_text}', verbosity=3)
+class HostProfile(t.Generic[THostConfig], metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
+ """Base class for host profiles."""
+ def __init__(self,
+ *,
+ args: EnvironmentConfig,
+ config: THostConfig,
+ targets: t.Optional[list[HostConfig]],
+ ) -> None:
+ self.args = args
+ self.config = config
+ self.controller = bool(targets)
+ self.targets = targets or []
+ self.state: dict[str, t.Any] = {}
+ """State that must be persisted across delegation."""
+ self.cache: dict[str, t.Any] = {}
+ """Cache that must not be persisted across delegation."""
+ def provision(self) -> None:
+ """Provision the host before delegation."""
+ def setup(self) -> None:
+ """Perform out-of-band setup before delegation."""
+ def on_target_failure(self) -> None:
+ """Executed during failure handling if this profile is a target."""
+ def deprovision(self) -> None:
+ """Deprovision the host after delegation has completed."""
+ def wait(self) -> None:
+ """Wait for the instance to be ready. Executed before delegation for the controller and after delegation for targets."""
+ def configure(self) -> None:
+ """Perform in-band configuration. Executed before delegation for the controller and after delegation for targets."""
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ return {key: value for key, value in self.__dict__.items() if key not in ('args', 'cache')}
+ def __setstate__(self, state):
+ self.__dict__.update(state)
+ # args will be populated after the instances are restored
+ self.cache = {}
+class PosixProfile(HostProfile[TPosixConfig], metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
+ """Base class for POSIX host profiles."""
+ @property
+ def python(self) -> PythonConfig:
+ """
+ The Python to use for this profile.
+ If it is a virtual python, it will be created the first time it is requested.
+ """
+ python = self.state.get('python')
+ if not python:
+ python = self.config.python
+ if isinstance(python, VirtualPythonConfig):
+ python = get_virtual_python(self.args, python)
+ self.state['python'] = python
+ return python
+class ControllerHostProfile(PosixProfile[TControllerHostConfig], metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
+ """Base class for profiles usable as a controller."""
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def get_origin_controller_connection(self) -> Connection:
+ """Return a connection for accessing the host as a controller from the origin."""
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def get_working_directory(self) -> str:
+ """Return the working directory for the host."""
+class SshTargetHostProfile(HostProfile[THostConfig], metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
+ """Base class for profiles offering SSH connectivity."""
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def get_controller_target_connections(self) -> list[SshConnection]:
+ """Return SSH connection(s) for accessing the host as a target from the controller."""
+class RemoteProfile(SshTargetHostProfile[TRemoteConfig], metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
+ """Base class for remote instance profiles."""
+ @property
+ def core_ci_state(self) -> t.Optional[dict[str, str]]:
+ """The saved Ansible Core CI state."""
+ return self.state.get('core_ci')
+ @core_ci_state.setter
+ def core_ci_state(self, value: dict[str, str]) -> None:
+ """The saved Ansible Core CI state."""
+ self.state['core_ci'] = value
+ def provision(self) -> None:
+ """Provision the host before delegation."""
+ self.core_ci = self.create_core_ci(load=True)
+ self.core_ci.start()
+ self.core_ci_state =
+ def deprovision(self) -> None:
+ """Deprovision the host after delegation has completed."""
+ if self.args.remote_terminate == TerminateMode.ALWAYS or (self.args.remote_terminate == TerminateMode.SUCCESS and self.args.success):
+ self.delete_instance()
+ @property
+ def core_ci(self) -> t.Optional[AnsibleCoreCI]:
+ """Return the cached AnsibleCoreCI instance, if any, otherwise None."""
+ return self.cache.get('core_ci')
+ @core_ci.setter
+ def core_ci(self, value: AnsibleCoreCI) -> None:
+ """Cache the given AnsibleCoreCI instance."""
+ self.cache['core_ci'] = value
+ def get_instance(self) -> t.Optional[AnsibleCoreCI]:
+ """Return the current AnsibleCoreCI instance, loading it if not already loaded."""
+ if not self.core_ci and self.core_ci_state:
+ self.core_ci = self.create_core_ci(load=False)
+ self.core_ci.load(self.core_ci_state)
+ return self.core_ci
+ def delete_instance(self) -> None:
+ """Delete the AnsibleCoreCI VM instance."""
+ core_ci = self.get_instance()
+ if not core_ci:
+ return # instance has not been provisioned
+ core_ci.stop()
+ def wait_for_instance(self) -> AnsibleCoreCI:
+ """Wait for an AnsibleCoreCI VM instance to become ready."""
+ core_ci = self.get_instance()
+ core_ci.wait()
+ return core_ci
+ def create_core_ci(self, load: bool) -> AnsibleCoreCI:
+ """Create and return an AnsibleCoreCI instance."""
+ if not self.config.arch:
+ raise InternalError(f'No arch specified for config: {self.config}')
+ return AnsibleCoreCI(
+ args=self.args,
+ resource=VmResource(
+ platform=self.config.platform,
+ version=self.config.version,
+ architecture=self.config.arch,
+ provider=self.config.provider,
+ tag='controller' if self.controller else 'target',
+ ),
+ load=load,
+ )
+class ControllerProfile(SshTargetHostProfile[ControllerConfig], PosixProfile[ControllerConfig]):
+ """Host profile for the controller as a target."""
+ def get_controller_target_connections(self) -> list[SshConnection]:
+ """Return SSH connection(s) for accessing the host as a target from the controller."""
+ settings = SshConnectionDetail(
+ name='localhost',
+ host='localhost',
+ port=None,
+ user='root',
+ identity_file=SshKey(self.args).key,
+ python_interpreter=self.args.controller_python.path,
+ )
+ return [SshConnection(self.args, settings)]
+class DockerProfile(ControllerHostProfile[DockerConfig], SshTargetHostProfile[DockerConfig]):
+ """Host profile for a docker instance."""
+ MARKER = 'ansible-test-marker'
+ @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True)
+ class InitConfig:
+ """Configuration details required to run the container init."""
+ options: list[str]
+ command: str
+ command_privileged: bool
+ expected_mounts: tuple[CGroupMount, ...]
+ @property
+ def container_name(self) -> t.Optional[str]:
+ """Return the stored container name, if any, otherwise None."""
+ return self.state.get('container_name')
+ @container_name.setter
+ def container_name(self, value: str) -> None:
+ """Store the given container name."""
