#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eu # Create test scenarios at runtime that do not pass sanity tests. # This avoids the need to create ignore entries for the tests. ( cd ansible_collections/ns/col/plugins/modules touch no-shebang-executable.py && chmod +x no-shebang-executable.py # file without shebang should not be executable python -c "open('utf-32-be-bom.py', 'wb').write(b'\x00\x00\xFE\xFF')" # file starts with a UTF-32 (BE) byte order mark python -c "open('utf-32-le-bom.py', 'wb').write(b'\xFF\xFE\x00\x00')" # file starts with a UTF-32 (LE) byte order mark python -c "open('utf-16-be-bom.py', 'wb').write(b'\xFE\xFF')" # file starts with a UTF-16 (BE) byte order mark python -c "open('utf-16-le-bom.py', 'wb').write(b'\xFF\xFE')" # file starts with a UTF-16 (LE) byte order mark python -c "open('utf-8-bom.py', 'wb').write(b'\xEF\xBB\xBF')" # file starts with a UTF-8 byte order mark echo '#!/usr/bin/python' > python-executable.py && chmod +x python-executable.py # module should not be executable echo '#!invalid' > python-wrong-shebang.py # expected module shebang "b'#!/usr/bin/python'" but found: b'#!invalid' ) ( cd ansible_collections/ns/col/scripts echo '#!/usr/bin/custom' > unexpected-shebang # unexpected non-module shebang: b'#!/usr/bin/custom' echo '#!/usr/bin/make -f' > Makefile && chmod +x Makefile # pass echo '#!/bin/bash -eu' > bash_eu.sh && chmod +x bash_eu.sh # pass echo '#!/bin/bash -eux' > bash_eux.sh && chmod +x bash_eux.sh # pass echo '#!/usr/bin/env fish' > env_fish.fish && chmod +x env_fish.fish # pass echo '#!/usr/bin/env pwsh' > env_pwsh.ps1 && chmod +x env_pwsh.ps1 # pass ) mkdir ansible_collections/ns/col/examples ( cd ansible_collections/ns/col/examples echo '#!/usr/bin/custom' > unexpected-shebang # pass ) source ../collection/setup.sh set -x ansible-test sanity --test shebang --color --lint --failure-ok "${@}" > actual.txt diff -u "${TEST_DIR}/expected.txt" actual.txt