DOCUMENTATION: name: path_join author: Anthony Bourguignon (@Toniob) version_added: "2.10" short_description: Join one or more path components positional: _input description: - Returns a path obtained by joining one or more path components. options: _input: description: A path, or a list of paths. type: list elements: str required: true EXAMPLES: | # If path == 'foo/bar' and file == 'baz.txt', the result is '/etc/foo/bar/subdir/baz.txt' {{ ('/etc', path, 'subdir', file) | path_join }} # equivalent to '/etc/subdir/{{filename}}' wheremyfile: "{{ ['/etc', 'subdir', filename] | path_join }}" # trustme => '/etc/apt/trusted.d/mykey.gpgp' trustme: "{{ ['/etc', 'apt', 'trusted.d', 'mykey.gpg'] | path_join }}" RETURN: _value: description: The concatenated path. type: str