+ self.state['container_name'] = value
+ @property
+ def cgroup_path(self) -> t.Optional[str]:
+ """Return the path to the cgroup v1 systemd hierarchy, if any, otherwise None."""
+ return self.state.get('cgroup_path')
+ @cgroup_path.setter
+ def cgroup_path(self, value: str) -> None:
+ """Store the path to the cgroup v1 systemd hierarchy."""
+ self.state['cgroup_path'] = value
+ @property
+ def label(self) -> str:
+ """Label to apply to resources related to this profile."""
+ return f'{"controller" if self.controller else "target"}-{self.args.session_name}'
+ def provision(self) -> None:
+ """Provision the host before delegation."""
+ init_probe = self.args.dev_probe_cgroups is not None
+ init_config = self.get_init_config()
+ container = run_support_container(
+ args=self.args,
+ context='__test_hosts__',
+ image=self.config.image,
+ name=f'ansible-test-{self.label}',
+ ports=[22],
+ publish_ports=not self.controller, # connections to the controller over SSH are not required
+ options=init_config.options,
+ cleanup=CleanupMode.NO,
+ cmd=self.build_init_command(init_config, init_probe),
+ )
+ if not container:
+ if self.args.prime_containers:
+ if init_config.command_privileged or init_probe:
+ docker_pull(self.args, UTILITY_IMAGE)
+ return
+ self.container_name =
+ try:
+ options = ['--pid', 'host', '--privileged']
+ if init_config.command and init_config.command_privileged:
+ init_command = init_config.command
+ if not init_probe:
+ init_command += f' && {shlex.join(self.wake_command)}'
+ cmd = ['nsenter', '-t', str(, '-m', '-p', 'sh', '-c', init_command]
+ run_utility_container(self.args, f'ansible-test-init-{self.label}', cmd, options)
+ if init_probe:
+ check_container_cgroup_status(self.args, self.config, self.container_name, init_config.expected_mounts)
+ cmd = ['nsenter', '-t', str(, '-m', '-p'] + self.wake_command
+ run_utility_container(self.args, f'ansible-test-wake-{self.label}', cmd, options)
+ except SubprocessError:
+'Checking container "{self.container_name}" logs...')
+ docker_logs(self.args, self.container_name)
+ raise
+ def get_init_config(self) -> InitConfig:
+ """Return init config for running under the current container engine."""
+ self.check_cgroup_requirements()
+ engine = require_docker().command
+ init_config = getattr(self, f'get_{engine}_init_config')()
+ return init_config
+ def get_podman_init_config(self) -> InitConfig:
+ """Return init config for running under Podman."""
+ options = self.get_common_run_options()
+ command: t.Optional[str] = None
+ command_privileged = False
+ expected_mounts: tuple[CGroupMount, ...]
+ cgroup_version = get_docker_info(self.args).cgroup_version
+ # Podman 4.4.0 updated containers/common to 0.51.0, which removed the SYS_CHROOT capability from the default list.
+ # This capability is needed by services such as sshd, so is unconditionally added here.
+ # See:
+ # See:
+ # See:
+ options.extend(('--cap-add', 'SYS_CHROOT'))
+ # Without AUDIT_WRITE the following errors may appear in the system logs of a container after attempting to log in using SSH:
+ #
+ # fatal: linux_audit_write_entry failed: Operation not permitted
+ #
+ # This occurs when running containers as root when the container host provides audit support, but the user lacks the AUDIT_WRITE capability.
+ # The AUDIT_WRITE capability is provided by docker by default, but not podman.
+ # See:
+ #
+ # OpenSSH Portable requires AUDIT_WRITE when logging in with a TTY if the Linux audit feature was compiled in.
+ # Containers with the feature enabled will require the AUDIT_WRITE capability when EPERM is returned while accessing the audit system.
+ # See:
+ # See:
+ #
+ # Some containers will be running a patched version of OpenSSH which blocks logins when EPERM is received while using the audit system.
+ # These containers will require the AUDIT_WRITE capability when EPERM is returned while accessing the audit system.
+ # See:
+ #
+ # Since only some containers carry the patch or enable the Linux audit feature in OpenSSH, this capability is enabled on a per-container basis.
+ # No warning is provided when adding this capability, since there's not really anything the user can do about it.
+ if self.config.audit == AuditMode.REQUIRED and detect_host_properties(self.args).audit_code == 'EPERM':
+ options.extend(('--cap-add', 'AUDIT_WRITE'))
+ # Without AUDIT_CONTROL the following errors may appear in the system logs of a container after attempting to log in using SSH:
+ #
+ # pam_loginuid(sshd:session): Error writing /proc/self/loginuid: Operation not permitted
+ # pam_loginuid(sshd:session): set_loginuid failed
+ #
+ # Containers configured to use the pam_loginuid module will encounter this error. If the module is required, logins will fail.
+ # Since most containers will have this configuration, the code to handle this issue is applied to all containers.
+ #
+ # This occurs when the loginuid is set on the container host and doesn't match the user on the container host which is running the container.
+ # Container hosts which do not use systemd are likely to leave the loginuid unset and thus be unaffected.
+ # The most common source of a mismatch is the use of sudo to run ansible-test, which changes the uid but cannot change the loginuid.
+ # This condition typically occurs only under podman, since the loginuid is inherited from the current user.
+ # See:
+ #
+ # This condition is detected by querying the loginuid of a container running on the container host.
+ # When it occurs, a warning is displayed and the AUDIT_CONTROL capability is added to containers to work around the issue.
+ # The warning serves as notice to the user that their usage of ansible-test is responsible for the additional capability requirement.
+ if (loginuid := detect_host_properties(self.args).loginuid) not in (0, LOGINUID_NOT_SET, None):
+ display.warning(f'Running containers with capability AUDIT_CONTROL since the container loginuid ({loginuid}) is incorrect. '
+ 'This is most likely due to use of sudo to run ansible-test when loginuid is already set.', unique=True)
+ options.extend(('--cap-add', 'AUDIT_CONTROL'))
+ if self.config.cgroup == CGroupVersion.NONE:
+ # Containers which do not require cgroup do not use systemd.
+ options.extend((
+ # Disabling systemd support in Podman will allow these containers to work on hosts without systemd.
