#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright: (c) 2017, Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import argparse import fcntl import hashlib import io import os import pickle import signal import socket import sys import time import traceback import errno import json from contextlib import contextmanager from ansible import constants as C from ansible.cli.arguments import option_helpers as opt_help from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes, to_text from ansible.module_utils.connection import Connection, ConnectionError, send_data, recv_data from ansible.module_utils.service import fork_process from ansible.parsing.ajson import AnsibleJSONEncoder, AnsibleJSONDecoder from ansible.playbook.play_context import PlayContext from ansible.plugins.loader import connection_loader from ansible.utils.path import unfrackpath, makedirs_safe from ansible.utils.display import Display from ansible.utils.jsonrpc import JsonRpcServer display = Display() def read_stream(byte_stream): size = int(byte_stream.readline().strip()) data = byte_stream.read(size) if len(data) < size: raise Exception("EOF found before data was complete") data_hash = to_text(byte_stream.readline().strip()) if data_hash != hashlib.sha1(data).hexdigest(): raise Exception("Read {0} bytes, but data did not match checksum".format(size)) # restore escaped loose \r characters data = data.replace(br'\r', b'\r') return data @contextmanager def file_lock(lock_path): """ Uses contextmanager to create and release a file lock based on the given path. This allows us to create locks using `with file_lock()` to prevent deadlocks related to failure to unlock properly. """ lock_fd = os.open(lock_path, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT, 0o600) fcntl.lockf(lock_fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX) yield fcntl.lockf(lock_fd, fcntl.LOCK_UN) os.close(lock_fd) class ConnectionProcess(object): ''' The connection process wraps around a Connection object that manages the connection to a remote device that persists over the playbook ''' def __init__(self, fd, play_context, socket_path, original_path, task_uuid=None, ansible_playbook_pid=None): self.play_context = play_context self.socket_path = socket_path self.original_path = original_path self._task_uuid = task_uuid self.fd = fd self.exception = None self.srv = JsonRpcServer() self.sock = None self.connection = None self._ansible_playbook_pid = ansible_playbook_pid def start(self, options): messages = list() result = {} try: messages.append(('vvvv', 'control socket path is %s' % self.socket_path)) # If this is a relative path (~ gets expanded later) then plug the # key's path on to the directory we originally came from, so we can # find it now that our cwd is / if self.play_context.private_key_file and self.play_context.private_key_file[0] not in '~/': self.play_context.private_key_file = os.path.join(self.original_path, self.play_context.private_key_file) self.connection = connection_loader.get(self.play_context.connection, self.play_context, '/dev/null', task_uuid=self._task_uuid, ansible_playbook_pid=self._ansible_playbook_pid) try: self.connection.set_options(direct=options) except ConnectionError as exc: messages.append(('debug', to_text(exc))) raise ConnectionError('Unable to decode JSON from response set_options. See the debug log for more information.') self.connection._socket_path = self.socket_path self.srv.register(self.connection) messages.extend([('vvvv', msg) for msg in sys.stdout.getvalue().splitlines()]) self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.sock.bind(self.socket_path) self.sock.listen(1) messages.append(('vvvv', 'local domain socket listeners started successfully')) except Exception as exc: messages.extend(self.connection.pop_messages()) result['error'] = to_text(exc) result['exception'] = traceback.format_exc() finally: result['messages'] = messages self.fd.write(json.dumps(result, cls=AnsibleJSONEncoder)) self.fd.close() def run(self): try: log_messages = self.connection.get_option('persistent_log_messages') while not self.connection._conn_closed: signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.connect_timeout) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.handler) signal.alarm(self.connection.get_option('persistent_connect_timeout')) self.exception = None (s, addr) = self.sock.accept() signal.alarm(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.command_timeout) while True: data = recv_data(s) if not data: break if log_messages: display.display("jsonrpc request: %s" % data, log_only=True) request = json.loads(to_text(data, errors='surrogate_or_strict')) if request.get('method') == "exec_command" and not self.connection.connected: self.connection._connect() signal.alarm(self.connection.get_option('persistent_command_timeout')) resp = self.srv.handle_request(data) signal.alarm(0) if log_messages: display.display("jsonrpc response: %s" % resp, log_only=True) send_data(s, to_bytes(resp)) s.close() except Exception as e: # socket.accept() will raise EINTR if the socket.close() is called if hasattr(e, 'errno'): if e.errno != errno.EINTR: self.exception = traceback.format_exc() else: self.exception = traceback.format_exc() finally: # allow time for any exception msg send over socket to receive at other end before shutting down time.sleep(0.1) # when done, close the connection properly and cleanup the socket file so it can be recreated self.shutdown() def connect_timeout(self, signum, frame): msg = 'persistent connection idle timeout triggered, timeout value is %s secs.