# (c) 2018 Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) <# .SYNOPSIS Invokes an Ansible module in a new Runspace. This cmdlet will output the module's output and write any errors to the error stream of the current host. .PARAMETER Scripts [Object[]] String or ScriptBlocks to execute. .PARAMETER Variables [System.Collections.ArrayList] The variables to set in the new Pipeline. Each value is a hashtable that contains the parameters to use with Set-Variable; Name: the name of the variable to set Value: the value of the variable to set Scope: the scope of the variable .PARAMETER Environment [System.Collections.IDictionary] A Dictionary of environment key/values to set in the new Pipeline. .PARAMETER Modules [System.Collections.IDictionary] A Dictionary of PowerShell modules to import into the new Pipeline. The key is the name of the module and the value is a base64 string of the module util code. .PARAMETER ModuleName [String] The name of the module that is being executed. .PARAMETER Breakpoints A list of line breakpoints to add to the runspace debugger. This is used to track module and module_utils coverage. #> param( [Object[]]$Scripts, [System.Collections.ArrayList][AllowEmptyCollection()]$Variables, [System.Collections.IDictionary]$Environment, [System.Collections.IDictionary]$Modules, [String]$ModuleName, [System.Management.Automation.LineBreakpoint[]]$Breakpoints = @() ) Write-AnsibleLog "INFO - creating new PowerShell pipeline for $ModuleName" "module_wrapper" $ps = [PowerShell]::Create() # do not set ErrorActionPreference for script if ($ModuleName -ne "script") { $ps.Runspace.SessionStateProxy.SetVariable("ErrorActionPreference", "Stop") } # force input encoding to preamble-free UTF8 so PS sub-processes (eg, # Start-Job) don't blow up. This is only required for WinRM, a PSRP # runspace doesn't have a host console and this will bomb out if ($host.Name -eq "ConsoleHost") { Write-AnsibleLog "INFO - setting console input encoding to UTF8 for $ModuleName" "module_wrapper" $ps.AddScript('[Console]::InputEncoding = New-Object Text.UTF8Encoding $false').AddStatement() > $null } # set the variables foreach ($variable in $Variables) { Write-AnsibleLog "INFO - setting variable '$($variable.Name)' for $ModuleName" "module_wrapper" $ps.AddCommand("Set-Variable").AddParameters($variable).AddStatement() > $null } # set the environment vars if ($Environment) { # Escaping quotes can be problematic, instead just pass the string to the runspace and set it directly. Write-AnsibleLog "INFO - setting environment vars for $ModuleName" "module_wrapper" $ps.Runspace.SessionStateProxy.SetVariable("_AnsibleEnvironment", $Environment) $ps.AddScript(@' foreach ($env_kv in $_AnsibleEnvironment.GetEnumerator()) { [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($env_kv.Key, $env_kv.Value) } '@).AddStatement() > $null } # import the PS modules if ($Modules) { foreach ($module in $Modules.GetEnumerator()) { Write-AnsibleLog "INFO - create module util '$($module.Key)' for $ModuleName" "module_wrapper" $module_name = $module.Key $module_code = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($module.Value)) $ps.AddCommand("New-Module").AddParameters(@{Name = $module_name; ScriptBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create($module_code) }) > $null $ps.AddCommand("Import-Module").AddParameter("WarningAction", "SilentlyContinue") > $null $ps.AddCommand("Out-Null").AddStatement() > $null } } # redefine Write-Host to dump to output instead of failing # lots of scripts still use it $ps.AddScript('Function Write-Host($msg) { Write-Output -InputObject $msg }').AddStatement() > $null # add the scripts and run foreach ($script in $Scripts) { $ps.AddScript($script).AddStatement() > $null } if ($Breakpoints.Count -gt 0) { Write-AnsibleLog "INFO - adding breakpoint to runspace that will run the modules" "module_wrapper" if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 3) { # The SetBreakpoints method was only added in PowerShell v4+. We need to rely on a private method to # achieve the same functionality in this older PowerShell version. This should be removed once we drop # support for PowerShell v3. $set_method = $ps.Runspace.Debugger.GetType().GetMethod( 'AddLineBreakpoint', [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]'Instance, NonPublic' ) foreach ($b in $Breakpoints) { $set_method.Invoke($ps.Runspace.Debugger, [Object[]]@(, $b)) > $null } } else { $ps.Runspace.Debugger.SetBreakpoints($Breakpoints) } } Write-AnsibleLog "INFO - start module exec with Invoke() - $ModuleName" "module_wrapper" # temporarily override the stdout stream and create our own in a StringBuilder # we use this to ensure there's always an Out pipe and that we capture the # output for things like async or psrp $orig_out = [System.Console]::Out $sb = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.StringBuilder $new_out = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.StringWriter -ArgumentList $sb try { [System.Console]::SetOut($new_out) $module_output = $ps.Invoke() } catch { # uncaught exception while executing module, present a prettier error for # Ansible to parse $error_params = @{ Message = "Unhandled exception while executing module" ErrorRecord = $_ } # Be more defensive when trying to find the InnerException in case it isn't # set. This shouldn't ever be the case but if it is then it makes it more # difficult to track down the problem. if ($_.Exception.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains "InnerException") { $inner_exception = $_.Exception.InnerException if ($inner_exception.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains "ErrorRecord") { $error_params.ErrorRecord = $inner_exception.ErrorRecord } } Write-AnsibleError @error_params $host.SetShouldExit(1) return } finally { [System.Console]::SetOut($orig_out) $new_out.Dispose() } # other types of errors may not throw an exception in Invoke but rather just # set the pipeline state to failed if ($ps.InvocationStateInfo.State -eq "Failed" -and $ModuleName -ne "script") { $reason = $ps.InvocationStateInfo.Reason $error_params = @{ Message = "Unhandled exception while executing module" } # The error record should always be set on the reason but this does not # always happen on Server 2008 R2 for some reason (probably memory hotfix). # Be defensive when trying to get the error record and fall back to other # options. if ($null -eq $reason) { $error_params.Message += ": Unknown error" } elseif ($reason.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains "ErrorRecord") { $error_params.ErrorRecord = $reason.ErrorRecord } else { $error_params.Message += ": $($reason.ToString())" } Write-AnsibleError @error_params $host.SetShouldExit(1) return } Write-AnsibleLog "INFO - module exec ended $ModuleName" "module_wrapper" $stdout = $sb.ToString() if ($stdout) { Write-Output -InputObject $stdout } if ($module_output.Count -gt 0) { # do not output if empty collection Write-AnsibleLog "INFO - using the output stream for module output - $ModuleName" "module_wrapper" Write-Output -InputObject ($module_output -join "`r`n") } # we attempt to get the return code from the LASTEXITCODE variable # this is set explicitly in newer style variables when calling # ExitJson and FailJson. If set we set the current hosts' exit code # to that same value $rc = $ps.Runspace.SessionStateProxy.GetVariable("LASTEXITCODE") if ($null -ne $rc) { Write-AnsibleLog "INFO - got an rc of $rc from $ModuleName exec" "module_wrapper" $host.SetShouldExit($rc) } # PS3 doesn't properly set HadErrors in many cases, inspect the error stream as a fallback # with the trap handler that's now in place, this should only write to the output if # $ErrorActionPreference != "Stop", that's ok because this is sent to the stderr output # for a user to manually debug if something went horribly wrong if ($ps.HadErrors -or ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 4 -and $ps.Streams.Error.Count -gt 0)) { Write-AnsibleLog "WARN - module had errors, outputting error info $ModuleName" "module_wrapper" # if the rc wasn't explicitly set, we return an exit code of 1 if ($null -eq $rc) { $host.SetShouldExit(1) } # output each error to the error stream of the current pipeline foreach ($err in $ps.Streams.Error) { $error_msg = Format-AnsibleException -ErrorRecord $err # need to use the current hosts's UI class as we may not have # a console to write the stderr to, e.g. psrp Write-AnsibleLog "WARN - error msg for for $($ModuleName):`r`n$error_msg" "module_wrapper" $host.UI.WriteErrorLine($error_msg) } }