# (c) 2015, Yannig Perre # (c) 2017 Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = """ name: ini author: Yannig Perre (!UNKNOWN) version_added: "2.0" short_description: read data from an ini file description: - "The ini lookup reads the contents of a file in INI format C(key1=value1). This plugin retrieves the value on the right side after the equal sign C('=') of a given section C([section])." - "You can also read a property file which - in this case - does not contain section." options: _terms: description: The key(s) to look up. required: True type: description: Type of the file. 'properties' refers to the Java properties files. default: 'ini' choices: ['ini', 'properties'] file: description: Name of the file to load. default: 'ansible.ini' section: default: global description: Section where to lookup the key. re: default: False type: boolean description: Flag to indicate if the key supplied is a regexp. encoding: default: utf-8 description: Text encoding to use. default: description: Return value if the key is not in the ini file. default: '' case_sensitive: description: Whether key names read from C(file) should be case sensitive. This prevents duplicate key errors if keys only differ in case. default: False version_added: '2.12' allow_no_value: description: - Read an ini file which contains key without value and without '=' symbol. type: bool default: False aliases: ['allow_none'] version_added: '2.12' """ EXAMPLES = """ - ansible.builtin.debug: msg="User in integration is {{ lookup('ansible.builtin.ini', 'user', section='integration', file='users.ini') }}" - ansible.builtin.debug: msg="User in production is {{ lookup('ansible.builtin.ini', 'user', section='production', file='users.ini') }}" - ansible.builtin.debug: msg="user.name is {{ lookup('ansible.builtin.ini', 'user.name', type='properties', file='user.properties') }}" - ansible.builtin.debug: msg: "{{ item }}" loop: "{{ q('ansible.builtin.ini', '.*', section='section1', file='test.ini', re=True) }}" - name: Read an ini file with allow_no_value ansible.builtin.debug: msg: "{{ lookup('ansible.builtin.ini', 'user', file='mysql.ini', section='mysqld', allow_no_value=True) }}" """ RETURN = """ _raw: description: - value(s) of the key(s) in the ini file type: list elements: str """ import configparser import os import re from io import StringIO from collections import defaultdict from collections.abc import MutableSequence from ansible.errors import AnsibleLookupError, AnsibleOptionsError from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text, to_native from ansible.plugins.lookup import LookupBase def _parse_params(term, paramvals): '''Safely split parameter term to preserve spaces''' # TODO: deprecate this method valid_keys = paramvals.keys() params = defaultdict(lambda: '') # TODO: check kv_parser to see if it can handle spaces this same way keys = [] thiskey = 'key' # initialize for 'lookup item' for idp, phrase in enumerate(term.split()): # update current key if used if '=' in phrase: for k in valid_keys: if ('%s=' % k) in phrase: thiskey = k # if first term or key does not exist if idp == 0 or not params[thiskey]: params[thiskey] = phrase keys.append(thiskey) else: # append to existing key params[thiskey] += ' ' + phrase # return list of values return [params[x] for x in keys] class LookupModule(LookupBase): def get_value(self, key, section, dflt, is_regexp): # Retrieve all values from a section using a regexp if is_regexp: return [v for k, v in self.cp.items(section) if re.match(key, k)] value = None # Retrieve a single value try: value = self.cp.get(section, key) except configparser.NoOptionError: return dflt return value def run(self, terms, variables=None, **kwargs): self.set_options(var_options=variables, direct=kwargs) paramvals = self.get_options() self.cp = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=paramvals.get('allow_no_value', paramvals.get('allow_none'))) if paramvals['case_sensitive']: self.cp.optionxform = to_native ret = [] for term in terms: key = term # parameters specified? if '=' in term or ' ' in term.strip(): self._deprecate_inline_kv() params = _parse_params(term, paramvals) try: updated_key = False for param in params: if '=' in param: name, value = param.split('=') if name not in paramvals: raise AnsibleLookupError('%s is not a valid option.' % name) paramvals[name] = value elif key == term: # only take first, this format never supported multiple keys inline key = param updated_key = True except ValueError as e: # bad params passed raise AnsibleLookupError("Could not use '%s' from '%s': %s" % (param, params, to_native(e)), orig_exc=e) if not updated_key: raise AnsibleOptionsError("No key to lookup was provided as first term with in string inline options: %s" % term) # only passed options in inline string # TODO: look to use cache to avoid redoing this for every term if they use same file # Retrieve file path path = self.find_file_in_search_path(variables, 'files', paramvals['file']) # Create StringIO later used to parse ini config = StringIO() # Special case for java properties if paramvals['type'] == "properties": config.write(u'[java_properties]\n') paramvals['section'] = 'java_properties' # Open file using encoding contents, show_data = self._loader._get_file_contents(path) contents = to_text(contents, errors='surrogate_or_strict', encoding=paramvals['encoding']) config.write(contents) config.seek(0, os.SEEK_SET) try: self.cp.readfp(config) except configparser.DuplicateOptionError as doe: raise AnsibleLookupError("Duplicate option in '{file}': {error}".format(file=paramvals['file'], error=to_native(doe))) try: var = self.get_value(key, paramvals['section'], paramvals['default'], paramvals['re']) except configparser.NoSectionError: raise AnsibleLookupError("No section '{section}' in {file}".format(section=paramvals['section'], file=paramvals['file'])) if var is not None: if isinstance(var, MutableSequence): for v in var: ret.append(v) else: ret.append(var) return ret