- block: - set_fact: dest: "{{ local_temp_dir }}/test_no_log" - name: ensure playbook and dest files don't exist yet file: path: "{{ item }}" state: absent loop: - "{{ local_temp_dir }}/test_no_log.yml" - "{{ dest }}" - name: create a playbook to run with command copy: dest: "{{local_temp_dir}}/test_no_log.yml" content: !unsafe | --- - hosts: localhost gather_facts: no tasks: - copy: dest: "{{ dest }}" content: "{{ secret }}" - name: copy the secret while using -vvv and check mode command: "ansible-playbook {{local_temp_dir}}/test_no_log.yml -vvv -e secret=SECRET -e dest={{dest}} --check" register: result - assert: that: - "'SECRET' not in result.stdout" - name: copy the secret while using -vvv command: "ansible-playbook {{local_temp_dir}}/test_no_log.yml -vvv -e secret=SECRET -e dest={{dest}}" register: result - assert: that: - "'SECRET' not in result.stdout" - name: copy the secret while using -vvv and check mode again command: "ansible-playbook {{local_temp_dir}}/test_no_log.yml -vvv -e secret=SECRET -e dest={{dest}} --check" register: result - assert: that: - "'SECRET' not in result.stdout" - name: copy the secret while using -vvv again command: "ansible-playbook {{local_temp_dir}}/test_no_log.yml -vvv -e secret=SECRET -e dest={{dest}}" register: result - assert: that: - "'SECRET' not in result.stdout" - name: copy a new secret while using -vvv and check mode command: "ansible-playbook {{local_temp_dir}}/test_no_log.yml -vvv -e secret=NEWSECRET -e dest={{dest}} --check" register: result - assert: that: - "'NEWSECRET' not in result.stdout" - name: copy a new secret while using -vvv command: "ansible-playbook {{local_temp_dir}}/test_no_log.yml -vvv -e secret=NEWSECRET -e dest={{dest}}" register: result - assert: that: - "'NEWSECRET' not in result.stdout" always: - name: remove temp test files file: path: "{{ item }}" state: absent loop: - "{{ local_temp_dir }}/test_no_log.yml" - "{{ dest }}"