path: root/test/lib/ansible_test/_util/controller/sanity/validate-modules/validate_modules/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 2520 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/lib/ansible_test/_util/controller/sanity/validate-modules/validate_modules/ b/test/lib/ansible_test/_util/controller/sanity/validate-modules/validate_modules/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..270c9f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/lib/ansible_test/_util/controller/sanity/validate-modules/validate_modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,2520 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Matt Martz <>
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Rackspace US, Inc.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+from __future__ import annotations
+import abc
+import argparse
+import ast
+import datetime
+import json
+import os
+import re
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import traceback
+import warnings
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from import Mapping
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from fnmatch import fnmatch
+import yaml
+from voluptuous.humanize import humanize_error
+def setup_collection_loader():
+ """
+ Configure the collection loader if a collection is being tested.
+ This must be done before the plugin loader is imported.
+ """
+ if '--collection' not in sys.argv:
+ return
+ # noinspection PyProtectedMember
+ from ansible.utils.collection_loader._collection_finder import _AnsibleCollectionFinder
+ collections_paths = os.environ.get('ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATH', '').split(os.pathsep)
+ collection_loader = _AnsibleCollectionFinder(collections_paths)
+ # noinspection PyProtectedMember
+ collection_loader._install() # pylint: disable=protected-access
+ warnings.filterwarnings(
+ "ignore",
+ "AnsibleCollectionFinder has already been configured")
+from ansible import __version__ as ansible_version
+from ansible.executor.module_common import REPLACER_WINDOWS, NEW_STYLE_PYTHON_MODULE_RE
+from ansible.module_utils.common.parameters import DEFAULT_TYPE_VALIDATORS
+from ansible.module_utils.compat.version import StrictVersion, LooseVersion
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import to_bytes
+from ansible.module_utils.six import PY3, with_metaclass, string_types
+from ansible.plugins.loader import fragment_loader
+from ansible.plugins.list import IGNORE as REJECTLIST
+from ansible.utils.plugin_docs import add_collection_to_versions_and_dates, add_fragments, get_docstring
+from ansible.utils.version import SemanticVersion
+from .module_args import AnsibleModuleImportError, AnsibleModuleNotInitialized, get_argument_spec
+from .schema import ansible_module_kwargs_schema, doc_schema, return_schema
+from .utils import CaptureStd, NoArgsAnsibleModule, compare_unordered_lists, is_empty, parse_yaml, parse_isodate
+if PY3:
+ # Because there is no ast.TryExcept in Python 3 ast module
+ TRY_EXCEPT = ast.Try
+ # REPLACER_WINDOWS from ansible.executor.module_common is byte
+ # string but we need unicode for Python 3
+ TRY_EXCEPT = ast.TryExcept
+REJECTLIST_DIRS = frozenset(('.git', 'test', '.github', '.idea'))
+INDENT_REGEX = re.compile(r'([\t]*)')
+TYPE_REGEX = re.compile(r'.*(if|or)(\s+[^"\']*|\s+)(?<!_)(?<!str\()type\([^)].*')
+SYS_EXIT_REGEX = re.compile(r'[^#]*sys.exit\s*\(.*')
+NO_LOG_REGEX = re.compile(r'(?:pass(?!ive)|secret|token|key)', re.I)
+ 'requests': {
+ 'new_only': True,
+ 'error': {
+ 'code': 'use-module-utils-urls',
+ 'msg': ('requests import found, should use '
+ 'ansible.module_utils.urls instead')
+ }
+ },
+ r'boto(?:\.|$)': {
+ 'new_only': True,
+ 'error': {
+ 'code': 'use-boto3',
+ 'msg': 'boto import found, new modules should use boto3'
+ }
+ },
+SUBPROCESS_REGEX = re.compile(r'subprocess\.Po.*')
+OS_CALL_REGEX = re.compile(r'os\.call.*')
+LOOSE_ANSIBLE_VERSION = LooseVersion('.'.join(ansible_version.split('.')[:3]))
+def is_potential_secret_option(option_name):
+ if not
+ return False
+ # If this is a count, type, algorithm, timeout, filename, or name, it is probably not a secret
+ if option_name.endswith((
+ '_count', '_type', '_alg', '_algorithm', '_timeout', '_name', '_comment',
+ '_bits', '_id', '_identifier', '_period', '_file', '_filename',
+ )):
+ return False
+ # 'key' also matches 'publickey', which is generally not secret
+ if any(part in option_name for part in (
+ 'publickey', 'public_key', 'keyusage', 'key_usage', 'keyserver', 'key_server',
+ 'keysize', 'key_size', 'keyservice', 'key_service', 'pub_key', 'pubkey',
+ 'keyboard', 'secretary',
+ )):
+ return False
+ return True
+def compare_dates(d1, d2):
+ try:
+ date1 = parse_isodate(d1, allow_date=True)
+ date2 = parse_isodate(d2, allow_date=True)
+ return date1 == date2
+ except ValueError:
+ # At least one of d1 and d2 cannot be parsed. Simply compare values.
+ return d1 == d2
+class ReporterEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
+ def default(self, o):
+ if isinstance(o, Exception):
+ return str(o)
+ return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o)
+class Reporter:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.files = OrderedDict()
+ def _ensure_default_entry(self, path):
+ try:
+ self.files[path]
+ except KeyError:
+ self.files[path] = {
+ 'errors': [],
+ 'warnings': [],
+ 'traces': [],
+ 'warning_traces': []
+ }
+ def _log(self, path, code, msg, level='error', line=0, column=0):
+ self._ensure_default_entry(path)
+ lvl_dct = self.files[path]['%ss' % level]
+ lvl_dct.append({
+ 'code': code,
+ 'msg': msg,
+ 'line': line,
+ 'column': column
+ })
+ def error(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self._log(*args, level='error', **kwargs)
+ def warning(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self._log(*args, level='warning', **kwargs)
+ def trace(self, path, tracebk):
+ self._ensure_default_entry(path)
+ self.files[path]['traces'].append(tracebk)
+ def warning_trace(self, path, tracebk):
+ self._ensure_default_entry(path)
+ self.files[path]['warning_traces'].append(tracebk)
+ @staticmethod
+ @contextmanager
+ def _output_handle(output):
+ if output != '-':
+ handle = open(output, 'w+')
+ else:
+ handle = sys.stdout
+ yield handle
+ handle.flush()
+ handle.close()
+ @staticmethod
+ def _filter_out_ok(reports):
+ temp_reports = OrderedDict()
+ for path, report in reports.items():
+ if report['errors'] or report['warnings']:
+ temp_reports[path] = report
+ return temp_reports
+ def plain(self, warnings=False, output='-'):
+ """Print out the test results in plain format
+ output is ignored here for now
+ """
+ ret = []
+ for path, report in Reporter._filter_out_ok(self.files).items():
+ traces = report['traces'][:]
+ if warnings and report['warnings']:
+ traces.extend(report['warning_traces'])
+ for trace in traces:
+ print('TRACE:')
+ print('\n '.join((' %s' % trace).splitlines()))
+ for error in report['errors']:
+ error['path'] = path
+ print('%(path)s:%(line)d:%(column)d: E%(code)s %(msg)s' % error)
+ ret.append(1)
+ if warnings:
+ for warning in report['warnings']:
+ warning['path'] = path
+ print('%(path)s:%(line)d:%(column)d: W%(code)s %(msg)s' % warning)
+ return 3 if ret else 0
+ def json(self, warnings=False, output='-'):
+ """Print out the test results in json format
+ warnings is not respected in this output
+ """
+ ret = [len(r['errors']) for r in self.files.values()]
+ with Reporter._output_handle(output) as handle:
+ print(json.dumps(Reporter._filter_out_ok(self.files), indent=4, cls=ReporterEncoder), file=handle)
+ return 3 if sum(ret) else 0
+class Validator(with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, object)):
+ """Validator instances are intended to be run on a single object. if you
+ are scanning multiple objects for problems, you'll want to have a separate
+ Validator for each one."""
