# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: (c) 2012, Dane Summers # Copyright: (c) 2013, Mike Grozak # Copyright: (c) 2013, Patrick Callahan # Copyright: (c) 2015, Evan Kaufman # Copyright: (c) 2015, Luca Berruti # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: cron short_description: Manage cron.d and crontab entries description: - Use this module to manage crontab and environment variables entries. This module allows you to create environment variables and named crontab entries, update, or delete them. - 'When crontab jobs are managed: the module includes one line with the description of the crontab entry C("#Ansible: ") corresponding to the "name" passed to the module, which is used by future ansible/module calls to find/check the state. The "name" parameter should be unique, and changing the "name" value will result in a new cron task being created (or a different one being removed).' - When environment variables are managed, no comment line is added, but, when the module needs to find/check the state, it uses the "name" parameter to find the environment variable definition line. - When using symbols such as %, they must be properly escaped. version_added: "0.9" options: name: description: - Description of a crontab entry or, if env is set, the name of environment variable. - This parameter is always required as of ansible-core 2.12. type: str required: yes user: description: - The specific user whose crontab should be modified. - When unset, this parameter defaults to the current user. type: str job: description: - The command to execute or, if env is set, the value of environment variable. - The command should not contain line breaks. - Required if I(state=present). type: str aliases: [ value ] state: description: - Whether to ensure the job or environment variable is present or absent. type: str choices: [ absent, present ] default: present cron_file: description: - If specified, uses this file instead of an individual user's crontab. The assumption is that this file is exclusively managed by the module, do not use if the file contains multiple entries, NEVER use for /etc/crontab. - If this is a relative path, it is interpreted with respect to I(/etc/cron.d). - Many linux distros expect (and some require) the filename portion to consist solely of upper- and lower-case letters, digits, underscores, and hyphens. - Using this parameter requires you to specify the I(user) as well, unless I(state) is not I(present). - Either this parameter or I(name) is required type: path backup: description: - If set, create a backup of the crontab before it is modified. The location of the backup is returned in the C(backup_file) variable by this module. type: bool default: no minute: description: - Minute when the job should run (C(0-59), C(*), C(*/2), and so on). type: str default: "*" hour: description: - Hour when the job should run (C(0-23), C(*), C(*/2), and so on). type: str default: "*" day: description: - Day of the month the job should run (C(1-31), C(*), C(*/2), and so on). type: str default: "*" aliases: [ dom ] month: description: - Month of the year the job should run (C(1-12), C(*), C(*/2), and so on). type: str default: "*" weekday: description: - Day of the week that the job should run (C(0-6) for Sunday-Saturday, C(*), and so on). type: str default: "*" aliases: [ dow ] special_time: description: - Special time specification nickname. type: str choices: [ annually, daily, hourly, monthly, reboot, weekly, yearly ] version_added: "1.3" disabled: description: - If the job should be disabled (commented out) in the crontab. - Only has effect if I(state=present). type: bool default: no version_added: "2.0" env: description: - If set, manages a crontab's environment variable. - New variables are added on top of crontab. - I(name) and I(value) parameters are the name and the value of environment variable. type: bool default: false version_added: "2.1" insertafter: description: - Used with I(state=present) and I(env). - If specified, the environment variable will be inserted after the declaration of specified environment variable. type: str version_added: "2.1" insertbefore: description: - Used with I(state=present) and I(env). - If specified, the environment variable will be inserted before the declaration of specified environment variable. type: str version_added: "2.1" requirements: - cron (any 'vixie cron' conformant variant, like cronie) author: - Dane Summers (@dsummersl) - Mike Grozak (@rhaido) - Patrick Callahan (@dirtyharrycallahan) - Evan Kaufman (@EvanK) - Luca Berruti (@lberruti) extends_documentation_fragment: - action_common_attributes attributes: check_mode: support: full diff_mode: support: full platform: support: full platforms: posix ''' EXAMPLES = r''' - name: Ensure a job that runs at 2 and 5 exists. Creates an entry like "0 5,2 * * ls -alh > /dev/null" ansible.builtin.cron: name: "check dirs" minute: "0" hour: "5,2" job: "ls -alh > /dev/null" - name: 'Ensure an old job is no longer present. Removes any job that is prefixed by "#Ansible: an old job" from the crontab' ansible.builtin.cron: name: "an old job" state: absent - name: Creates an entry like "@reboot /some/job.sh" ansible.builtin.cron: name: "a job for reboot" special_time: reboot job: "/some/job.sh" - name: Creates an entry like "PATH=/opt/bin" on top of crontab ansible.builtin.cron: name: PATH env: yes job: /opt/bin - name: Creates an entry like "APP_HOME=/srv/app" and insert it after PATH declaration ansible.builtin.cron: name: APP_HOME env: yes job: /srv/app insertafter: PATH - name: Creates a cron file under /etc/cron.d ansible.builtin.cron: name: yum autoupdate weekday: "2" minute: "0" hour: "12" user: root job: "YUMINTERACTIVE=0 /usr/sbin/yum-autoupdate" cron_file: ansible_yum-autoupdate - name: Removes a cron file from under /etc/cron.d ansible.builtin.cron: name: "yum autoupdate" cron_file: ansible_yum-autoupdate state: absent - name: Removes "APP_HOME" environment variable from crontab ansible.builtin.cron: name: APP_HOME env: yes state: absent ''' RETURN = r'''#''' import os import platform import pwd import re import sys import tempfile from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_bytes, to_native from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import shlex_quote class CronTabError(Exception): pass class CronTab(object): """ CronTab object to write time based crontab file user - the user of the crontab (defaults to current user) cron_file - a cron file under /etc/cron.d, or an absolute path """ def __init__(self, module, user=None, cron_file=None): self.module = module self.user = user self.root = (os.getuid() == 0) self.lines = None self.ansible = "#Ansible: " self.n_existing = '' self.cron_cmd = self.module.get_bin_path('crontab', required=True) if cron_file: if os.path.isabs(cron_file): self.cron_file = cron_file self.b_cron_file = to_bytes(cron_file, errors='surrogate_or_strict') else: self.cron_file = os.path.join('/etc/cron.d', cron_file) self.b_cron_file = os.path.join(b'/etc/cron.d', to_bytes(cron_file, errors='surrogate_or_strict')) else: self.cron_file = None self.read() def read(self): # Read in the crontab from the system self.lines = [] if self.cron_file: # read the cronfile try: f = open(self.b_cron_file, 'rb') self.n_existing = to_native(f.read(), errors='surrogate_or_strict') self.lines = self.n_existing.splitlines() f.close() except IOError: # cron file does not exist return except Exception: raise CronTabError("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) else: # using safely quoted shell for now, but this really should be two non-shell calls instead. FIXME (rc, out, err) = self.module.run_command(self._read_user_execute(), use_unsafe_shell=True) if rc != 0 and rc != 1: # 1 can mean that there are no jobs. raise CronTabError("Unable to read crontab") self.n_existing = out lines = out.splitlines() count = 0 for l in lines: if count > 2 or (not re.match(r'# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall.', l) and not re.match(r'# \(/tmp/.*installed on.*\)', l) and not re.match(r'# \(.*version.