#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright: (c) 2014, James Tanner # Copyright: (c) 2018, Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # PYTHON_ARGCOMPLETE_OK from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type # ansible.cli needs to be imported first, to ensure the source bin/* scripts run that code first from ansible.cli import CLI import pkgutil import os import os.path import re import textwrap import traceback import ansible.plugins.loader as plugin_loader from pathlib import Path from ansible import constants as C from ansible import context from ansible.cli.arguments import option_helpers as opt_help from ansible.collections.list import list_collection_dirs from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleOptionsError, AnsibleParserError, AnsiblePluginNotFound from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native, to_text from ansible.module_utils.common.collections import is_sequence from ansible.module_utils.common.json import json_dump from ansible.module_utils.common.yaml import yaml_dump from ansible.module_utils.compat import importlib from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types from ansible.parsing.plugin_docs import read_docstub from ansible.parsing.utils.yaml import from_yaml from ansible.parsing.yaml.dumper import AnsibleDumper from ansible.plugins.list import list_plugins from ansible.plugins.loader import action_loader, fragment_loader from ansible.utils.collection_loader import AnsibleCollectionConfig, AnsibleCollectionRef from ansible.utils.collection_loader._collection_finder import _get_collection_name_from_path from ansible.utils.display import Display from ansible.utils.plugin_docs import get_plugin_docs, get_docstring, get_versioned_doclink display = Display() TARGET_OPTIONS = C.DOCUMENTABLE_PLUGINS + ('role', 'keyword',) PB_OBJECTS = ['Play', 'Role', 'Block', 'Task'] PB_LOADED = {} SNIPPETS = ['inventory', 'lookup', 'module'] def add_collection_plugins(plugin_list, plugin_type, coll_filter=None): display.deprecated("add_collection_plugins method, use ansible.plugins.list functions instead.", version='2.17') plugin_list.update(list_plugins(plugin_type, coll_filter)) def jdump(text): try: display.display(json_dump(text)) except TypeError as e: display.vvv(traceback.format_exc()) raise AnsibleError('We could not convert all the documentation into JSON as there was a conversion issue: %s' % to_native(e)) class RoleMixin(object): """A mixin containing all methods relevant to role argument specification functionality. Note: The methods for actual display of role data are not present here. """ # Potential locations of the role arg spec file in the meta subdir, with main.yml # having the lowest priority. ROLE_ARGSPEC_FILES = ['argument_specs' + e for e in C.YAML_FILENAME_EXTENSIONS] + ["main" + e for e in C.YAML_FILENAME_EXTENSIONS] def _load_argspec(self, role_name, collection_path=None, role_path=None): """Load the role argument spec data from the source file. :param str role_name: The name of the role for which we want the argspec data. :param str collection_path: Path to the collection containing the role. This will be None for standard roles. :param str role_path: Path to the standard role. This will be None for collection roles. We support two files containing the role arg spec data: either meta/main.yml or meta/argument_spec.yml. The argument_spec.yml file will take precedence over the meta/main.yml file, if it exists. Data is NOT combined between the two files. :returns: A dict of all data underneath the ``argument_specs`` top-level YAML key in the argspec data file. Empty dict is returned if there is no data. """ if collection_path: meta_path = os.path.join(collection_path, 'roles', role_name, 'meta') elif role_path: meta_path = os.path.join(role_path, 'meta') else: raise AnsibleError("A path is required to load argument specs for role '%s'" % role_name) path = None # Check all potential spec files for specfile in self.ROLE_ARGSPEC_FILES: full_path = os.path.join(meta_path, specfile) if os.path.exists(full_path): path = full_path break if path is None: return {} try: with open(path, 'r') as f: data = from_yaml(f.read(), file_name=path) if data is None: data = {} return data.get('argument_specs', {}) except (IOError, OSError) as e: raise AnsibleParserError("An error occurred while trying to read the file '%s': %s" % (path, to_native(e)), orig_exc=e) def _find_all_normal_roles(self, role_paths, name_filters=None): """Find all non-collection roles that have an argument spec file. Note that argument specs do not actually need to exist within the spec file. :param role_paths: A tuple of one or more role paths. When a role with the same name is found in multiple paths, only the first-found role is returned. :param name_filters: A tuple of one or more role names used to filter the results. :returns: A set of tuples consisting of: role name, full role path """ found = set() found_names = set() for path in role_paths: if not os.path.isdir(path): continue # Check each subdir for an argument spec file for entry in os.listdir(path): role_path = os.path.join(path, entry) # Check all potential spec files for specfile in self.ROLE_ARGSPEC_FILES: full_path = os.path.join(role_path, 'meta', specfile) if os.path.exists(full_path): if name_filters is None or entry in name_filters: if entry not in found_names: found.add((entry, role_path)) found_names.add(entry) # select first-found break return found def _find_all_collection_roles(self, name_filters=None, collection_filter=None): """Find all collection roles with an argument spec file. Note that argument specs do not actually need to