+ def __init__(self, reporter=None):
+ self.reporter = reporter
+ @property
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def object_name(self):
+ """Name of the object we validated"""
+ pass
+ @property
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def object_path(self):
+ """Path of the object we validated"""
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def validate(self):
+ """Run this method to generate the test results"""
+ pass
+class ModuleValidator(Validator):
+ REJECTLIST_PATTERNS = ('.git*', '*.pyc', '*.pyo', '.*', '*.md', '*.rst', '*.txt')
+ REJECTLIST_FILES = frozenset(('.git', '.gitignore', '.travis.yml',
+ '.gitattributes', '.gitmodules', 'COPYING',
+ '', 'VERSION', ''))
+ # win_dsc is a dynamic arg spec, the docs won't ever match
+ PS_ARG_VALIDATE_REJECTLIST = frozenset(('win_dsc.ps1', ))
+ ACCEPTLIST_FUTURE_IMPORTS = frozenset(('absolute_import', 'division', 'print_function'))
+ def __init__(self, path, analyze_arg_spec=False, collection=None, collection_version=None,
+ base_branch=None, git_cache=None, reporter=None, routing=None, plugin_type='module'):
+ super(ModuleValidator, self).__init__(reporter=reporter or Reporter())
+ self.path = path
+ self.basename = os.path.basename(self.path)
+ = os.path.splitext(self.basename)[0]
+ self.plugin_type = plugin_type
+ self.analyze_arg_spec = analyze_arg_spec and plugin_type == 'module'
+ self._Version = LooseVersion
+ self._StrictVersion = StrictVersion
+ self.collection = collection
+ self.collection_name = 'ansible.builtin'
+ if self.collection:
+ self._Version = SemanticVersion
+ self._StrictVersion = SemanticVersion
+ collection_namespace_path, collection_name = os.path.split(self.collection)
+ self.collection_name = '%s.%s' % (os.path.basename(collection_namespace_path), collection_name)
+ self.routing = routing
+ self.collection_version = None
+ if collection_version is not None:
+ self.collection_version_str = collection_version
+ self.collection_version = SemanticVersion(collection_version)
+ self.base_branch = base_branch
+ self.git_cache = git_cache or GitCache()
+ self._python_module_override = False
+ with open(path) as f:
+ self.text =
+ self.length = len(self.text.splitlines())
+ try:
+ self.ast = ast.parse(self.text)
+ except Exception:
+ self.ast = None
+ if base_branch:
+ self.base_module = self._get_base_file()
+ else:
+ self.base_module = None
+ def _create_version(self, v, collection_name=None):
+ if not v:
+ raise ValueError('Empty string is not a valid version')
+ if collection_name == 'ansible.builtin':
+ return LooseVersion(v)
+ if collection_name is not None:
+ return SemanticVersion(v)
+ return self._Version(v)
+ def _create_strict_version(self, v, collection_name=None):
+ if not v:
+ raise ValueError('Empty string is not a valid version')
+ if collection_name == 'ansible.builtin':
+ return StrictVersion(v)
+ if collection_name is not None:
+ return SemanticVersion(v)
+ return self._StrictVersion(v)
+ def __enter__(self):
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
+ if not self.base_module:
+ return
+ try:
+ os.remove(self.base_module)
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ @property
+ def object_name(self):
+ return self.basename
+ @property
+ def object_path(self):
+ return self.path
+ def _get_collection_meta(self):
+ """Implement if we need this for version_added comparisons
+ """
+ pass
+ def _python_module(self):
+ if self.path.endswith('.py') or self._python_module_override:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def _powershell_module(self):
+ if self.path.endswith('.ps1'):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def _sidecar_doc(self):
+ if self.path.endswith('.yml') or self.path.endswith('.yaml'):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def _just_docs(self):
+ """Module can contain just docs and from __future__ boilerplate
+ """
+ try:
+ for child in self.ast.body:
+ if not isinstance(child, ast.Assign):
+ # allow string constant expressions (these are docstrings)
+ if isinstance(child, ast.Expr) and isinstance(child.value, ast.Constant) and isinstance(child.value.value, str):
+ continue
+ # allowed from __future__ imports
+ if isinstance(child, ast.ImportFrom) and child.module == '__future__':
+ for future_import in child.names:
+ break
+ else:
+ continue
+ return False
+ return True
+ except AttributeError:
+ return False
+ def _get_base_branch_module_path(self):
+ """List all paths within lib/ansible/modules to try and match a moved module"""
+ return self.git_cache.base_module_paths.get(self.object_name)
+ def _has_alias(self):
+ """Return true if the module has any aliases."""
+ return self.object_name in self.git_cache.head_aliased_modules
+ def _get_base_file(self):
+ # In case of module moves, look for the original location
+ base_path = self._get_base_branch_module_path()
+ ext = os.path.splitext(base_path or self.path)[1]
+ command = ['git', 'show', '%s:%s' % (self.base_branch, base_path or self.path)]
+ p =, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, capture_output=True, check=False)
+ if int(p.returncode) != 0:
+ return None
+ t = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=ext)
+ t.write(p.stdout)
+ t.close()
+ return
+ def _is_new_module(self):
+ if self._has_alias():
+ return False
+ return not self.object_name.startswith('_') and bool(self.base_branch) and not bool(self.base_module)
+ def _check_interpreter(self, powershell=False):
+ if powershell:
+ if not self.text.startswith('#!powershell\n'):
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='missing-powershell-interpreter',
+ msg='Interpreter line is not "#!powershell"'
+ )
+ return
+ missing_python_interpreter = False
+ if not self.text.startswith('#!/usr/bin/python'):
+ if
+ missing_python_interpreter = self.text.startswith('#!') # shebang optional, but if present must match
+ else:
+ missing_python_interpreter = True # shebang required
+ if missing_python_interpreter:
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='missing-python-interpreter',
+ msg='Interpreter line is not "#!/usr/bin/python"',
+ )
+ def _check_type_instead_of_isinstance(self, powershell=False):
+ if powershell:
+ return
+ for line_no, line in enumerate(self.text.splitlines()):
+ typekeyword = TYPE_REGEX.match(line)
+ if typekeyword:
+ # TODO: add column
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='unidiomatic-typecheck',
+ msg=('Type comparison using type() found. '
+ 'Use isinstance() instead'),
+ line=line_no + 1
+ )
+ def _check_for_sys_exit(self):
+ # Optimize out the happy path
+ if 'sys.exit' not in self.text:
+ return
+ for line_no, line in enumerate(self.text.splitlines()):
+ sys_exit_usage = SYS_EXIT_REGEX.match(line)
+ if sys_exit_usage:
+ # TODO: add column
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='use-fail-json-not-sys-exit',
+ msg='sys.exit() call found. Should be exit_json/fail_json',
+ line=line_no + 1
+ )
+ def _check_gpl3_header(self):
+ header = '\n'.join(self.text.split('\n')[:20])
+ if ('GNU General Public License' not in header or
+ ('version 3' not in header and 'v3.0' not in header)):
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='missing-gplv3-license',
+ msg='GPLv3 license header not found in the first 20 lines of the module'
+ )
+ elif self._is_new_module():
+ if len([line for line in header
+ if 'GNU General Public License' in line]) > 1:
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='use-short-gplv3-license',
+ msg='Found old style GPLv3 license header: '
+ ''
+ )
+ def _check_for_subprocess(self):
+ for child in self.ast.body:
+ if isinstance(child, ast.Import):
+ if child.names[0].name == 'subprocess':
+ for line_no, line in enumerate(self.text.splitlines()):
+ sp_match =
+ if sp_match:
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='use-run-command-not-popen',
+ msg=('subprocess.Popen call found. Should be module.run_command'),
+ line=(line_no + 1),
+ column=(sp_match.span()[0] + 1)
+ )
+ def _check_for_os_call(self):
+ if '' in self.text:
+ for line_no, line in enumerate(self.text.splitlines()):
+ os_call_match =
+ if os_call_match:
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='use-run-command-not-os-call',
+ msg=(' call found. Should be module.run_command'),
+ line=(line_no + 1),
+ column=(os_call_match.span()[0] + 1)
+ )
+ def _find_rejectlist_imports(self):
+ for child in self.ast.body:
+ names = []
+ if isinstance(child, ast.Import):
+ names.extend(child.names)
+ elif isinstance(child, TRY_EXCEPT):
+ bodies = child.body
