DOCUMENTATION: name: random version_added: "2.6" short_description: random number or list item description: - Use the input to either select a random element of a list or generate a random number. positional: _input, start, step, seed options: _input: description: A number or list/sequence, if it is a number it is the top bound for random number generation, if it is a sequence or list, the source of the random element selected. type: raw required: true start: description: Bottom bound for the random number/element generated. type: int step: description: Subsets the defined range by only using this value to select the increments of it between start and end. type: int default: 1 seed: description: If specified use a pseudo random selection instead (repeatable). type: str EXAMPLES: | # can be any item from the list random_item: "{{ ['a','b','c'] | random }}" # cron line, select random minute repeatable for each host "{{ 60 | random(seed=inventory_hostname) }} * * * * root /script/from/cron" RETURN: _value: description: Random number or list element. type: raw