+ # Without this, running a container on a host without systemd results in errors such as (from crun):
+ # Error: crun: error stat'ing file `/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd`: No such file or directory:
+ # A similar error occurs when using runc:
+ # OCI runtime attempted to invoke a command that was not found
+ '--systemd', 'false',
+ # A private cgroup namespace limits what is visible in /proc/*/cgroup.
+ '--cgroupns', 'private',
+ # Mounting a tmpfs overrides the cgroup mount(s) that would otherwise be provided by Podman.
+ # This helps provide a consistent container environment across various container host configurations.
+ '--tmpfs', '/sys/fs/cgroup',
+ ))
+ expected_mounts = (
+ CGroupMount(path=CGroupPath.ROOT, type=MountType.TMPFS, writable=True, state=None),
+ )
+ elif self.config.cgroup in (CGroupVersion.V1_V2, CGroupVersion.V1_ONLY) and cgroup_version == 1:
+ # Podman hosts providing cgroup v1 will automatically bind mount the systemd hierarchy read-write in the container.
+ # They will also create a dedicated cgroup v1 systemd hierarchy for the container.
+ # On hosts with systemd this path is: /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd/libpod_parent/libpod-{container_id}/
+ # On hosts without systemd this path is: /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd/{container_id}/
+ options.extend((
+ # Force Podman to enable systemd support since a command may be used later (to support pre-init diagnostics).
+ '--systemd', 'always',
+ # The host namespace must be used to permit the container to access the cgroup v1 systemd hierarchy created by Podman.
+ '--cgroupns', 'host',
+ # Mask the host cgroup tmpfs mount to avoid exposing the host cgroup v1 hierarchies (or cgroup v2 hybrid) to the container.
+ # Podman will provide a cgroup v1 systemd hiearchy on top of this.
+ '--tmpfs', '/sys/fs/cgroup',
+ ))
+ self.check_systemd_cgroup_v1(options) # podman
+ expected_mounts = (
+ CGroupMount(path=CGroupPath.ROOT, type=MountType.TMPFS, writable=True, state=None),
+ # The mount point can be writable or not.
+ # The reason for the variation is not known.
+ CGroupMount(path=CGroupPath.SYSTEMD, type=MountType.CGROUP_V1, writable=None, state=CGroupState.HOST),
+ # The filesystem type can be tmpfs or devtmpfs.
+ # The reason for the variation is not known.
+ CGroupMount(path=CGroupPath.SYSTEMD_RELEASE_AGENT, type=None, writable=False, state=None),
+ )
+ elif self.config.cgroup in (CGroupVersion.V1_V2, CGroupVersion.V2_ONLY) and cgroup_version == 2:
+ # Podman hosts providing cgroup v2 will give each container a read-write cgroup mount.
+ options.extend((
+ # Force Podman to enable systemd support since a command may be used later (to support pre-init diagnostics).
+ '--systemd', 'always',
+ # A private cgroup namespace is used to avoid exposing the host cgroup to the container.
+ '--cgroupns', 'private',
+ ))
+ expected_mounts = (
+ CGroupMount(path=CGroupPath.ROOT, type=MountType.CGROUP_V2, writable=True, state=CGroupState.PRIVATE),
+ )
+ elif self.config.cgroup == CGroupVersion.V1_ONLY and cgroup_version == 2:
+ # Containers which require cgroup v1 need explicit volume mounts on container hosts not providing that version.
+ # We must put the container PID 1 into the cgroup v1 systemd hierarchy we create.
+ cgroup_path = self.create_systemd_cgroup_v1() # podman
+ command = f'echo 1 > {cgroup_path}/cgroup.procs'
+ options.extend((
+ # Force Podman to enable systemd support since a command is being provided.
+ '--systemd', 'always',
+ # A private cgroup namespace is required. Using the host cgroup namespace results in errors such as the following (from crun):
+ # Error: OCI runtime error: mount `/sys/fs/cgroup` to '/sys/fs/cgroup': Invalid argument
+ # A similar error occurs when using runc:
+ # Error: OCI runtime error: runc create failed: unable to start container process: error during container init:
+ # error mounting "/sys/fs/cgroup" to rootfs at "/sys/fs/cgroup": mount /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup (via /proc/self/fd/7), flags: 0x1000:
+ # invalid argument
+ '--cgroupns', 'private',
+ # Unlike Docker, Podman ignores a /sys/fs/cgroup tmpfs mount, instead exposing a cgroup v2 mount.
+ # The exposed volume will be read-write, but the container will have its own private namespace.
+ # Provide a read-only cgroup v1 systemd hierarchy under which the dedicated ansible-test cgroup will be mounted read-write.
+ # Without this systemd will fail while attempting to mount the cgroup v1 systemd hierarchy.
+ # Podman doesn't support using a tmpfs for this. Attempting to do so results in an error (from crun):
+ # Error: OCI runtime error: read: Invalid argument
+ # A similar error occurs when using runc:
+ # Error: OCI runtime error: runc create failed: unable to start container process: error during container init:
+ # error mounting "tmpfs" to rootfs at "/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd": tmpcopyup: failed to copy /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd to /proc/self/fd/7
+ # (/tmp/runctop3876247619/runctmpdir1460907418): read /proc/self/fd/7/cgroup.kill: invalid argument
+ '--volume', '/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd:/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd:ro',
+ # Provide the container access to the cgroup v1 systemd hierarchy created by ansible-test.
+ '--volume', f'{cgroup_path}:{cgroup_path}:rw',
+ ))
+ expected_mounts = (
+ CGroupMount(path=CGroupPath.ROOT, type=MountType.CGROUP_V2, writable=True, state=CGroupState.PRIVATE),
+ CGroupMount(path=CGroupPath.SYSTEMD, type=MountType.CGROUP_V1, writable=False, state=CGroupState.SHADOWED),
+ CGroupMount(path=cgroup_path, type=MountType.CGROUP_V1, writable=True, state=CGroupState.HOST),
+ )
+ else:
+ raise InternalError(f'Unhandled cgroup configuration: {self.config.cgroup} on cgroup v{cgroup_version}.')
+ return self.InitConfig(
+ options=options,
+ command=command,
+ command_privileged=command_privileged,
+ expected_mounts=expected_mounts,
+ )
+ def get_docker_init_config(self) -> InitConfig:
+ """Return init config for running under Docker."""
+ options = self.get_common_run_options()
+ command: t.Optional[str] = None
+ command_privileged = False
+ expected_mounts: tuple[CGroupMount, ...]