+ for handler in child.handlers:
+ bodies.extend(handler.body)
+ for grandchild in bodies:
+ if isinstance(grandchild, ast.Import):
+ names.extend(grandchild.names)
+ for name in names:
+ # TODO: Add line/col
+ for rejectlist_import, options in REJECTLIST_IMPORTS.items():
+ if,
+ new_only = options['new_only']
+ if self._is_new_module() and new_only:
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ **options['error']
+ )
+ elif not new_only:
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ **options['error']
+ )
+ def _find_module_utils(self):
+ linenos = []
+ found_basic = False
+ for child in self.ast.body:
+ if isinstance(child, (ast.Import, ast.ImportFrom)):
+ names = []
+ try:
+ names.append(child.module)
+ if child.module.endswith('.basic'):
+ found_basic = True
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ names.extend([ for n in child.names])
+ if [n for n in names if n.startswith('ansible.module_utils')]:
+ linenos.append(child.lineno)
+ for name in child.names:
+ if ('module_utils' in getattr(child, 'module', '') and
+ isinstance(name, ast.alias) and
+ == '*'):
+ msg = (
+ 'module-utils-specific-import',
+ ('module_utils imports should import specific '
+ 'components, not "*"')
+ )
+ if self._is_new_module():
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code=msg[0],
+ msg=msg[1],
+ line=child.lineno
+ )
+ else:
+ self.reporter.warning(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code=msg[0],
+ msg=msg[1],
+ line=child.lineno
+ )
+ if (isinstance(name, ast.alias) and
+ == 'basic'):
+ found_basic = True
+ if not found_basic:
+ self.reporter.warning(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='missing-module-utils-basic-import',
+ msg='Did not find "ansible.module_utils.basic" import'
+ )
+ return linenos
+ def _get_first_callable(self):
+ linenos = []
+ for child in self.ast.body:
+ if isinstance(child, (ast.FunctionDef, ast.ClassDef)):
+ linenos.append(child.lineno)
+ return min(linenos) if linenos else None
+ def _find_has_import(self):
+ for child in self.ast.body:
+ found_try_except_import = False
+ found_has = False
+ if isinstance(child, TRY_EXCEPT):
+ bodies = child.body
+ for handler in child.handlers:
+ bodies.extend(handler.body)
+ for grandchild in bodies:
+ if isinstance(grandchild, ast.Import):
+ found_try_except_import = True
+ if isinstance(grandchild, ast.Assign):
+ for target in grandchild.targets:
+ if not isinstance(target, ast.Name):
+ continue
+ if'has_'):
+ found_has = True
+ if found_try_except_import and not found_has:
+ # TODO: Add line/col
+ self.reporter.warning(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='try-except-missing-has',
+ msg='Found Try/Except block without HAS_ assignment'
+ )
+ def _ensure_imports_below_docs(self, doc_info, first_callable):
+ min_doc_line = min(doc_info[key]['lineno'] for key in doc_info)
+ max_doc_line = max(doc_info[key]['end_lineno'] for key in doc_info)
+ import_lines = []
+ for child in self.ast.body:
+ if isinstance(child, (ast.Import, ast.ImportFrom)):
+ if isinstance(child, ast.ImportFrom) and child.module == '__future__':
+ # allowed from __future__ imports
+ for future_import in child.names:
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='illegal-future-imports',
+ msg=('Only the following from __future__ imports are allowed: %s'
+ % ', '.join(self.ACCEPTLIST_FUTURE_IMPORTS)),
+ line=child.lineno
+ )
+ break
+ else: # for-else. If we didn't find a problem nad break out of the loop, then this is a legal import
+ continue
+ import_lines.append(child.lineno)
+ if child.lineno < min_doc_line:
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='import-before-documentation',
+ msg=('Import found before documentation variables. '
+ 'All imports must appear below '
+ line=child.lineno
+ )
+ break
+ elif isinstance(child, TRY_EXCEPT):
+ bodies = child.body
+ for handler in child.handlers:
+ bodies.extend(handler.body)
+ for grandchild in bodies:
+ if isinstance(grandchild, (ast.Import, ast.ImportFrom)):
+ import_lines.append(grandchild.lineno)
+ if grandchild.lineno < min_doc_line:
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='import-before-documentation',
+ msg=('Import found before documentation '
+ 'variables. All imports must appear below '
+ line=child.lineno
+ )
+ break
+ for import_line in import_lines:
+ if not (max_doc_line < import_line < first_callable):
+ msg = (
+ 'import-placement',
+ ('Imports should be directly below DOCUMENTATION/EXAMPLES/'
+ 'RETURN.')
+ )
+ if self._is_new_module():
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code=msg[0],
+ msg=msg[1],
+ line=import_line
+ )
+ else:
+ self.reporter.warning(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code=msg[0],
+ msg=msg[1],
+ line=import_line
+ )
+ def _validate_ps_replacers(self):
+ # loop all (for/else + error)
+ # get module list for each
+ # check "shape" of each module name
+ module_requires = r'(?im)^#\s*requires\s+\-module(?:s?)\s*(Ansible\.ModuleUtils\..+)'
+ csharp_requires = r'(?im)^#\s*ansiblerequires\s+\-csharputil\s*(Ansible\..+)'
+ found_requires = False
+ for req_stmt in re.finditer(module_requires, self.text):
+ found_requires = True
+ # this will bomb on dictionary format - "don't do that"
+ module_list = [x.strip() for x in',')]
+ if len(module_list) > 1:
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='multiple-utils-per-requires',
+ msg='Ansible.ModuleUtils requirements do not support multiple modules per statement: "%s"' %
+ )
+ continue
+ module_name = module_list[0]
+ if module_name.lower().endswith('.psm1'):
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='invalid-requires-extension',
+ msg='Module #Requires should not end in .psm1: "%s"' % module_name
+ )
+ for req_stmt in re.finditer(csharp_requires, self.text):
+ found_requires = True
+ # this will bomb on dictionary format - "don't do that"
+ module_list = [x.strip() for x in',')]
+ if len(module_list) > 1:
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='multiple-csharp-utils-per-requires',
+ msg='Ansible C# util requirements do not support multiple utils per statement: "%s"' %
+ )
+ continue
+ module_name = module_list[0]
+ if module_name.lower().endswith('.cs'):
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='illegal-extension-cs',
+ msg='Module #AnsibleRequires -CSharpUtil should not end in .cs: "%s"' % module_name
+ )
+ # also accept the legacy #POWERSHELL_COMMON replacer signal
+ if not found_requires and REPLACER_WINDOWS not in self.text:
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='missing-module-utils-import-csharp-requirements',
+ msg='No Ansible.ModuleUtils or C# Ansible util requirements/imports found'
+ )
+ def _find_ps_docs_file(self):
+ sidecar = self._find_sidecar_docs()
+ if sidecar:
+ return sidecar
+ py_path = self.path.replace('.ps1', '.py')
+ if not os.path.isfile(py_path):
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='missing-documentation',
+ msg='No DOCUMENTATION provided'
+ )
+ return py_path
+ def _find_sidecar_docs(self):
+ base_path = os.path.splitext(self.path)[0]
+ for ext in ('.yml', '.yaml'):
+ doc_path = f"{base_path}{ext}"
+ if os.path.isfile(doc_path):
+ return doc_path
+ def _get_py_docs(self):
+ docs = {
+ 'value': None,
+ 'lineno': 0,
+ 'end_lineno': 0,
+ },
+ 'value': None,
+ 'lineno': 0,
+ 'end_lineno': 0,
+ },
+ 'RETURN': {
+ 'value': None,
+ 'lineno': 0,
+ 'end_lineno': 0,
+ },
+ }
+ for child in self.ast.body:
+ if isinstance(child, ast.Assign):
+ for grandchild in child.targets:
+ if not isinstance(grandchild, ast.Name):
+ continue
+ docs['DOCUMENTATION']['value'] = child.value.s
+ docs['DOCUMENTATION']['lineno'] = child.lineno
+ docs['DOCUMENTATION']['end_lineno'] = (
+ child.lineno + len(child.value.s.splitlines())
+ )
+ elif == 'EXAMPLES':
+ docs['EXAMPLES']['value'] = child.value.s
+ docs['EXAMPLES']['lineno'] = child.lineno
+ docs['EXAMPLES']['end_lineno'] = (
+ child.lineno + len(child.value.s.splitlines())
+ )
+ elif == 'RETURN':
+ docs['RETURN']['value'] = child.value.s
+ docs['RETURN']['lineno'] = child.lineno
+ docs['RETURN']['end_lineno'] = (
+ child.lineno + len(child.value.s.splitlines())
+ )
+ return docs
+ def _validate_docs_schema(self, doc, schema, name, error_code):
+ # TODO: Add line/col
+ errors = []
+ try:
+ schema(doc)
+ except Exception as e:
+ for error in e.errors:
+ = doc
+ errors.extend(e.errors)
+ for error in errors:
+ path = [str(p) for p in error.path]
+ local_error_code = getattr(error, 'ansible_error_code', error_code)
+ if isinstance(, dict):
