DOCUMENTATION: name: from_yaml_all version_added: 'historical' short_description: Convert a series of YAML documents into a variable structure description: - Converts a YAML documents in a string representation into an equivalent structured Ansible variable. - Ansible internally auto-converts YAML strings into variable structures in most contexts, but by default does not handle 'multi document' YAML files or strings. - If multiple YAML documents are not supplied, this is the equivalend of using C(from_yaml). notes: - This filter functions as a wrapper to the Python C(yaml.safe_load_all) function, part of the L(pyyaml Python library, - Possible conflicts in variable names from the mulitple documents are resolved directly by the pyyaml library. options: _input: description: A YAML string. type: string required: true EXAMPLES: | # variable from string variable containing YAML documents {{ multidoc_yaml_string | from_yaml_all }} # variable from multidocument YAML string {{ '---\n{"a": true, "b": 54, "c": [1,2,3]}\n...\n---{"x": 1}\n...\n' | from_yaml_all}} RETURN: _value: description: The variable resulting from deserializing the YAML documents. type: raw