+ cgroup_version = get_docker_info(self.args).cgroup_version
+ if self.config.cgroup == CGroupVersion.NONE:
+ # Containers which do not require cgroup do not use systemd.
+ if get_docker_info(self.args).cgroupns_option_supported:
+ # Use the `--cgroupns` option if it is supported.
+ # Older servers which do not support the option use the host group namespace.
+ # Older clients which do not support the option cause newer servers to use the host cgroup namespace (cgroup v1 only).
+ # See:
+ # If the host cgroup namespace is used, cgroup information will be visible, but the cgroup mounts will be unavailable due to the tmpfs below.
+ options.extend((
+ # A private cgroup namespace limits what is visible in /proc/*/cgroup.
+ '--cgroupns', 'private',
+ ))
+ options.extend((
+ # Mounting a tmpfs overrides the cgroup mount(s) that would otherwise be provided by Docker.
+ # This helps provide a consistent container environment across various container host configurations.
+ '--tmpfs', '/sys/fs/cgroup',
+ ))
+ expected_mounts = (
+ CGroupMount(path=CGroupPath.ROOT, type=MountType.TMPFS, writable=True, state=None),
+ )
+ elif self.config.cgroup in (CGroupVersion.V1_V2, CGroupVersion.V1_ONLY) and cgroup_version == 1:
+ # Docker hosts providing cgroup v1 will automatically bind mount the systemd hierarchy read-only in the container.
+ # They will also create a dedicated cgroup v1 systemd hierarchy for the container.
+ # The cgroup v1 system hierarchy path is: /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd/{container_id}/
+ if get_docker_info(self.args).cgroupns_option_supported:
+ # Use the `--cgroupns` option if it is supported.
+ # Older servers which do not support the option use the host group namespace.
+ # Older clients which do not support the option cause newer servers to use the host cgroup namespace (cgroup v1 only).
+ # See:
+ options.extend((
+ # The host cgroup namespace must be used.
+ # Otherwise, /proc/1/cgroup will report "/" for the cgroup path, which is incorrect.
+ # See:
+ # It is set here to avoid relying on the current Docker configuration.
+ '--cgroupns', 'host',
+ ))
+ options.extend((
+ # Mask the host cgroup tmpfs mount to avoid exposing the host cgroup v1 hierarchies (or cgroup v2 hybrid) to the container.
+ '--tmpfs', '/sys/fs/cgroup',
+ # A cgroup v1 systemd hierarchy needs to be mounted read-write over the read-only one provided by Docker.
+ # Alternatives were tested, but were unusable due to various issues:
+ # - Attempting to remount the existing mount point read-write will result in a "mount point is busy" error.
+ # - Adding the entire "/sys/fs/cgroup" mount will expose hierarchies other than systemd.
+ # If the host is a cgroup v2 hybrid host it would also expose the /sys/fs/cgroup/unified/ hierarchy read-write.
+ # On older systems, such as an Ubuntu 18.04 host, a dedicated v2 cgroup would not be used, exposing the host cgroups to the container.
+ '--volume', '/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd:/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd:rw',
+ ))
+ self.check_systemd_cgroup_v1(options) # docker
+ expected_mounts = (
+ CGroupMount(path=CGroupPath.ROOT, type=MountType.TMPFS, writable=True, state=None),
+ CGroupMount(path=CGroupPath.SYSTEMD, type=MountType.CGROUP_V1, writable=True, state=CGroupState.HOST),
+ )
+ elif self.config.cgroup in (CGroupVersion.V1_V2, CGroupVersion.V2_ONLY) and cgroup_version == 2:
+ # Docker hosts providing cgroup v2 will give each container a read-only cgroup mount.
+ # It must be remounted read-write before systemd starts.
+ # This must be done in a privileged container, otherwise a "permission denied" error can occur.
+ command = 'mount -o remount,rw /sys/fs/cgroup/'
+ command_privileged = True
+ options.extend((
+ # A private cgroup namespace is used to avoid exposing the host cgroup to the container.
+ # This matches the behavior in Podman 1.7.0 and later, which select cgroupns 'host' mode for cgroup v1 and 'private' mode for cgroup v2.
+ # See:
+ # See:
+ '--cgroupns', 'private',
+ ))
+ expected_mounts = (
+ CGroupMount(path=CGroupPath.ROOT, type=MountType.CGROUP_V2, writable=True, state=CGroupState.PRIVATE),
+ )
+ elif self.config.cgroup == CGroupVersion.V1_ONLY and cgroup_version == 2:
+ # Containers which require cgroup v1 need explicit volume mounts on container hosts not providing that version.
+ # We must put the container PID 1 into the cgroup v1 systemd hierarchy we create.
+ cgroup_path = self.create_systemd_cgroup_v1() # docker
+ command = f'echo 1 > {cgroup_path}/cgroup.procs'
+ options.extend((
+ # A private cgroup namespace is used since no access to the host cgroup namespace is required.
+ # This matches the configuration used for running cgroup v1 containers under Podman.
+ '--cgroupns', 'private',
+ # Provide a read-write tmpfs filesystem to support additional cgroup mount points.
+ # Without this Docker will provide a read-only cgroup2 mount instead.
+ '--tmpfs', '/sys/fs/cgroup',
+ # Provide a read-write tmpfs filesystem to simulate a systemd cgroup v1 hierarchy.
+ # Without this systemd will fail while attempting to mount the cgroup v1 systemd hierarchy.
+ '--tmpfs', '/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd',
+ # Provide the container access to the cgroup v1 systemd hierarchy created by ansible-test.
+ '--volume', f'{cgroup_path}:{cgroup_path}:rw',
+ ))
+ expected_mounts = (
+ CGroupMount(path=CGroupPath.ROOT, type=MountType.TMPFS, writable=True, state=None),
+ CGroupMount(path=CGroupPath.SYSTEMD, type=MountType.TMPFS, writable=True, state=None),
+ CGroupMount(path=cgroup_path, type=MountType.CGROUP_V1, writable=True, state=CGroupState.HOST),
+ )
+ else:
+ raise InternalError(f'Unhandled cgroup configuration: {self.config.cgroup} on cgroup v{cgroup_version}.')
+ return self.InitConfig(
+ options=options,
+ command=command,
+ command_privileged=command_privileged,
+ expected_mounts=expected_mounts,
+ )
+ def build_init_command(self, init_config: InitConfig, sleep: bool) -> t.Optional[list[str]]:
+ """
+ Build and return the command to start in the container.