+ error_message = humanize_error(, error)
+ else:
+ error_message = error
+ if path:
+ combined_path = '%s.%s' % (name, '.'.join(path))
+ else:
+ combined_path = name
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code=local_error_code,
+ msg='%s: %s' % (combined_path, error_message)
+ )
+ def _validate_docs(self):
+ doc = None
+ # We have three ways of marking deprecated/removed files. Have to check each one
+ # individually and then make sure they all agree
+ filename_deprecated_or_removed = False
+ deprecated = False
+ doc_deprecated = None # doc legally might not exist
+ routing_says_deprecated = False
+ if self.object_name.startswith('_') and not os.path.islink(self.object_path):
+ filename_deprecated_or_removed = True
+ # We are testing a collection
+ if self.routing:
+ routing_deprecation = self.routing.get('plugin_routing', {})
+ routing_deprecation = routing_deprecation.get('modules' if self.plugin_type == 'module' else self.plugin_type, {})
+ routing_deprecation = routing_deprecation.get(, {}).get('deprecation', {})
+ if routing_deprecation:
+ # meta/runtime.yml says this is deprecated
+ routing_says_deprecated = True
+ deprecated = True
+ if self._python_module():
+ doc_info = self._get_py_docs()
+ else:
+ doc_info = None
+ sidecar_text = None
+ if self._sidecar_doc():
+ sidecar_text = self.text
+ elif sidecar_path := self._find_sidecar_docs():
+ with open(sidecar_path, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as fd:
+ sidecar_text =
+ if sidecar_text:
+ sidecar_doc, errors, traces = parse_yaml(sidecar_text, 0,, 'DOCUMENTATION')
+ for error in errors:
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='documentation-syntax-error',
+ **error
+ )
+ for trace in traces:
+ self.reporter.trace(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ tracebk=trace
+ )
+ doc = sidecar_doc.get('DOCUMENTATION', None)
+ examples_raw = sidecar_doc.get('EXAMPLES', None)
+ examples_lineno = 1
+ returns = sidecar_doc.get('RETURN', None)
+ elif doc_info:
+ if bool(doc_info['DOCUMENTATION']['value']):
+ doc, errors, traces = parse_yaml(
+ doc_info['DOCUMENTATION']['value'],
+ doc_info['DOCUMENTATION']['lineno'],
+ )
+ for error in errors:
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='documentation-syntax-error',
+ **error
+ )
+ for trace in traces:
+ self.reporter.trace(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ tracebk=trace
+ )
+ examples_raw = doc_info['EXAMPLES']['value']
+ examples_lineno = doc_info['EXAMPLES']['lineno']
+ returns = None
+ if bool(doc_info['RETURN']['value']):
+ returns, errors, traces = parse_yaml(doc_info['RETURN']['value'],
+ doc_info['RETURN']['lineno'],
+, 'RETURN')
+ for error in errors:
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='return-syntax-error',
+ **error
+ )
+ for trace in traces:
+ self.reporter.trace(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ tracebk=trace
+ )
+ if doc:
+ add_collection_to_versions_and_dates(doc, self.collection_name,
+ is_module=self.plugin_type == 'module')
+ missing_fragment = False
+ with CaptureStd():
+ try:
+ get_docstring(self.path, fragment_loader=fragment_loader,
+ verbose=True,
+ collection_name=self.collection_name,
+ plugin_type=self.plugin_type)
+ except AssertionError:
+ fragment = doc['extends_documentation_fragment']
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='missing-doc-fragment',
+ msg='DOCUMENTATION fragment missing: %s' % fragment
+ )
+ missing_fragment = True
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.reporter.trace(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ tracebk=traceback.format_exc()
+ )
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='documentation-error',
+ msg='Unknown DOCUMENTATION error, see TRACE: %s' % e
+ )
+ if not missing_fragment:
+ add_fragments(doc, self.object_path, fragment_loader=fragment_loader,
+ is_module=self.plugin_type == 'module')
+ if 'options' in doc and doc['options'] is None:
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='invalid-documentation-options',
+ msg='DOCUMENTATION.options must be a dictionary/hash when used',
+ )
+ if 'deprecated' in doc and doc.get('deprecated'):
+ doc_deprecated = True
+ doc_deprecation = doc['deprecated']
+ documentation_collection = doc_deprecation.get('removed_from_collection')
+ if documentation_collection != self.collection_name:
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='deprecation-wrong-collection',
+ msg='"DOCUMENTATION.deprecation.removed_from_collection must be the current collection name: %r vs. %r' % (
+ documentation_collection, self.collection_name)
+ )
+ else:
+ doc_deprecated = False
+ if os.path.islink(self.object_path):
+ # This module has an alias, which we can tell as it's a symlink
+ # Rather than checking for `module: $filename` we need to check against the true filename
+ self._validate_docs_schema(
+ doc,
+ doc_schema(
+ os.readlink(self.object_path).split('.')[0],
+ for_collection=bool(self.collection),
+ deprecated_module=deprecated,
+ plugin_type=self.plugin_type,
+ ),
+ 'invalid-documentation',
+ )
+ else:
+ # This is the normal case
+ self._validate_docs_schema(
+ doc,
+ doc_schema(
+ self.object_name.split('.')[0],
+ for_collection=bool(self.collection),
+ deprecated_module=deprecated,
+ plugin_type=self.plugin_type,
+ ),
+ 'invalid-documentation',
+ )
+ if not self.collection:
+ existing_doc = self._check_for_new_args(doc)
+ self._check_version_added(doc, existing_doc)
+ else:
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='missing-documentation',
+ msg='No DOCUMENTATION provided',
+ )
+ if not examples_raw and self.plugin_type in PLUGINS_WITH_EXAMPLES:
+ if self.plugin_type in PLUGINS_WITH_EXAMPLES:
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='missing-examples',
+ msg='No EXAMPLES provided'
+ )
+ elif self.plugin_type in PLUGINS_WITH_YAML_EXAMPLES:
+ dummy, errors, traces = parse_yaml(examples_raw,
+ examples_lineno,
+ load_all=True,
+ ansible_loader=True)
+ for error in errors:
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='invalid-examples',
+ **error
+ )
+ for trace in traces:
+ self.reporter.trace(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ tracebk=trace
+ )
+ if returns:
+ if returns:
+ add_collection_to_versions_and_dates(
+ returns,
+ self.collection_name,
+ is_module=self.plugin_type == 'module',
+ return_docs=True)
+ self._validate_docs_schema(
+ returns,
+ return_schema(for_collection=bool(self.collection), plugin_type=self.plugin_type),
+ 'RETURN', 'return-syntax-error')
+ elif self.plugin_type in PLUGINS_WITH_RETURN_VALUES:
+ if self._is_new_module():
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='missing-return',
+ msg='No RETURN provided'
+ )
+ else:
+ self.reporter.warning(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='missing-return-legacy',
+ msg='No RETURN provided'
+ )
+ # Check for mismatched deprecation
+ if not self.collection:
+ mismatched_deprecation = True
+ if not (filename_deprecated_or_removed or deprecated or doc_deprecated):
+ mismatched_deprecation = False
+ else:
+ if (filename_deprecated_or_removed and doc_deprecated):
+ mismatched_deprecation = False
+ if (filename_deprecated_or_removed and not doc):
+ mismatched_deprecation = False
+ if mismatched_deprecation:
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='deprecation-mismatch',
+ msg='Module deprecation/removed must agree in documentation, by prepending filename with'
+ ' "_", and setting DOCUMENTATION.deprecated for deprecation or by removing all'
+ ' documentation for removed'
+ )
+ else:
+ # We are testing a collection
+ if self.object_name.startswith('_'):
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='collections-no-underscore-on-deprecation',
+ msg='Deprecated content in collections MUST NOT start with "_", update meta/runtime.yml instead',
+ )
+ if not (doc_deprecated == routing_says_deprecated):
+ # DOCUMENTATION.deprecated and meta/runtime.yml disagree
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='deprecation-mismatch',
+ msg='"meta/runtime.yml" and DOCUMENTATION.deprecation do not agree.'
+ )
+ elif routing_says_deprecated:
+ # Both DOCUMENTATION.deprecated and meta/runtime.yml agree that the module is deprecated.
+ # Make sure they give the same version or date.
+ routing_date = routing_deprecation.get('removal_date')
+ routing_version = routing_deprecation.get('removal_version')
+ # The versions and dates in the module documentation are auto-tagged, so remove the tag
+ # to make comparison possible and to avoid confusing the user.