exist within the spec file. :param name_filters: A tuple of one or more role names used to filter the results. These might be fully qualified with the collection name (e.g., community.general.roleA) or not (e.g., roleA). :param collection_filter: A string containing the FQCN of a collection which will be used to limit results. This filter will take precedence over the name_filters. :returns: A set of tuples consisting of: role name, collection name, collection path """ found = set() b_colldirs = list_collection_dirs(coll_filter=collection_filter) for b_path in b_colldirs: path = to_text(b_path, errors='surrogate_or_strict') collname = _get_collection_name_from_path(b_path) roles_dir = os.path.join(path, 'roles') if os.path.exists(roles_dir): for entry in os.listdir(roles_dir): # Check all potential spec files for specfile in self.ROLE_ARGSPEC_FILES: full_path = os.path.join(roles_dir, entry, 'meta', specfile) if os.path.exists(full_path): if name_filters is None: found.add((entry, collname, path)) else: # Name filters might contain a collection FQCN or not. for fqcn in name_filters: if len(fqcn.split('.')) == 3: (ns, col, role) = fqcn.split('.') if '.'.join([ns, col]) == collname and entry == role: found.add((entry, collname, path)) elif fqcn == entry: found.add((entry, collname, path)) break return found def _build_summary(self, role, collection, argspec): """Build a summary dict for a role. Returns a simplified role arg spec containing only the role entry points and their short descriptions, and the role collection name (if applicable). :param role: The simple role name. :param collection: The collection containing the role (None or empty string if N/A). :param argspec: The complete role argspec data dict. :returns: A tuple with the FQCN role name and a summary dict. """ if collection: fqcn = '.'.join([collection, role]) else: fqcn = role summary = {} summary['collection'] = collection summary['entry_points'] = {} for ep in argspec.keys(): entry_spec = argspec[ep] or {} summary['entry_points'][ep] = entry_spec.get('short_description', '') return (fqcn, summary) def _build_doc(self, role, path, collection, argspec, entry_point): if collection: fqcn = '.'.join([collection, role]) else: fqcn = role doc = {} doc['path'] = path doc['collection'] = collection doc['entry_points'] = {} for ep in argspec.keys(): if entry_point is None or ep == entry_point: entry_spec = argspec[ep] or {} doc['entry_points'][ep] = entry_spec # If we didn't add any entry points (b/c of filtering), ignore this entry. if len(doc['entry_points'].keys()) == 0: doc = None return (fqcn, doc) def _create_role_list(self, fail_on_errors=True): """Return a dict describing the listing of all roles with arg specs. :param role_paths: A tuple of one or more role paths. :returns: A dict indexed by role name, with 'collection' and 'entry_points' keys per role. Example return: results = { 'roleA': { 'collection': '', 'entry_points': { 'main': 'Short description for main' } }, 'a.b.c.roleB': { 'collection': 'a.b.c', 'entry_points': { 'main': 'Short description for main', 'alternate': 'Short description for alternate entry point' } 'x.y.z.roleB': { 'collection': 'x.y.z', 'entry_points': { 'main': 'Short description for main', } }, } """ roles_path = self._get_roles_path() collection_filter = self._get_collection_filter() if not collection_filter: roles = self._find_all_normal_roles(roles_path) else: roles = [] collroles = self._find_all_collection_roles(collection_filter=collection_filter) result = {} for role, role_path in roles: try: argspec = self._load_argspec(role, role_path=role_path) fqcn, summary = self._build_summary(role, '', argspec) result[fqcn] = summary except Exception as e: if fail_on_errors: raise result[role] = { 'error': 'Error while loading role argument spec: %s' % to_native(e), } for role, collection, collection_path in collroles: try: argspec = self._load_argspec(role, collection_path=collection_path) fqcn, summary = self._build_summary(role, collection, argspec) result[fqcn] = summary except Exception as e: if fail_on_errors: raise result['%s.%s' % (collection, role)] = { 'error': 'Error while loading role argument spec: %s' % to_native(e), } return result def _create_role_doc(self, role_names, entry_point=None, fail_on_errors=True): """ :param role_names: A tuple of one or more role names. :param role_paths: A tuple of one or more role paths. :param entry_point: A role entry point name for filtering. :param fail_on_errors: When set to False, include errors in the JSON output instead of raising errors :returns: A dict indexed by role name, with 'collection', 'entry_points', and 'path' keys per role. """ roles_path = self._get_roles_path() roles = self._find_all_normal_roles(roles_path, name_filters=role_names) collroles = self._find_all_collection_roles(name_filters=role_names) result = {} for role, role_path in roles: try: argspec = self._load_argspec(role, role_path=role_path) fqcn, doc = self._build_doc(role, role_path, '', argspec, entry_point) if doc: result[fqcn] = doc except Exception as e: # pylint:disable=broad-except result[role] = { 'error': 'Error while processing role: %s' % to_native(e), } for role, collection, collection_path in collroles: try: argspec = self._load_argspec(role, collection_path=collection_path) fqcn, doc = self._build_doc(role, collection_path, collection, argspec, entry_point) if doc: result[fqcn] = doc except Exception as e: # pylint:disable=broad-except result['%s.