# (c) 2017 Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = """ name: config author: Ansible Core Team version_added: "2.5" short_description: Lookup current Ansible configuration values description: - Retrieves the value of an Ansible configuration setting. - You can use C(ansible-config list) to see all available settings. options: _terms: description: The key(s) to look up required: True on_missing: description: - action to take if term is missing from config - Error will raise a fatal error - Skip will just ignore the term - Warn will skip over it but issue a warning default: error type: string choices: ['error', 'skip', 'warn'] plugin_type: description: the type of the plugin referenced by 'plugin_name' option. choices: ['become', 'cache', 'callback', 'cliconf', 'connection', 'httpapi', 'inventory', 'lookup', 'netconf', 'shell', 'vars'] type: string version_added: '2.12' plugin_name: description: name of the plugin for which you want to retrieve configuration settings. type: string version_added: '2.12' """ EXAMPLES = """ - name: Show configured default become user ansible.builtin.debug: msg="{{ lookup('ansible.builtin.config', 'DEFAULT_BECOME_USER')}}" - name: print out role paths ansible.builtin.debug: msg: "These are the configured role paths: {{lookup('ansible.builtin.config', 'DEFAULT_ROLES_PATH')}}" - name: find retry files, skip if missing that key ansible.builtin.find: paths: "{{lookup('ansible.builtin.config', 'RETRY_FILES_SAVE_PATH')|default(playbook_dir, True)}}" patterns: "*.retry" - name: see the colors ansible.builtin.debug: msg="{{item}}" loop: "{{lookup('ansible.builtin.config', 'COLOR_OK', 'COLOR_CHANGED', 'COLOR_SKIP', wantlist=True)}}" - name: skip if bad value in var ansible.builtin.debug: msg="{{ lookup('ansible.builtin.config', config_in_var, on_missing='skip')}}" var: config_in_var: UNKNOWN - name: show remote user and port for ssh connection ansible.builtin.debug: msg={{q("ansible.builtin.config", "remote_user", "port", plugin_type="connection", plugin_name="ssh", on_missing='skip')}} - name: show remote_tmp setting for shell (sh) plugin ansible.builtin.debug: msg={{q("ansible.builtin.config", "remote_tmp", plugin_type="shell", plugin_name="sh")}} """ RETURN = """ _raw: description: - value(s) of the key(s) in the config type: raw """ import ansible.plugins.loader as plugin_loader from ansible import constants as C from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleLookupError, AnsibleOptionsError from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types from ansible.plugins.lookup import LookupBase from ansible.utils.sentinel import Sentinel class MissingSetting(AnsibleOptionsError): pass def _get_plugin_config(pname, ptype, config, variables): try: # plugin creates settings on load, this is cached so not too expensive to redo loader = getattr(plugin_loader, '%s_loader' % ptype) p = loader.get(pname, class_only=True) if p is None: raise AnsibleLookupError('Unable to load %s plugin "%s"' % (ptype, pname)) result = C.config.get_config_value(config, plugin_type=ptype, plugin_name=p._load_name, variables=variables) except AnsibleLookupError: raise except AnsibleError as e: msg = to_native(e) if 'was not defined' in msg: raise MissingSetting(msg, orig_exc=e) raise e return result def _get_global_config(config): try: result = getattr(C, config) if callable(result): raise AnsibleLookupError('Invalid setting "%s" attempted' % config) except AttributeError as e: raise MissingSetting(to_native(e), orig_exc=e) return result class LookupModule(LookupBase): def run(self, terms, variables=None, **kwargs): self.set_options(var_options=variables, direct=kwargs) missing = self.get_option('on_missing') ptype = self.get_option('plugin_type') pname = self.get_option('plugin_name') if (ptype or pname) and not (ptype and pname): raise AnsibleOptionsError('Both plugin_type and plugin_name are required, cannot use one without the other') if not isinstance(missing, string_types) or missing not in ['error', 'warn', 'skip']: raise AnsibleOptionsError('"on_missing" must be a string and one of "error", "warn" or "skip", not %s' % missing) ret = [] for term in terms: if not isinstance(term, string_types): raise AnsibleOptionsError('Invalid setting identifier, "%s" is not a string, its a %s' % (term, type(term))) result = Sentinel try: if pname: result = _get_plugin_config(pname, ptype, term, variables) else: result = _get_global_config(term) except MissingSetting as e: if missing == 'error': raise AnsibleLookupError('Unable to find setting %s' % term, orig_exc=e) elif missing == 'warn': self._display.warning('Skipping, did not find setting %s' % term) elif missing == 'skip': pass # this is not needed, but added to have all 3 options stated if result is not Sentinel: ret.append(result) return ret