# Collect facts related to the system package manager # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import os import subprocess import ansible.module_utils.compat.typing as t from ansible.module_utils.facts.collector import BaseFactCollector # A list of dicts. If there is a platform with more than one # package manager, put the preferred one last. If there is an # ansible module, use that as the value for the 'name' key. PKG_MGRS = [{'path': '/usr/bin/rpm-ostree', 'name': 'atomic_container'}, {'path': '/usr/bin/yum', 'name': 'yum'}, {'path': '/usr/bin/dnf', 'name': 'dnf'}, {'path': '/usr/bin/apt-get', 'name': 'apt'}, {'path': '/usr/bin/zypper', 'name': 'zypper'}, {'path': '/usr/sbin/urpmi', 'name': 'urpmi'}, {'path': '/usr/bin/pacman', 'name': 'pacman'}, {'path': '/bin/opkg', 'name': 'opkg'}, {'path': '/usr/pkg/bin/pkgin', 'name': 'pkgin'}, {'path': '/opt/local/bin/pkgin', 'name': 'pkgin'}, {'path': '/opt/tools/bin/pkgin', 'name': 'pkgin'}, {'path': '/opt/local/bin/port', 'name': 'macports'}, {'path': '/usr/local/bin/brew', 'name': 'homebrew'}, {'path': '/opt/homebrew/bin/brew', 'name': 'homebrew'}, {'path': '/sbin/apk', 'name': 'apk'}, {'path': '/usr/sbin/pkg', 'name': 'pkgng'}, {'path': '/usr/sbin/swlist', 'name': 'swdepot'}, {'path': '/usr/bin/emerge', 'name': 'portage'}, {'path': '/usr/sbin/pkgadd', 'name': 'svr4pkg'}, {'path': '/usr/bin/pkg', 'name': 'pkg5'}, {'path': '/usr/bin/xbps-install', 'name': 'xbps'}, {'path': '/usr/local/sbin/pkg', 'name': 'pkgng'}, {'path': '/usr/bin/swupd', 'name': 'swupd'}, {'path': '/usr/sbin/sorcery', 'name': 'sorcery'}, {'path': '/usr/bin/installp', 'name': 'installp'}, {'path': '/QOpenSys/pkgs/bin/yum', 'name': 'yum'}, ] class OpenBSDPkgMgrFactCollector(BaseFactCollector): name = 'pkg_mgr' _fact_ids = set() # type: t.Set[str] _platform = 'OpenBSD' def collect(self, module=None, collected_facts=None): facts_dict = {} facts_dict['pkg_mgr'] = 'openbsd_pkg' return facts_dict # the fact ends up being 'pkg_mgr' so stick with that naming/spelling class PkgMgrFactCollector(BaseFactCollector): name = 'pkg_mgr' _fact_ids = set() # type: t.Set[str] _platform = 'Generic' required_facts = set(['distribution']) def _pkg_mgr_exists(self, pkg_mgr_name): for cur_pkg_mgr in [pkg_mgr for pkg_mgr in PKG_MGRS if pkg_mgr['name'] == pkg_mgr_name]: if os.path.exists(cur_pkg_mgr['path']): return pkg_mgr_name def _check_rh_versions(self, pkg_mgr_name, collected_facts): if os.path.exists('/run/ostree-booted'): return "atomic_container" if collected_facts['ansible_distribution'] == 'Fedora': try: if int(collected_facts['ansible_distribution_major_version']) < 23: if self._pkg_mgr_exists('yum'): pkg_mgr_name = 'yum' else: if self._pkg_mgr_exists('dnf'): pkg_mgr_name = 'dnf' except ValueError: # If there's some new magical Fedora version in the future, # just default to dnf pkg_mgr_name = 'dnf' elif collected_facts['ansible_distribution'] == 'Amazon': try: if int(collected_facts['ansible_distribution_major_version']) < 2022: if self._pkg_mgr_exists('yum'): pkg_mgr_name = 'yum' else: if self._pkg_mgr_exists('dnf'): pkg_mgr_name = 'dnf' except ValueError: pkg_mgr_name = 'dnf' else: # If it's not one of the above and it's Red Hat family of distros, assume # RHEL or a clone. For versions of RHEL < 8 that Ansible supports, the # vendor supported official package manager is 'yum' and in RHEL 8+ # (as far as we know at the time of this writing) it is 'dnf'. # If anyone wants to force a non-official package manager then they # can define a provider to either the package or yum action plugins. if int(collected_facts['ansible_distribution_major_version']) < 8: pkg_mgr_name = 'yum' else: pkg_mgr_name = 'dnf' return pkg_mgr_name def _check_apt_flavor(self, pkg_mgr_name): # Check if '/usr/bin/apt' is APT-RPM or an ordinary (dpkg-based) APT. # There's rpm package on Debian, so checking if /usr/bin/rpm exists # is not enough. Instead ask RPM if /usr/bin/apt-get belongs to some # RPM package. rpm_query = '/usr/bin/rpm -q --whatprovides /usr/bin/apt-get'.split() if os.path.exists('/usr/bin/rpm'): with open(os.devnull, 'w') as null: try: subprocess.check_call(rpm_query, stdout=null, stderr=null) pkg_mgr_name = 'apt_rpm' except subprocess.CalledProcessError: # No apt-get in RPM database. Looks like Debian/Ubuntu # with rpm package installed pkg_mgr_name = 'apt' return pkg_mgr_name def pkg_mgrs(self, collected_facts): # Filter out the /usr/bin/pkg because on Altlinux it is actually the # perl-Package (not Solaris package manager). # Since the pkg5 takes precedence over apt, this workaround # is required to select the suitable package manager on Altlinux. if collected_facts['ansible_os_family'] == 'Altlinux': return filter(lambda pkg: pkg['path'] != '/usr/bin/pkg', PKG_MGRS) else: return PKG_MGRS def collect(self, module=None, collected_facts=None): facts_dict = {} collected_facts = collected_facts or {} pkg_mgr_name = 'unknown' for pkg in self.pkg_mgrs(collected_facts): if os.path.exists(pkg['path']): pkg_mgr_name = pkg['name'] # Handle distro family defaults when more than one package manager is # installed or available to the distro, the ansible_fact entry should be # the default package manager officially supported by the distro. if collected_facts['ansible_os_family'] == "RedHat": pkg_mgr_name = self._check_rh_versions(pkg_mgr_name, collected_facts) elif collected_facts['ansible_os_family'] == 'Debian' and pkg_mgr_name != 'apt': # It's possible to install yum, dnf, zypper, rpm, etc inside of # Debian. Doing so does not mean the system wants to use them. pkg_mgr_name = 'apt' elif collected_facts['ansible_os_family'] == 'Altlinux': if pkg_mgr_name == 'apt': pkg_mgr_name = 'apt_rpm' # Check if /usr/bin/apt-get is ordinary (dpkg-based) APT or APT-RPM if pkg_mgr_name == 'apt': pkg_mgr_name = self._check_apt_flavor(pkg_mgr_name) facts_dict['pkg_mgr'] = pkg_mgr_name return facts_dict