%s' % (collection, role)] = { 'error': 'Error while processing role: %s' % to_native(e), } return result class DocCLI(CLI, RoleMixin): ''' displays information on modules installed in Ansible libraries. It displays a terse listing of plugins and their short descriptions, provides a printout of their DOCUMENTATION strings, and it can create a short "snippet" which can be pasted into a playbook. ''' name = 'ansible-doc' # default ignore list for detailed views IGNORE = ('module', 'docuri', 'version_added', 'version_added_collection', 'short_description', 'now_date', 'plainexamples', 'returndocs', 'collection') # Warning: If you add more elements here, you also need to add it to the docsite build (in the # ansible-community/antsibull repo) _ITALIC = re.compile(r"\bI\(([^)]+)\)") _BOLD = re.compile(r"\bB\(([^)]+)\)") _MODULE = re.compile(r"\bM\(([^)]+)\)") _LINK = re.compile(r"\bL\(([^)]+), *([^)]+)\)") _URL = re.compile(r"\bU\(([^)]+)\)") _REF = re.compile(r"\bR\(([^)]+), *([^)]+)\)") _CONST = re.compile(r"\bC\(([^)]+)\)") _RULER = re.compile(r"\bHORIZONTALLINE\b") # rst specific _RST_NOTE = re.compile(r".. note::") _RST_SEEALSO = re.compile(r".. seealso::") _RST_ROLES = re.compile(r":\w+?:`") _RST_DIRECTIVES = re.compile(r".. \w+?::") def __init__(self, args): super(DocCLI, self).__init__(args) self.plugin_list = set() @classmethod def find_plugins(cls, path, internal, plugin_type, coll_filter=None): display.deprecated("find_plugins method as it is incomplete/incorrect. use ansible.plugins.list functions instead.", version='2.17') return list_plugins(plugin_type, coll_filter, [path]).keys() @classmethod def tty_ify(cls, text): # general formatting t = cls._ITALIC.sub(r"`\1'", text) # I(word) => `word' t = cls._BOLD.sub(r"*\1*", t) # B(word) => *word* t = cls._MODULE.sub("[" + r"\1" + "]", t) # M(word) => [word] t = cls._URL.sub(r"\1", t) # U(word) => word t = cls._LINK.sub(r"\1 <\2>", t) # L(word, url) => word t = cls._REF.sub(r"\1", t) # R(word, sphinx-ref) => word t = cls._CONST.sub(r"`\1'", t) # C(word) => `word' t = cls._RULER.sub("\n{0}\n".format("-" * 13), t) # HORIZONTALLINE => ------- # remove rst t = cls._RST_SEEALSO.sub(r"See also:", t) # seealso to See also: t = cls._RST_NOTE.sub(r"Note:", t) # .. note:: to note: t = cls._RST_ROLES.sub(r"`", t) # remove :ref: and other tags, keep tilde to match ending one t = cls._RST_DIRECTIVES.sub(r"", t) # remove .. stuff:: in general return t def init_parser(self): coll_filter = 'A supplied argument will be used for filtering, can be a namespace or full collection name.' super(DocCLI, self).init_parser( desc="plugin documentation tool", epilog="See man pages for Ansible CLI options or website for tutorials https://docs.ansible.com" ) opt_help.add_module_options(self.parser) opt_help.add_basedir_options(self.parser) # targets self.parser.add_argument('args', nargs='*', help='Plugin', metavar='plugin') self.parser.add_argument("-t", "--type", action="store", default='module', dest='type', help='Choose which plugin type (defaults to "module"). ' 'Available plugin types are : {0}'.format(TARGET_OPTIONS), choices=TARGET_OPTIONS) # formatting self.parser.add_argument("-j", "--json", action="store_true", default=False, dest='json_format', help='Change output into json format.') # TODO: warn if not used with -t roles # role-specific options self.parser.add_argument("-r", "--roles-path", dest='roles_path', default=C.DEFAULT_ROLES_PATH, type=opt_help.unfrack_path(pathsep=True), action=opt_help.PrependListAction, help='The path to the directory containing your roles.') # modifiers exclusive = self.parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() # TODO: warn if not used with -t roles exclusive.add_argument("-e", "--entry-point", dest="entry_point", help="Select the entry point for role(s).") # TODO: warn with --json as it is incompatible exclusive.add_argument("-s", "--snippet", action="store_true", default=False, dest='show_snippet', help='Show playbook snippet for these plugin types: %s' % ', '.join(SNIPPETS)) # TODO: warn when arg/plugin is passed exclusive.add_argument("-F", "--list_files", action="store_true", default=False, dest="list_files", help='Show plugin names and their source files without summaries (implies --list). %s' % coll_filter) exclusive.add_argument("-l", "--list", action="store_true", default=False, dest='list_dir', help='List available plugins. %s' % coll_filter) exclusive.add_argument("--metadata-dump", action="store_true", default=False, dest='dump', help='**For internal use only** Dump json metadata for all entries, ignores other options.') self.parser.add_argument("--no-fail-on-errors", action="store_true", default=False, dest='no_fail_on_errors', help='**For internal use only** Only used for --metadata-dump. ' 'Do not fail on errors. Report the error message in the JSON instead.') def post_process_args(self, options): options = super(DocCLI, self).post_process_args(options) display.verbosity = options.verbosity return options def display_plugin_list(self, results): # format for user displace = max(len(x) for x in results.keys()) linelimit = display.columns - displace - 5 text = [] deprecated = [] # format display per option if context.CLIARGS['list_files']: # list plugin file names for plugin in sorted(results.keys()): filename = to_native(results[plugin]) # handle deprecated for builtin/legacy pbreak = plugin.split('.') if pbreak[-1].startswith('_') and pbreak[0] == 'ansible' and pbreak[1] in ('builtin', 'legacy'): pbreak[-1] = pbreak[-1][1:] plugin = '.'.join(pbreak) deprecated.append("%-*s %-*.*s" % (displace, plugin, linelimit, len(filename), filename)) else: text.append("%-*s %-*.