*\)', l)): self.lines.append(l) else: pattern = re.escape(l) + '[\r\n]?' self.n_existing = re.sub(pattern, '', self.n_existing, 1) count += 1 def is_empty(self): if len(self.lines) == 0: return True else: for line in self.lines: if line.strip(): return False return True def write(self, backup_file=None): """ Write the crontab to the system. Saves all information. """ if backup_file: fileh = open(backup_file, 'wb') elif self.cron_file: fileh = open(self.b_cron_file, 'wb') else: filed, path = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='crontab') os.chmod(path, int('0644', 8)) fileh = os.fdopen(filed, 'wb') fileh.write(to_bytes(self.render())) fileh.close() # return if making a backup if backup_file: return # Add the entire crontab back to the user crontab if not self.cron_file: # quoting shell args for now but really this should be two non-shell calls. FIXME (rc, out, err) = self.module.run_command(self._write_execute(path), use_unsafe_shell=True) os.unlink(path) if rc != 0: self.module.fail_json(msg=err) # set SELinux permissions if self.module.selinux_enabled() and self.cron_file: self.module.set_default_selinux_context(self.cron_file, False) def do_comment(self, name): return "%s%s" % (self.ansible, name) def add_job(self, name, job): # Add the comment self.lines.append(self.do_comment(name)) # Add the job self.lines.append("%s" % (job)) def update_job(self, name, job): return self._update_job(name, job, self.do_add_job) def do_add_job(self, lines, comment, job): lines.append(comment) lines.append("%s" % (job)) def remove_job(self, name): return self._update_job(name, "", self.do_remove_job) def do_remove_job(self, lines, comment, job): return None def add_env(self, decl, insertafter=None, insertbefore=None): if not (insertafter or insertbefore): self.lines.insert(0, decl) return if insertafter: other_name = insertafter elif insertbefore: other_name = insertbefore other_decl = self.find_env(other_name) if len(other_decl) > 0: if insertafter: index = other_decl[0] + 1 elif insertbefore: index = other_decl[0] self.lines.insert(index, decl) return self.module.fail_json(msg="Variable named '%s' not found." % other_name) def update_env(self, name, decl): return self._update_env(name, decl, self.do_add_env) def do_add_env(self, lines, decl): lines.append(decl) def remove_env(self, name): return self._update_env(name, '', self.do_remove_env) def do_remove_env(self, lines, decl): return None def remove_job_file(self): try: os.unlink(self.cron_file) return True except OSError: # cron file does not exist return False except Exception: raise CronTabError("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) def find_job(self, name, job=None): # attempt to find job by 'Ansible:' header comment comment = None for l in self.lines: if comment is not None: if comment == name: return [comment, l] else: comment = None elif re.match(r'%s' % self.ansible, l): comment = re.sub(r'%s' % self.ansible, '', l) # failing that, attempt to find job by exact match if job: for i, l in enumerate(self.lines): if l == job: # if no leading ansible header, insert one if not re.match(r'%s' % self.ansible, self.lines[i - 1]): self.lines.insert(i, self.do_comment(name)) return [self.lines[i], l, True] # if a leading blank ansible header AND job has a name, update header elif name and self.lines[i - 1] == self.do_comment(None): self.lines[i - 1] = self.do_comment(name) return [self.lines[i - 1], l, True] return [] def find_env(self, name): for index, l in enumerate(self.lines): if re.match(r'^%s=' % name, l): return [index, l] return [] def get_cron_job(self, minute, hour, day, month, weekday, job, special, disabled): # normalize any leading/trailing newlines (ansible/ansible-modules-core#3791) job = job.strip('\r\n') if disabled: disable_prefix = '#' else: disable_prefix = '' if special: if self.cron_file: return "%s@%s %s %s" % (disable_prefix, special, self.user, job) else: return "%s@%s %s" % (disable_prefix, special, job) else: if self.cron_file: return "%s%s %s %s %s %s %s %s" % (disable_prefix, minute, hour, day, month, weekday, self.user, job) else: return "%s%s %s %s %s %s %s" % (disable_prefix, minute, hour, day, month, weekday, job) def get_jobnames(self): jobnames = [] for l in self.lines: if