- name: Attempt to fetch a non-existent file - do not fail on missing fetch: src: "{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/doesnotexist" dest: "{{ output_dir }}/fetched" fail_on_missing: no register: fetch_missing_nofail - name: Attempt to fetch a non-existent file - fail on missing fetch: src: "{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/doesnotexist" dest: "{{ output_dir }}/fetched" fail_on_missing: yes register: fetch_missing ignore_errors: yes - name: Attempt to fetch a non-existent file - fail on missing implicit fetch: src: "{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/doesnotexist" dest: "{{ output_dir }}/fetched" register: fetch_missing_implicit ignore_errors: yes - name: Attempt to fetch a directory - should not fail but return a message fetch: src: "{{ remote_tmp_dir }}" dest: "{{ output_dir }}/somedir" fail_on_missing: no register: fetch_dir - name: Attempt to fetch a directory - should fail fetch: src: "{{ remote_tmp_dir }}" dest: "{{ output_dir }}/somedir" fail_on_missing: yes register: failed_fetch_dir ignore_errors: yes - name: Check fetch missing with failure with implicit fail assert: that: - fetch_missing_nofail.msg is search('ignored') - fetch_missing_nofail is not changed - fetch_missing is failed - fetch_missing is not changed - fetch_missing.msg is search ('remote file does not exist') - fetch_missing_implicit is failed - fetch_missing_implicit is not changed - fetch_missing_implicit.msg is search ('remote file does not exist') - fetch_dir is not changed - fetch_dir.msg is search('is a directory') - failed_fetch_dir is failed - failed_fetch_dir is not changed - failed_fetch_dir.msg is search('is a directory')