*s" % (displace, plugin, linelimit, len(filename), filename)) else: # list plugin names and short desc for plugin in sorted(results.keys()): desc = DocCLI.tty_ify(results[plugin]) if len(desc) > linelimit: desc = desc[:linelimit] + '...' pbreak = plugin.split('.') if pbreak[-1].startswith('_'): # Handle deprecated # TODO: add mark for deprecated collection plugins pbreak[-1] = pbreak[-1][1:] plugin = '.'.join(pbreak) deprecated.append("%-*s %-*.*s" % (displace, plugin, linelimit, len(desc), desc)) else: text.append("%-*s %-*.*s" % (displace, plugin, linelimit, len(desc), desc)) if len(deprecated) > 0: text.append("\nDEPRECATED:") text.extend(deprecated) # display results DocCLI.pager("\n".join(text)) def _display_available_roles(self, list_json): """Display all roles we can find with a valid argument specification. Output is: fqcn role name, entry point, short description """ roles = list(list_json.keys()) entry_point_names = set() for role in roles: for entry_point in list_json[role]['entry_points'].keys(): entry_point_names.add(entry_point) max_role_len = 0 max_ep_len = 0 if roles: max_role_len = max(len(x) for x in roles) if entry_point_names: max_ep_len = max(len(x) for x in entry_point_names) linelimit = display.columns - max_role_len - max_ep_len - 5 text = [] for role in sorted(roles): for entry_point, desc in list_json[role]['entry_points'].items(): if len(desc) > linelimit: desc = desc[:linelimit] + '...' text.append("%-*s %-*s %s" % (max_role_len, role, max_ep_len, entry_point, desc)) # display results DocCLI.pager("\n".join(text)) def _display_role_doc(self, role_json): roles = list(role_json.keys()) text = [] for role in roles: text += self.get_role_man_text(role, role_json[role]) # display results DocCLI.pager("\n".join(text)) @staticmethod def _list_keywords(): return from_yaml(pkgutil.get_data('ansible', 'keyword_desc.yml')) @staticmethod def _get_keywords_docs(keys): data = {} descs = DocCLI._list_keywords() for key in keys: if key.startswith('with_'): # simplify loops, dont want to handle every with_ combo keyword = 'loop' elif key == 'async': # cause async became reserved in python we had to rename internally keyword = 'async_val' else: keyword = key try: # if no desc, typeerror raised ends this block kdata = {'description': descs[key]} # get playbook objects for keyword and use first to get keyword attributes kdata['applies_to'] = [] for pobj in PB_OBJECTS: if pobj not in PB_LOADED: obj_class = 'ansible.playbook.%s' % pobj.lower() loaded_class = importlib.import_module(obj_class) PB_LOADED[pobj] = getattr(loaded_class, pobj, None) if keyword in PB_LOADED[pobj].fattributes: kdata['applies_to'].append(pobj) # we should only need these once if 'type' not in kdata: fa = PB_LOADED[pobj].fattributes.get(keyword) if getattr(fa, 'private'): kdata = {} raise KeyError kdata['type'] = getattr(fa, 'isa', 'string') if keyword.endswith('when') or keyword in ('until',): # TODO: make this a field attribute property, # would also helps with the warnings on {{}} stacking kdata['template'] = 'implicit' elif getattr(fa, 'static'): kdata['template'] = 'static' else: kdata['template'] = 'explicit' # those that require no processing for visible in ('alias', 'priority'): kdata[visible] = getattr(fa, visible) # remove None keys for k in list(kdata.keys()): if kdata[k] is None: del kdata[k] data[key] = kdata except (AttributeError, KeyError) as e: display.warning("Skipping Invalid keyword '%s' specified: %s" % (key, to_text(e))) if display.verbosity >= 3: display.verbose(traceback.format_exc()) return data def _get_collection_filter(self): coll_filter = None if len(context.CLIARGS['args']) == 1: coll_filter = context.CLIARGS['args'][0] if not AnsibleCollectionRef.is_valid_collection_name(coll_filter): raise AnsibleError('Invalid collection name (must be of the form namespace.collection): {0}'.format(coll_filter)) elif len(context.CLIARGS['args']) > 1: raise AnsibleOptionsError("Only a single collection filter is supported.") return coll_filter def _list_plugins(self, plugin_type, content): results = {} self.plugins = {} loader = DocCLI._prep_loader(plugin_type) coll_filter = self._get_collection_filter() self.plugins.update(list_plugins(plugin_type, coll_filter)) # get appropriate content depending on option if content == 'dir': results = self._get_plugin_list_descriptions(loader) elif content == 'files': results = {k: self.plugins[k][0] for k in self.plugins.keys()} else: results = {k: {} for k in self.plugins.keys()} self.plugin_list = set() # reset for next iteration return results def _get_plugins_docs(self, plugin_type, names, fail_ok=False, fail_on_errors=True): loader = DocCLI._prep_loader(plugin_type) # get the docs for plugins in the command line list plugin_docs = {} for plugin in names: doc = {} try: doc, plainexamples, returndocs, metadata = get_plugin_docs(plugin, plugin_type, loader, fragment_loader, (context.CLIARGS['verbosity'] > 0)) except AnsiblePluginNotFound as e: display.warning(to_native(e)) continue except Exception as e: if not fail_on_errors: plugin_docs[plugin] = {'error': 'Missing documentation or could not parse documentation: %s' % to_native(e)} continue display.vvv(traceback.format_exc()) msg = "%s %s missing documentation (or could not parse documentation): %s\n" % (plugin_type, plugin, to_native(e)) if fail_ok: display.warning(msg) else: raise AnsibleError(msg) if not doc: # The doc section existed but was empty if not fail_on_errors: plugin_docs[plugin] = {'error': 'No valid documentation found'} continue docs = DocCLI._combine_plugin_doc(plugin, plugin_type, doc, plainexamples, returndocs, metadata) if not fail_on_errors: # Check whether JSON serialization would break try: json_dump(docs) except Exception as e: # pylint:disable=broad-except plugin_docs[plugin] = {'error': 'Cannot serialize documentation as JSON: %s' % to_native(e)} continue