re.match(r'%s' % self.ansible, l): jobnames.append(re.sub(r'%s' % self.ansible, '', l)) return jobnames def get_envnames(self): envnames = [] for l in self.lines: if re.match(r'^\S+=', l): envnames.append(l.split('=')[0]) return envnames def _update_job(self, name, job, addlinesfunction): ansiblename = self.do_comment(name) newlines = [] comment = None for l in self.lines: if comment is not None: addlinesfunction(newlines, comment, job) comment = None elif l == ansiblename: comment = l else: newlines.append(l) self.lines = newlines if len(newlines) == 0: return True else: return False # TODO add some more error testing def _update_env(self, name, decl, addenvfunction): newlines = [] for l in self.lines: if re.match(r'^%s=' % name, l): addenvfunction(newlines, decl) else: newlines.append(l) self.lines = newlines def render(self): """ Render this crontab as it would be in the crontab. """ crons = [] for cron in self.lines: crons.append(cron) result = '\n'.join(crons) if result: result = result.rstrip('\r\n') + '\n' return result def _read_user_execute(self): """ Returns the command line for reading a crontab """ user = '' if self.user: if platform.system() == 'SunOS': return "su %s -c '%s -l'" % (shlex_quote(self.user), shlex_quote(self.cron_cmd)) elif platform.system() == 'AIX': return "%s -l %s" % (shlex_quote(self.cron_cmd), shlex_quote(self.user)) elif platform.system() == 'HP-UX': return "%s %s %s" % (self.cron_cmd, '-l', shlex_quote(self.user)) elif pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0] != self.user: user = '-u %s' % shlex_quote(self.user) return "%s %s %s" % (self.cron_cmd, user, '-l') def _write_execute(self, path): """ Return the command line for writing a crontab """ user = '' if self.user: if platform.system() in ['SunOS', 'HP-UX', 'AIX']: return "chown %s %s ; su '%s' -c '%s %s'" % ( shlex_quote(self.user), shlex_quote(path), shlex_quote(self.user), self.cron_cmd, shlex_quote(path)) elif pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0] != self.user: user = '-u %s' % shlex_quote(self.user) return "%s %s %s" % (self.cron_cmd, user, shlex_quote(path)) def main(): # The following example playbooks: # # - cron: name="check dirs" hour="5,2" job="ls -alh > /dev/null" # # - name: do the job # cron: name="do the job" hour="5,2" job="/some/dir/job.sh" # # - name: no job # cron: name="an old job" state=absent # # - name: sets env # cron: name="PATH" env=yes value="/bin:/usr/bin" # # Would produce: # PATH=/bin:/usr/bin # # Ansible: check dirs # * * 5,2 * * ls -alh > /dev/null # # Ansible: do the job # * * 5,2 * * /some/dir/job.sh module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( name=dict(type='str', required=True), user=dict(type='str'), job=dict(type='str', aliases=['value']), cron_file=dict(type='path'), state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']), backup=dict(type='bool', default=False), minute=dict(type='str', default='*'), hour=dict(type='str', default='*'), day=dict(type='str', default='*', aliases=['dom']), month=dict(type='str', default='*'), weekday=dict(type='str', default='*', aliases=['dow']), special_time=dict(type='str', choices=["reboot", "yearly", "annually", "monthly", "weekly", "daily", "hourly"]), disabled=dict(type='bool', default=False), env=dict(type='bool', default=False), insertafter=dict(type='str'), insertbefore=dict(type='str'), ), supports_check_mode=True, mutually_exclusive=[ ['insertafter', 'insertbefore'], ], ) name = module.params['name'] user = module.params['user'] job = module.params['job'] cron_file = module.params['cron_file'] state = module.params['state'] backup = module.params['backup'] minute = module.params['minute'] hour = module.params['hour'] day = module.params['day'] month = module.params['month'] weekday = module.params['weekday'] special_time = module.params['special_time'] disabled = module.params['disabled'] env = module.params['env'] insertafter = module.params['insertafter'] insertbefore = module.params['insertbefore'] do_install = state == 'present' changed = False res_args = dict() warnings = list() if cron_file: if cron_file == '/etc/crontab': module.fail_json(msg="Will