DOCUMENTATION: name: splitext author: Matt Martz (@sivel) version_added: "2.0" short_description: split a path into root and file extension positional: _input description: - Returns a list of two, with the elements consisting of filename root and extension. options: _input: description: A path. type: str required: true EXAMPLES: | # gobble => [ '/etc/make', 'conf' ] gobble: "{{ '/etc/make.conf' | splitext }}" # file_n_ext => [ 'ansible', 'cfg' ] file_n_ext: "{{ 'ansible.cfg' | splitext }}" # hoax => ['/etc/hoasdf', ''] hoax: '{{ "/etc//hoasdf/"|splitext }}' RETURN: _value: description: A list consisting of root of the path and the extension. type: list elements: str