+ Returns None if the default command for the container should be used.
+ The sleep duration below was selected to:
+ - Allow enough time to perform necessary operations in the container before waking it.
+ - Make the delay obvious if the wake command doesn't run or succeed.
+ - Avoid hanging indefinitely or for an unreasonably long time.
+ NOTE: The container must have a POSIX-compliant default shell "sh" with a non-builtin "sleep" command.
+ """
+ command = ''
+ if init_config.command and not init_config.command_privileged:
+ command += f'{init_config.command} && '
+ if sleep or init_config.command_privileged:
+ command += 'sleep 60 ; '
+ if not command:
+ return None
+ docker_pull(self.args, self.config.image)
+ inspect = docker_image_inspect(self.args, self.config.image)
+ command += f'exec {shlex.join(inspect.cmd)}'
+ return ['sh', '-c', command]
+ @property
+ def wake_command(self) -> list[str]:
+ """
+ The command used to wake the container from sleep.
+ This will be run inside our utility container, so the command used does not need to be present in the container being woken up.
+ """
+ return ['pkill', 'sleep']
+ def check_systemd_cgroup_v1(self, options: list[str]) -> None:
+ """Check the cgroup v1 systemd hierarchy to verify it is writeable for our container."""
+ probe_script = (read_text_file(os.path.join(ANSIBLE_TEST_TARGET_ROOT, 'setup', ''))
+ .replace('@MARKER@', self.MARKER)
+ .replace('@LABEL@', self.label))
+ cmd = ['sh']
+ try:
+ run_utility_container(self.args, f'ansible-test-cgroup-check-{self.label}', cmd, options, data=probe_script)
+ except SubprocessError as ex:
+ if error := self.extract_error(ex.stderr):
+ raise ControlGroupError(self.args, 'Unable to create a v1 cgroup within the systemd hierarchy.\n'
+ f'Reason: {error}') from ex # cgroup probe failed
+ raise
+ def create_systemd_cgroup_v1(self) -> str:
+ """Create a unique ansible-test cgroup in the v1 systemd hierarchy and return its path."""
+ self.cgroup_path = f'/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd/ansible-test-{self.label}'
+ # Privileged mode is required to create the cgroup directories on some hosts, such as Fedora 36 and RHEL 9.0.
+ # The mkdir command will fail with "Permission denied" otherwise.
+ options = ['--volume', '/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd:/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd:rw', '--privileged']
+ cmd = ['sh', '-c', f'>&2 echo {shlex.quote(self.MARKER)} && mkdir {shlex.quote(self.cgroup_path)}']
+ try:
+ run_utility_container(self.args, f'ansible-test-cgroup-create-{self.label}', cmd, options)
+ except SubprocessError as ex:
+ if error := self.extract_error(ex.stderr):
+ raise ControlGroupError(self.args, f'Unable to create a v1 cgroup within the systemd hierarchy.\n'
+ f'Reason: {error}') from ex # cgroup create permission denied
+ raise
+ return self.cgroup_path
+ @property
+ def delete_systemd_cgroup_v1_command(self) -> list[str]:
+ """The command used to remove the previously created ansible-test cgroup in the v1 systemd hierarchy."""
+ return ['find', self.cgroup_path, '-type', 'd', '-delete']
+ def delete_systemd_cgroup_v1(self) -> None:
+ """Delete a previously created ansible-test cgroup in the v1 systemd hierarchy."""
+ # Privileged mode is required to remove the cgroup directories on some hosts, such as Fedora 36 and RHEL 9.0.
+ # The BusyBox find utility will report "Permission denied" otherwise, although it still exits with a status code of 0.
+ options = ['--volume', '/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd:/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd:rw', '--privileged']
+ cmd = ['sh', '-c', f'>&2 echo {shlex.quote(self.MARKER)} && {shlex.join(self.delete_systemd_cgroup_v1_command)}']
+ try:
+ run_utility_container(self.args, f'ansible-test-cgroup-delete-{self.label}', cmd, options)
+ except SubprocessError as ex:
+ if error := self.extract_error(ex.stderr):
+ if error.endswith(': No such file or directory'):
+ return
+ display.error(str(ex))
+ def extract_error(self, value: str) -> t.Optional[str]:
+ """
+ Extract the ansible-test portion of the error message from the given value and return it.
+ Returns None if no ansible-test marker was found.
+ """
+ lines = value.strip().splitlines()
+ try:
+ idx = lines.index(self.MARKER)
+ except ValueError:
+ return None
+ lines = lines[idx + 1:]
+ message = '\n'.join(lines)
+ return message
+ def check_cgroup_requirements(self) -> None:
+ """Check cgroup requirements for the container."""
+ cgroup_version = get_docker_info(self.args).cgroup_version
+ if cgroup_version not in (1, 2):
+ raise ApplicationError(f'The container host provides cgroup v{cgroup_version}, but only version v1 and v2 are supported.')
+ # Stop early for containers which require cgroup v2 when the container host does not provide it.
+ # None of the containers included with ansible-test currently use this configuration.
+ # Support for v2-only was added in preparation for the eventual removal of cgroup v1 support from systemd after EOY 2023.
+ # See:
+ if self.config.cgroup == CGroupVersion.V2_ONLY and cgroup_version != 2:
+ raise ApplicationError(f'Container {} requires cgroup v2 but the container host provides cgroup v{cgroup_version}.')
+ # Containers which use old versions of systemd (earlier than version 226) require cgroup v1 support.
+ # If the host is a cgroup v2 (unified) host, changes must be made to how the container is run.
+ #
+ # See:
+ # Under the "CHANGES WITH 226" section:
+ # > systemd now optionally supports the new Linux kernel "unified" control group hierarchy.
+ #
+ # NOTE: The container host must have the cgroup v1 mount already present.
+ # If the container is run rootless, the user it runs under must have permissions to the mount.
