# Copyright: (c) 2012, Jan-Piet Mens # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type from collections.abc import MutableMapping, MutableSet, MutableSequence from pathlib import Path from ansible import constants as C from ansible.release import __version__ as ansible_version from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleParserError, AnsiblePluginNotFound from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native from ansible.parsing.plugin_docs import read_docstring from ansible.parsing.yaml.loader import AnsibleLoader from ansible.utils.display import Display display = Display() def merge_fragment(target, source): for key, value in source.items(): if key in target: # assumes both structures have same type if isinstance(target[key], MutableMapping): value.update(target[key]) elif isinstance(target[key], MutableSet): value.add(target[key]) elif isinstance(target[key], MutableSequence): value = sorted(frozenset(value + target[key])) else: raise Exception("Attempt to extend a documentation fragment, invalid type for %s" % key) target[key] = value def _process_versions_and_dates(fragment, is_module, return_docs, callback): def process_deprecation(deprecation, top_level=False): collection_name = 'removed_from_collection' if top_level else 'collection_name' if not isinstance(deprecation, MutableMapping): return if (is_module or top_level) and 'removed_in' in deprecation: # used in module deprecations callback(deprecation, 'removed_in', collection_name) if 'removed_at_date' in deprecation: callback(deprecation, 'removed_at_date', collection_name) if not (is_module or top_level) and 'version' in deprecation: # used in plugin option deprecations callback(deprecation, 'version', collection_name) def process_option_specifiers(specifiers): for specifier in specifiers: if not isinstance(specifier, MutableMapping): continue if 'version_added' in specifier: callback(specifier, 'version_added', 'version_added_collection') if isinstance(specifier.get('deprecated'), MutableMapping): process_deprecation(specifier['deprecated']) def process_options(options): for option in options.values(): if not isinstance(option, MutableMapping): continue if 'version_added' in option: callback(option, 'version_added', 'version_added_collection') if not is_module: if isinstance(option.get('env'), list): process_option_specifiers(option['env']) if isinstance(option.get('ini'), list): process_option_specifiers(option['ini']) if isinstance(option.get('vars'), list): process_option_specifiers(option['vars']) if isinstance(option.get('deprecated'), MutableMapping): process_deprecation(option['deprecated']) if isinstance(option.get('suboptions'), MutableMapping): process_options(option['suboptions']) def process_return_values(return_values): for return_value in return_values.values(): if not isinstance(return_value, MutableMapping): continue if 'version_added' in return_value: callback(return_value, 'version_added', 'version_added_collection') if isinstance(return_value.get('contains'), MutableMapping): process_return_values(return_value['contains']) def process_attributes(attributes): for attribute in attributes.values(): if not isinstance(attribute, MutableMapping): continue if 'version_added' in attribute: callback(attribute, 'version_added', 'version_added_collection') if not fragment: return if return_docs: process_return_values(fragment) return if 'version_added' in fragment: callback(fragment, 'version_added', 'version_added_collection') if isinstance(fragment.get('deprecated'), MutableMapping): process_deprecation(fragment['deprecated'], top_level=True) if isinstance(fragment.get('options'), MutableMapping): process_options(fragment['options']) if isinstance(fragment.get('attributes'), MutableMapping): process_attributes(fragment['attributes']) def add_collection_to_versions_and_dates(fragment, collection_name, is_module, return_docs=False): def add(options, option, collection_name_field): if collection_name_field not in options: options[collection_name_field] = collection_name _process_versions_and_dates(fragment, is_module, return_docs, add) def