plugin_docs[plugin] = docs return plugin_docs def _get_roles_path(self): ''' Add any 'roles' subdir in playbook dir to the roles search path. And as a last resort, add the playbook dir itself. Order being: - 'roles' subdir of playbook dir - DEFAULT_ROLES_PATH (default in cliargs) - playbook dir (basedir) NOTE: This matches logic in RoleDefinition._load_role_path() method. ''' roles_path = context.CLIARGS['roles_path'] if context.CLIARGS['basedir'] is not None: subdir = os.path.join(context.CLIARGS['basedir'], "roles") if os.path.isdir(subdir): roles_path = (subdir,) + roles_path roles_path = roles_path + (context.CLIARGS['basedir'],) return roles_path @staticmethod def _prep_loader(plugin_type): ''' return a plugint type specific loader ''' loader = getattr(plugin_loader, '%s_loader' % plugin_type) # add to plugin paths from command line if context.CLIARGS['basedir'] is not None: loader.add_directory(context.CLIARGS['basedir'], with_subdir=True) if context.CLIARGS['module_path']: for path in context.CLIARGS['module_path']: if path: loader.add_directory(path) # save only top level paths for errors loader._paths = None # reset so we can use subdirs later return loader def run(self): super(DocCLI, self).run() basedir = context.CLIARGS['basedir'] plugin_type = context.CLIARGS['type'].lower() do_json = context.CLIARGS['json_format'] or context.CLIARGS['dump'] listing = context.CLIARGS['list_files'] or context.CLIARGS['list_dir'] if context.CLIARGS['list_files']: content = 'files' elif context.CLIARGS['list_dir']: content = 'dir' else: content = None docs = {} if basedir: AnsibleCollectionConfig.playbook_paths = basedir if plugin_type not in TARGET_OPTIONS: raise AnsibleOptionsError("Unknown or undocumentable plugin type: %s" % plugin_type) if context.CLIARGS['dump']: # we always dump all types, ignore restrictions ptypes = TARGET_OPTIONS docs['all'] = {} for ptype in ptypes: no_fail = bool(not context.CLIARGS['no_fail_on_errors']) if ptype == 'role': roles = self._create_role_list(fail_on_errors=no_fail) docs['all'][ptype] = self._create_role_doc(roles.keys(), context.CLIARGS['entry_point'], fail_on_errors=no_fail) elif ptype == 'keyword': names = DocCLI._list_keywords() docs['all'][ptype] = DocCLI._get_keywords_docs(names.keys()) else: plugin_names = self._list_plugins(ptype, None) docs['all'][ptype] = self._get_plugins_docs(ptype, plugin_names, fail_ok=(ptype in ('test', 'filter')), fail_on_errors=no_fail) # reset list after each type to avoid polution elif listing: if plugin_type == 'keyword': docs = DocCLI._list_keywords() elif plugin_type == 'role': docs = self._create_role_list() else: docs = self._list_plugins(plugin_type, content) else: # here we require a name if len(context.CLIARGS['args']) == 0: raise AnsibleOptionsError("Missing name(s), incorrect options passed for detailed documentation.") if plugin_type == 'keyword': docs = DocCLI._get_keywords_docs(context.CLIARGS['args']) elif plugin_type == 'role': docs = self._create_role_doc(context.CLIARGS['args'], context.CLIARGS['entry_point']) else: # display specific plugin docs docs = self._get_plugins_docs(plugin_type, context.CLIARGS['args']) # Display the docs if do_json: jdump(docs) else: text = [] if plugin_type in C.DOCUMENTABLE_PLUGINS: if listing and docs: self.display_plugin_list(docs) elif context.CLIARGS['show_snippet']: if plugin_type not in SNIPPETS: raise AnsibleError('Snippets are only available for the following plugin' ' types: %s' % ', '.join(SNIPPETS)) for plugin, doc_data in docs.items(): try: textret = DocCLI.format_snippet(plugin, plugin_type, doc_data['doc']) except ValueError as e: display.warning("Unable to construct a snippet for" " '{0}': {1}".format(plugin, to_text(e))) else: text.append(textret) else: # Some changes to how plain text docs are formatted for plugin, doc_data in docs.items(): textret = DocCLI.format_plugin_doc(plugin, plugin_type, doc_data['doc'], doc_data['examples'], doc_data['return'], doc_data['metadata']) if textret: text.append(textret) else: display.warning("No valid documentation was retrieved from '%s'" % plugin) elif plugin_type == 'role': if context.CLIARGS['list_dir'] and docs: self._display_available_roles(docs) elif docs: self._display_role_doc(docs) elif docs: text = DocCLI.tty_ify(DocCLI._dump_yaml(docs)) if text: DocCLI.pager(''.join(text)) return 0 @staticmethod def get_all_plugins_of_type(plugin_type): loader = getattr(plugin_loader, '%s_loader' % plugin_type) paths = loader._get_paths_with_context() plugins = {} for path_context in paths: plugins.update(list_plugins(plugin_type)) return sorted(plugins.keys()) @staticmethod def get_plugin_metadata(plugin_type, plugin_name): # if the plugin lives in a non-python file (eg, win_X.ps1), require the corresponding python file for docs loader = getattr(plugin_loader, '%s_loader' % plugin_type) result = loader.find_plugin_with_context(plugin_name, mod_type='.py', ignore_deprecated=True, check_aliases=True) if not result.resolved: raise AnsibleError("unable to load {0} plugin named {1} ".format(plugin_type, plugin_name)) filename = result.plugin_resolved_path collection_name = result.plugin_resolved_collection try: doc, __, __, __ = get_docstring(filename, fragment_loader, verbose=(context.CLIARGS['verbosity'] > 0), collection_name=collection_name, plugin_type=plugin_type) except Exception: display.vvv(traceback.format_exc()) raise AnsibleError("%s %s at %s has a documentation formatting error or is missing documentation." % (plugin_type, plugin_name, filename)) if doc is None: # Removed plugins don't have any documentation return None return