+ documentation_date = doc_deprecation.get('removed_at_date')
+ documentation_version = doc_deprecation.get('removed_in')
+ if not compare_dates(routing_date, documentation_date):
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='deprecation-mismatch',
+ msg='"meta/runtime.yml" and DOCUMENTATION.deprecation do not agree on removal date: %r vs. %r' % (
+ routing_date, documentation_date)
+ )
+ if routing_version != documentation_version:
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='deprecation-mismatch',
+ msg='"meta/runtime.yml" and DOCUMENTATION.deprecation do not agree on removal version: %r vs. %r' % (
+ routing_version, documentation_version)
+ )
+ # In the future we should error if ANSIBLE_METADATA exists in a collection
+ return doc_info, doc
+ def _check_version_added(self, doc, existing_doc):
+ version_added_raw = doc.get('version_added')
+ try:
+ collection_name = doc.get('version_added_collection')
+ version_added = self._create_strict_version(
+ str(version_added_raw or '0.0'),
+ collection_name=collection_name)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ version_added = version_added_raw or '0.0'
+ if self._is_new_module() or version_added != 'historical':
+ # already reported during schema validation, except:
+ if version_added == 'historical':
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='module-invalid-version-added',
+ msg='version_added is not a valid version number: %r. Error: %s' % (version_added, e)
+ )
+ return
+ if existing_doc and str(version_added_raw) != str(existing_doc.get('version_added')):
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='module-incorrect-version-added',
+ msg='version_added should be %r. Currently %r' % (existing_doc.get('version_added'), version_added_raw)
+ )
+ if not self._is_new_module():
+ return
+ should_be = '.'.join(ansible_version.split('.')[:2])
+ strict_ansible_version = self._create_strict_version(should_be, collection_name='ansible.builtin')
+ if (version_added < strict_ansible_version or
+ strict_ansible_version < version_added):
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='module-incorrect-version-added',
+ msg='version_added should be %r. Currently %r' % (should_be, version_added_raw)
+ )
+ def _validate_ansible_module_call(self, docs):
+ try:
+ spec, kwargs = get_argument_spec(self.path, self.collection)
+ except AnsibleModuleNotInitialized:
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='ansible-module-not-initialized',
+ msg="Execution of the module did not result in initialization of AnsibleModule",
+ )
+ return
+ except AnsibleModuleImportError as e:
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='import-error',
+ msg="Exception attempting to import module for argument_spec introspection, '%s'" % e
+ )
+ self.reporter.trace(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ tracebk=traceback.format_exc()
+ )
+ return
+ schema = ansible_module_kwargs_schema(self.object_name.split('.')[0], for_collection=bool(self.collection))
+ self._validate_docs_schema(kwargs, schema, 'AnsibleModule', 'invalid-ansiblemodule-schema')
+ self._validate_argument_spec(docs, spec, kwargs)
+ def _validate_list_of_module_args(self, name, terms, spec, context):
+ if terms is None:
+ return
+ if not isinstance(terms, (list, tuple)):
+ # This is already reported by schema checking
+ return
+ for check in terms:
+ if not isinstance(check, (list, tuple)):
+ # This is already reported by schema checking
+ continue
+ bad_term = False
+ for term in check:
+ if not isinstance(term, string_types):
+ msg = name
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " must contain strings in the lists or tuples; found value %r" % (term, )
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code=name + '-type',
+ msg=msg,
+ )
+ bad_term = True
+ if bad_term:
+ continue
+ if len(set(check)) != len(check):
+ msg = name
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " has repeated terms"
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code=name + '-collision',
+ msg=msg,
+ )
+ if not set(check) <= set(spec):
+ msg = name
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " contains terms which are not part of argument_spec: %s" % ", ".join(sorted(set(check).difference(set(spec))))
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code=name + '-unknown',
+ msg=msg,
+ )
+ def _validate_required_if(self, terms, spec, context, module):
+ if terms is None:
+ return
+ if not isinstance(terms, (list, tuple)):
+ # This is already reported by schema checking
+ return
+ for check in terms:
+ if not isinstance(check, (list, tuple)) or len(check) not in [3, 4]:
+ # This is already reported by schema checking
+ continue
+ if len(check) == 4 and not isinstance(check[3], bool):
+ msg = "required_if"
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " must have forth value omitted or of type bool; got %r" % (check[3], )
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='required_if-is_one_of-type',
+ msg=msg,
+ )
+ requirements = check[2]
+ if not isinstance(requirements, (list, tuple)):
+ msg = "required_if"
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " must have third value (requirements) being a list or tuple; got type %r" % (requirements, )
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='required_if-requirements-type',
+ msg=msg,
+ )
+ continue
+ bad_term = False
+ for term in requirements:
+ if not isinstance(term, string_types):
+ msg = "required_if"
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " must have only strings in third value (requirements); got %r" % (term, )
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='required_if-requirements-type',
+ msg=msg,
+ )
+ bad_term = True
+ if bad_term:
+ continue
+ if len(set(requirements)) != len(requirements):
+ msg = "required_if"
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " has repeated terms in requirements"
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='required_if-requirements-collision',
+ msg=msg,
+ )
+ if not set(requirements) <= set(spec):
+ msg = "required_if"
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " contains terms in requirements which are not part of argument_spec: %s" % ", ".join(sorted(set(requirements).difference(set(spec))))
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='required_if-requirements-unknown',
+ msg=msg,
+ )
+ key = check[0]
+ if key not in spec:
+ msg = "required_if"
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " must have its key %s in argument_spec" % key
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='required_if-unknown-key',
+ msg=msg,
+ )
+ continue
+ if key in requirements:
+ msg = "required_if"
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " contains its key %s in requirements" % key
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='required_if-key-in-requirements',
+ msg=msg,
+ )
+ value = check[1]
+ if value is not None:
+ _type = spec[key].get('type', 'str')
+ if callable(_type):
+ _type_checker = _type
+ else:
+ _type_checker = DEFAULT_TYPE_VALIDATORS.get(_type)
+ try:
+ with CaptureStd():
+ dummy = _type_checker(value)
+ except (Exception, SystemExit):
+ msg = "required_if"
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " has value %r which does not fit to %s's parameter type %r" % (value, key, _type)
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='required_if-value-type',
+ msg=msg,
+ )
+ def _validate_required_by(self, terms, spec, context):
+ if terms is None:
+ return
+ if not isinstance(terms, Mapping):
+ # This is already reported by schema checking
+ return
+ for key, value in terms.items():
+ if isinstance(value, string_types):
+ value = [value]
+ if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
+ # This is already reported by schema checking
+ continue
+ for term in value:
+ if not isinstance(term, string_types):
+ # This is already reported by schema checking
+ continue
+ if len(set(value)) != len(value) or key in value:
+ msg = "required_by"
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " has repeated terms"
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='required_by-collision',
+ msg=msg,
+ )
+ if not set(value) <= set(spec) or key not in spec:
+ msg = "required_by"
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " contains terms which are not part of argument_spec: %s" % ", ".join(sorted(set(value).difference(set(spec))))
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='required_by-unknown',
+ msg=msg,
+ )
+ def _validate_argument_spec(self, docs, spec, kwargs, context=None, last_context_spec=None):
+ if not self.analyze_arg_spec:
+ return
+ if docs is None:
+ docs = {}
+ if context is None:
+ context = []
+ if last_context_spec is None:
+ last_context_spec = kwargs
+ try:
+ if not context:
+ add_fragments(docs, self.object_path, fragment_loader=fragment_loader,
+ is_module=self.plugin_type == 'module')
+ except Exception:
+ # Cannot merge fragments
+ return
+ # Use this to access type checkers later
+ module = NoArgsAnsibleModule({})
+ self._validate_list_of_module_args('mutually_exclusive', last_context_spec.get('mutually_exclusive'), spec, context)
+ self._validate_list_of_module_args('required_together', last_context_spec.get('required_together'), spec, context)
+ self._validate_list_of_module_args('required_one_of', last_context_spec.get('required_one_of'), spec, context)
+ self._validate_required_if(last_context_spec.get('required_if'), spec, context, module)
+ self._validate_required_by(last_context_spec.get('required_by'), spec, context)
+ provider_args = set()
+ args_from_argspec = set()
+ deprecated_args_from_argspec = set()
+ doc_options = docs.get('options', {})
+ if doc_options is None:
+ doc_options = {}
+ for arg, data in spec.items():
+ restricted_argument_names = ('message', 'syslog_facility')
+ if arg.lower() in restricted_argument_names:
+ msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec " % arg
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += "must not be one of %s as it is used " \
+ "internally by Ansible Core Engine" % (",".join(restricted_argument_names))
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='invalid-argument-name',
+ msg=msg,
+ )
+ continue
+ if 'aliases' in data:
+ for al in data['aliases']:
+ if al.lower() in restricted_argument_names:
+ msg = "Argument alias '%s' in argument_spec " % al
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += "must not be one of %s as it is used " \
+ "internally by Ansible Core Engine" % (",".join(restricted_argument_names))
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='invalid-argument-name',
+ msg=msg,
+ )
+ continue
+ # Could this a place where secrets are leaked?
+ # If it is type: path we know it's not a secret key as it's a file path.
+ # If it is type: bool it is more likely a flag indicating that something is secret, than an actual secret.
+ if all((
+ data.get('no_log') is None, is_potential_secret_option(arg),
+ data.get('type') not in ("path", "bool"), data.get('choices') is None,
+ )):
+ msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec could be a secret, though doesn't have `no_log` set" % arg
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='no-log-needed',
+ msg=msg,
+ )
+ if not isinstance(data, dict):
+ msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " must be a dictionary/hash when used"
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='invalid-argument-spec',
+ msg=msg,
+ )
+ continue
+ removed_at_date = data.get('removed_at_date', None)
+ if removed_at_date is not None:
+ try:
+ if parse_isodate(removed_at_date, allow_date=False) <
+ msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " has a removed_at_date '%s' before today" % removed_at_date
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='deprecated-date',
+ msg=msg,
+ )
+ except ValueError:
+ # This should only happen when removed_at_date is not in ISO format. Since schema
+ # validation already reported this as an error, don't report it a second time.
+ pass
+ deprecated_aliases = data.get('deprecated_aliases', None)
+ if deprecated_aliases is not None:
+ for deprecated_alias in deprecated_aliases:
+ if 'name' in deprecated_alias and 'date' in deprecated_alias:
+ try:
+ date = deprecated_alias['date']
+ if parse_isodate(date, allow_date=False) <
+ msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " has deprecated aliases '%s' with removal date '%s' before today" % (
+ deprecated_alias['name'], deprecated_alias['date'])
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='deprecated-date',
+ msg=msg,
+ )
+ except ValueError:
+ # This should only happen when deprecated_alias['date'] is not in ISO format. Since
+ # schema validation already reported this as an error, don't report it a second
+ # time.