remove_current_collection_from_versions_and_dates(fragment, collection_name, is_module, return_docs=False): def remove(options, option, collection_name_field): if options.get(collection_name_field) == collection_name: del options[collection_name_field] _process_versions_and_dates(fragment, is_module, return_docs, remove) def add_fragments(doc, filename, fragment_loader, is_module=False): fragments = doc.pop('extends_documentation_fragment', []) if isinstance(fragments, string_types): fragments = [fragments] unknown_fragments = [] # doc_fragments are allowed to specify a fragment var other than DOCUMENTATION # with a . separator; this is complicated by collections-hosted doc_fragments that # use the same separator. Assume it's collection-hosted normally first, try to load # as-specified. If failure, assume the right-most component is a var, split it off, # and retry the load. for fragment_slug in fragments: fragment_name = fragment_slug fragment_var = 'DOCUMENTATION' fragment_class = fragment_loader.get(fragment_name) if fragment_class is None and '.' in fragment_slug: splitname = fragment_slug.rsplit('.', 1) fragment_name = splitname[0] fragment_var = splitname[1].upper() fragment_class = fragment_loader.get(fragment_name) if fragment_class is None: unknown_fragments.append(fragment_slug) continue fragment_yaml = getattr(fragment_class, fragment_var, None) if fragment_yaml is None: if fragment_var != 'DOCUMENTATION': # if it's asking for something specific that's missing, that's an error unknown_fragments.append(fragment_slug) continue else: fragment_yaml = '{}' # TODO: this is still an error later since we require 'options' below... fragment = AnsibleLoader(fragment_yaml, file_name=filename).get_single_data() real_fragment_name = getattr(fragment_class, 'ansible_name') real_collection_name = '.'.join(real_fragment_name.split('.')[0:2]) if '.' in real_fragment_name else '' add_collection_to_versions_and_dates(fragment, real_collection_name, is_module=is_module) if 'notes' in fragment: notes = fragment.pop('notes') if notes: if 'notes' not in doc: doc['notes'] = [] doc['notes'].extend(notes) if 'seealso' in fragment: seealso = fragment.pop('seealso') if seealso: if 'seealso' not in doc: doc['seealso'] = [] doc['seealso'].extend(seealso) if 'options' not in fragment and 'attributes' not in fragment: raise Exception("missing options or attributes in fragment (%s), possibly misformatted?: %s" % (fragment_name, filename)) # ensure options themselves are directly merged for doc_key in ['options', 'attributes']: if doc_key in fragment: if doc_key in doc: try: merge_fragment(doc[doc_key], fragment.pop(doc_key)) except Exception as e: raise AnsibleError("%s %s (%s) of unknown type: %s" % (to_native(e), doc_key, fragment_name, filename)) else: doc[doc_key] = fragment.pop(doc_key) # merge rest of the sections try: merge_fragment(doc, fragment) except Exception as e: raise AnsibleError("%s (%s) of unknown type: %s" % (to_native(e), fragment_name, filename)) if unknown_fragments: raise AnsibleError('unknown doc_fragment(s) in file {0}: {1}'.format(filename, to_native(', '.join(unknown_fragments)))) def get_docstring(filename, fragment_loader, verbose=False, ignore_errors=False, collection_name=None, is_module=None, plugin_type=None): """ DOCUMENTATION can be extended using documentation fragments loaded by the PluginLoader from the doc_fragments plugins. """ if is_module is None: if plugin_type is None: is_module = False else: is_module = (plugin_type == 'module') else: # TODO deprecate is_module argument, now that we have 'type' pass data = read_docstring(filename, verbose=verbose, ignore_errors=ignore_errors) if data.get('doc', False): # add collection name to versions and dates if collection_name is not None: add_collection_to_versions_and_dates(data['doc'], collection_name, is_module=is_module) # add fragments to documentation add_fragments(data['doc'], filename, fragment_loader=fragment_loader, is_module=is_module) if data.get('returndocs', False): # add collection name to versions and dates if collection_name is not None: add_collection_to_versions_and_dates(data['returndocs'], collection_name, is_module=is_module, return_docs=True) return