\nSee the timeout setting options in the Network Debug and ' \ 'Troubleshooting Guide.' % self.connection.get_option('persistent_connect_timeout') display.display(msg, log_only=True) raise Exception(msg) def command_timeout(self, signum, frame): msg = 'command timeout triggered, timeout value is %s secs.\nSee the timeout setting options in the Network Debug and Troubleshooting Guide.'\ % self.connection.get_option('persistent_command_timeout') display.display(msg, log_only=True) raise Exception(msg) def handler(self, signum, frame): msg = 'signal handler called with signal %s.' % signum display.display(msg, log_only=True) raise Exception(msg) def shutdown(self): """ Shuts down the local domain socket """ lock_path = unfrackpath("%s/.ansible_pc_lock_%s" % os.path.split(self.socket_path)) if os.path.exists(self.socket_path): try: if self.sock: self.sock.close() if self.connection: self.connection.close() if self.connection.get_option("persistent_log_messages"): for _level, message in self.connection.pop_messages(): display.display(message, log_only=True) except Exception: pass finally: if os.path.exists(self.socket_path): os.remove(self.socket_path) setattr(self.connection, '_socket_path', None) setattr(self.connection, '_connected', False) if os.path.exists(lock_path): os.remove(lock_path) display.display('shutdown complete', log_only=True) def main(args=None): """ Called to initiate the connect to the remote device """ parser = opt_help.create_base_parser(prog='ansible-connection') opt_help.add_verbosity_options(parser) parser.add_argument('playbook_pid') parser.add_argument('task_uuid') args = parser.parse_args(args[1:] if args is not None else args) # initialize verbosity display.verbosity = args.verbosity rc = 0 result = {} messages = list() socket_path = None # Need stdin as a byte stream stdin = sys.stdin.buffer # Note: update the below log capture code after Display.display() is refactored. saved_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = io.StringIO() try: # read the play context data via stdin, which means depickling it opts_data = read_stream(stdin) init_data = read_stream(stdin) pc_data = pickle.loads(init_data, encoding='bytes') options = pickle.loads(opts_data, encoding='bytes') play_context = PlayContext() play_context.deserialize(pc_data) except Exception as e: rc = 1 result.update({ 'error': to_text(e), 'exception': traceback.format_exc() }) if rc == 0: ssh = connection_loader.get('ssh', class_only=True) ansible_playbook_pid = args.playbook_pid task_uuid = args.task_uuid cp = ssh._create_control_path(play_context.remote_addr, play_context.port, play_context.remote_user, play_context.connection, ansible_playbook_pid) # create the persistent connection dir if need be and create the paths # which we will be using later tmp_path = unfrackpath(C.PERSISTENT_CONTROL_PATH_DIR) makedirs_safe(tmp_path) socket_path = unfrackpath(cp % dict(directory=tmp_path)) lock_path = unfrackpath("%s/.ansible_pc_lock_%s" % os.path.split(socket_path)) with file_lock(lock_path): if not os.path.exists(socket_path): messages.append(('vvvv', 'local domain socket does not exist, starting it')) original_path = os.getcwd() r, w = os.pipe() pid = fork_process() if pid == 0: try: os.close(r) wfd = os.fdopen(w, 'w') process = ConnectionProcess(wfd, play_context, socket_path, original_path, task_uuid, ansible_playbook_pid) process.start(options) except Exception: messages.append(('error', traceback.format_exc())) rc = 1 if rc == 0: process.run() else: process.shutdown() sys.exit(rc) else: os.close(w) rfd = os.fdopen(r, 'r') data = json.loads(rfd.read(), cls=AnsibleJSONDecoder) messages.extend(data.pop('messages')) result.update(data) else: messages.append(('vvvv', 'found existing local domain socket, using it!')) conn = Connection(socket_path) try: conn.set_options(direct=options) except ConnectionError as exc: messages.append(('debug', to_text(exc))) raise ConnectionError('Unable to decode JSON from response set_options. See the debug log for more information.') pc_data = to_text(init_data) try: conn.update_play_context(pc_data) conn.set_check_prompt(task_uuid) except Exception as exc: # Only network_cli has update_play context and set_check_prompt, so missing this is # not fatal e.g. netconf if isinstance(exc, ConnectionError) and getattr(exc, 'code', None) == -32601: pass else: result.update({ 'error': to_text(exc), 'exception': traceback.format_exc() }) if os.path.exists(socket_path): messages.extend(Connection(socket_path).pop_messages()) messages.append(('vvvv', sys.stdout.getvalue())) result.update({ 'messages': messages, 'socket_path': socket_path }) sys.stdout = saved_stdout if 'exception' in result: rc = 1 sys.stderr.write(json.dumps(result, cls=AnsibleJSONEncoder)) else: rc = 0 sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(result, cls=AnsibleJSONEncoder)) sys.exit(rc) if __name__ == '__main__': main()