+ pass
+ has_version = False
+ if self.collection and self.collection_version is not None:
+ compare_version = self.collection_version
+ version_of_what = "this collection (%s)" % self.collection_version_str
+ code_prefix = 'collection'
+ has_version = True
+ elif not self.collection:
+ compare_version = LOOSE_ANSIBLE_VERSION
+ version_of_what = "Ansible (%s)" % ansible_version
+ code_prefix = 'ansible'
+ has_version = True
+ removed_in_version = data.get('removed_in_version', None)
+ if removed_in_version is not None:
+ try:
+ collection_name = data.get('removed_from_collection')
+ removed_in = self._create_version(str(removed_in_version), collection_name=collection_name)
+ if has_version and collection_name == self.collection_name and compare_version >= removed_in:
+ msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " has a deprecated removed_in_version %r," % removed_in_version
+ msg += " i.e. the version is less than or equal to the current version of %s" % version_of_what
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code=code_prefix + '-deprecated-version',
+ msg=msg,
+ )
+ except ValueError as e:
+ msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " has an invalid removed_in_version number %r: %s" % (removed_in_version, e)
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='invalid-deprecated-version',
+ msg=msg,
+ )
+ except TypeError:
+ msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " has an invalid removed_in_version number %r: " % (removed_in_version, )
+ msg += " error while comparing to version of %s" % version_of_what
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='invalid-deprecated-version',
+ msg=msg,
+ )
+ if deprecated_aliases is not None:
+ for deprecated_alias in deprecated_aliases:
+ if 'name' in deprecated_alias and 'version' in deprecated_alias:
+ try:
+ collection_name = deprecated_alias.get('collection_name')
+ version = self._create_version(str(deprecated_alias['version']), collection_name=collection_name)
+ if has_version and collection_name == self.collection_name and compare_version >= version:
+ msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " has deprecated aliases '%s' with removal in version %r," % (
+ deprecated_alias['name'], deprecated_alias['version'])
+ msg += " i.e. the version is less than or equal to the current version of %s" % version_of_what
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code=code_prefix + '-deprecated-version',
+ msg=msg,
+ )
+ except ValueError as e:
+ msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " has deprecated aliases '%s' with invalid removal version %r: %s" % (
+ deprecated_alias['name'], deprecated_alias['version'], e)
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='invalid-deprecated-version',
+ msg=msg,
+ )
+ except TypeError:
+ msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " has deprecated aliases '%s' with invalid removal version %r:" % (
+ deprecated_alias['name'], deprecated_alias['version'])
+ msg += " error while comparing to version of %s" % version_of_what
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='invalid-deprecated-version',
+ msg=msg,
+ )
+ aliases = data.get('aliases', [])
+ if arg in aliases:
+ msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " is specified as its own alias"
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='parameter-alias-self',
+ msg=msg
+ )
+ if len(aliases) > len(set(aliases)):
+ msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " has at least one alias specified multiple times in aliases"
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='parameter-alias-repeated',
+ msg=msg
+ )
+ if not context and arg == 'state':
+ bad_states = set(['list', 'info', 'get']) & set(data.get('choices', set()))
+ for bad_state in bad_states:
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='parameter-state-invalid-choice',
+ msg="Argument 'state' includes the value '%s' as a choice" % bad_state)
+ if not data.get('removed_in_version', None) and not data.get('removed_at_date', None):
+ args_from_argspec.add(arg)
+ args_from_argspec.update(aliases)
+ else:
+ deprecated_args_from_argspec.add(arg)
+ deprecated_args_from_argspec.update(aliases)
+ if arg == 'provider' and self.object_path.startswith('lib/ansible/modules/network/'):
+ if data.get('options') is not None and not isinstance(data.get('options'), Mapping):
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='invalid-argument-spec-options',
+ msg="Argument 'options' in argument_spec['provider'] must be a dictionary/hash when used",
+ )
+ elif data.get('options'):
+ # Record provider options from network modules, for later comparison
+ for provider_arg, provider_data in data.get('options', {}).items():
+ provider_args.add(provider_arg)
+ provider_args.update(provider_data.get('aliases', []))
+ if data.get('required') and data.get('default', object) != object:
+ msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " is marked as required but specifies a default. Arguments with a" \
+ " default should not be marked as required"
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='no-default-for-required-parameter',
+ msg=msg
+ )
+ if arg in provider_args:
+ # Provider args are being removed from network module top level
+ # don't validate docs<->arg_spec checks below
+ continue
+ _type = data.get('type', 'str')
+ if callable(_type):
+ _type_checker = _type
+ else:
+ _type_checker = DEFAULT_TYPE_VALIDATORS.get(_type)
+ _elements = data.get('elements')
+ if (_type == 'list') and not _elements:
+ msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " defines type as list but elements is not defined"
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='parameter-list-no-elements',
+ msg=msg
+ )
+ if _elements:
+ if not callable(_elements):
+ if _type != 'list':
+ msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " defines elements as %s but it is valid only when value of parameter type is list" % _elements
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='parameter-invalid-elements',
+ msg=msg
+ )
+ arg_default = None
+ if 'default' in data and not is_empty(data['default']):
+ try:
+ with CaptureStd():
+ arg_default = _type_checker(data['default'])
+ except (Exception, SystemExit):
+ msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " defines default as (%r) but this is incompatible with parameter type %r" % (data['default'], _type)
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='incompatible-default-type',
+ msg=msg
+ )
+ continue
+ doc_options_args = []
+ for alias in sorted(set([arg] + list(aliases))):
+ if alias in doc_options:
+ doc_options_args.append(alias)
+ if len(doc_options_args) == 0:
+ # Undocumented arguments will be handled later (search for undocumented-parameter)
+ doc_options_arg = {}
+ else:
+ doc_options_arg = doc_options[doc_options_args[0]]
+ if len(doc_options_args) > 1:
+ msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " with aliases %s is documented multiple times, namely as %s" % (
+ ", ".join([("'%s'" % alias) for alias in aliases]),
+ ", ".join([("'%s'" % alias) for alias in doc_options_args])
+ )
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='parameter-documented-multiple-times',
+ msg=msg
+ )
+ try:
+ doc_default = None
+ if 'default' in doc_options_arg and not is_empty(doc_options_arg['default']):
+ with CaptureStd():
+ doc_default = _type_checker(doc_options_arg['default'])
+ except (Exception, SystemExit):
+ msg = "Argument '%s' in documentation" % arg
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " defines default as (%r) but this is incompatible with parameter type %r" % (doc_options_arg.get('default'), _type)
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='doc-default-incompatible-type',
+ msg=msg
+ )
+ continue
+ if arg_default != doc_default:
+ msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " defines default as (%r) but documentation defines default as (%r)" % (arg_default, doc_default)
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='doc-default-does-not-match-spec',
+ msg=msg
+ )
+ doc_type = doc_options_arg.get('type')
+ if 'type' in data and data['type'] is not None:
+ if doc_type is None:
+ if not arg.startswith('_'): # hidden parameter, for example _raw_params
+ msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " defines type as %r but documentation doesn't define type" % (data['type'])
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='parameter-type-not-in-doc',
+ msg=msg
+ )
+ elif data['type'] != doc_type:
+ msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " defines type as %r but documentation defines type as %r" % (data['type'], doc_type)
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='doc-type-does-not-match-spec',
+ msg=msg
+ )
+ else:
+ if doc_type is None:
+ msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " uses default type ('str') but documentation doesn't define type"
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='doc-missing-type',
+ msg=msg
+ )
+ elif doc_type != 'str':
+ msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " implies type as 'str' but documentation defines as %r" % doc_type
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='implied-parameter-type-mismatch',
+ msg=msg
+ )
+ doc_choices = []
+ try:
+ for choice in doc_options_arg.get('choices', []):
+ try:
+ with CaptureStd():
+ doc_choices.append(_type_checker(choice))
+ except (Exception, SystemExit):
+ msg = "Argument '%s' in documentation" % arg
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " defines choices as (%r) but this is incompatible with argument type %r" % (choice, _type)
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='doc-choices-incompatible-type',
+ msg=msg
+ )
+ raise StopIteration()
+ except StopIteration:
+ continue
+ arg_choices = []
+ try:
+ for choice in data.get('choices', []):
+ try:
+ with CaptureStd():
+ arg_choices.append(_type_checker(choice))
+ except (Exception, SystemExit):
+ msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " defines choices as (%r) but this is incompatible with argument type %r" % (choice, _type)
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='incompatible-choices',
+ msg=msg
+ )
+ raise StopIteration()
+ except StopIteration:
+ continue
+ if not compare_unordered_lists(arg_choices, doc_choices):
+ msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " defines choices as (%r) but documentation defines choices as (%r)" % (arg_choices, doc_choices)
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='doc-choices-do-not-match-spec',
+ msg=msg
+ )
+ doc_required = doc_options_arg.get('required', False)
+ data_required = data.get('required', False)
+ if (doc_required or data_required) and not (doc_required and data_required):
+ msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ if doc_required:
+ msg += " is not required, but is documented as being required"
+ else:
+ msg += " is required, but is not documented as being required"
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='doc-required-mismatch',
+ msg=msg
+ )
+ doc_elements = doc_options_arg.get('elements', None)
+ doc_type = doc_options_arg.get('type', 'str')
+ data_elements = data.get('elements', None)
+ if (doc_elements or data_elements) and not (doc_elements == data_elements):
+ msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ if data_elements:
+ msg += " specifies elements as %s," % data_elements
+ else:
+ msg += " does not specify elements,"
+ if doc_elements:
+ msg += "but elements is documented as being %s" % doc_elements
+ else:
+ msg += "but elements is not documented"
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='doc-elements-mismatch',
+ msg=msg
+ )
+ spec_suboptions = data.get('options')
+ doc_suboptions = doc_options_arg.get('suboptions', {})
+ if spec_suboptions:
+ if not doc_suboptions:
+ msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " has sub-options but documentation does not define it"
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='missing-suboption-docs',
+ msg=msg
+ )
+ self._validate_argument_spec({'options': doc_suboptions}, spec_suboptions, kwargs,
+ context=context + [arg], last_context_spec=data)
+ for arg in args_from_argspec:
+ if not str(arg).isidentifier():
+ msg = "Argument '%s' in argument_spec" % arg
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " is not a valid python identifier"
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='parameter-invalid',
+ msg=msg
+ )
+ if docs:
+ args_from_docs = set()
+ for arg, data in doc_options.items():
+ args_from_docs.add(arg)
+ args_from_docs.update(data.get('aliases', []))
+ args_missing_from_docs = args_from_argspec.difference(args_from_docs)
+ docs_missing_from_args = args_from_docs.difference(args_from_argspec | deprecated_args_from_argspec)
+ for arg in args_missing_from_docs:
+ if arg in provider_args:
+ # Provider args are being removed from network module top level
+ # So they are likely not documented on purpose
+ continue
+ msg = "Argument '%s'" % arg
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation"
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='undocumented-parameter',
+ msg=msg
+ )
+ for arg in docs_missing_from_args:
+ msg = "Argument '%s'" % arg
+ if context:
+ msg += " found in %s" % " -> ".join(context)
+ msg += " is listed in DOCUMENTATION.options, but not accepted by the module argument_spec"
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='nonexistent-parameter-documented',
+ msg=msg
+ )
+ def _check_for_new_args(self, doc):
+ if not self.base_branch or self._is_new_module():
+ return
+ with CaptureStd():
+ try:
+ existing_doc, dummy_examples, dummy_return, existing_metadata = get_docstring(
+ self.base_module, fragment_loader, verbose=True, collection_name=self.collection_name,
+ is_module=self.plugin_type == 'module')
+ existing_options = existing_doc.get('options', {}) or {}
+ except AssertionError:
+ fragment = doc['extends_documentation_fragment']
+ self.reporter.warning(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='missing-existing-doc-fragment',
+ msg='Pre-existing DOCUMENTATION fragment missing: %s' % fragment
+ )
+ return
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.reporter.warning_trace(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ tracebk=e
+ )
+ self.reporter.warning(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='unknown-doc-fragment',
+ msg=('Unknown pre-existing DOCUMENTATION error, see TRACE. Submodule refs may need updated')
+ )
+ return
+ try:
+ mod_collection_name = existing_doc.get('version_added_collection')
+ mod_version_added = self._create_strict_version(
+ str(existing_doc.get('version_added', '0.0')),
+ collection_name=mod_collection_name)
+ except ValueError:
+ mod_collection_name = self.collection_name
+ mod_version_added = self._create_strict_version('0.0')
+ options = doc.get('options', {}) or {}
+ should_be = '.'.join(ansible_version.split('.')[:2])
+ strict_ansible_version = self._create_strict_version(should_be, collection_name='ansible.builtin')
+ for option, details in options.items():
+ try:
+ names = [option] + details.get('aliases', [])
+ except (TypeError, AttributeError):
+ # Reporting of this syntax error will be handled by schema validation.
+ continue
+ if any(name in existing_options for name in names):
+ # The option already existed. Make sure version_added didn't change.
+ for name in names:
+ existing_collection_name = existing_options.get(name, {}).get('version_added_collection')
+ existing_version = existing_options.get(name, {}).get('version_added')
+ if existing_version:
+ break
+ current_collection_name = details.get('version_added_collection')
+ current_version = details.get('version_added')
+ if current_collection_name != existing_collection_name:
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='option-incorrect-version-added-collection',
+ msg=('version_added for existing option (%s) should '
+ 'belong to collection %r. Currently belongs to %r' %
+ (option, current_collection_name, existing_collection_name))
+ )
+ elif str(current_version) != str(existing_version):
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='option-incorrect-version-added',
+ msg=('version_added for existing option (%s) should '
+ 'be %r. Currently %r' %
+ (option, existing_version, current_version))
+ )
+ continue
+ try:
+ collection_name = details.get('version_added_collection')
+ version_added = self._create_strict_version(
+ str(details.get('version_added', '0.0')),
+ collection_name=collection_name)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ # already reported during schema validation
+ continue
+ builtin = self.collection_name == 'ansible.builtin' and collection_name in ('ansible.builtin', None)
+ if not builtin and collection_name != self.collection_name:
+ continue
+ if (strict_ansible_version != mod_version_added and
+ (version_added < strict_ansible_version or
+ strict_ansible_version < version_added)):
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='option-incorrect-version-added',
+ msg=('version_added for new option (%s) should '
+ 'be %r. Currently %r' %
+ (option, should_be, version_added))
+ )
+ return existing_doc
+ @staticmethod
+ def is_on_rejectlist(path):
+ base_name = os.path.basename(path)
+ file_name = os.path.splitext(base_name)[0]
+ if file_name.startswith('_') and os.path.islink(path):
+ return True
+ if not frozenset((base_name, file_name)).isdisjoint(ModuleValidator.REJECTLIST):
+ return True
+ for pat in ModuleValidator.REJECTLIST_PATTERNS:
+ if fnmatch(base_name, pat):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def validate(self):
+ super(ModuleValidator, self).validate()
+ if not self._python_module() and not self._powershell_module() and not self._sidecar_doc():
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='invalid-extension',
+ msg=('Official Ansible modules must have a .py '
+ 'extension for python modules or a .ps1 '
+ 'for powershell modules')
+ )
+ self._python_module_override = True
+ if self._python_module() and self.ast is None:
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='python-syntax-error',
+ msg='Python SyntaxError while parsing module'
+ )
+ try:
+ compile(self.text, self.path, 'exec')
+ except Exception:
+ self.reporter.trace(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ tracebk=traceback.format_exc()
+ )
+ return
+ end_of_deprecation_should_be_removed_only = False
+ doc_info = None
+ if self._python_module() or self._sidecar_doc():
+ doc_info, docs = self._validate_docs()
+ # See if current version => deprecated.removed_in, ie, should be docs only
+ if docs and docs.get('deprecated', False):
+ if 'removed_in' in docs['deprecated']:
+ removed_in = None
+ collection_name = docs['deprecated'].get('removed_from_collection')
+ version = docs['deprecated']['removed_in']
+ if collection_name != self.collection_name:
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='invalid-module-deprecation-source',
+ msg=('The deprecation version for a module must be added in this collection')
+ )
+ else:
+ try:
+ removed_in = self._create_strict_version(str(version), collection_name=collection_name)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='invalid-module-deprecation-version',
+ msg=('The deprecation version %r cannot be parsed: %s' % (version, e))
+ )
+ if removed_in:
+ if not self.collection:
+ strict_ansible_version = self._create_strict_version(
+ '.'.join(ansible_version.split('.')[:2]), self.collection_name)
+ end_of_deprecation_should_be_removed_only = strict_ansible_version >= removed_in
+ if end_of_deprecation_should_be_removed_only:
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='ansible-deprecated-module',
+ msg='Module is marked for removal in version %s of Ansible when the current version is %s' % (
+ version, ansible_version),
+ )
+ elif self.collection_version:
+ strict_ansible_version = self.collection_version
+ end_of_deprecation_should_be_removed_only = strict_ansible_version >= removed_in
+ if end_of_deprecation_should_be_removed_only:
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='collection-deprecated-module',
+ msg='Module is marked for removal in version %s of this collection when the current version is %s' % (
+ version, self.collection_version_str),
+ )
+ # handle deprecation by date
+ if 'removed_at_date' in docs['deprecated']:
+ try:
+ removed_at_date = docs['deprecated']['removed_at_date']
+ if parse_isodate(removed_at_date, allow_date=True) <
+ msg = "Module's deprecated.removed_at_date date '%s' is before today" % removed_at_date
+ self.reporter.error(path=self.object_path, code='deprecated-date', msg=msg)
+ except ValueError:
+ # This happens if the date cannot be parsed. This is already checked by the schema.
