DOCUMENTATION: name: zip_longest version_added: "2.3" short_description: combine list elements, with filler positional: _input, _additional_lists description: - Make an iterator that aggregates elements from each of the iterables. If the iterables are of uneven length, missing values are filled-in with I(fillvalue). Iteration continues until the longest iterable is exhausted. notes: - This is mostly a passhtrough to Python's C(itertools.zip_longest) function options: _input: description: Original list. type: list elements: any required: yes _additional_lists: description: Additional list(s). type: list elements: any required: yes fillvalue: description: Filler value to add to output when one of the lists does not contain enough elements to match the others. type: any EXAMPLES: | # X_fill => [[1, "a", 21], [2, "b", 22], [3, "c", 23], ["X", "d", "X"], ["X", "e", "X"], ["X", "f", "X"]] X_fill: "{{ [1,2,3] | zip_longest(['a','b','c','d','e','f'], [21, 22, 23], fillvalue='X') }}" RETURN: _value: description: List of lists made of elements matching the positions of the input lists. type: list elements: list