data['doc'], data['plainexamples'], data['returndocs'], data['metadata'] def get_versioned_doclink(path): """ returns a versioned documentation link for the current Ansible major.minor version; used to generate in-product warning/error links to the configured DOCSITE_ROOT_URL (eg, https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/2.8/somepath/doc.html) :param path: relative path to a document under docs/docsite/rst; :return: absolute URL to the specified doc for the current version of Ansible """ path = to_native(path) try: base_url = C.config.get_config_value('DOCSITE_ROOT_URL') if not base_url.endswith('/'): base_url += '/' if path.startswith('/'): path = path[1:] split_ver = ansible_version.split('.') if len(split_ver) < 3: raise RuntimeError('invalid version ({0})'.format(ansible_version)) doc_version = '{0}.{1}'.format(split_ver[0], split_ver[1]) # check to see if it's a X.Y.0 non-rc prerelease or dev release, if so, assume devel (since the X.Y doctree # isn't published until beta-ish) if split_ver[2].startswith('0'): # exclude rc; we should have the X.Y doctree live by rc1 if any((pre in split_ver[2]) for pre in ['a', 'b']) or len(split_ver) > 3 and 'dev' in split_ver[3]: doc_version = 'devel' return '{0}{1}/{2}'.format(base_url, doc_version, path) except Exception as ex: return '(unable to create versioned doc link for path {0}: {1})'.format(path, to_native(ex)) def _find_adjacent(path, plugin, extensions): adjacent = Path(path) plugin_base_name = plugin.split('.')[-1] if adjacent.stem != plugin_base_name: # this should only affect filters/tests adjacent = adjacent.with_name(plugin_base_name) paths = [] for ext in extensions: candidate = adjacent.with_suffix(ext) if candidate == adjacent: # we're looking for an adjacent file, skip this since it's identical continue if candidate.exists(): paths.append(to_native(candidate)) return paths def find_plugin_docfile(plugin, plugin_type, loader): ''' if the plugin lives in a non-python file (eg, win_X.ps1), require the corresponding 'sidecar' file for docs ''' context = loader.find_plugin_with_context(plugin, ignore_deprecated=False, check_aliases=True) if (not context or not context.resolved) and plugin_type in ('filter', 'test'): # should only happen for filters/test plugin_obj, context = loader.get_with_context(plugin) if not context or not context.resolved: raise AnsiblePluginNotFound('%s was not found' % (plugin), plugin_load_context=context) docfile = Path(context.plugin_resolved_path) if docfile.suffix not in C.DOC_EXTENSIONS: # only look for adjacent if plugin file does not support documents filenames = _find_adjacent(docfile, plugin, C.DOC_EXTENSIONS) filename = filenames[0] if filenames else None else: filename = to_native(docfile) if filename is None: raise AnsibleError('%s cannot contain DOCUMENTATION nor does it have a companion documentation file' % (plugin)) return filename, context.plugin_resolved_collection def get_plugin_docs(plugin, plugin_type, loader, fragment_loader, verbose): docs = [] # find plugin doc file, if it doesn't exist this will throw error, we let it through # can raise exception and short circuit when 'not found' filename, collection_name = find_plugin_docfile(plugin, plugin_type, loader) try: docs = get_docstring(filename, fragment_loader, verbose=verbose, collection_name=collection_name, plugin_type=plugin_type) except Exception as e: raise AnsibleParserError('%s did not contain a DOCUMENTATION attribute (%s)' % (plugin, filename), orig_exc=e) # no good? try adjacent if not docs[0]: for newfile in _find_adjacent(filename, plugin, C.DOC_EXTENSIONS): try: docs = get_docstring(newfile, fragment_loader, verbose=verbose, collection_name=collection_name, plugin_type=plugin_type) filename = newfile if docs[0] is not None: break except Exception as e: raise AnsibleParserError('Adjacent file %s did not contain a DOCUMENTATION attribute (%s)' % (plugin, filename), orig_exc=e) # add extra data to docs[0] (aka 'DOCUMENTATION') if docs[0] is None: raise AnsibleParserError('No documentation available for %s (%s)' % (plugin, filename)) else: docs[0]['filename'] = filename docs[0]['collection'] = collection_name return docs