DOCUMENTATION: name: version author: Ansible Core version_added: "1.6" short_description: compare version strings aliases: [version_compare] description: - Compare version strings using various versioning schemes options: _input: description: Left hand version to compare type: string required: True version: description: Right hand version to compare type: string required: True operator: description: Comparison operator type: string required: False choices: - == - '=' - eq - < - lt - <= - le - '>' - gt - '>=' - ge - '!=' - <> - ne default: eq strict: description: Whether to use strict version scheme. Mutually exclusive with C(version_type) type: boolean required: False default: False version_type: description: Version scheme to use for comparison. Mutually exclusive with C(strict). See C(notes) for descriptions on the version types. type: string required: False choices: - loose - strict - semver - semantic - pep440 default: loose notes: - C(loose) - This type corresponds to the Python C(distutils.version.LooseVersion) class. All version formats are valid for this type. The rules for comparison are simple and predictable, but may not always give expected results. - C(strict) - This type corresponds to the Python C(distutils.version.StrictVersion) class. A version number consists of two or three dot-separated numeric components, with an optional "pre-release" tag on the end. The pre-release tag consists of a single letter C(a) or C(b) followed by a number. If the numeric components of two version numbers are equal, then one with a pre-release tag will always be deemed earlier (lesser) than one without. - C(semver)/C(semantic) - This type implements the L(Semantic Version, scheme for version comparison. - C(pep440) - This type implements the Python L(PEP-440, versioning rules for version comparison. Added in version 2.14. EXAMPLES: | - name: version test examples assert: that: - "'1.0' is version_compare('1.0', '==')" # old name - "'1.0' is version('1.0', '==')" - "'1.0' is version('2.0', '!=')" - "'1.0' is version('2.0', '<')" - "'2.0' is version('1.0', '>')" - "'1.0' is version('1.0', '<=')" - "'1.0' is version('1.0', '>=')" - "'1.0' is version_compare('1.0', '==', strict=true)" # old name - "'1.0' is version('1.0', '==', strict=true)" - "'1.0' is version('2.0', '!=', strict=true)" - "'1.0' is version('2.0', '<', strict=true)" - "'2.0' is version('1.0', '>', strict=true)" - "'1.0' is version('1.0', '<=', strict=true)" - "'1.0' is version('1.0', '>=', strict=true)" - "'1.2.3' is version('2.0.0', 'lt', version_type='semver')" - "'2.14.0rc1' is version('2.14.0', 'lt', version_type='pep440')" RETURN: _value: description: Returns C(True) or C(False) depending on the outcome of the comparison. type: boolean