DOCUMENTATION: name: win_splitdrive author: ansible core team version_added: "2.0" short_description: Split a Windows path by the drive letter description: - Returns a list with the first component being the drive letter and the second, the rest of the path. options: _input: description: A Windows path. type: str required: true EXAMPLES: | # To get the last name of a file Windows path, like ['C', '\Users\asdf\foo.txt'] out of 'C:\Users\asdf\foo.txt' {{ mypath | win_splitdrive }} # just the drive letter {{ mypath | win_splitdrive | first }} # path w/o drive letter {{ mypath | win_splitdrive | last }} RETURN: _value: description: List in which the first element is the drive letter and the second the rest of the path. type: list elements: str