+ #
+ # The following commands can be used to make the mount available:
+ #
+ # mkdir /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd
+ # mount cgroup -t cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd -o none,name=systemd,xattr
+ # chown -R {user}:{group} /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd # only when rootless
+ #
+ # See:
+ if self.config.cgroup == CGroupVersion.V1_ONLY or (self.config.cgroup != CGroupVersion.NONE and get_docker_info(self.args).cgroup_version == 1):
+ if (cgroup_v1 := detect_host_properties(self.args).cgroup_v1) != SystemdControlGroupV1Status.VALID:
+ if self.config.cgroup == CGroupVersion.V1_ONLY:
+ if get_docker_info(self.args).cgroup_version == 2:
+ reason = f'Container {} requires cgroup v1, but the container host only provides cgroup v2.'
+ else:
+ reason = f'Container {} requires cgroup v1, but the container host does not appear to be running systemd.'
+ else:
+ reason = 'The container host provides cgroup v1, but does not appear to be running systemd.'
+ reason += f'\n{cgroup_v1.value}'
+ raise ControlGroupError(self.args, reason) # cgroup probe reported invalid state
+ def setup(self) -> None:
+ """Perform out-of-band setup before delegation."""
+ bootstrapper = BootstrapDocker(
+ controller=self.controller,
+ python_versions=[self.python.version],
+ ssh_key=SshKey(self.args),
+ )
+ setup_sh = bootstrapper.get_script()
+ shell = setup_sh.splitlines()[0][2:]
+ try:
+ docker_exec(self.args, self.container_name, [shell], data=setup_sh, capture=False)
+ except SubprocessError:
+'Checking container "{self.container_name}" logs...')
+ docker_logs(self.args, self.container_name)
+ raise
+ def deprovision(self) -> None:
+ """Deprovision the host after delegation has completed."""
+ container_exists = False
+ if self.container_name:
+ if self.args.docker_terminate == TerminateMode.ALWAYS or (self.args.docker_terminate == TerminateMode.SUCCESS and self.args.success):
+ docker_rm(self.args, self.container_name)
+ else:
+ container_exists = True
+ if self.cgroup_path:
+ if container_exists:
+ display.notice(f'Remember to run `{require_docker().command} rm -f {self.container_name}` when finished testing. '
+ f'Then run `{shlex.join(self.delete_systemd_cgroup_v1_command)}` on the container host.')
+ else:
+ self.delete_systemd_cgroup_v1()
+ elif container_exists:
+ display.notice(f'Remember to run `{require_docker().command} rm -f {self.container_name}` when finished testing.')
+ def wait(self) -> None:
+ """Wait for the instance to be ready. Executed before delegation for the controller and after delegation for targets."""
+ if not self.controller:
+ con = self.get_controller_target_connections()[0]
+ last_error = ''
+ for dummy in range(1, 10):
+ try:
+['id'], capture=True)
+ except SubprocessError as ex:
+ if 'Permission denied' in ex.message:
+ raise
+ last_error = str(ex)
+ time.sleep(1)
+ else:
+ return
+'Checking SSH debug output...')
+ if not self.args.delegate and not self.args.host_path:
+ def callback() -> None:
+ """Callback to run during error display."""
+ self.on_target_failure() # when the controller is not delegated, report failures immediately
+ else:
+ callback = None
+ raise HostConnectionError(f'Timeout waiting for {} container {self.container_name}.', callback)
+ def get_controller_target_connections(self) -> list[SshConnection]:
+ """Return SSH connection(s) for accessing the host as a target from the controller."""
+ containers = get_container_database(self.args)
+ access =[HostType.control]['__test_hosts__'][self.container_name]
+ host = access.host_ip
+ port = dict(access.port_map())[22]
+ settings = SshConnectionDetail(
+ user='root',
+ host=host,
+ port=port,
+ identity_file=SshKey(self.args).key,
+ python_interpreter=self.python.path,
+ # CentOS 6 uses OpenSSH 5.3, making it incompatible with the default configuration of OpenSSH 8.8 and later clients.
+ # Since only CentOS 6 is affected, and it is only supported by ansible-core 2.12, support for RSA SHA-1 is simply hard-coded here.
+ # A substring is used to allow custom containers to work, not just the one provided with ansible-test.
+ enable_rsa_sha1='centos6' in self.config.image,
+ )
+ return [SshConnection(self.args, settings)]
+ def get_origin_controller_connection(self) -> DockerConnection:
+ """Return a connection for accessing the host as a controller from the origin."""
+ return DockerConnection(self.args, self.container_name)
+ def get_working_directory(self) -> str:
+ """Return the working directory for the host."""
+ return '/root'
+ def on_target_failure(self) -> None:
+ """Executed during failure handling if this profile is a target."""
+'Checking container "{self.container_name}" logs...')
+ try:
+ docker_logs(self.args, self.container_name)
+ except SubprocessError as ex:
+ display.error(str(ex))
+ if self.config.cgroup != CGroupVersion.NONE:
+ # Containers with cgroup support are assumed to be running systemd.
+'Checking container "{self.container_name}" systemd logs...')
+ try:
+ docker_exec(self.args, self.container_name, ['journalctl'], capture=False)
+ except SubprocessError as ex:
+ display.error(str(ex))
+ display.error(f'Connection to container "{self.container_name}" failed. See logs and original error above.')
+ def get_common_run_options(self) -> list[str]:
+ """Return a list of options needed to run the container."""
+ options = [
+ # These temporary mount points need to be created at run time when using Docker.
+ # They are automatically provided by Podman, but will be overridden by VOLUME instructions for the container, if they exist.
+ # If supporting containers with VOLUME instructions is not desired, these options could be limited to use with Docker.
+ # See:
+ # Previously they were handled by the VOLUME instruction during container image creation.
+ # However, that approach creates anonymous volumes when running the container, which are then left behind after the container is deleted.
+ # These options eliminate the need for the VOLUME instruction, and override it if they are present.
+ # The mount options used are those typically found on Linux systems.
+ # Of special note is the "exec" option for "/tmp", which is required by ansible-test for path injection of executables using temporary directories.
+ '--tmpfs', '/tmp:exec',
+ '--tmpfs', '/run:exec',
+ '--tmpfs', '/run/lock', # some systemd containers require a separate tmpfs here, such as Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu 22.04
+ ]
+ if self.config.privileged:
+ options.append('--privileged')
+ if self.config.memory:
+ options.extend([
+ f'--memory={self.config.memory}',
+ f'--memory-swap={self.config.memory}',
+ ])
+ if self.config.seccomp != 'default':
+ options.extend(['--security-opt', f'seccomp={self.config.seccomp}'])
+ docker_socket = '/var/run/docker.sock'
+ if get_docker_hostname() != 'localhost' or os.path.exists(docker_socket):
+ options.extend(['--volume', f'{docker_socket}:{docker_socket}'])
+ return options
+class NetworkInventoryProfile(HostProfile[NetworkInventoryConfig]):
+ """Host profile for a network inventory."""
