--- - name: set a fact from vault_encrypted_example1_releases set_fact: example1_releases: "{{ vault_encrypted_example1_releases }}" - name: Assert that a embedded vault of a multiline string with a vault id works assert: that: - "vault_encrypted_example1_releases is defined" - "example1_releases is defined" - "example1_releases.startswith('Ansible Releases')" # - '"{{ vault_encrypted_example1_releases }}" == "Setec Astronomy"' - name: Assert that a embedded vault with a different vault id works assert: that: - "vault_encrypted_example2_hello == 'Hello world'" - name: Assert that a embedded vault with no vault id and format 1.2 works assert: that: - "vault_encrypted_example3_foobar == 'Foobar'" #- name: Assert that a multi line embedded vault works, including new line # assert: # that: # - vault_encrypted_var == "Setec Astronomy\n" # TODO: add a expected fail here # - debug: var=vault_encrypted_one_line_var_with_embedded_template