# test using builtin module of multiple types in a role in a collection # https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/65298 - name: Run setup module because there is both setup.ps1 and setup.py setup: gather_subset: min - name: check collections list from role meta plugin_lookup: register: pluginlookup_out - name: call role-local ping module ping: register: ping_out - name: call unqualified module in another collection listed in role meta (testns.coll_in_sys) systestmodule: register: systestmodule_out # verify that pluginloader caching doesn't prevent us from explicitly calling a builtin plugin with the same name - name: call builtin ping module explicitly ansible.builtin.ping: register: builtinping_out - debug: msg: '{{ test_role_input | default("(undefined)") }}' register: test_role_output - set_fact: testrole_source: collection # FIXME: add tests to ensure that block/task level stuff in a collection-hosted role properly inherit role default/meta values - assert: that: - pluginlookup_out.collection_list == ['testns.testcoll', 'ansible.builtin', 'testns.coll_in_sys', 'bogus.fromrolemeta'] - ping_out.source is defined and ping_out.source == 'user' - systestmodule_out.source is defined and systestmodule_out.source == 'sys' - builtinping_out.ping is defined and builtinping_out.ping == 'pong' - test_role_input is not defined or test_role_input == test_role_output.msg