+class NetworkRemoteProfile(RemoteProfile[NetworkRemoteConfig]):
+ """Host profile for a network remote instance."""
+ def wait(self) -> None:
+ """Wait for the instance to be ready. Executed before delegation for the controller and after delegation for targets."""
+ self.wait_until_ready()
+ def get_inventory_variables(self) -> dict[str, t.Optional[t.Union[str, int]]]:
+ """Return inventory variables for accessing this host."""
+ core_ci = self.wait_for_instance()
+ connection = core_ci.connection
+ variables: dict[str, t.Optional[t.Union[str, int]]] = dict(
+ ansible_connection=self.config.connection,
+ ansible_pipelining='yes',
+ ansible_host=connection.hostname,
+ ansible_port=connection.port,
+ ansible_user=connection.username,
+ ansible_ssh_private_key_file=core_ci.ssh_key.key,
+ # VyOS 1.1.8 uses OpenSSH 5.5, making it incompatible with RSA SHA-256/512 used by Paramiko 2.9 and later.
+ # IOS CSR 1000V uses an ancient SSH server, making it incompatible with RSA SHA-256/512 used by Paramiko 2.9 and later.
+ # That means all network platforms currently offered by ansible-core-ci require support for RSA SHA-1, so it is simply hard-coded here.
+ # NOTE: This option only exists in ansible-core 2.14 and later. For older ansible-core versions, use of Paramiko 2.8.x or earlier is required.
+ # See:
+ # See:
+ ansible_paramiko_use_rsa_sha2_algorithms='no',
+ ansible_network_os=f'{self.config.collection}.{self.config.platform}' if self.config.collection else self.config.platform,
+ )
+ return variables
+ def wait_until_ready(self) -> None:
+ """Wait for the host to respond to an Ansible module request."""
+ core_ci = self.wait_for_instance()
+ if not isinstance(self.args, IntegrationConfig):
+ return # skip extended checks unless we're running integration tests
+ inventory = Inventory.create_single_host(sanitize_host_name(, self.get_inventory_variables())
+ env = ansible_environment(self.args)
+ module_name = f'{self.config.collection + "." if self.config.collection else ""}{self.config.platform}_command'
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as inventory_file:
+ inventory.write(self.args,
+ cmd = ['ansible', '-m', module_name, '-a', 'commands=?', '-i',, 'all']
+ for dummy in range(1, 90):
+ try:
+ intercept_python(self.args, self.args.controller_python, cmd, env, capture=True)
+ except SubprocessError as ex:
+ display.warning(str(ex))
+ time.sleep(10)
+ else:
+ return
+ raise HostConnectionError(f'Timeout waiting for {} instance {core_ci.instance_id}.')
+ def get_controller_target_connections(self) -> list[SshConnection]:
+ """Return SSH connection(s) for accessing the host as a target from the controller."""
+ core_ci = self.wait_for_instance()
+ settings = SshConnectionDetail(
+ host=core_ci.connection.hostname,
+ port=core_ci.connection.port,
+ user=core_ci.connection.username,
+ identity_file=core_ci.ssh_key.key,
+ # VyOS 1.1.8 uses OpenSSH 5.5, making it incompatible with the default configuration of OpenSSH 8.8 and later clients.
+ # IOS CSR 1000V uses an ancient SSH server, making it incompatible with the default configuration of OpenSSH 8.8 and later clients.
+ # That means all network platforms currently offered by ansible-core-ci require support for RSA SHA-1, so it is simply hard-coded here.
+ enable_rsa_sha1=True,
+ )
+ return [SshConnection(self.args, settings)]
+class OriginProfile(ControllerHostProfile[OriginConfig]):
+ """Host profile for origin."""
+ def get_origin_controller_connection(self) -> LocalConnection:
+ """Return a connection for accessing the host as a controller from the origin."""
+ return LocalConnection(self.args)
+ def get_working_directory(self) -> str:
+ """Return the working directory for the host."""
+ return os.getcwd()
+class PosixRemoteProfile(ControllerHostProfile[PosixRemoteConfig], RemoteProfile[PosixRemoteConfig]):
+ """Host profile for a POSIX remote instance."""
+ def wait(self) -> None:
+ """Wait for the instance to be ready. Executed before delegation for the controller and after delegation for targets."""
+ self.wait_until_ready()
+ def configure(self) -> None:
+ """Perform in-band configuration. Executed before delegation for the controller and after delegation for targets."""
+ # a target uses a single python version, but a controller may include additional versions for targets running on the controller
+ python_versions = [self.python.version] + [target.python.version for target in self.targets if isinstance(target, ControllerConfig)]
+ python_versions = sorted_versions(list(set(python_versions)))
+ core_ci = self.wait_for_instance()
+ pwd = self.wait_until_ready()
+'Remote working directory: {pwd}', verbosity=1)
+ bootstrapper = BootstrapRemote(
+ controller=self.controller,
+ platform=self.config.platform,
+ platform_version=self.config.version,
+ python_versions=python_versions,
+ ssh_key=core_ci.ssh_key,
+ )
+ setup_sh = bootstrapper.get_script()
+ shell = setup_sh.splitlines()[0][2:]
+ ssh = self.get_origin_controller_connection()
+[shell], data=setup_sh, capture=False)
+ def get_ssh_connection(self) -> SshConnection:
+ """Return an SSH connection for accessing the host."""
+ core_ci = self.wait_for_instance()
+ settings = SshConnectionDetail(
+ user=core_ci.connection.username,
+ host=core_ci.connection.hostname,
+ port=core_ci.connection.port,
+ identity_file=core_ci.ssh_key.key,
+ python_interpreter=self.python.path,
+ )
+ if settings.user == 'root':
+ become: t.Optional[Become] = None
+ elif self.config.become:
+ become = SUPPORTED_BECOME_METHODS[self.config.become]()
+ else:
+ display.warning(f'Defaulting to "sudo" for platform "{self.config.platform}" become support.', unique=True)
+ become = Sudo()
+ return SshConnection(self.args, settings, become)
+ def wait_until_ready(self) -> str:
+ """Wait for instance to respond to SSH, returning the current working directory once connected."""
