# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: (c) 2017, Dag Wieers (@dagwieers) # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: wait_for_connection short_description: Waits until remote system is reachable/usable description: - Waits for a total of C(timeout) seconds. - Retries the transport connection after a timeout of C(connect_timeout). - Tests the transport connection every C(sleep) seconds. - This module makes use of internal ansible transport (and configuration) and the ping/win_ping module to guarantee correct end-to-end functioning. - This module is also supported for Windows targets. version_added: '2.3' options: connect_timeout: description: - Maximum number of seconds to wait for a connection to happen before closing and retrying. type: int default: 5 delay: description: - Number of seconds to wait before starting to poll. type: int default: 0 sleep: description: - Number of seconds to sleep between checks. type: int default: 1 timeout: description: - Maximum number of seconds to wait for. type: int default: 600 extends_documentation_fragment: - action_common_attributes - action_common_attributes.flow attributes: action: support: full async: support: none bypass_host_loop: support: none check_mode: support: none diff_mode: support: none platform: details: As long as there is a connection plugin platforms: all seealso: - module: ansible.builtin.wait_for - module: ansible.windows.win_wait_for - module: community.windows.win_wait_for_process author: - Dag Wieers (@dagwieers) ''' EXAMPLES = r''' - name: Wait 600 seconds for target connection to become reachable/usable ansible.builtin.wait_for_connection: - name: Wait 300 seconds, but only start checking after 60 seconds ansible.builtin.wait_for_connection: delay: 60 timeout: 300 # Wake desktops, wait for them to become ready and continue playbook - hosts: all gather_facts: no tasks: - name: Send magic Wake-On-Lan packet to turn on individual systems community.general.wakeonlan: mac: '{{ mac }}' broadcast: delegate_to: localhost - name: Wait for system to become reachable ansible.builtin.wait_for_connection: - name: Gather facts for first time ansible.builtin.setup: # Build a new VM, wait for it to become ready and continue playbook - hosts: all gather_facts: no tasks: - name: Clone new VM, if missing community.vmware.vmware_guest: hostname: '{{ vcenter_ipaddress }}' name: '{{ inventory_hostname_short }}' template: Windows 2012R2 customization: hostname: '{{ vm_shortname }}' runonce: - powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File C:\Windows\Temp\ConfigureRemotingForAnsible.ps1 -ForceNewSSLCert -EnableCredSSP delegate_to: localhost - name: Wait for system to become reachable over WinRM ansible.builtin.wait_for_connection: timeout: 900 - name: Gather facts for first time ansible.builtin.setup: ''' RETURN = r''' elapsed: description: The number of seconds that elapsed waiting for the connection to appear. returned: always type: float sample: 23.1 '''