+ pass
+ if self._python_module() and not self._just_docs() and not end_of_deprecation_should_be_removed_only:
+ if self.plugin_type == 'module':
+ self._validate_ansible_module_call(docs)
+ self._check_for_sys_exit()
+ self._find_rejectlist_imports()
+ if self.plugin_type == 'module':
+ self._find_module_utils()
+ self._find_has_import()
+ if doc_info:
+ first_callable = self._get_first_callable() or 1000000 # use a bogus "high" line number if no callable exists
+ self._ensure_imports_below_docs(doc_info, first_callable)
+ if self.plugin_type == 'module':
+ self._check_for_subprocess()
+ self._check_for_os_call()
+ if self._powershell_module():
+ self._validate_ps_replacers()
+ docs_path = self._find_ps_docs_file()
+ # We can only validate PowerShell arg spec if it is using the new Ansible.Basic.AnsibleModule util
+ pattern = r'(?im)^#\s*ansiblerequires\s+\-csharputil\s*Ansible\.Basic'
+ if, self.text) and self.object_name not in self.PS_ARG_VALIDATE_REJECTLIST:
+ with ModuleValidator(docs_path, base_branch=self.base_branch, git_cache=self.git_cache) as docs_mv:
+ docs = docs_mv._validate_docs()[1]
+ self._validate_ansible_module_call(docs)
+ self._check_gpl3_header()
+ if not self._just_docs() and not self._sidecar_doc() and not end_of_deprecation_should_be_removed_only:
+ if self.plugin_type == 'module':
+ self._check_interpreter(powershell=self._powershell_module())
+ self._check_type_instead_of_isinstance(
+ powershell=self._powershell_module()
+ )
+class PythonPackageValidator(Validator):
+ REJECTLIST_FILES = frozenset(('__pycache__',))
+ def __init__(self, path, reporter=None):
+ super(PythonPackageValidator, self).__init__(reporter=reporter or Reporter())
+ self.path = path
+ self.basename = os.path.basename(path)
+ @property
+ def object_name(self):
+ return self.basename
+ @property
+ def object_path(self):
+ return self.path
+ def validate(self):
+ super(PythonPackageValidator, self).validate()
+ if self.basename in self.REJECTLIST_FILES:
+ return
+ init_file = os.path.join(self.path, '')
+ if not os.path.exists(init_file):
+ self.reporter.error(
+ path=self.object_path,
+ code='subdirectory-missing-init',
+ msg='Ansible module subdirectories must contain an'
+ )
+def re_compile(value):
+ """
+ Argparse expects things to raise TypeError, re.compile raises an re.error
+ exception
+ This function is a shorthand to convert the re.error exception to a
+ TypeError
+ """
+ try:
+ return re.compile(value)
+ except re.error as e:
+ raise TypeError(e)
+def run():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="validate-modules")
+ parser.add_argument('plugins', nargs='+',
+ help='Path to module/plugin or module/plugin directory')
+ parser.add_argument('-w', '--warnings', help='Show warnings',
+ action='store_true')
+ parser.add_argument('--exclude', help='RegEx exclusion pattern',
+ type=re_compile)
+ parser.add_argument('--arg-spec', help='Analyze module argument spec',
+ action='store_true', default=False)
+ parser.add_argument('--base-branch', default=None,
+ help='Used in determining if new options were added')
+ parser.add_argument('--format', choices=['json', 'plain'], default='plain',
+ help='Output format. Default: "%(default)s"')
+ parser.add_argument('--output', default='-',
+ help='Output location, use "-" for stdout. '
+ 'Default "%(default)s"')
+ parser.add_argument('--collection',
+ help='Specifies the path to the collection, when '
+ 'validating files within a collection. Ensure '
+ 'that ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATH is set so the '
+ 'contents of the collection can be located')
+ parser.add_argument('--collection-version',
+ help='The collection\'s version number used to check '
+ 'deprecations')
+ parser.add_argument('--plugin-type',
+ default='module',
+ help='The plugin type to validate. Defaults to %(default)s')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ args.plugins = [m.rstrip('/') for m in args.plugins]
+ reporter = Reporter()
+ git_cache = GitCache(args.base_branch, args.plugin_type)
+ check_dirs = set()
+ routing = None
+ if args.collection:
+ routing_file = 'meta/runtime.yml'
+ # Load meta/runtime.yml if it exists, as it may contain deprecation information
+ if os.path.isfile(routing_file):
+ try:
+ with open(routing_file) as f:
+ routing = yaml.safe_load(f)
+ except yaml.error.MarkedYAMLError as ex:
+ print('%s:%d:%d: YAML load failed: %s' % (routing_file, ex.context_mark.line + 1, ex.context_mark.column + 1, re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', str(ex))))
+ except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except
+ print('%s:%d:%d: YAML load failed: %s' % (routing_file, 0, 0, re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', str(ex))))
+ for plugin in args.plugins:
+ if os.path.isfile(plugin):
+ path = plugin
+ if args.exclude and
+ continue
+ if ModuleValidator.is_on_rejectlist(path):
+ continue
+ with ModuleValidator(path, collection=args.collection, collection_version=args.collection_version,
+ analyze_arg_spec=args.arg_spec, base_branch=args.base_branch,
+ git_cache=git_cache, reporter=reporter, routing=routing,
+ plugin_type=args.plugin_type) as mv1:
+ mv1.validate()
+ check_dirs.add(os.path.dirname(path))
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(plugin):
+ basedir = root[len(plugin) + 1:].split('/', 1)[0]
+ if basedir in REJECTLIST_DIRS:
+ continue
+ for dirname in dirs:
+ if root == plugin and dirname in REJECTLIST_DIRS:
+ continue
+ path = os.path.join(root, dirname)
+ if args.exclude and
+ continue
+ check_dirs.add(path)
+ for filename in files:
+ path = os.path.join(root, filename)
+ if args.exclude and
+ continue
+ if ModuleValidator.is_on_rejectlist(path):
+ continue
+ with ModuleValidator(path, collection=args.collection, collection_version=args.collection_version,
+ analyze_arg_spec=args.arg_spec, base_branch=args.base_branch,
+ git_cache=git_cache, reporter=reporter, routing=routing,
+ plugin_type=args.plugin_type) as mv2:
+ mv2.validate()
+ if not args.collection and args.plugin_type == 'module':
+ for path in sorted(check_dirs):
+ pv = PythonPackageValidator(path, reporter=reporter)
+ pv.validate()
+ if args.format == 'plain':
+ sys.exit(reporter.plain(warnings=args.warnings, output=args.output))
+ else:
+ sys.exit(reporter.json(warnings=args.warnings, output=args.output))
+class GitCache:
+ def __init__(self, base_branch, plugin_type):
+ self.base_branch = base_branch
+ self.plugin_type = plugin_type
+ self.rel_path = 'lib/ansible/modules/'
+ if plugin_type != 'module':
+ self.rel_path = 'lib/ansible/plugins/%s/' % plugin_type
+ if self.base_branch:
+ self.base_tree = self._git(['ls-tree', '-r', '--name-only', self.base_branch, self.rel_path])
+ else:
+ self.base_tree = []
+ try:
+ self.head_tree = self._git(['ls-tree', '-r', '--name-only', 'HEAD', self.rel_path])
+ except GitError as ex:
+ if ex.status == 128:
+ # fallback when there is no .git directory
+ self.head_tree = self._get_module_files()
+ else:
+ raise
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ # fallback when git is not installed
+ self.head_tree = self._get_module_files()
+ allowed_exts = ('.py', '.ps1')
+ if plugin_type != 'module':
+ allowed_exts = ('.py', )
+ self.base_module_paths = dict((os.path.basename(p), p) for p in self.base_tree if os.path.splitext(p)[1] in allowed_exts)
+ self.base_module_paths.pop('', None)
+ self.head_aliased_modules = set()
+ for path in self.head_tree:
+ filename = os.path.basename(path)
+ if filename.startswith('_') and filename != '':
+ if os.path.islink(path):
+ self.head_aliased_modules.add(os.path.basename(os.path.realpath(path)))
+ def _get_module_files(self):
+ module_files = []
+ for (dir_path, dir_names, file_names) in os.walk(self.rel_path):
+ for file_name in file_names:
+ module_files.append(os.path.join(dir_path, file_name))
+ return module_files
+ @staticmethod
+ def _git(args):
+ cmd = ['git'] + args
+ p =, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, capture_output=True, text=True, check=False)
+ if p.returncode != 0:
+ raise GitError(p.stderr, p.returncode)
+ return p.stdout.splitlines()
+class GitError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, message, status):
+ super(GitError, self).__init__(message)
+ self.status = status
+def main():
+ try:
+ run()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ pass