# (c) 2012-2014, Michael DeHaan # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . # Make coding more python3-ish from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import os import sys import tempfile import threading import time import multiprocessing.queues from ansible import constants as C from ansible import context from ansible.errors import AnsibleError from ansible.executor.play_iterator import PlayIterator from ansible.executor.stats import AggregateStats from ansible.executor.task_result import TaskResult from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text, to_native from ansible.playbook.play_context import PlayContext from ansible.playbook.task import Task from ansible.plugins.loader import callback_loader, strategy_loader, module_loader from ansible.plugins.callback import CallbackBase from ansible.template import Templar from ansible.vars.hostvars import HostVars from ansible.vars.reserved import warn_if_reserved from ansible.utils.display import Display from ansible.utils.lock import lock_decorator from ansible.utils.multiprocessing import context as multiprocessing_context __all__ = ['TaskQueueManager'] display = Display() class CallbackSend: def __init__(self, method_name, *args, **kwargs): self.method_name = method_name self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs class DisplaySend: def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs class FinalQueue(multiprocessing.queues.Queue): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['ctx'] = multiprocessing_context super(FinalQueue, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def send_callback(self, method_name, *args, **kwargs): self.put( CallbackSend(method_name, *args, **kwargs), block=False ) def send_task_result(self, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(args[0], TaskResult): tr = args[0] else: tr = TaskResult(*args, **kwargs) self.put( tr, block=False ) def send_display(self, *args, **kwargs): self.put( DisplaySend(*args, **kwargs), block=False ) class AnsibleEndPlay(Exception): def __init__(self, result): self.result = result class TaskQueueManager: ''' This class handles the multiprocessing requirements of Ansible by creating a pool of worker forks, a result handler fork, and a manager object with shared datastructures/queues for coordinating work between all processes. The queue manager is responsible for loading the play strategy plugin, which dispatches the Play's tasks to hosts. ''' RUN_OK = 0 RUN_ERROR = 1 RUN_FAILED_HOSTS = 2 RUN_UNREACHABLE_HOSTS = 4 RUN_FAILED_BREAK_PLAY = 8 RUN_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 255 def __init__(self, inventory, variable_manager, loader, passwords, stdout_callback=None, run_additional_callbacks=True, run_tree=False, forks=None): self._inventory = inventory self._variable_manager = variable_manager self._loader = loader self._stats = AggregateStats() self.passwords = passwords self._stdout_callback = stdout_callback self._run_additional_callbacks = run_additional_callbacks self._run_tree = run_tree self._forks = forks or 5 self._callbacks_loaded = False self._callback_plugins = [] self._start_at_done = False # make sure any module paths (if specified) are added to the module_loader if context.CLIARGS.get('module_path', False): for path in context.CLIARGS['module_path']: if path: module_loader.add_directory(path) # a special flag to help us exit cleanly self._terminated = False # dictionaries to keep track of failed/unreachable hosts self._failed_hosts = dict() self._unreachable_hosts = dict() try: self._final_q = FinalQueue() except OSError as e: raise AnsibleError("Unable to use multiprocessing, this is normally caused by lack of access to /dev/shm: %s" % to_native(e)) self._callback_lock = threading.Lock() # A temporary file (opened pre-fork) used by connection # plugins for inter-process locking. self._connection_lockfile = tempfile.TemporaryFile() def _initialize_processes(self, num): self._workers = [] for i in range(num): self._workers.append(None) def load_callbacks(self): ''' Loads all available callbacks, with the exception of those which utilize the CALLBACK_TYPE option. When CALLBACK_TYPE is set to 'stdout', only one such callback plugin will be loaded. ''' if self._callbacks_loaded: return stdout_callback_loaded = False if self._stdout_callback is None: self._stdout_callback = C.DEFAULT_STDOUT_CALLBACK if isinstance(self._stdout_callback, CallbackBase): stdout_callback_loaded = True elif isinstance(self._stdout_callback, string_types): if self._stdout_callback not in callback_loader: raise AnsibleError("Invalid callback for stdout specified: %s" % self._stdout_callback) else: self._stdout_callback = callback_loader.get(self._stdout_callback) self._stdout_callback.set_options() stdout_callback_loaded = True else: raise AnsibleError("callback must be an instance of CallbackBase or the name of a callback plugin") # get all configured loadable callbacks (adjacent, builtin) callback_list = list(callback_loader.all(class_only=True)) # add enabled callbacks that refer to collections, which might not appear in normal listing for c in C.CALLBACKS_ENABLED: # load all, as collection ones might be using short/redirected names and not a fqcn plugin = callback_loader.get(c, class_only=True) # TODO: check if this skip is redundant, loader should handle bad file/plugin cases already if plugin: # avoids incorrect and dupes possible due to collections if plugin not in callback_list: callback_list.append(plugin) else: display.warning("Skipping callback plugin '%s', unable to load" % c) # for each callback in the list see if we should add it to 'active callbacks' used in the play for callback_plugin in callback_list: callback_type = getattr(callback_plugin, 'CALLBACK_TYPE', '') callback_needs_enabled = getattr(callback_plugin, 'CALLBACK_NEEDS_ENABLED', getattr(callback_plugin, 'CALLBACK_NEEDS_WHITELIST', False)) # try to get colleciotn world name first cnames = getattr(callback_plugin, '_redirected_names', []) if cnames: # store the name the plugin was loaded as, as that's what we'll need to compare to the configured callback list later callback_name = cnames[0] else: # fallback to 'old loader name' (callback_name, _) = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(callback_plugin._original_path)) display.vvvvv("Attempting to use '%s' callback." % (callback_name)) if callback_type == 'stdout': # we only allow one callback of type 'stdout' to be loaded, if callback_name != self._stdout_callback or stdout_callback_loaded: display.vv("Skipping callback '%s', as we already have a stdout callback." % (callback_name)) continue stdout_callback_loaded = True elif callback_name == 'tree' and self._run_tree: # TODO: remove special case for tree, which is an adhoc cli option --tree pass elif not self._run_additional_callbacks or (callback_needs_enabled and ( # only run if not adhoc, or adhoc was specifically configured to run + check enabled list C.CALLBACKS_ENABLED is None or callback_name not in C.CALLBACKS_ENABLED)): # 2.x plugins shipped with ansible should require enabling, older or non shipped should load automatically continue try: callback_obj = callback_plugin() # avoid bad plugin not returning an object, only needed cause we do class_only load and bypass loader checks, # really a bug in the plugin itself which we ignore as callback errors are not supposed to be fatal. if callback_obj: # skip initializing if we already did the work for the same plugin (even with diff names) if callback_obj not in self._callback_plugins: callback_obj.set_options() self._callback_plugins.append(callback_obj) else: display.vv("Skipping callback '%s', already loaded as '%s'." % (callback_plugin, callback_name)) else: display.warning("Skipping callback '%s', as it does not create a valid plugin instance." % callback_name) continue except Exception as e: display.warning("Skipping callback '%s', unable to load due to: %s" % (callback_name, to_native(e))) continue self._callbacks_loaded = True def run(self, play): ''' Iterates over the roles/tasks in a play, using the given (or default) strategy for queueing tasks. The default is the linear strategy, which operates like classic Ansible by keeping all hosts in lock-step with a given task (meaning no hosts move on to the next task until all hosts are done with the current task). ''' if not self._callbacks_loaded: self.load_callbacks() all_vars = self._variable_manager.get_vars(play=play) templar = Templar(loader=self._loader, variables=all_vars) warn_if_reserved(all_vars, templar.environment.globals.keys()) new_play = play.copy() new_play.post_validate(templar) new_play.handlers = new_play.compile_roles_handlers() + new_play.handlers self.hostvars = HostVars( inventory=self._inventory, variable_manager=self._variable_manager, loader=self._loader, ) play_context = PlayContext(new_play, self.passwords, self._connection_lockfile.fileno()) if (self._stdout_callback and hasattr(self._stdout_callback, 'set_play_context')): self._stdout_callback.set_play_context(play_context) for callback_plugin in self._callback_plugins: if hasattr(callback_plugin, 'set_play_context'): callback_plugin.set_play_context(play_context) self.send_callback('v2_playbook_on_play_start', new_play) # build the iterator iterator = PlayIterator( inventory=self._inventory, play=new_play, play_context=play_context, variable_manager=self._variable_manager, all_vars=all_vars, start_at_done=self._start_at_done, ) # adjust