+ core_ci = self.wait_for_instance()
+ for dummy in range(1, 90):
+ try:
+ return self.get_working_directory()
+ except SubprocessError as ex:
+ # No "Permission denied" check is performed here.
+ # Unlike containers, with remote instances, user configuration isn't guaranteed to have been completed before SSH connections are attempted.
+ display.warning(str(ex))
+ time.sleep(10)
+ raise HostConnectionError(f'Timeout waiting for {} instance {core_ci.instance_id}.')
+ def get_controller_target_connections(self) -> list[SshConnection]:
+ """Return SSH connection(s) for accessing the host as a target from the controller."""
+ return [self.get_ssh_connection()]
+ def get_origin_controller_connection(self) -> SshConnection:
+ """Return a connection for accessing the host as a controller from the origin."""
+ return self.get_ssh_connection()
+ def get_working_directory(self) -> str:
+ """Return the working directory for the host."""
+ if not self.pwd:
+ ssh = self.get_origin_controller_connection()
+ stdout =['pwd'], capture=True)[0]
+ if self.args.explain:
+ return '/pwd'
+ pwd = stdout.strip().splitlines()[-1]
+ if not pwd.startswith('/'):
+ raise Exception(f'Unexpected current working directory "{pwd}" from "pwd" command output:\n{stdout.strip()}')
+ self.pwd = pwd
+ return self.pwd
+ @property
+ def pwd(self) -> t.Optional[str]:
+ """Return the cached pwd, if any, otherwise None."""
+ return self.cache.get('pwd')
+ @pwd.setter
+ def pwd(self, value: str) -> None:
+ """Cache the given pwd."""
+ self.cache['pwd'] = value
+class PosixSshProfile(SshTargetHostProfile[PosixSshConfig], PosixProfile[PosixSshConfig]):
+ """Host profile for a POSIX SSH instance."""
+ def get_controller_target_connections(self) -> list[SshConnection]:
+ """Return SSH connection(s) for accessing the host as a target from the controller."""
+ settings = SshConnectionDetail(
+ name='target',
+ user=self.config.user,
+ port=self.config.port,
+ identity_file=SshKey(self.args).key,
+ python_interpreter=self.python.path,
+ )
+ return [SshConnection(self.args, settings)]
+class WindowsInventoryProfile(SshTargetHostProfile[WindowsInventoryConfig]):
+ """Host profile for a Windows inventory."""
+ def get_controller_target_connections(self) -> list[SshConnection]:
+ """Return SSH connection(s) for accessing the host as a target from the controller."""
+ inventory = parse_inventory(self.args, self.config.path)
+ hosts = get_hosts(inventory, 'windows')
+ identity_file = SshKey(self.args).key
+ settings = [SshConnectionDetail(
+ name=name,
+ host=config['ansible_host'],
+ port=22,
+ user=config['ansible_user'],
+ identity_file=identity_file,
+ shell_type='powershell',
+ ) for name, config in hosts.items()]
+ if settings:
+ details = '\n'.join(f'{} {ssh.user}@{}:{ssh.port}' for ssh in settings)
+'Generated SSH connection details from inventory:\n{details}', verbosity=1)
+ return [SshConnection(self.args, setting) for setting in settings]
+class WindowsRemoteProfile(RemoteProfile[WindowsRemoteConfig]):
+ """Host profile for a Windows remote instance."""
+ def wait(self) -> None:
+ """Wait for the instance to be ready. Executed before delegation for the controller and after delegation for targets."""
+ self.wait_until_ready()
+ def get_inventory_variables(self) -> dict[str, t.Optional[t.Union[str, int]]]:
+ """Return inventory variables for accessing this host."""
+ core_ci = self.wait_for_instance()
+ connection = core_ci.connection
+ variables: dict[str, t.Optional[t.Union[str, int]]] = dict(
+ ansible_connection='winrm',
+ ansible_pipelining='yes',
+ ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation='ignore',
+ ansible_host=connection.hostname,
+ ansible_port=connection.port,
+ ansible_user=connection.username,
+ ansible_password=connection.password,
+ ansible_ssh_private_key_file=core_ci.ssh_key.key,
+ )
+ # HACK: force 2016 to use NTLM + HTTP message encryption
+ if self.config.version == '2016':
+ variables.update(
+ ansible_winrm_transport='ntlm',
+ ansible_winrm_scheme='http',
+ ansible_port='5985',
+ )
+ return variables
+ def wait_until_ready(self) -> None:
+ """Wait for the host to respond to an Ansible module request."""
+ core_ci = self.wait_for_instance()
+ if not isinstance(self.args, IntegrationConfig):
+ return # skip extended checks unless we're running integration tests
+ inventory = Inventory.create_single_host(sanitize_host_name(, self.get_inventory_variables())
+ env = ansible_environment(self.args)
+ module_name = ''
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as inventory_file:
+ inventory.write(self.args,
+ cmd = ['ansible', '-m', module_name, '-i',, 'all']
+ for dummy in range(1, 120):
+ try:
+ intercept_python(self.args, self.args.controller_python, cmd, env, capture=True)
+ except SubprocessError as ex:
+ display.warning(str(ex))
+ time.sleep(10)
+ else:
+ return
+ raise HostConnectionError(f'Timeout waiting for {} instance {core_ci.instance_id}.')
+ def get_controller_target_connections(self) -> list[SshConnection]:
+ """Return SSH connection(s) for accessing the host as a target from the controller."""
+ core_ci = self.wait_for_instance()
+ settings = SshConnectionDetail(
+ host=core_ci.connection.hostname,
+ port=22,
+ user=core_ci.connection.username,
+ identity_file=core_ci.ssh_key.key,
+ shell_type='powershell',
+ )
+ return [SshConnection(self.args, settings)]
+def get_config_profile_type_map() -> dict[t.Type[HostConfig], t.Type[HostProfile]]:
+ """Create and return a mapping of HostConfig types to HostProfile types."""
+ return get_type_map(HostProfile, HostConfig)
+def create_host_profile(
+ args: EnvironmentConfig,
+ config: HostConfig,
+ controller: bool,
+) -> HostProfile:
+ """Create and return a host profile from the given host configuration."""
+ profile_type = get_config_profile_type_map()[type(config)]
+ profile = profile_type(args=args, config=config, targets=args.targets if controller else None)
+ return profile