dict( name=plugin_name, namespace=DocCLI.namespace_from_plugin_filepath(filename, plugin_name, loader.package_path), description=doc.get('short_description', "UNKNOWN"), version_added=doc.get('version_added', "UNKNOWN") ) @staticmethod def namespace_from_plugin_filepath(filepath, plugin_name, basedir): if not basedir.endswith('/'): basedir += '/' rel_path = filepath.replace(basedir, '') extension_free = os.path.splitext(rel_path)[0] namespace_only = extension_free.rsplit(plugin_name, 1)[0].strip('/_') clean_ns = namespace_only.replace('/', '.') if clean_ns == '': clean_ns = None return clean_ns @staticmethod def _combine_plugin_doc(plugin, plugin_type, doc, plainexamples, returndocs, metadata): # generate extra data if plugin_type == 'module': # is there corresponding action plugin? if plugin in action_loader: doc['has_action'] = True else: doc['has_action'] = False # return everything as one dictionary return {'doc': doc, 'examples': plainexamples, 'return': returndocs, 'metadata': metadata} @staticmethod def format_snippet(plugin, plugin_type, doc): ''' return heavily commented plugin use to insert into play ''' if plugin_type == 'inventory' and doc.get('options', {}).get('plugin'): # these do not take a yaml config that we can write a snippet for raise ValueError('The {0} inventory plugin does not take YAML type config source' ' that can be used with the "auto" plugin so a snippet cannot be' ' created.'.format(plugin)) text = [] if plugin_type == 'lookup': text = _do_lookup_snippet(doc) elif 'options' in doc: text = _do_yaml_snippet(doc) text.append('') return "\n".join(text) @staticmethod def format_plugin_doc(plugin, plugin_type, doc, plainexamples, returndocs, metadata): collection_name = doc['collection'] # TODO: do we really want this? # add_collection_to_versions_and_dates(doc, '(unknown)', is_module=(plugin_type == 'module')) # remove_current_collection_from_versions_and_dates(doc, collection_name, is_module=(plugin_type == 'module')) # remove_current_collection_from_versions_and_dates( # returndocs, collection_name, is_module=(plugin_type == 'module'), return_docs=True) # assign from other sections doc['plainexamples'] = plainexamples doc['returndocs'] = returndocs doc['metadata'] = metadata try: text = DocCLI.get_man_text(doc, collection_name, plugin_type) except Exception as e: display.vvv(traceback.format_exc()) raise AnsibleError("Unable to retrieve documentation from '%s' due to: %s" % (plugin, to_native(e)), orig_exc=e) return text def _get_plugin_list_descriptions(self, loader): descs = {} for plugin in self.plugins.keys(): # TODO: move to plugin itself i.e: plugin.get_desc() doc = None filename = Path(to_native(self.plugins[plugin][0])) docerror = None try: doc = read_docstub(filename) except Exception as e: docerror = e # plugin file was empty or had error, lets try other options if doc is None: # handle test/filters that are in file with diff name base = plugin.split('.')[-1] basefile = filename.with_name(base + filename.suffix) for extension in C.DOC_EXTENSIONS: docfile = basefile.with_suffix(extension) try: if docfile.exists(): doc = read_docstub(docfile) except Exception as e: docerror = e if docerror: display.warning("%s has a documentation formatting error: %s" % (plugin, docerror)) continue if not doc or not isinstance(doc, dict): desc = 'UNDOCUMENTED' else: desc = doc.get('short_description', 'INVALID SHORT DESCRIPTION').strip() descs[plugin] = desc return descs @staticmethod def print_paths(finder): ''' Returns a string suitable for printing of the search path ''' # Uses a list to get the order right ret = [] for i in finder._get_paths(subdirs=False): i = to_text(i, errors='surrogate_or_strict') if i not in ret: ret.append(i) return os.pathsep.join(ret) @staticmethod def _dump_yaml(struct, flow_style=False): return yaml_dump(struct, default_flow_style=flow_style, default_style="''", Dumper=AnsibleDumper).rstrip('\n') @staticmethod def _indent_lines(text, indent): return DocCLI.tty_ify('\n'.join([indent + line for line in text.split('\n')])) @staticmethod def _format_version_added(version_added, version_added_collection=None): if version_added_collection == 'ansible.builtin': version_added_collection = 'ansible-core' # In ansible-core, version_added can be 'historical' if version_added == 'historical': return 'historical' if version_added_collection: version_added = '%s of %s' % (version_added, version_added_collection) return 'version %s' % (version_added, ) @staticmethod def add_fields(text, fields, limit, opt_indent, return_values=False, base_indent=''): for o in sorted(fields): # Create a copy so we don't modify the original (in case YAML anchors have been used) opt = dict(fields[o]) # required is used as indicator and removed required = opt.pop('required', False) if not isinstance(required, bool): raise AnsibleError("Incorrect value for 'Required', a boolean is needed.: %s" % required) if required: opt_leadin = "=" else: opt_leadin = "-" text.append("%s%s %s" % (base_indent, opt_leadin, o)) # description is specifically formated and can either be string or list of strings if 'description' not in opt: raise AnsibleError("All (sub-)options and return values must have a 'description' field") if is_sequence(opt['description']): for entry_idx, entry in enumerate(opt['description'], 1): if not isinstance(entry, string_types): raise AnsibleError("Expected string in description of %s at index %s, got %s" % (o, entry_idx, type(entry))) text.append(textwrap.fill(DocCLI.tty_ify(entry), limit, initial_indent=opt_indent, subsequent_indent=opt_indent)) else: if not isinstance(opt['description'], string_types): raise AnsibleError("Expected string in description of %s, got %s" % (o, type(opt['description']))) text.append(textwrap.fill(DocCLI.tty_ify(opt['description']), limit, initial_indent=opt_indent, subsequent_indent=opt_indent)) del opt['description'] suboptions = [] for subkey in ('options', 'suboptions', 'contains', 'spec'): if subkey in opt: suboptions.append((subkey, opt.pop(subkey))) if not required and not return_values and 'default' not in opt: opt['default'] = None # sanitize config items conf = {} for config in ('env', 'ini', 'yaml', 'vars', 'keyword'): if config in opt and opt[config]: # Create a copy so we don't modify the original (in case YAML anchors have been used) conf[config] = [dict(item) for item in opt.pop(config)] for ignore in DocCLI.IGNORE: for item in conf[config]: if ignore in item: del item[ignore] # reformat cli optoins if 'cli' in opt and opt['cli']: conf['cli'] = [] for cli in opt['cli']: if 'option' not in cli: conf['cli'].append({'name': cli['name'], 'option': '--%s' % cli['name'].replace('_', '-')}) else: conf['cli'].append(cli) del opt['cli'] # add custom header for conf if conf: text.append(DocCLI._indent_lines(DocCLI._dump_yaml({'set_via': conf}), opt_indent)) # these we handle at the end of generic option processing version_added = opt.pop('version_added', None) version_added_collection = opt.pop('version_added_collection', None) # general processing for options for k in sorted(opt): if k.startswith('_'): continue if is_sequence(opt[k]): text.append(DocCLI._indent_lines('%s: %s' % (k, DocCLI._dump_yaml(opt[k], flow_style=True)), opt_indent)) else: text.append(DocCLI._indent_lines(DocCLI._dump_yaml({k: opt[k]}), opt_indent)) if version_added: text.append("%sadded in: %s\n" % (opt_indent, DocCLI._format_version_added(version_added, version_added_collection))) for subkey, subdata in suboptions: text.append('') text.append("%s%s:\n" % (opt_indent, subkey.upper())) DocCLI.add_fields(text, subdata, limit, opt_indent + ' ', return_values, opt_indent) if not suboptions: text.append('') def get_role_man_text(self, role, role_json): '''Generate text for the supplied role suitable for display. This is similar to get_man_text(), but roles are different enough that we have a separate method for formatting their display. :param role: The role name. :param role_json: The JSON for the given role as returned from _create_role_doc(). :returns: A array of text suitable for displaying to screen. ''' text = [] opt_indent = " " pad = display.columns * 0.20 limit = max(display.columns - int(pad), 70) text.append("> %s (%s)\n" % (role.upper(), role_json.get('path'))) for entry_point in role_json['entry_points']: doc = role_json['entry_points'][entry_point] if doc.get('short_description'): text.append("ENTRY POINT: %s - %s\n" % (entry_point, doc.get('short_description'))) else: text.append("ENTRY POINT: %s\n" % entry_point) if doc.get('description'): if isinstance(doc['description'], list): desc = " ".join(doc['description']) else: desc = doc['description'] text.append("%s\n" % textwrap.fill(DocCLI.tty_ify(desc), limit, initial_indent=opt_indent, subsequent_indent=opt_indent)) if doc.get('options'): text.append("OPTIONS (= is mandatory):\n") DocCLI.add_fields(text, doc.pop('options'), limit, opt_indent) text.append('') if doc.get('attributes'): text.append("ATTRIBUTES:\n") text.append(DocCLI._indent_lines(DocCLI._dump_yaml(doc.pop('attributes')), opt_indent)) text.append('') # generic elements we will handle identically for k in ('author',): if k not in doc: continue if isinstance(doc[k], string_types): text.append('%s: %s' % (k.upper(), textwrap.fill(DocCLI.tty_ify(doc[k]), limit - (len(k) + 2), subsequent_indent=opt_indent))) elif isinstance(doc[k], (list, tuple)): text.append('%s: %s' % (k.upper(), ', '.join(doc[k]))) else: # use empty indent since this affects the start of the yaml doc, not it's keys text.append(DocCLI._indent_lines(DocCLI._dump_yaml({k.upper(): doc[k]}), '')) text.append('') return text @staticmethod def get_man_text(doc, collection_name='', plugin_type=''): # Create a copy so we don't modify the original doc = dict(doc) DocCLI.IGNORE = DocCLI.IGNORE + (context.CLIARGS['type'],) opt_indent = " " text = [] pad = display.columns * 0.20 limit = max(display.columns - int(pad), 70) plugin_name = doc.get(context.CLIARGS['type'], doc.get('name')) or doc.get('plugin_type') or plugin_type if collection_name: plugin_name = '%s.%s' % (collection_name, plugin_name) text.append("> %s (%s)\n" % (plugin_name.upper(), doc.pop('filename'))) if isinstance(doc['description'], list): desc = " ".join(doc.pop('description')) else: desc = doc.pop('description') text.append("%s\n" % textwrap.fill(DocCLI.tty_ify(desc), limit, initial_indent=opt_indent, subsequent_indent=opt_indent)) if 'version_added' in doc: version_added = doc.pop('version_added') version_added_collection = doc.pop('version_added_collection', None) text.append("ADDED IN: %s\n" % DocCLI._format_version_added(version_added, version_added_collection)) if doc.get('deprecated', False): text.append("DEPRECATED: \n") if isinstance(doc['deprecated'], dict): if 'removed_at_date' in doc['deprecated']: text.append( "\tReason: %(why)s\n\tWill be removed in a release after %(removed_at_date)s\n\tAlternatives: %(alternative)s" % doc.pop('deprecated') ) else: if 'version' in doc['deprecated'] and 'removed_in' not in doc['deprecated']: doc['deprecated']['removed_in'] = doc['deprecated']['version'] text.append("\tReason: %(why)s\n\tWill be removed in: Ansible %(removed_in)s\n\tAlternatives: %(alternative)s" % doc.pop('deprecated')) else: text.append("%s" % doc.pop('deprecated')) text.append("\n") if doc.pop('has_action', False): text.append(" * note: %s\n" % "This module has a corresponding action plugin.") if