# (c) 2013, Serge van Ginderachter # (c) 2012-17 Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = """ name: subelements author: Serge van Ginderachter (!UNKNOWN) version_added: "1.4" short_description: traverse nested key from a list of dictionaries description: - Subelements walks a list of hashes (aka dictionaries) and then traverses a list with a given (nested sub-)key inside of those records. options: _terms: description: tuple of list of dictionaries and dictionary key to extract required: True skip_missing: default: False description: - Lookup accepts this flag from a dictionary as optional. See Example section for more information. - If set to C(True), the lookup plugin will skip the lists items that do not contain the given subkey. - If set to C(False), the plugin will yield an error and complain about the missing subkey. """ EXAMPLES = """ - name: show var structure as it is needed for example to make sense hosts: all vars: users: - name: alice authorized: - /tmp/alice/onekey.pub - /tmp/alice/twokey.pub mysql: password: mysql-password hosts: - "%" - "" - "::1" - "localhost" privs: - "*.*:SELECT" - "DB1.*:ALL" groups: - wheel - name: bob authorized: - /tmp/bob/id_rsa.pub mysql: password: other-mysql-password hosts: - "db1" privs: - "*.*:SELECT" - "DB2.*:ALL" tasks: - name: Set authorized ssh key, extracting just that data from 'users' ansible.posix.authorized_key: user: "{{ item.0.name }}" key: "{{ lookup('file', item.1) }}" with_subelements: - "{{ users }}" - authorized - name: Setup MySQL users, given the mysql hosts and privs subkey lists community.mysql.mysql_user: name: "{{ item.0.name }}" password: "{{ item.0.mysql.password }}" host: "{{ item.1 }}" priv: "{{ item.0.mysql.privs | join('/') }}" with_subelements: - "{{ users }}" - mysql.hosts - name: list groups for users that have them, don't error if groups key is missing ansible.builtin.debug: var=item loop: "{{ q('ansible.builtin.subelements', users, 'groups', {'skip_missing': True}) }}" """ RETURN = """ _list: description: list of subelements extracted """ from ansible.errors import AnsibleError from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types from ansible.module_utils.parsing.convert_bool import boolean from ansible.plugins.lookup import LookupBase from ansible.utils.listify import listify_lookup_plugin_terms FLAGS = ('skip_missing',) class LookupModule(LookupBase): def run(self, terms, variables, **kwargs): def _raise_terms_error(msg=""): raise AnsibleError( "subelements lookup expects a list of two or three items, " + msg) terms[0] = listify_lookup_plugin_terms(terms[0], templar=self._templar) # check lookup terms - check number of terms if not isinstance(terms, list) or not 2 <= len(terms) <= 3: _raise_terms_error() # first term should be a list (or dict), second a string holding the subkey if not isinstance(terms[0], (list, dict)) or not isinstance(terms[1], string_types): _raise_terms_error("first a dict or a list, second a string pointing to the subkey") subelements = terms[1].split(".") if isinstance(terms[0], dict): # convert to list: if terms[0].get('skipped', False) is not False: # the registered result was completely skipped return [] elementlist = [] for key in terms[0]: elementlist.append(terms[0][key]) else: elementlist = terms[0] # check for optional flags in third term flags = {} if len(terms) == 3: flags = terms[2] if not isinstance(flags, dict) and not all(isinstance(key, string_types) and key in FLAGS for key in flags): _raise_terms_error("the optional third item must be a dict with flags %s" % FLAGS) # build_items ret = [] for item0 in elementlist: if not isinstance(item0, dict): raise AnsibleError("subelements lookup expects a dictionary, got '%s'" % item0) if item0.get('skipped', False) is not False: # this particular item is to be skipped continue skip_missing = boolean(flags.get('skip_missing', False), strict=False) subvalue = item0 lastsubkey = False sublist = [] for subkey in subelements: if subkey == subelements[-1]: lastsubkey = True if subkey not in subvalue: if skip_missing: continue else: raise AnsibleError("could not find '%s' key in iterated item '%s'" % (subkey, subvalue)) if not lastsubkey: if not isinstance(subvalue[subkey], dict): if skip_missing: continue else: raise AnsibleError("the key %s should point to a dictionary, got '%s'" % (subkey, subvalue[subkey])) else: subvalue = subvalue[subkey] else: # lastsubkey if not isinstance(subvalue[subkey], list): raise AnsibleError("the key %s should point to a list, got '%s'" % (subkey, subvalue[subkey])) else: sublist = subvalue.pop(subkey, []) for item1 in sublist: ret.append((item0, item1)) return ret