to # of workers to configured forks or size of batch, whatever is lower self._initialize_processes(min(self._forks, iterator.batch_size)) # load the specified strategy (or the default linear one) strategy = strategy_loader.get(new_play.strategy, self) if strategy is None: raise AnsibleError("Invalid play strategy specified: %s" % new_play.strategy, obj=play._ds) # Because the TQM may survive multiple play runs, we start by marking # any hosts as failed in the iterator here which may have been marked # as failed in previous runs. Then we clear the internal list of failed # hosts so we know what failed this round. for host_name in self._failed_hosts.keys(): host = self._inventory.get_host(host_name) iterator.mark_host_failed(host) for host_name in self._unreachable_hosts.keys(): iterator._play._removed_hosts.append(host_name) self.clear_failed_hosts() # during initialization, the PlayContext will clear the start_at_task # field to signal that a matching task was found, so check that here # and remember it so we don't try to skip tasks on future plays if context.CLIARGS.get('start_at_task') is not None and play_context.start_at_task is None: self._start_at_done = True # and run the play using the strategy and cleanup on way out try: play_return = strategy.run(iterator, play_context) finally: strategy.cleanup() self._cleanup_processes() # now re-save the hosts that failed from the iterator to our internal list for host_name in iterator.get_failed_hosts(): self._failed_hosts[host_name] = True if iterator.end_play: raise AnsibleEndPlay(play_return) return play_return def cleanup(self): display.debug("RUNNING CLEANUP") self.terminate() self._final_q.close() self._cleanup_processes() # We no longer flush on every write in ``Display.display`` # just ensure we've flushed during cleanup sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() def _cleanup_processes(self): if hasattr(self, '_workers'): for attempts_remaining in range(C.WORKER_SHUTDOWN_POLL_COUNT - 1, -1, -1): if not any(worker_prc and worker_prc.is_alive() for worker_prc in self._workers): break if attempts_remaining: time.sleep(C.WORKER_SHUTDOWN_POLL_DELAY) else: display.warning('One or more worker processes are still running and will be terminated.') for worker_prc in self._workers: if worker_prc and worker_prc.is_alive(): try: worker_prc.terminate() except AttributeError: pass def clear_failed_hosts(self): self._failed_hosts = dict() def get_inventory(self): return self._inventory def get_variable_manager(self): return self._variable_manager def get_loader(self): return self._loader def get_workers(self): return self._workers[:] def terminate(self): self._terminated = True def has_dead_workers(self): # [, # defunct = False for x in self._workers: if getattr(x, 'exitcode', None): defunct = True return defunct @lock_decorator(attr='_callback_lock') def send_callback(self, method_name, *args, **kwargs): for callback_plugin in [self._stdout_callback] + self._callback_plugins: # a plugin that set self.disabled to True will not be called # see osx_say.py example for such a plugin if getattr(callback_plugin, 'disabled', False): continue # a plugin can opt in to implicit tasks (such as meta). It does this # by declaring self.wants_implicit_tasks = True. wants_implicit_tasks = getattr(callback_plugin, 'wants_implicit_tasks', False) # try to find v2 method, fallback to v1 method, ignore callback if no method found methods = [] for possible in [method_name, 'v2_on_any']: gotit = getattr(callback_plugin, possible, None) if gotit is None: gotit = getattr(callback_plugin, possible.removeprefix('v2_'), None) if gotit is not None: methods.append(gotit) # send clean copies new_args = [] # If we end up being given an implicit task, we'll set this flag in # the loop below. If the plugin doesn't care about those, then we # check and continue to the next iteration of the outer loop. is_implicit_task = False for arg in args: # FIXME: add play/task cleaners if isinstance(arg, TaskResult): new_args.append(arg.clean_copy()) # elif isinstance(arg, Play): # elif isinstance(arg, Task): else: new_args.append(arg) if isinstance(arg, Task) and arg.implicit: is_implicit_task = True if is_implicit_task and not wants_implicit_tasks: continue for method in methods: try: method(*new_args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: # TODO: add config toggle to make this fatal or not? display.warning(u"Failure using method (%s) in callback plugin (%s): %s" % (to_text(method_name), to_text(callback_plugin), to_text(e))) from traceback import format_tb from sys import exc_info display.vvv('Callback Exception: \n' + ' '.join(format_tb(exc_info()[2])))