doc.get('options', False): text.append("OPTIONS (= is mandatory):\n") DocCLI.add_fields(text, doc.pop('options'), limit, opt_indent) text.append('') if doc.get('attributes', False): text.append("ATTRIBUTES:\n") text.append(DocCLI._indent_lines(DocCLI._dump_yaml(doc.pop('attributes')), opt_indent)) text.append('') if doc.get('notes', False): text.append("NOTES:") for note in doc['notes']: text.append(textwrap.fill(DocCLI.tty_ify(note), limit - 6, initial_indent=opt_indent[:-2] + "* ", subsequent_indent=opt_indent)) text.append('') text.append('') del doc['notes'] if doc.get('seealso', False): text.append("SEE ALSO:") for item in doc['seealso']: if 'module' in item: text.append(textwrap.fill(DocCLI.tty_ify('Module %s' % item['module']), limit - 6, initial_indent=opt_indent[:-2] + "* ", subsequent_indent=opt_indent)) description = item.get('description', 'The official documentation on the %s module.' % item['module']) text.append(textwrap.fill(DocCLI.tty_ify(description), limit - 6, initial_indent=opt_indent + ' ', subsequent_indent=opt_indent + ' ')) text.append(textwrap.fill(DocCLI.tty_ify(get_versioned_doclink('modules/%s_module.html' % item['module'])), limit - 6, initial_indent=opt_indent + ' ', subsequent_indent=opt_indent)) elif 'name' in item and 'link' in item and 'description' in item: text.append(textwrap.fill(DocCLI.tty_ify(item['name']), limit - 6, initial_indent=opt_indent[:-2] + "* ", subsequent_indent=opt_indent)) text.append(textwrap.fill(DocCLI.tty_ify(item['description']), limit - 6, initial_indent=opt_indent + ' ', subsequent_indent=opt_indent + ' ')) text.append(textwrap.fill(DocCLI.tty_ify(item['link']), limit - 6, initial_indent=opt_indent + ' ', subsequent_indent=opt_indent + ' ')) elif 'ref' in item and 'description' in item: text.append(textwrap.fill(DocCLI.tty_ify('Ansible documentation [%s]' % item['ref']), limit - 6, initial_indent=opt_indent[:-2] + "* ", subsequent_indent=opt_indent)) text.append(textwrap.fill(DocCLI.tty_ify(item['description']), limit - 6, initial_indent=opt_indent + ' ', subsequent_indent=opt_indent + ' ')) text.append(textwrap.fill(DocCLI.tty_ify(get_versioned_doclink('/#stq=%s&stp=1' % item['ref'])), limit - 6, initial_indent=opt_indent + ' ', subsequent_indent=opt_indent + ' ')) text.append('') text.append('') del doc['seealso'] if doc.get('requirements', False): req = ", ".join(doc.pop('requirements')) text.append("REQUIREMENTS:%s\n" % textwrap.fill(DocCLI.tty_ify(req), limit - 16, initial_indent=" ", subsequent_indent=opt_indent)) # Generic handler for k in sorted(doc): if k in DocCLI.IGNORE or not doc[k]: continue if isinstance(doc[k], string_types): text.append('%s: %s' % (k.upper(), textwrap.fill(DocCLI.tty_ify(doc[k]), limit - (len(k) + 2), subsequent_indent=opt_indent))) elif isinstance(doc[k], (list, tuple)): text.append('%s: %s' % (k.upper(), ', '.join(doc[k]))) else: # use empty indent since this affects the start of the yaml doc, not it's keys text.append(DocCLI._indent_lines(DocCLI._dump_yaml({k.upper(): doc[k]}), '')) del doc[k] text.append('') if doc.get('plainexamples', False): text.append("EXAMPLES:") text.append('') if isinstance(doc['plainexamples'], string_types): text.append(doc.pop('plainexamples').strip()) else: try: text.append(yaml_dump(doc.pop('plainexamples'), indent=2, default_flow_style=False)) except Exception as e: raise AnsibleParserError("Unable to parse examples section", orig_exc=e) text.append('') text.append('') if doc.get('returndocs', False): text.append("RETURN VALUES:") DocCLI.add_fields(text, doc.pop('returndocs'), limit, opt_indent, return_values=True) return "\n".join(text) def _do_yaml_snippet(doc): text = [] mdesc = DocCLI.tty_ify(doc['short_description']) module = doc.get('module') if module: # this is actually a usable task! text.append("- name: %s" % (mdesc)) text.append(" %s:" % (module)) else: # just a comment, hopefully useful yaml file text.append("# %s:" % doc.get('plugin', doc.get('name'))) pad = 29 subdent = '# '.rjust(pad + 2) limit = display.columns - pad for o in sorted(doc['options'].keys()): opt = doc['options'][o] if isinstance(opt['description'], string_types): desc = DocCLI.tty_ify(opt['description']) else: desc = DocCLI.tty_ify(" ".join(opt['description'])) required = opt.get('required', False) if not isinstance(required, bool): raise ValueError("Incorrect value for 'Required', a boolean is needed: %s" % required) o = '%s:' % o if module: if required: desc = "(required) %s" % desc text.append(" %-20s # %s" % (o, textwrap.fill(desc, limit, subsequent_indent=subdent))) else: if required: default = '(required)' else: default = opt.get('default', 'None') text.append("%s %-9s # %s" % (o, default, textwrap.fill(desc, limit, subsequent_indent=subdent, max_lines=3))) return text def _do_lookup_snippet(doc): text = [] snippet = "lookup('%s', " % doc.get('plugin', doc.get('name')) comment = [] for o in sorted(doc['options'].keys()): opt = doc['options'][o] comment.append('# %s(%s): %s' % (o, opt.get('type', 'string'), opt.get('description', ''))) if o in ('_terms', '_raw', '_list'): # these are 'list of arguments' snippet += '< %s >' % (o) continue required = opt.get('required', False) if not isinstance(required, bool): raise ValueError("Incorrect value for 'Required', a boolean is needed: %s" % required) if required: default = '' else: default = opt.get('default', 'None') if opt.get('type') in ('string', 'str'): snippet += ", %s='%s'" % (o, default) else: snippet += ', %s=%s' % (o, default) snippet += ")" if comment: text.extend(comment) text.append('') text.append(snippet) return text def main(args=None): DocCLI.cli_executor(args) if __name__ == '__main__': main()