not manage /etc/crontab via cron_file, see documentation.") cron_file_basename = os.path.basename(cron_file) if not re.search(r'^[A-Z0-9_-]+$', cron_file_basename, re.I): warnings.append('Filename portion of cron_file ("%s") should consist' % cron_file_basename + ' solely of upper- and lower-case letters, digits, underscores, and hyphens') # Ensure all files generated are only writable by the owning user. Primarily relevant for the cron_file option. os.umask(int('022', 8)) crontab = CronTab(module, user, cron_file) module.debug('cron instantiated - name: "%s"' % name) if module._diff: diff = dict() diff['before'] = crontab.n_existing if crontab.cron_file: diff['before_header'] = crontab.cron_file else: if crontab.user: diff['before_header'] = 'crontab for user "%s"' % crontab.user else: diff['before_header'] = 'crontab' # --- user input validation --- if special_time and \ (True in [(x != '*') for x in [minute, hour, day, month, weekday]]): module.fail_json(msg="You must specify time and date fields or special time.") # cannot support special_time on solaris if special_time and platform.system() == 'SunOS': module.fail_json(msg="Solaris does not support special_time=... or @reboot") if do_install: if cron_file and not user: module.fail_json(msg="To use cron_file=... parameter you must specify user=... as well") if job is None: module.fail_json(msg="You must specify 'job' to install a new cron job or variable") if (insertafter or insertbefore) and not env: module.fail_json(msg="Insertafter and insertbefore parameters are valid only with env=yes") # if requested make a backup before making a change if backup and not module.check_mode: (backuph, backup_file) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='crontab') crontab.write(backup_file) if env: if ' ' in name: module.fail_json(msg="Invalid name for environment variable") decl = '%s="%s"' % (name, job) old_decl = crontab.find_env(name) if do_install: if len(old_decl) == 0: crontab.add_env(decl, insertafter, insertbefore) changed = True if len(old_decl) > 0 and old_decl[1] != decl: crontab.update_env(name, decl) changed = True else: if len(old_decl) > 0: crontab.remove_env(name) changed = True else: if do_install: for char in ['\r', '\n']: if char in job.strip('\r\n'): warnings.append('Job should not contain line breaks') break job = crontab.get_cron_job(minute, hour, day, month, weekday, job, special_time, disabled) old_job = crontab.find_job(name, job) if len(old_job) == 0: crontab.add_job(name, job) changed = True if len(old_job) > 0 and old_job[1] != job: crontab.update_job(name, job) changed = True if len(old_job) > 2: crontab.update_job(name, job) changed = True else: old_job = crontab.find_job(name) if len(old_job) > 0: crontab.remove_job(name) changed = True if crontab.cron_file and crontab.is_empty(): if module._diff: diff['after'] = '' diff['after_header'] = '/dev/null' else: diff = dict() if module.check_mode: changed = os.path.isfile(crontab.cron_file) else: changed = crontab.remove_job_file() module.exit_json(changed=changed, cron_file=cron_file, state=state, diff=diff) # no changes to env/job, but existing crontab needs a terminating newline if not changed and crontab.n_existing != '': if not (crontab.n_existing.endswith('\r') or crontab.n_existing.endswith('\n')): changed = True res_args = dict( jobs=crontab.get_jobnames(), envs=crontab.get_envnames(), warnings=warnings, changed=changed ) if changed: if not module.check_mode: crontab.write() if module._diff: diff['after'] = crontab.render() if crontab.cron_file: diff['after_header'] = crontab.cron_file else: if crontab.user: diff['after_header'] = 'crontab for user "%s"' % crontab.user else: diff['after_header'] = 'crontab' res_args['diff'] = diff # retain the backup only if crontab or cron file have changed if backup and not module.check_mode: if changed: res_args['backup_file'] = backup_file else: os.unlink(backup_file) if cron_file: res_args['cron_file'] = cron_file module.exit_json(**res_args) # --- should never get here module.exit_json(msg="Unable to execute cron task.") if __name__ == '__main__': main()