# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- author: Ansible Core Team (@ansible) module: import_role short_description: Import a role into a play description: - Much like the C(roles:) keyword, this task loads a role, but it allows you to control when the role tasks run in between other tasks of the play. - Most keywords, loops and conditionals will only be applied to the imported tasks, not to this statement itself. If you want the opposite behavior, use M(ansible.builtin.include_role) instead. - Does not work in handlers. version_added: '2.4' options: name: description: - The name of the role to be executed. type: str required: true tasks_from: description: - File to load from a role's C(tasks/) directory. type: str default: main vars_from: description: - File to load from a role's C(vars/) directory. type: str default: main defaults_from: description: - File to load from a role's C(defaults/) directory. type: str default: main allow_duplicates: description: - Overrides the role's metadata setting to allow using a role more than once with the same parameters. type: bool default: yes handlers_from: description: - File to load from a role's C(handlers/) directory. type: str default: main version_added: '2.8' rolespec_validate: description: - Perform role argument spec validation if an argument spec is defined. type: bool default: yes version_added: '2.11' extends_documentation_fragment: - action_common_attributes - action_common_attributes.conn - action_common_attributes.flow - action_core - action_core.import attributes: check_mode: support: full diff_mode: support: none notes: - Handlers are made available to the whole play. - Since Ansible 2.7 variables defined in C(vars) and C(defaults) for the role are exposed to the play at playbook parsing time. Due to this, these variables will be accessible to roles and tasks executed before the location of the M(ansible.builtin.import_role) task. - Unlike M(ansible.builtin.include_role) variable exposure is not configurable, and will always be exposed. seealso: - module: ansible.builtin.import_playbook - module: ansible.builtin.import_tasks - module: ansible.builtin.include_role - module: ansible.builtin.include_tasks - ref: playbooks_reuse_includes description: More information related to including and importing playbooks, roles and tasks. ''' EXAMPLES = r''' - hosts: all tasks: - ansible.builtin.import_role: name: myrole - name: Run tasks/other.yaml instead of 'main' ansible.builtin.import_role: name: myrole tasks_from: other - name: Pass variables to role ansible.builtin.import_role: name: myrole vars: rolevar1: value from task - name: Apply condition to each task in role ansible.builtin.import_role: name: myrole when: not idontwanttorun ''' RETURN = r''' # This module does not return anything except tasks to execute. '''