--- - name: publish collection - {{ test_name }} command: ansible-galaxy collection publish ansible_test-my_collection-1.0.0.tar.gz -s {{ test_name }} {{ galaxy_verbosity }} args: chdir: '{{ galaxy_dir }}' register: publish_collection - name: get result of publish collection - {{ test_name }} uri: url: '{{ test_server }}{{ vX }}collections/ansible_test/my_collection/versions/1.0.0/' return_content: yes user: '{{ pulp_user }}' password: '{{ pulp_password }}' force_basic_auth: true register: publish_collection_actual - name: assert publish collection - {{ test_name }} assert: that: - '"Collection has been successfully published and imported to the Galaxy server" in publish_collection.stdout' - publish_collection_actual.json.collection.name == 'my_collection' - publish_collection_actual.json.namespace.name == 'ansible_test' - publish_collection_actual.json.version == '1.0.0' - name: fail to publish existing collection version - {{ test_name }} command: ansible-galaxy collection publish ansible_test-my_collection-1.0.0.tar.gz -s {{ test_name }} {{ galaxy_verbosity }} args: chdir: '{{ galaxy_dir }}' register: fail_publish_existing failed_when: fail_publish_existing is not failed - name: reset published collections - {{ test_name }} include_tasks: pulp.yml