--- - debug: msg="START ios cli/net_get.yaml on connection={{ ansible_connection }}" # Add minimal testcase to check args are passed correctly to # implementation module and module run is successful. - name: setup cisco.ios.ios_config: lines: - ip ssh version 2 - ip scp server enable - username {{ ansible_ssh_user }} privilege 15 match: none - name: setup (copy file to be fetched from device) ansible.netcommon.net_put: src: ios1.cfg register: result - name: setup (remove file from localhost if present) file: path: ios_{{ inventory_hostname }}.cfg state: absent delegate_to: localhost - name: get the file from device with relative destination ansible.netcommon.net_get: src: ios1.cfg dest: 'ios_{{ inventory_hostname }}.cfg' register: result - assert: that: - result.changed == true - name: Idempotency check ansible.netcommon.net_get: src: ios1.cfg dest: 'ios_{{ inventory_hostname }}.cfg' register: result - assert: that: - result.changed == false - name: setup (remove file from localhost if present) file: path: ios_{{ inventory_hostname }}.cfg state: absent delegate_to: localhost - debug: msg="END ios cli/net_get.yaml on connection={{ ansible_connection }}"