DOCUMENTATION: name: checksum version_added: "1.9" short_description: hash of input data description: - Returns a configurable hash of the input data. Uses L(SHA-1, by default. positional: _input options: _input: description: Data to checksum. type: raw required: true hashtype: description: - Type of algorithm to produce the hash. - The list of available choices depends on the installed Python's hashlib. type: string default: sha1 EXAMPLES: | # sha1_hash => "109f4b3c50d7b0df729d299bc6f8e9ef9066971f" sha1_hash: {{ 'test2' | hash('sha1') }} # md5 => "5a105e8b9d40e1329780d62ea2265d8a" md5: {{ 'test2' | hash('md5') }} RETURN: _value: description: The checksum of the input, as configured in I(hashtype). type: string